The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1582 Dangerous Mountain Road

Chapter 1,582 Dangerous Mountain Roads

As various sounds sounded one after another, a terrifying giant beast appeared in the forest.

The giant beast has a wide body and thick limbs. It is fifteen or six meters high and nearly thirty meters long. The thick black hairs all over its body stand upright, as if countless steel needles are inserted into its body. It has fangs in its mouth and flashing red eyes. He looked at Zhang Afraid with a fierce light and a bit of surprise.

It couldn't understand why the man didn't die when he slapped it with his claws. He knocked down more than a dozen very hard giant trees one after another, but nothing happened.

The black giant beast was a little confused and did not continue to attack. However, Zhang Fei took the opportunity to stand up, adjusted his breathing slightly, turned around and ran away. He finally understood why the many mythical beasts below the stone wall refused to pursue them, and finally understood why his spiritual mind scans could not find out the situation, because there was such a powerful beast hidden in the dense forest above the stone wall.

He turned around and ran away, feeling depressed as he ran. It was obviously the realm of gods, but why were there all such weird, ferocious and terrifying beasts? Can't it be replaced by deer, crane, rabbit and other cute creatures? Harmony, beauty and peace are the realm of gods. How could it be like now, when you meet a scary guy, he is clearly a terrifying hell.

Speaking of hell, well, this big guy is dark and fat, and looks like a wild boar. Just looking at the appearance, some people will definitely believe that it is a black pig from hell.

He ran very fast, and the black beast paused for a moment, as if wondering why it couldn't kill him. Seeing Zhang Ai running away without a trace in the blink of an eye, the black giant swayed. The next moment, his figure disappeared in the forest. The next moment, a body like a city wall appeared in front of Zhang Ai, with blood-red eyes. After taking a look at him, he lowered his head and bowed.

What the black giant beast wants to do is, since it can't kill you with a shot, it will pick you to death with its fangs.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't know what the giant beast was thinking. He saw this guy moving very fast and ramming towards him. He hurriedly turned to the left and saw two black figures colliding with each other quickly. The smaller figure flew backwards. At this time, , and then there was a crackling sound.

The movement of the black giant beast was so fast that Zhang was afraid that he would not have time to dodge when it hit him. He only had time to move his body in a hurry, and then he was hit by the giant beast.

The giant beast's fangs were in front, and it thrust towards Zhang Awei's body. It made a sharp sound with just one click. Unexpectedly, the black armor outside Zhang Awei's body was extremely hard. The fangs failed to pierce Zhang Awei's body, and Zhang Awei was only pushed away with great force. Because the two moved too fast, the harsh sound was heard only after the giant beast stopped.

Seeing that the two attacks failed to kill Zhang Afraid, the black giant beast was a little surprised. It couldn't understand how a person with a low cultivation level could withstand two of his attacks. Just now, when Zhang Wen under the stone wall scanned the surroundings with his spiritual thoughts, his spiritual thoughts swept across its body. The black giant beast knew that this man was of average cultivation and was no match for him. But why did the other party do nothing when he attacked twice? nothing?

In doubt, he stared at Zhang Awei's black armor with a pair of small red eyes, as if trying to figure out what it was and why it was so strong?

At this time, Zhang Ai had just turned over and stood up. His soul looked inside and knew that his body was fine. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The heart of God was really powerful. He was hit by the black giant twice in a row. Not only was he not damaged, he was even able to protect himself. Only a slight shock, no injuries at all.

However, despite being happy, he was also a little disappointed. His cultivation level was much lower than expected. I don’t know how powerful the black giant beast is, and I don’t know if it can beat the Qilin Beast and the big man, but it only hit twice, both of them appeared quickly and silently, and I was knocked away by it before I had time to react. This is the difference in strength. .

Although he had survived the experience of the Immortal Well, but to be honest, it was still a trick. First, he relied on the help of the external weapon Tian Juansi, and then the Heart of God collided with the Immortal Well array to gain a moment before he could Break out of the Immortal Well.

In other words, he did not complete the trial of banishing Xianjing. After all, it was a trial place prepared for the masters of the Thirty-three Heavens. He, a low-level god who had just arrived in the God Realm not long ago, could not easily break into the Thirty-third Heaven no matter how fast he practiced. He is even more unqualified and does not have the strength to accept the trial of Ban Xianjing.

To put it bluntly, he seemed to have a little high opinion of himself. At this moment, because of the appearance of the black giant beast, he suddenly woke up and immediately smiled bitterly. He must be honest in his heart. He should be more calm and obedient. , come step by step.

Thinking of this, he ignored the black behemoth. With the protection of God's Heart, he was in an invincible position, but there was no way to defeat the black behemoth, so he turned around and disappeared.

Due to the disparity in strength, he couldn't outpace the giant black beast, so he took advantage of the cover of the dense woods and hid behind a tall tree. He then burrowed directly into the ground following the urging of the Earthly Movement Technique.

The giant black beast knew that Zhang was afraid of escaping under the ground, and originally planned to lock his energy and track him on the ground, but after thinking about it, he gave up. After all, there is no hatred between the two, and Zhang is afraid that he just accidentally provoked it. In addition, the sacred mountain is huge. Who knows how long Zhang Aifan can burrow underground. Is it possible that he still needs to keep chasing him? Therefore, the black giant snorted coldly, shook his body, and returned to his own territory, just to let Zhang Ai go.

At this time, Zhang Ai was running wildly, thinking to himself, fortunately it was not a weird existence like Ban Xianjing, otherwise it would not work.

He ran in a hurry and escaped a long way away in a quarter of an hour. He surfaced carefully and used his spiritual thoughts close to the ground to scan the situation behind him and the ground. He found nothing chasing him.

But after retracting his spiritual thoughts, he gave a slight wry smile, thinking that it was superfluous. With his own cultivation, if he could detect the existence of the black giant beast, he would not be bullied like this.

So he emerged from the ground cleanly and looked around. He saw that there were still tall trees around him. With a sweep of his mind, he chose a direction with fewer trees and walked out. Not long after, he stood on a grassy field and looked around. There were mountains all around, which meant that he was still on the sacred mountain and still lost.

I sighed helplessly and thought to myself, where has the hateful big man gone? Why don't you come and show me the way?

Regardless of whether you are lost or not, you cannot give up and go down the mountain halfway. Carefully choose a direction and continue climbing the mountain.

The mountains are undulating, and they are always different in height or low, but they are connected to one place, forming the first mountain in the God Realm. There are no roads in the mountains. In the past, few people wandered around like Zhang Ain. Therefore, when he walked, he saw countless rare flowers and fruits, but he also saw more ferocious beasts. The more I see, the more dissatisfied I become with this so-called God Realm. What kind of bullshit God Realm is it? There is not a single divine beast I have ever seen that is not ferocious! There is no one who doesn’t make trouble for himself! Is this the nature of God?

When this idea came to my mind, I was stunned. It must not be like this! If it is true as I guess, the nature of God is cruel, cold-blooded, aggressive and murderous? I'm so depressed. If that's the case, what's the difference between it and the ghosts and demons in the lower world? I shook off this thought immediately and continued climbing.

Along the way, I still got lost, and I was still chased by countless ferocious beasts. Those ugly guys, when they saw Zhang Ai, it was as if they were seeing flesh, and they rushed straight up. And Zhang Ai, who had a true understanding of his own strength, was determined not to fight with them. He would just run away! His figure was like lightning, shuttling through the forest. Relying on the protection of the strong God's heart, no divine beast could hurt him. There were no dangers along the way, and he soon climbed to a higher mountain.

Calculating the time, five days have passed since entering the forbidden area of ​​the sacred mountain, but I don't know where I climbed. Now I stood on a stone peak and looked around. Looking down, I saw mountains or woods. Looking up, I saw mountains or woods. Looking left or right, it was the same. I was really thinking. Is this the virtue of a sacred mountain? No wonder no man of God wants to live here.

After taking a quick look at the surroundings, I decided to continue climbing. He didn't want to climb, but there were powerful beasts everywhere in the mountain. If he stood still, he would soon be attacked by these beasts.

He jumped off the rock peak and headed towards the most majestic looking mountain peak. However, after only walking for a moment, two small lynx-like beasts suddenly appeared in the forest. They were covered with colorful brocade patterns and pounced on him as soon as they appeared.

Zhang was used to being afraid of being attacked. He knew they were attacking him, but he didn't dodge and just rushed forward. So, in the blink of an eye, Zhang Weijing was knocked into the sky like a catkin, and then fell down. After landing, Zhang Aifeng did not stop at all, paused with his feet, and continued to climb the sacred mountain.

Seeing that this guy was not dead and could still move, two small lynx-like beasts pursued him relentlessly. As they were running, a black light and shadow suddenly appeared in front of their eyes. The two lynx beasts quickly dodge, only to feel A strong wind blew against their faces, and a strong murderous intention flew past their eyes. Only then did the two lynx beasts realize that their opponents were very strong, so they turned and ran away. But Zhang Awei was still climbing the mountain. The two black lights and shadows were double-edged flying knives condensed from the heart of God. After driving away the vicious beast, they quickly flew back and disappeared into Zhang Awei's armor.

This kind of scene happened many times, almost every moment. Fortunately, there was no hatred between Zhang Ai and the mythical beast. When those guys saw that Zhang Ai was in trouble, they took the initiative to retreat, and there was no endless battle. In this way, being able to ignore the attacks of the monsters and leave calmly is considered cool.

He had the heart of God to help and ran smoothly, but he didn't expect that the big man was in madness at this time and was frantically looking for him.

At the beginning of the mountain climbing, the big man originally planned to follow Zhang Wenwen so that he could help if there was a dangerous situation. But he didn't expect that this kid ran too fast. After entering the sacred mountain, he disappeared like a loach in a mud pond.

We had just entered the sacred mountain at that time, and the big man could still keep up with Zhang Ping's whereabouts, but who would have thought that this guy would get lost! Zhang was afraid of getting lost, so he walked farther and farther away, and accordingly saw more and more powerful mythical beasts. He can use Earth Escape and is protected by the Heart of God, so he can avoid divine beasts and escape easily. The problem was how the big man escaped. He wanted to protect Zhang Ai secretly, but the powerful beast discovered his whereabouts and started fighting.

It doesn't matter if it's just a fight, but there are two little Qilin beasts accompanying them. Zhang was afraid that he would be entrusted to take care of her, so he had to take good care of her. He couldn't just get into a fight in a high-spirited manner, but it ended up costing the lives of two little beasts.

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