The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1554: Familiarity with Clouds

Chapter 1554: Familiarity with Clouds

Seeing Yun Tuan in trouble, Yi Chen's four masters had no choice but to temporarily stop attacking and use the ground to seal the cloud. They discussed what to do first and whether to continue fighting.

Shu already wanted to fight, but hesitated and said: "They are trapped in our magic prison. With the help of the divine weapon, there should be no problem." Yi Chen nodded and said: "Then continue." Then he said to Mi Yan: "I still have to bother. Friend." Mi Yan said with a smile: "What's the trouble, but I think we should stop quietly and not attack in a hurry. We have the advantage at the moment. When they can't sit still and want to rush out, we can deal with them in one go. , There is no need to fight against Yun Tuan, after all, it is also a magical weapon, and it is easy for both sides to lose. "

What Mi Yan said made sense. No matter what, it was their side that had the advantage now. Shu had thought about it for a while and then nodded and said yes, so the four masters each took a place to meditate quietly around the clouds, adjusting their bodies and adjusting their breath and strength to the best state.

They were waiting for work outside. At this time, Zhang Ain and the big man entered the center of the cloud one after another. Qi Lian Yun Dong looks like it is covered with dark clouds from the outside, but once inside, there are soft white clouds everywhere, much like Zhang Weidi's colorful cloud shield. It's just that the two weapons have different refining materials, different inlaid arrays, and different functions. From a melee perspective, the Colorful Cloud Shield is easier to use than Qilian Yundong and is very convenient to use. However, the Qilian Cloud Shield is powerful and covers a wide range. It is many times more useful than the Colorful Cloud Shield during group battles or when setting up an ambush.

At this time, inside Qi Lianyun Dong, Qi Xin was sitting with a calm expression, but looking at his body, his left arm was broken off and he was seriously injured. No wonder he did not control Qi Lianyun Dong to cooperate after Zhang Wen and the big man arrived. They should cooperate with each other inside and outside to attack Shu and others, but they are unable to do what they dare to do.

There was nothing else in the white clouds except for a seriously injured Qi Xin, a seriously injured Qilin beast, and a little beast with two eyes that looked like panic. Judging from the injuries of this big beast, it was much lighter than the big beast that reported the news to Zhang Ao, but its strength was also greatly reduced, and it was almost impossible to break out of the siege.

Zhang Ping sighed secretly, first checked the Qilin Beast's injuries, took out a pile of herbal elixirs, and selected one elixir for him to take. At this time, seeing his arrival, the two little beasts jumped over, as if they had a backbone, and rubbed lightly on Zhang Awei's legs. Zhang Awei stroked the two little guys a few times, and then squatted down. He looked at Qi Xin without saying a word.

Zhang Weijing came in for a moment before the big man. When the big man came in, he saw exactly this situation. His spiritual thoughts swept over and found out the status of one person and three beasts. He sneered at Xin Xin and said, "Aren't you very powerful? How many times have you been here?" Oh my god, the two big beasts have been seriously injured twice in a row."

Qi Xin didn't speak, and seemed to have lost his temper. He sat like an ordinary skinny old man, with only the occasional flash of light in his eyes reminding others that he was a super master.

The big man didn't have the patience to wait for him, and immediately said in a cold voice: "Speak, can you go out with your mouth closed?"

When Qilin Beast asked the big man for help, Qi Xin knew that losing face was inevitable, and he was willing to owe the big man a favor, so he lost his temper at this time. When he heard this sentence, he asked softly: " Can I still go out now?”

The big man was very angry when he heard this and asked angrily: "I'm asking you! Who are you asking? You called me here to accompany you to death?"

Qi Xin shook his head and said no more. Zhang Awei interjected: "You two recover from your injuries first, and when you regain some strength, we can rush out."

Qi Xin shook his head again and whispered: "Yi Chen will not give me a chance to recover." After saying this, as if to explain what he said, he saw the soft white clouds around him suddenly change, as if A strong wind blew, and the white clouds were torn apart and turned into smoke that swirled around them.

Seeing the changes in the white clouds, Qi Xin's expression became a little helpless. He casually made a magic spell, and the white clouds dispersed by the strong wind condensed into shape again and returned to their original appearance. Outside these white clouds, Huadiweilao was attacking the clouds. Qi Xin, who was already seriously injured, had no choice but to grit his teeth and control the clouds to resist. Although the situation was not dangerous, it left him no time to recover from his injuries.

Speaking of which, Shu outside Yun Tuan has launched an offensive. He does not want to defeat Qi Lian Yun Dong. He just wants to hold Qi Xin and harass him to prevent him from recovering from his injuries or doing other things. The battle situation will always be stable only if it is controlled by one's own hands. This is the consensus of Shu Ji and others.

Seeing Qi Xin busy responding to the enemy, his face getting paler and whiter, Zhang Fei took a few pills and sent them to him, then looked at the two little beasts. The battle situation was so dangerous, both the big beast and Qi Xin were seriously injured, and the two little beasts But the beast is fine, it can only be said that a mother's love is boundless! After seeing the little beast, he turned around and asked the big man: "What should I do?" The big man replied: "You want to come, and you want to come in, just tell me."

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "What else are you talking about? Of course I'm going to hit you." The big man rolled his eyes at him and said, "You know you still ask?"

Zhang Ai laughed, turned around and said to Qi Xin: "Give me Qi Lianyun's magic formula." At this time, he could see that the offensive outside was not big. Shuji and others obviously didn't use much force, so he planned to replace him. Qi Xin stayed for a while and made time for Qi Xin to recover from his injuries. It's just that this sentence is very simple. Let's see if Qi Xin can understand what he means.

Qi Xin was stunned when he heard this, then took out a jade slip and drew a talisman with one hand. After a while, he recorded his life-saving magic formula on the jade slip, then threw it in front of Zhang Ai and said, "Look."

This guy is not stupid and is decisive in his work. No wonder he is able to achieve what he is today. Zhang Ping took the jade slip and scanned it with his spiritual thoughts. It contained a complete set of skills, from general tactics to specific spells. It was much more refreshing than Fairy Bai who gave him a colorful cloud shield. Immediately, he hurriedly familiarized himself with the techniques. After about ten breaths, he memorized all the techniques and said to Qi Xin: "Let me try it."

This guy is so bold. He dares to control such an artifact with only one memory. It is really astonishing!

Not to mention such a powerful artifact as Qi Lianyun Dong, even the artifact like Tian Mansi that was eliminated by the Golden Dragon. It took Zhang Wei several days to be able to control it freely. But now, someone outside is attacking Qi Lianyun Dong. He just remembered It's really crazy to dare to try these magic tricks.

What's even crazier is that after Qi Xin heard this, he stopped and backed away without saying a word, which actually made Zhang afraid of trying. The big man was stunned and said with a wry smile: "Just go ahead and make trouble." As he spoke, he was on full alert, ready to deal with any eventuality.

Qi Xin had no choice but to fight desperately at this moment. He knew that there were four opponents outside, but he and the Qilin Beast were injured and could not go into battle to kill the enemy. He could only rely on the big man and Zhang Ai to fight against the enemy with the broken iron around them, hoping to win. But the question is, can that one person and one beast defeat the four masters outside?

Because he was not sure and knew that the situation was critical, Qi Xin had no choice but to take a risk and completely throw away Qi Lianyun Dong, hoping to recover as soon as possible and help him during the battle.

Seeing that Qi Xin had stopped, Zhang Ai hurriedly took over. He first became familiar with the entire artifact, especially the changed Qi Lian Yun Dong, which was quite huge and had many internal changes. Under the premise of understanding the magic formula, he almost fainted, and hurriedly split the soul, used hundreds of thousands of souls to familiarize himself with the artifact, and tried to control it.

He was tossing Qi Lianyun Dong, but Qi Xin was extremely straightforward. As soon as he stopped his hand, he grabbed the elixir and drank it. He closed his eyes and meditated wholeheartedly, completely ignoring whether Zhang Wen could hold Qi Lianyun Dong.

Zhang Ping did not expect Qi Xin to be so straightforward, but at this time, since he proposed it, he had to do it well. He carefully controlled Qi Lian Yun Dong, while groping and fighting against the Hua Di Weilao controlled by Yi Chen.

At this time, Yi Chen and others never imagined that Qi Xin would teach Zhang Ai the secret to controlling Qi Lianyun's movement. In fact, no one could have imagined that this would be the case, even the parties concerned themselves were surprised. What's even more unexpected is that Qi Xin let go casually and didn't care about the Qilian Games. Zhang Ai worked hard to control Qi Lian Yun Dong to fight against Yi Chen in just ten breaths.

Because he did not expect this, when Yi Chen tried to attack and entangle Qi Lianyun Dong, he clearly felt that the opponent was unfamiliar and incoherent, but he did not think about it. He only thought that Qi Xin was seriously injured and could not survive, so this situation occurred. At that time, he even sneered and said to Shu Ji, "Qi Xin is dying."

But to his surprise, although Qi Lianyun's resistance was inconsistent and had many loopholes, he was always able to persevere. What surprised him the most was that it was precisely because of his probing and entangled attacks that he gave Zhang Afraid a chance to survive. Because he did not use all his strength to deal with Qi Lianyun Dong, it gave Zhang Ai a chance to figure out and learn. After a period of confrontation with Yi Chen, Zhang Ai became more and more skilled in controlling Qi Lianyun Dong.

This is the fact. Any magic, any knowledge, even the so-called technology by the common people, or even cold-blooded killing methods on the battlefield, will only grow rapidly in actual combat.

At this time, Zhang was afraid that he would have this opportunity. A master like Yi Chen would fight against him. There would also be powerful artifacts like Drawing the Earth as a Prison and Qilian Yundong to increase his knowledge, and he would be able to control one of them. How excited would it be to tell him about it? Moreover, because Yi Chen did not have murderous intentions, he played with him patiently, giving him a chance to survive and learn and grow. So after half an hour, Zhang Wen had basically mastered Qi Lianyun's magic formula and could do it very well. To deal with Yi Chen's attack.

Correspondingly, Yi Chen was a little confused at this time, why Qi Xin was obviously seriously injured and was about to die just now, but as time slowly passed, Qi Lian Yun Dong became stronger and stronger. What on earth is going on? ?

It's just doubts. Even if he was beaten to death, he would never have imagined that in just half an hour, Zhang Ai had simply mastered the use of Qi Lianyun Dong and fought against it.

Half an hour later, Qi Xin opened his eyes and found that there was nothing wrong with the entire divine array. He just swallowed a few more elixirs and continued to meditate to heal his injuries.

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