The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1562: Swearing

Chapter 1562: Swearing

Zhang Ai was slapping harder and harder, making a loud bang in the huge space, which was very uncomfortable to hear. Seeing that even after exerting half his strength, the wall remained unchanged, which made him curious, what could be so strong? There is such a strong thing but it is used to build a dungeon. No wonder he is called an old madman. He is so crazy and boring.

Since he couldn't break the wall even with half of his strength, Zhang Fei was heartbroken. He walked a few steps away with the Heart of God in his arms, then put him down, poured out all his strength, and punched the wall in front of him. This palm could Said it was earth-shattering. Extremely powerful.

Zhang is afraid of being a god, and his strength is unimaginable. With this full-out attack, even a planet, or more than a dozen planets, will be easily shattered. But this wall, after being hit by such a huge force, remained calm and motionless even as it made a violent roar. Not even a single palm print was left on the smooth wall.

Zhang Awei shook his hand and gently rubbed the palm of his right hand with his left hand. After thinking for a while, he raised his hand and slapped him again, hitting the same place just above the wall. Just as the sound came out, he struck again, Attacking the same place continuously, in a short time, I don't know how many palms were struck.

Such a powerful force, attacking the same place endlessly, should be able to break through all objects, but the wall in front of him was completely motionless, with no sign of damage.

After waiting for a while, Zhang was afraid that he had slapped him more than three thousand times, and even the dignified god felt pain in his hand, but the area remained unchanged. Zhang Ping sighed secretly, bastard old lunatic, please don't let me out, otherwise I'll make you look good.

Since he couldn't break it, there was no need to waste his efforts. Zhang was afraid to stop and stand, thinking about how to get out. At this time, a gust of wind suddenly blew by him. Almost at the same time as the breeze blew, a huge roar suddenly sounded, startling Zhang Awei. With a sweep of his divine mind, he saw that the Heart of God was hitting the place where he had been hitting continuously. Unfortunately, the iron block was huge and hit it with a bang. The movement was loud enough, but the powerful force of the attack was directly shared by the entire wall, and the attack The force wasn't even as strong as Zhang Wei's punch.

Zhang Ai hurriedly communicated with his soul and spirit, and continued to act recklessly. The Heart of God paused for a moment, but did not listen to Zhang Awei's words. The big iron block rose into the air again and hit the wall again. The angle of the impact was adjusted this time, with the sharp vertex intersecting the surface hitting it. There was only a roar, and a hole was pushed out of the extremely hard wall.

When Zhang Wen saw it, he realized that the big iron block was powerful and could break through such a hard wall. So he stopped talking and waited for the Heart of God to open a passage for him.

The Heart of God succeeded with one strike, followed by continuous impacts, all hitting the same place on the wall with sharp angles. About a hundred breaths of time passed, and the Heart of God blasted through the wall.

Zhang was afraid that he would be overjoyed because he could escape. But as his spiritual thoughts moved, he froze on the spot again. Outside the broken wall, there was a huge dark space.

After condensing the illuminating light ball and looking carefully, the wall about several meters thick was broken by the Heart of God. Looking out from the hole, there was another hard and smooth wall, which looked very strong.

The Heart of God was unhappy and planned to continue the collision, but was stopped by Zhang Awei. After looking at it one more time, he said to the Heart of God: "Don't bother, this is a magic circle. Even if you cut through countless layers of walls, there will still be countless walls blocking it." In front." Although the Heart of God was dissatisfied, it did not continue to attack after listening to Zhang Awei's words, and fell to Zhang Awei's side without moving.

Zhang Wen was right, this space was indeed formed by a magic circle. A long time after the Heart of God stopped attacking, the holes that had been dug out were slowly closing and returning to smoothness.

Zhang Wen used his spiritual thoughts to scan the wall and tried to send his soul into the wall to see if he could find any loopholes or problems. The result was that he could not. He was blocked by a restriction and could not be sent in no matter how hard he tried. .

After half an hour of this, when I look again, the holes on the wall have disappeared and become complete and smooth, still the same as before.

Zhang Ping sighed secretly, do you really want to stay here for a few years like the old madman said? I just sat down again and stared at the wall in a daze, thinking about how to get out.

According to the powerful power of the Heart of God, as long as you know a little about formations, it is not a problem to break through this space. Unfortunately, the Heart of God does not understand it, and Zhang is afraid that he does not have this power, so he can only be trapped here. What if the two are combined into one? Zhang Ping thought carefully for a while, then finally sighed and gave up the idea. Unless the heart of God changes and becomes a divine weapon in his hand, there will be no tacit cooperation based on the current state and the natural differences between the two. If you hit the wall in this state, you will most likely be trapped in the magic circle.

However, although he could not break through the wall, Zhang Ai was not too worried about his own safety. With the Heart of God in hand, the old madman didn't dare to let himself die. Even if he is looking for trouble and is trapped in the magic circle when he breaks it, the old madman will not ignore it. Because he wanted a living heart of God, not a chunk of broken iron.

It's just that the old madman doesn't want to kill him anymore, and Zhang is afraid that he has no intention of making such a dangerous attempt. He is not afraid of ten thousand, but is afraid of the unexpected. What if he is not careful and dies in the magic circle? Wouldn't it be all in vain?

Zhang Ai thought about his life seriously, then looked at the Heart of God and smiled at him.

The Heart of God couldn't see his smile, but she could feel his mood. In this moment, after the Heart of God stopped hitting the wall, it was chatting with Zhang Awei, using its own wisdom to pester Zhang Awei's face. If you talk while distracted, you are not afraid of annoying him, just afraid that he will be unhappy with his random thoughts. It's a pity that God's Heart doesn't know how to tell jokes. It's just what Zhang Wen said to him. He just repeated it and returned it to Zhang Wen. But even so, Zhang Ai still felt the kindness of God's heart, and his heart was filled with gratitude. So he took out a bottle of fairy wine and threw it over, letting God's Heart drink it by himself.

At this moment, since there was no hope of breaking through, Zhang Ping started to think about the entire magic circle and compared some of the magic circles he saw in the library with this space one by one. The results were all different. After thinking about it hard, he failed. It's all in vain.

There are hundreds of millions of books in the library, but Zhang Ai has only read a few of them. It is normal for him not to understand this magic circle. However, will the most powerful master in the divine world use the magic circle that everyone knows in the book library?

As a result, this bastard magic circle can't be broken and can't be understood. Isn't it going to be trapped here to death? Turning around to look at the Heart of God, the guy was a square piece of iron, and he was drinking heavily.

Zhang Ping's soul is in the Heart of God, and he can feel his happiness. He thought to himself, the old madman is the number one master in the God Realm, what does he want from the Heart of God? Do you want to refine the magic weapon to defeat the second or third ranked master?

Thinking of this, I feel a little funny. How can a majestic master be so boring and make a ranking? You can be number one. If you have been undefeated for a long time and have always won, you can be number one. But the second and third place cannot be ranked. Could it be that the second and third place are forced to fight with the first place after eating too much? That’s when you really eat too much! A master who can beat you if you want? If you dare to take action, it is a provocation. If you win, it's okay. But if you lose, will your opponent spare your life? It’s not like we are competing in the same discipline. Do you think that all the gods in the world are boring, and they have been provoked by you and let you go again and again?

He was thinking nonsense here, God's Heart quickly drank the fairy wine, and saw the empty wine bottle slowly flying in front of Zhang Ain. Zhang Ai put it away casually, looked at the big iron block, and said softly: "I don't know what happened to the big man."

The big man took good care of him and treated him very well. When he disappeared, the big man must be extremely anxious. He might do something impulsively. The problem is that if the opponent is not the old madman, what if the old madman is angered?

Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to think about it. If the big man really fought with the old madman, he would be seriously injured. He was afraid that he would die in the first battle. By then, it would be too late to cry.

The facts turned out to be as Zhang Wen expected. The big man at this time was frantically looking for the old madman. He was a master of the Thirty-three Heavens and was very familiar with this place. When he was fine, he had traveled from the first to the thirty-third heaven. , knowing where the old madman lived, he directly knocked on the door and yelled and cursed outside the old madman's house.

The old madman's house is located on a high mountain on the 33rd level, built in the jungle halfway up the mountain. The gate of the house is two towering ancient trees, which are opposite to each other, forming a gate about a hundred meters wide.

Normally, the old madman is a master, so no one should dare to break into his house. But just because he is a master, he knows that no one dares to make trouble, so he still has to find some trouble for himself, at least make his residence more decent. , such as banning the formation and so on. In particular, the old madman has created a lot of scenery for himself halfway up the mountain. These things must be carefully protected, and a magic circle must be set up. At this time, it was these magic formations that were blocking the big man.

The big man didn't want to waste his strength on breaking the formation, so he just pulled his neck and cursed. I didn't believe that the old madman could bear it. If he didn't come out after being scolded by him, it would be the old madman who was embarrassed, and he would feel even happier.

During the scolding, the big man was still a little worried, worried that the old madman was not at home. As a result, the big man scolded hard for a quarter of an hour, which made him very tired, but the old madman refused to come out, and sure enough, he was not at home.

He pulled his neck and cursed the old madman, which alerted the other masters on the Thirty-Three Heavens. They all scanned with their spiritual thoughts. Knowing that it was the big man who was causing trouble for the old madman, a group of masters hid in the distance and watched. One is the number one master in the God Realm, and the other is the number one troublesome guy in the God Realm. It’s really interesting to see these two guys get together. They give the boring gods who have been meditating and practicing all day for thirty-three days some happy time, which can be regarded as a catch. Come and see the excitement.

The result was a disappointment to the crowd of spectators. The big man cursed for a quarter of an hour, but the old madman never came out. All the gods sighed secretly, why is it so difficult to watch the excitement?

The big man knew that these people were watching the fun, but he didn't care at all. He wished that more people would come to see him and scold the old madman. The gate in the middle of the old tree was slammed open.

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