The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1584 Battle between Tiger and Wolf

Chapter 1584: Battle between Tiger and Wolf

Although he was not angry in his heart, in order to avoid trouble, Zhang Wen just pretended not to see Bai Hu's expression and stepped back further. (To be continued 89 Free Novel Reading "")

In the face of a powerful enemy, White Tiger had no time to take care of Zhang Ping. After taking a look at him, he turned his attention to the battle formation of the wolves, glanced briefly at it, and said in a cold voice: "I pick up people's teeth and wisdom, and they dare to show up in front of me even after learning a few things." Zhang Yang." He tapped his right front paw lightly, and a spray of water flew out of his body, flying smoothly towards the wolves.

They are really flowers. They are formed by lake water. They are crystal clear and the water waves flow gently on the stems, leaves and petals. They look extremely beautiful.

A small splash of water flew over, but the wolves were as if facing a formidable enemy. One of the wolves roared, and more than three hundred green wolves began to change their formations. Dozens of wolves stood at the front of the lake bank, and the rest of the green wolves stood at the front. Behind them, there is still a battle formation.

Watching the wolves jumping and changing positions, Zhang Ai felt vaguely familiar, as if it was the Five Elements Magic Formation in the lower world. Just as he was thinking about this, a huge fire burst out in front of the wolves, igniting without wind, and danced gently on the lake. flash.

This cow uses fire to boil water, and the battle formation of the wolves is indeed extraordinary. Zhang Ping sighed in admiration and watched the battle between the two sides carefully.

The flames emitted by the wolves grew stronger and stronger, as if the lake was filled with oil instead of water, helping it burn more intensely. At this time, the water spray released by the white tiger flew gently into the flames.

The water splashed into the fire, but it was like igniting countless barrels of gunpowder. With a bang, there was a burst of thunder and steaming water mist. When the light and water mist gradually dissipated, the flames were gone, but the water droplets were still there, but much smaller, as if they were the size of water droplets, but they were still flowers and still flew forward smoothly.

Zhang Awei was stunned to see this, this one is even more awesome! The white tiger easily blasted away the fire defense of the wolves with his own strength. Well, it seems that the white tiger is quite powerful.

The flames released by the wolves were extinguished, and the huge explosion injured all the dozens of green wolves standing at the front. Fortunately, they were in the battle formation and had companions to relieve them of the powerful force, so they were not blown into the air.

But the little splash continued to fly forward, flying towards these slightly injured green wolves, and was about to hit them.

They had already seen the power of water splash once, and now they were seeing some uneasiness in the eyes of the dozens of green wolves standing at the front. However, the wolf nature was ferocious, and this uneasiness did not make them feel scared or retreat; on the contrary, He looks fierce and ready to fight.

So a moment later, a small splash of water lightly hit the green wolf at the front, and with a bang, the battle formation composed of more than 300 green wolves was shaken by this small drop of water. At the same time as the roar, the green wolf was knocked away, flew straight back, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. After it flew away, blood drops were sprinkled in the air, not many, and each drop of blood was quite far away, but it was just right. They formed a straight line and extended towards the green wolf that was knocked away. (To be continued 89 Free Novel Reading "")

They only fought once, the life and death of a blue wolf was unknown, and the battle formation was almost broken. No matter how you looked at it, the white tiger had the upper hand. But the strange thing is that the white tiger did not continue to attack, but stood coldly on the water waves, watching the wolves reorganize their battle formation.

Even Zhang Ai, who is kind-hearted by nature, knows that he must not be soft-hearted at this time. When he is outnumbered, he must be ruthless and quick to solve the battle neatly, instead of waiting for the other party to prepare. Therefore, he is a little curious and a little puzzled. Why is there a good fighter opportunity, but Bai Hu is not sure about it.

After a while, the wolves stabilized their position, and a soft roar was heard in the formation. The wolves instantly mobilized and rushed towards the white tiger.

More than three hundred wolves took the initiative to attack the white tiger, but the wolves in front formed a defensive formation to respond to the enemy, which looked a bit strange.

Seeing the pack of wolves attacking, the white tiger let out a low roar and fired countless flying arrows from the waves beneath him, hitting the pack of wolves defending in front.

Just a drop of water had already caused damage to the wolves. At this moment, thousands of arrows were shot out, and Zhang Wen doubted whether the wolves could hold on. While I am doubtful, I am also a little confused. Judging from the current situation, the white tiger is much stronger than the wolves. Why do these wolves still come to fight? It was clearly like sending someone to death.

While he was thinking wildly, the battle formation formed by the wolves with great effort was easily broken up by the white tiger, and the dozens of green wolves at the front flew away. Seeing this scene further confirmed Zhang Ping's thoughts. The wolves were completely vulnerable, so why did they still come to fight?

The battle formation was broken up, but the wolves still refused to retreat. They quickly spread out, surrounded the white tiger from all directions, and then attacked at close range.

The wolves moved very quickly, and as soon as the battle formation dispersed, they besieged the white tiger, as if the purpose of the battle formation was only to allow the wolves to get close to the white tiger. In just a moment, the lake suddenly turned into a blue sky, and hundreds of green wolves quickly rushed towards the white tiger, attacking with their sharp claws and teeth.

The white tiger was very powerful. He didn't care about the green wolf's quick attack at all, and he didn't see any action. Several water walls suddenly appeared around his body, blocking the green wolf's attack. But these wolves seemed to be crazy. They knew they couldn't break through the water wall, but they still bumped up, once or twice, one end at a time, treating the water wall like a wall of mud, stone and earth, and kept hitting it, trying to break it into pieces.

White Tiger's face remained motionless, watching coldly as a group of green wolves were messing around. After watching for a moment, he suddenly began to speak: "Where's your boss?"

After hearing this, Zhang Ping finally understood. No wonder the wolves dared to attack the white tiger even though they were not strong enough. It was because they had someone to rely on. At that time, I curiously looked around and found no trace of the wolf, then turned back to watch the green wolf hit the water wall.

No one answered Bai Hu's question, so Bai Hu raised his head and roared. This tiger roar spread gently, and the walls of water in all directions scattered into water and poured onto the lake, but Bai Hu disappeared. When it reappeared, the green wolves that hit the water wall the most violently had their heads missing and were easily killed by the white tiger.

The white tiger moved quickly, killing several wolves invisibly, then appeared a hundred meters away from the wolves, and said softly: "If you don't come out, I will kill them all." The voice was very soft, as casual as chatting. However, the words he spoke were filled with cold and murderous intent. Zhang was afraid to shudder slightly when he heard this, and thought to himself, don't offend this big tiger.

At this time, the white tiger killed a few wolves and was talking softly, but the wolves ignored it and continued to rush towards it as if they had not seen anything. Each of them moved quickly, flying to the front in the blink of an eye, and before the white tiger said When he said the first sentence, the wolves had already come over and besieged the white tiger frantically. The white tiger dodged slightly to get out of the way of the wolves' attacks, but it still stood in the same position as before and calmly finished the sentence.

After saying the words, the white tiger raised his palm and clapped it like a watermelon, and saw that a green wolf was easily killed.

When a companion was killed, the wolves not only refused to retreat, but continued to attack the white tiger as if their eyes were red with blood, showing a relentless attitude.

Zhang Ai watched from a distance and sighed slightly in his heart, why bother? What kind of hatred does he have to kill like this?

At this time, the white tiger had only killed six wolves in total. The first one was the one that was knocked away by a small splash; then there were four more unlucky guys; the one who had his head smashed was the sixth one, and the others who were attacked Green Wolf was only injured. However, if the current situation continues, it is very likely that all the more than 300 green wolves will die here.

Obviously, the white tiger had this idea. Since the two sides were enemies, and since he could kill one green wolf, the white tiger didn't mind killing the second one. So in an instant, the white tiger flickered his body a few times, and four more were killed. The first green wolf died one after another. What they left in this world was only the sound of a head being smashed and a corpse.

The white tiger is indeed ferocious. Under the crazy siege of hundreds of wolves, not only did it do nothing, but it killed nine wolves in a row in an instant, and it was impossible to see its movements clearly with poor eyesight. I can only sigh that the gap between myself and the masters is too far.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, as if a black wind blew through the lake, carrying a cruel aura.

As soon as the black wind appeared, the green wolves immediately stopped attacking and jumped away together, forming a circle on the lake and continuing to surround the white tiger.

Seeing Heifeng, the white tiger jumped up from the water and hit Heifeng. With a crash, Heifeng disappeared, revealing a tall and giant wolf that was completely black.

The white tiger collided with the black wolf. The white tiger was obviously stronger. The black wolf was knocked to the ground, rolled over and pounced on the white tiger again.

The white tiger was also exhausted by the impact, fell from the air to the ground, and continued to pounce on the black wolf.

One wolf and one tiger, one black and one white, the two big guys collide fiercely to see who is stronger. The banging sound was heard endlessly. After all, the white tiger was more powerful. Not only did it knock the blue wolf further and further away, but it also hit the green wolf so hard that his nose and mouth bleeded, and his body was already injured. It's just that the black wolf is cruel and will not retreat even if he is injured, and continues to fight the white tiger desperately.

The black wolf is huge, one and a half times bigger than the white tiger. However, due to its lack of strength, the two sides are always at a disadvantage in the battle. If they continue to collide for a while, their lives will be in danger.

Seeing that the black wolf was exhausted, the wolves on the lake ran back to the shore, roaring and trying to charge forward again. Amidst the shrill roar, another white wind blew from the sky and blew toward the white tiger.

As soon as Bai Feng appeared, the white tiger immediately stopped colliding with the black wolf, and instead jumped back, back to the lake. And the white wind continued to blow towards the lake, and also towards the white tiger on the lake. At the same time, Black Wolf rushed up to the lake with Bai Feng.

The white tiger returned to the lake and took advantage of the location. Several water walls were built in front of him. When the white wind blows, several water walls are blown one by one into water flows and fall down. When the wall of water disappeared, the white wind stopped blowing, and a giant white wolf appeared.

The white wolf was half a point bigger than the black wolf. After it appeared, it roared slightly. The green wolves on the shore continued to retreat back. After a while, only the white tiger, white wolf, and black wolf were left on the lake. A scary guy. And on the side of the lakeshore behind the three scary guys, there was still a Zhang Ping.

Looking at the huge white wolf and black wolf, Zhang was afraid that he had a bad impression of them. Since he was so strong, since he could fight the white tiger, and since it was two against one, why waste the life of his green wolf? Aren't those life?

Sometimes, Zhang is afraid that he will become a little unreasonable. For example, right now, he has just been attacked by a green wolf, but he immediately complained about them. It is really interesting to say it. However, it can also be proved that this guy is indeed kind.

(To be continued 89 Free Novel Reading "")

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