The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1534 Qilin Beast

Chapter 1534 Qilin Beast

Zhang Ping agreed. This is a small grassland with no tall trees and no flowers and herbs, which is convenient for the growth and cultivation of Yuntian Ginseng.

First, seal this area with a barrier, put down the Heart of God and Yuntian Ginseng, and then stared at Yuntian Ginseng. However, after staring for a long time, he finally stepped forward in despair and dug out two pieces a little further away from the big iron block. Make a hole and plant Yuntian ginseng in it. Back then, as long as there was land, two Yuntian ginseng plants could take root and grow on their own. Such a comparison shows how seriously damaged the Yuntian ginseng is today.

After planting Yuntian Ginseng, I remembered Qingyin's skills and told the big man, "I'll go back and replace Qingyin."

The big man nodded without comment and said: "Go ahead."

When Zhang Pingcai spoke in Xingyuan, the big man guessed that he wanted to revive Yuntian Shen, and he had only one role to come over, to be the bodyguard of the two Yuntian Shen. The big man couldn't bear to refuse, so he followed him.

Just now, Zhang was afraid that while he was busy, he had been watching quietly, and he was quite excited. Such a person would be so concerned about two plants, let alone people. He still couldn't understand how a freak like Zhang Wen could appear in the cold and selfish world of cultivators. Always doing unreasonable things.

Now, he promised to protect Yuntian Shen. So Zhang was afraid of returning to Xingyuan in exchange for Qingyin.

Zhang was afraid that he had only one motive for asking Qingyin. Qingyin's talent can help living beings grow rapidly. It is most convenient for planting things and recuperating from injuries. It is suitable for taking care of Yuntian Ginseng.

Qingyin is really good at planting fairy grass and fairy fruits. After only one day in the sacred mountain, Yuntian Ginseng has returned to 50 to 60% of its original appearance and is full of vitality.

When Qingyin returned to Xingyuan and replaced Zhang Ai, Zhang Ai couldn't believe it when he saw Yuntian Shen's appearance again. This ability was so amazing!

During this day, because the distance was not too far, his distraction could still remain in the Heart of God. At this time, it was time to educate the Heart of God. Regardless of whether it could understand it or not, it was all a matter of course, and he was strictly ordered not to allow it. You can no longer absorb the magical power of Yuntian Ginseng.

It's a pity that the Heart of God still doesn't understand. It absorbs divine power completely out of instinct, and it doesn't know that it will cause harm to Yuntian Ginseng. Therefore, even though Zhang Ain talked nonsense for a long time, it still absorbed it like crazy.

Fortunately, this is a sacred mountain, and the earth is the foundation of all things. There is a lot of divine energy that can be provided to the heart of God to destroy at will. From this point of view, it has prevented Yuntian Shen from disaster.

Zhang Ai lived in the mountain for seven days. Because of the big man's presence, the armored beasts living underground did not dare to come over. Yuntian Ginseng could thrive. Qingyin comes here once a day and stays for half an hour to help Yun Tian Shen recover from his injuries, and then goes back to Xingyuan.

On the eighth day, Zhang Ping said he would go back to Xingyuan, and the big man asked him why. Zhang was afraid that there was no reply. Could it be that he was too embarrassed to trouble the big man and Qingyin? As long as he dares to reply like this, let alone what Qingyin will think, just talk about the big man, he will definitely scold him: "What did you say? What trouble? Do you think you are troubling me? Really? If you say anything else, it will be trouble." So what? I am willing! It won’t bother anyone else.”

He couldn't tell the reason directly, so the big man shook his big head and asked casually: "What are you thinking about?" Zhang Awei shook his head and looked at Yun Tiancan. In just seven days, thanks to Qingyin's help, the two Yuntian ginseng plants had returned to 80% to 90% of their previous state. But if we go back to Xingyuan, without the nourishment of the sacred mountain, it will not take long, maybe a month, maybe two months, to wither again.

Today's God's Heart is becoming more and more edible. This is entirely due to Zhang Weifang. He provides countless immortal wines and makes the iron blocks crazily replenish his divine power every day. While becoming stronger, his appetite is also enlarged. If he doesn't eat, he will get sick. temper.

Sighing softly, Zhang Fei glanced at the bracelet. The fairy wine in it was getting less and less. When the fairy wine was used up, he had to take out the new wine brewed in the orchard in advance. The longest time for those wines was only more than a year, which was far from the It's in the best condition, but it doesn't matter if it's used to feed iron blocks.

Seeing that he just didn't speak, the big man said again: "Stop thinking about it, why are you thinking so much?"

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and replied: "This guy is so good at eating..." Without saying anything else, the big man suddenly stood up and disappeared in a flash. Zhang Awei immediately realized that something was wrong, and his first reaction was to rush over and dig for Yuntian Ginseng.

Ordinarily, he was also very fast, but just as he rushed towards Yuntian Shen, there was a violent crash above the forest not far away, and the roar was endless.

When Zhang Wen was digging for Yuntian Ginseng, he used his spiritual thoughts to scan the surroundings. However, just as his spiritual thoughts were sent out, his whole body was knocked away by a powerful force like a kite. He tried his best to control the body that was knocked away.

This powerful force came from a violent impact not far away, which was caused by the collision between the big man and another divine beast. After Zhang Weijing was knocked away, his mind became extremely clear. When the force of the impact on him gradually became smaller, he hurriedly released the sky winding silk, which extended hundreds of meters in a swish and entangled the iron tree in the distance. Only then could he stop it. Zhu Yuanfei's figure followed him and jumped back to the sacred mountain.

When he came back, he saw a flaming red Qilin beast confronting the big man in the air. Obviously, neither beast took advantage of the collision just now.

Seeing that Zhang was afraid of coming back, the Qilin Beast glanced at him coldly and said quietly: "Get out."

Of course Zhang Ping wouldn't roll away, so he summoned a colorful cloud shield and wrapped himself into a huge ball of cotton. He hid in it and looked at the Qilin Beast.

The Qilin Beast and the big man were still more than a hundred meters away from Yuntian Shen. The big man said, "You go first." Zhang was afraid that his cultivation level was too low and he would not be able to help at all in a battle of their level. Busy.

Zhang Ai knew it in his heart and flew towards Yun Tianshen and God's Heart with the clouds at that time.

Seeing the direction in which he was flying, the Qilin Beast snorted coldly: "I don't know whether to live or die." The figure flashed, and the next moment it appeared in front of Zhang Ai. Zhang Ai was flying forward when his path was suddenly blocked by a huge fiery red shadow. Knowing that something was wrong, he quickly controlled the clouds to take a detour.

How could the Qilin Beast let him leave calmly? When he opened his mouth, a ball of violent flames came over him.

As soon as the flames came out, Zhang Fei already felt extremely hot. There were all kinds of flames on his body. He even collected some strange fires when he was going through the heavenly tribulation and kept them in his soul. However, he didn't know what it meant until this moment. Really hot.

The real high temperature is when you die without feeling any temperature, and the death is so clean and complete that not even ashes are left behind. For ordinary people, the spiritual fire that Zhang feared he had before would be this hot. But for a high-level cultivator, his previous fire could kill people, but it was far from the heat that made you unable to notice the high temperature.

The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the resistance to flames. Zhang Ai's cultivation level has always been very high, so he can still make judgments on various flames and even put away those flames.

But the flames he encountered now were different. The Qilin Beast only opened its mouth, and Zhang Zhi felt the intense heat, and his body seemed to melt away. Then everything in front of me went white, and my body lost all feeling.

When the feeling returned to his body, he found that he was stuck diagonally in the earth, his head and feet were covered with dirt, and his mouth was full of dirt.

Zhang Ai hurriedly dug himself out of the soil, raised his head to look high in the sky, and at the same time scanned his body with his spiritual mind to check the extent of his injuries.

After a rough inspection, it goes without saying that he was injured, but he was still able to move. The biggest problem was that the colorful cloud shield was broken and shrank into a small ball, lying quietly next to him.

Just now, the Qilin Beast spewed out scorching flames, which were almost completely blocked by the colorful cloud shield, so Zhang Ping was not burned into ashes. While sighing that the colorful cloud shield is indeed a good thing, he put it away and looked up. There, the big man and the Qilin Beast fought together.

The Qilin Beast's flames were very powerful and could instantly burn out the colorful cloud shield, but it was of no use to the big man. The big man's eyes were red and he attacked the Qilin Beast fiercely. The two giant beasts look very similar in appearance. They are both tall and mighty, wearing armor. The only difference is the color of the armor and their two big heads.

The big man's head is more like a lion's, but it has no hair, and is completely protected by armor. It still has a vague feeling of a human face. The Qilin beast's head is more like a dragon. The two big guys were fighting fiercely in mid-air on the sacred mountain.

These two guys were so terrifying that with Zhang Ping's eyesight, he couldn't even see the figures of the two giant beasts. He could only see a ball of red wind and a ball of green wind entwining each other, chasing and attacking.

Since he couldn't help, Zhang Ping decided to dig up the Yuntian Ginseng first, and with a flash of his mind, he returned to the Heart of God. At this time, the heart of God was full of anger. Was Zhang afraid that he would be beaten? His only best friend was beaten? The big black iron block buzzed, strongly expressing his anger.

Zhang was afraid that he could only be distracted and comfort him: "It's okay, don't make trouble." But just like the previous communication with the Heart of God, the big iron block didn't care about what he said at all, just like a child who didn't understand anything. Do things according to your own temperament.

Time was urgent, and Zhang was afraid that he would have no time to take care of it, so he took the time to dig out two Yuntian ginseng. The lifespan of these two ginseng plants is at least more than 100,000 years. Because of their preciousness, they attracted the attacks of Qilin beasts.

However, with injuries on his body and a godly heart causing trouble, Zhang Ai's digging speed was much slower than usual. At this time, the Qilin Beast noticed his actions and turned its head when it saw that the fire did not burn him to death. Take another squirt and continue fighting the big guy.

This shows how big the strength gap between Zhang Ai and Qilin Beast is. Qilin Beast just spits something at him while fighting his opponent, and then continues to fight his opponent. Zhang was afraid that his life would be in danger if he was vomited by him.

Fortunately, the Qilin Beast didn't want to burn the Yuntian Ginseng. It just spit out a line of fire and appeared in front of Zhang Ai with a hiss.

The line of fire was so hot that when it came down from a high altitude, even the air was evaporated wherever it passed. But again, the Qilin Beast deliberately controlled the fire line, so it only burned the place where the fire line passed, and nothing happened next to the fire line.

The line of fire attack was so fast that Zhang was afraid that he would not have time to react. He only knew the danger and knew nothing else. At this time, he was sticking his butt out and digging diligently with his hands as knives.

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