The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1,096 Being Chased

Chapter 1096: Being chased

King Jutian said: "There are many things you can do. First of all, you have to talk to me and tell me some things about you, such as who you are, where you come from, where you want to go, etc."

Zhang Wen was very happy to hear this and asked again: "What next?" King Jutian also laughed: "There is no next, I have to listen to what you say before making a decision." This statement is more straightforward, meaning that as long as I find something wrong , I will definitely kill you.

Zhang Awei shook his head lightly, thinking that he had ascended to the divine realm, as if anyone could defeat him, and turned to look at the two women beside him. Because King Jutian was there, the two girls didn't say anything. They only nodded gently to express encouragement, which meant that you can do whatever you want. Zhang Zhen turned back to look at King Jutian, looked at it for a while and said: "Let me ask you a question first, what level are you?"

King Jutian was stunned when he was asked. After countless killings in his life, he had never seen anyone ask him how high his cultivation level was. He smiled and replied, "Guess." Zhang Ai shook his head again, looking a little helpless. Asked in a low voice: "How did you know that you would eat me?"

oh? Jutianwang's expression remained unchanged, he looked at Zhang Weizhi with a smile, then he shook his head slightly like him, and said with a helpless expression: "How do you know that I can't defeat you? Besides, I don't have much patience." As if to prove it. He was indeed very impatient. After saying this, his smile suddenly disappeared and his face became cold, looking at Zhang Ai as if he were a dead person.

Zhang Ain didn't seem to understand, scratched his head and asked, "Are you threatening me?"

King Jutian has made his words very clear, but Zhang Wen still speaks like this, which is tantamount to provocation to him. King Jutian said coldly: "I hope your ability is as smart as your speech." After saying this, countless mountains suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and one after another they hit Zhang and the three of them. Zhang was afraid that there was originally a void of space under his feet, but now a piece of land actually appeared, so wide and flat that he could not escape even if he wanted to.

At this time, Zhang Wen had been monitoring Jutianwang and saw that he had the idea of ​​​​taking action. When Gaoshan appeared, Zhang Wen had already led the two girls down and happened to land on the huge land. I don’t know where this piece of land came from, but with Zhang Ai’s cultivation and speed, he only left a footprint on it.

Seeing the huge mountain coming towards him, the fool fought hard with him. He jumped far away and used his soul to urge him to perform the technique. After a brief attempt, his toes were already buried in the ground. Zhang was afraid that he might be lucky, so he hugged the two girls and disappeared from the ground. Almost at the same time, countless high mountains rumbled. When the huge impact sound passed, many high mountains stood flat on this land, and Zhang was afraid that he was missing.

Not only was Zhang Ai gone, but also the Giant Heavenly King was gone, leaving only a huge piece of land in the starry sky and many high mountains on the land. I don’t know how long it took, but it exploded with a bang, the master and the land disappeared, and the starry sky became a void again.

At this time, Zhang was afraid of running for his life, flying downwards at an unprecedented speed, and hugging the two girls tightly with unprecedented strength, fearing that something might happen to them. And behind the three of them, hundreds of thousands of miles away were chasing the giant king.

The mountain had just hit the land, and Zhang Weijing was running like a mouse trying his best to run downwards. The two collided with each other. Under the violent earthquake, he accelerated his escape speed, swooped out from under the land, and continued to fall crazily.

After Jutianwang took action, he stared at Zhang Afraid with all his attention, locking him tightly with his consciousness. But after only locking it for a moment, I suddenly found that the boy was gone. I was surprised, how could this happen? He unleashed all his consciousness and searched with all his strength. This kid's aura suddenly appeared again, far below him. Although I didn't know how he escaped below, I had no time to think about these things at this time, so I hurriedly chased him down.

It seems that Zhang was afraid of his good luck. In order to kill him with one blow, King Jutian created high mountains to trap him so that he had nowhere to escape. But I didn't expect that this guy would actually escape. For gods, there is no need to know how to perform magic on the ground. No matter how big the stars are, they can't withstand them. If there is anything blocking the way, they can just break it, and there is no need to escape from the earth. To take a step back, even if the opponent uses powerful spells to block the way and cannot be crushed, just compare with the opponent to see who is more powerful.

King Jutian used this move. In order to prevent Zhang from breaking through the mountain or the ground and escaping, he had already added all his magic power to the mountains and earth he had condensed, making the earth and rocks very hard. Even if he was cut with a sword, it would not be able to do anything. Leave a mark. He was confident that he would save the lives of the three of them.

However, no matter how hard I thought about it, I didn't expect that a boring god would actually learn the art of earth movement, and Zhang Awei took advantage of it. And Zhang was afraid that after Di Xing, he would take advantage of a second loophole. Jutianwang's continent was too broad and broad. When Zhang Wen walked to a certain depth, the thick soil actually blocked Jutianwang's consciousness, so Jutianwang found that Zhang Wen was gone. After a while, after Zhang Ain emerged from the mud, he discovered the trace again and hurriedly chased after him.

Zhang was afraid that he was at the eleventh level of cultivation now. He used all his strength to seize the opportunity and ran away in an instant, pulling Ju Tianwang far behind him. In particular, this guy is very good at escaping. No matter what level of cultivation he has achieved, the first thing he must struggle with is life-saving and escape spells. Therefore, when he ran away in a hurry, Jutianwang couldn't catch up. I couldn't help but feel very angry, and thought to myself: "No wonder more than a dozen recruiting team members couldn't catch this kid, this kid is simply the ancestor of those who ran for their lives.

From the position where Zhang Ao ran for his life, flying straight down some distance is Xiguan. And when he was running for his life, he had no time to choose a direction. This time he ran straight to Xiguan.

Although he knew that Xiguan was below him while escaping, he no longer dared to change his direction at will. The place was empty, and there was no stone taller than a person in the entire starry sky. If he changed his direction, it would mean being chased by Jutian Wangduo. some distance. At this time, he didn't care that Xiguan was below him. It was always good to run farther. What's more, before meeting the Jutian King, Zhang Ai had explored Xiguan, where a fight was going on. Zhang Ai planned to fish in troubled waters, hoping to escape the pursuit of the Jutian King.

The two places were not far apart. Zhang Fei flew at full speed and soon reached the sky above Xiguan.

At this moment, there was a fight going on in Xiguan, and it was very lively. Tens of thousands of soldiers and soldiers rushed forward without fear of death. Tens of thousands of soldiers from Xiguan rushed out without fear of death. Both groups were brave and fearless of death. The death-defying, killing was very brutal, but it was also quite boring, because there were no masters, the most powerful ones were just a dozen generals with third-level cultivation, commanding the men to die.

This is the most boring battle situation in the world. It has been fought for hundreds of thousands of years. Both sides of the war know that this is a dead end. The soldiers cannot attack Xiguan, and the gods dare not leave Xiguan. Everyone is entangled together, risking their lives. Tangled together, who knows for what purpose?

Maybe it's because the soldiers want to regain lost ground? The less you can recover, the more you want to recover?

Seeing that the two tribes in front were fighting desperately, Zhang Fei did not pause at all and plunged into the battlefield, then crossed the battlefield and continued flying downwards. His attack alerted four people, namely Mr. Wang's four great prophets.

They want to seek revenge from the nine commanders. Since the danger in the previous war, the nine commanders no longer leave Xiguan lightly. Even if the soldiers break through the protective air shield and enter Xiguan, there are still soldiers to resist them. Just watch without taking action.

No one is stupid, even the prophets are not invincible. An expert in Xiguan asked his subordinates to pass the message to the nine commanders, saying that the four prophets have been ambushing nearby.

This sentence is enough. As long as they don't leave Xiguan, what can the four prophets do? Will they come in and kill people?

The four prophets did not dare to break into Xiguan, but they always wanted to use the melee between the two clans to assassinate and kill for revenge. Even if they only killed one commander, it was just to vent their anger, but even if the opponent fought, they would still be within Xiguan. The four prophets looked at it and sighed. He thought about sneaking into Xiguan, but he was directly attacked by countless masters. The gods of Xiguan occupied the right time, place and people. A group of people besieged four people. It was difficult not to win. The four prophets tried it once and took no more risks.

During today's fight, they were hiding from the side. They happened to see Zhang Weifang flying down with the two girls. The four of them were stunned at first, especially Mr. Wang who couldn't believe it. Their first reaction was why did the two girls become ugly? Then he understood and laughed secretly: This kid is really capable of tossing things around.

Before he could finish his emotion, another person flew up from above, his body shining with golden light, like a small sun flying across the dark starry sky. The feminine young man among the four prophets said: "This man seems to be the leader of the killing team."

Each of the six major forces in the starry sky has an elite soldier. Although they may not all be super masters, they must be warriors who have grown up in killing. Of course, there will not be only one elite soldier in each star field, but there will not be too many, so each elite team in the six major forces is very famous, and people will know it as soon as they name it.

For example, the Douluo Star Territory's Expedition Team has a total of seventeen people, including the leader, a total of eighteen people. Every one of them has climbed out of the mountain of corpses in the sea of ​​​​blood. The tenth level of cultivation is a requirement for joining the team. For such a team, it is easy to say that It's terrifying. There is no one in the entire starry sky who doesn't know about this team. But now, the leader of this terrifying team is hunting down the stupid boy they met a few days ago, and several prophets find it interesting.

If you think it's interesting, you should go there and watch the fun. Of course, the main reason is not that you want to watch the fun, but that Mr. Wang can't bear to die in the morning. In any case, he once liked this woman very much. Although he gave up on her own initiative, her care over the years had become a habit and he did not want to see her bullied.

It can be said that Mr. Wang is a good person, so the star domain he controls is revered as the Holy Domain, which is the paradise that all slaves dream of.

When Mr. Wang saw Zhang Wen holding the two girls in his arms, flying past his eyes like bereaved dogs, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't know why, but he felt a little sad. This was not what a man of God should feel at all.

Mr. Wang sighed softly and flew out first. Seeing his expression, the other three prophets had known each other for many years, and they probably guessed what Mr. Wang was thinking, so they followed him.

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