The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1540 The White Fairy Comes Again

Chapter 1540 The White Fairy is here again

Qingyin replied: "Your cultivation level." He always thought about this matter in his heart. Zhang was afraid that Zhang would surpass him in less than five years after coming to the God Realm, which would make him feel a little unbalanced and uncomfortable.

Seeing that he was asking about his cultivation level, Zhang Awei casually replied that it was okay, and then added: "Thank you for your hard work in the past few days." Qingyin replied: "I have to thank you for helping Yuntian with all my strength these days. Shen, even my cultivation level has increased, and I hope to advance from now on."

Zhang Wei chuckled, knowing that Qingyin was comforting him, so he didn't need to pay too much attention. Just as he was about to speak, another person appeared in the sky. His clothes were as white as snow, as elegant as clouds, and he had an extremely beautiful face. It was Fairy Bai. Standing quietly in the air, he glanced down coldly, looking at the big man and Qingyin, and finally fixed his gaze on Zhang Ai, and just kept looking coldly.

She arrived in such a grand manner, and the three people below noticed her. The big man asked in a nonchalant tone: "What do you want to do?"

Hearing this, Fairy Bai slowly fell to the ground and asked Zhang Aoi in a cold voice: "Did you break my cloud shield?"

Zhang Ai replied: "I didn't mean it. It broke accidentally. Besides, it belongs to me now." Bai Xianzi smiled coldly and asked again: "How did it break?" Zhang Ai was too lazy to talk to Bai Xianzi. Talking nonsense, he simply said: "There is a ferocious beast on the sacred mountain that is looking for me. If the cloud shield blocks it, it will break."

Hearing this sentence, it had nothing to do with what she had imagined. Fairy Bai stretched out her beautiful palm and said, "Bring it here."

Seeing her asking for the colorful cloud shield, Zhang Awei shook his head slightly and said, "I can't give it to you." Fairy Bai smiled coldly: "Why can't you give it to me?" Zhang Awei said, "I exchanged the spirit wine for you. , is something that belongs to me." Upon hearing this, Fairy Bai smiled coldly: "I don't care if it's yours, I just ask you, who erased my mind?"

The Colorful Cloud Shield is the White Fairy's special artifact. It has many variations and is extremely powerful when used in combination with the cultivation techniques. If Fairy Bai had used the cloud shield to resist the Qilin Beast's attack that day, she would never have been easily burned.

This type of artifact is refined with the soul, and after it is refined, there is a close connection between the person and the artifact. In other words, Fairy Bai and Qicai Yundun are mentally connected, and they are fine at ordinary times. If they don't fight, this spirit is useless; but if there is something wrong with Yun Dun, Fairy Bai can know it immediately, and now she knows that Yun Shield has been destroyed. She's looking for trouble.

Hearing this question, Zhang Awei casually replied: "When the fairy gave me the cloud shield, she didn't tell me the general formula of the magic circle to use. I can't help it. If you don't know the general formula of the magic circle, you can't use the cloud shield well." , let alone repairs, the fairy is hard to find, but I am always in danger, so in order to save my life, I have to repair it reluctantly. "

"You can barely repair it and then destroy my spiritual thoughts?" Fairy Bai's voice was even colder. She didn't believe that a kid who had only entered the divine world for five years could destroy her spiritual thoughts.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to explain more, so he nodded and said: "I don't know how to do it, but that's it anyway."

From the beginning to the end, he did not tell lies, but only concealed a few key points. He only said that he could barely repair it, but he did not say that the repair was successful because it was repaired by the heart of God.

Fairy Bai naturally didn't expect that the Heart of God could be so magical and capable of tormenting her artifact. I was thinking about what happened when my spiritual thoughts were destroyed? Was it the big guy who did it? At that time, he turned his head to look at the big man.

Seeing her looking over, the big man said coldly: "What are you looking at? That thing wasn't yours for a long time. Are you still trying to cause trouble?"

Fairy Bai didn't want to start a fight with the big guy. The main purpose of leaving Yun Dun was to lure Feng Chen to take the bait. However, the guy had been staying in Jie Zhong City recently and had no intention of leaving, which made her very depressed.

It's a pity that her depression has nothing to do with Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping didn't want to know what happened between them. It was just hatred, so he didn't want to argue with Fairy Bai. He followed the big man's words and explained in a low voice: "Speaking of which, damage It’s not right to use the spirit of a fairy, but when faced with a life and death crisis, the boy only wanted to save his life and couldn’t care about anything else for the time being, so he had to do it abruptly, please don’t blame the fairy.”

The two of them talked, the big man was fierce and Zhang Ai was gentle, but they expressed one idea. Yun Dun was Zhang Ai's, and it was up to him to do whatever he wanted. Fairy Bai had no right to interfere.

Seeing the ferocious big man, Fairy Bai was very dissatisfied with his attitude, but the purpose of her trip was just to see who had erased her divine mind, and to get back the colorful cloud shield, and she didn't want to fight. Remembering that there are still things to do in the City within the World, there are many juniors to take care of there, and you can't fight with the big man at this time. After thinking about it, I had to accept the situation at hand, snorted coldly, and disappeared.

Watching her leave, the big man said coldly: "That crazy woman must have bad intentions. She used the colorful cloud shield as bait, and she didn't know who she wanted to trick." Zhang Weijing did not answer, and summoned the small cloud to take a closer look. Just now, Fairy Bai used magic techniques to control Yun Shield several times, but all ended in failure. Zhang was afraid of becoming the new master of Yun Dun, so he naturally understood it thoroughly. She couldn't help but wonder, now that she had offended her, if she faced an enemy in the future, would her cloud shield be able to withstand the White Fairy's attack?

He was meditating, and the big man said casually: "Don't think about it, I tell you, crazy women can never be understood." Zhang Ain smiled and replied: "What is this? Can crazy men be understood?"

Accidentally caught by Zhang Awei and making a slip of the tongue, the big man said angrily: "Just have the ability to argue with me. If you have this time, get familiar with Tian Juansi and use it with Yun Dun, you won't lose in an embarrassing way."

Zhang Ai had no choice but to reply: "Why are you talking about losing? If you practice hard, you will lose. Why should I practice hard?"

The big man said: "Stop talking nonsense and practice quickly." After saying this, he then said: "You said it has been several years, why no one has ascended again?"

Ganqing was tired of being idle and wanted Zhang Ain to accompany him for a walk around. Zhang Ain just laughed and walked to stand next to Qingyin.

When Fairy Bai came just now, Qingyin didn't say a word; now he was talking to the big man, and Qingyin didn't interrupt. Zhang was afraid that he didn't want him to feel left out, so he came over and said, "I've been bothering you these days. In a few days, when I can go down to the realm, I will bring you some spiritual wine. You can take it to the City in the Realm or the Heavenly City to find someone to exchange it with." , come back with some things you need, and express your gratitude at that time." He didn't want to say empty words, but he couldn't help but express his gratitude for Qingyin's hard work, so he had to say empty words and wait until he had the opportunity to make up for it.

Qingyin smiled and said: "Thank you, thank you. It's good now. With you and the big man together, it's lively and happy. This alone is much more important than the elixir of spiritual wine."

Listening to the two of them talking, the big man said dissatisfied: "Just now I asked you to go back to the lower world to get the spiritual wine. What did you say? Aren't you afraid of causing trouble? What do you say now?" Zhang Aoi replied casually: "Qian Kechou has it?" A large amount of immortal wine can be exchanged for spiritual wine; he can also do it, as long as he tells others that he exchanged it for immortal wine." The big man shook his head and said: "No, no, everyone outside knows that the three of us are together. , if you know that he has spiritual wine, how can you not think about you? What if someone uses violence and asks him? "

Hearing what the big man said, Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Then I will change it myself, but, alas." After speaking, he let out a heavy sigh and turned to look at the black iron block behind him. It was really difficult for such a big guy to carry.

He didn't dare to take risks. The Heart of God was a thing from the divine realm and had spiritual intelligence. If something happened in the lower realm, all the past efforts would be in vain. In addition, he was also worried that some masters of gods could track the Heart of God. After he took the Heart of God down to the lower world, Tianlei Mountain would be exposed. This was something Zhang was afraid of never wanting to see.

He looked at the Heart of God and sighed. The big man and Qingyin knew what he was thinking. The big man smiled and said, "Tell me, are you tired with so many worries?" Zhang Aoi replied casually: "Guess "The big man continued to talk with a smile: "I guess you are quite tired. You have to take care of Yuntian Shen, the Heart of God, and your relatives and friends in the lower world. Is there anyone like you in the entire God Realm?"

Zhang Awei argued: "Why not? If not, how could there be a city in the world?" The big man smiled and said: "You still don't understand a little. One of the reasons why there is a city in the world is that the gods want to Another reason for taking care of your loved ones is that gods and men have a good reputation. In order not to lose face, you have to do some things. You are different from them. You don't care about face at all and just do what you want to do. Of course, your cultivation level is so low. , it doesn’t matter if you have face or not.”

"What are they all the same?" Zhang said angrily, and then said: "I just discovered that when I am unlucky, you are happy. Do you have anything serious to do?"

The big man nodded and said, "Yes, but compared to being happy, nothing serious is important."

Just as the two were talking nonsense, someone else came to the orchard, and a thin old man in black clothes appeared silently. After the old man appeared, his eyes were fixed on the two cloud ginseng plants, completely pretending that the big man, Zhang Ai and Qingyin did not exist.

The strange thing is that the big man didn't speak and looked at the old man quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhang Ai took a look and found that even though the barrier was set up, it still couldn't block other people's spiritual exploration. It seemed that he had to study the magic circle in the divine world. Seeing that the big man was silent again, I thought to myself, maybe a master is coming, right?

A moment after the old man in black appeared, four figures appeared in the air, two large and two small, the giant one wearing fiery red armor. One of them was looking at the big man angrily.

Seeing those four figures, Zhang Awei sighed secretly in his heart, should he be so unlucky?

The four figures in the sky are the Qilin beasts that came to snatch the cloud ginseng a few days ago. They are two big and two small. The two big ones should be a pair. They are majestic and fearless. The two small ones are very cute, like two little ones. They are as fleshy as balls, and even the red armor on the body is soft and looks more like skin. No need to ask, this must be a family.

Thinking of this, he turned to look at the big man. The big man felt uncomfortable looking at him and asked casually: "What are you looking at?" Zhang Awei shook his head and said nothing. In fact, he wanted to ask, why don't you have a family?

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