The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 107: Drunk

Chapter 107: Picture Drunk

After Song Yunyi ate thirteen magical pills, her cultivation temporarily stopped. Lin Sen asked her to practice with Zhang Pa and learn fighting methods. Zhang Pa used the Moon Shadow Knife and Song Yunyi used the Moon Shadow Sword, and they fought happily all day long. The magic knives and swords in their hands were more like weapons than ordinary magic weapons. They were not like the Thunder Sword that could attract thunder, nor like the Divine Iron Liangyi Sword that had the magical effect of formation. They could only rely on the speed and sharpness of the swords to hurt the enemy.

When the Five Elements robe was refined, Zhang Pa stabbed it with the Moon Shadow Knife a few times, and the results showed that the Five Elements robe was quite strong. But flat stabbing is not the same as stabbing in battle. When the two first started practicing, they still relied on the Five Elements robe to resist attacks, but after a few stabs, the protective formation embedded on the Five Elements robe actually showed signs of cracking. The two realized how sharp the swords in their hands were. A weapon could easily pierce the magic weapon by its own sharpness, which was amazing! Zhang Pa began to imagine the power of the Five Spirit Swords. One sword was powerful enough. Five swords plus the help of the formation would be so powerful that... he could no longer imagine it.

The two practiced more and more tacitly, and five years passed in the blink of an eye. Because they went in and out of the Nitian Cave, only half a year had passed in the outside world. According to the outside world, Zhang Pa was 18 years old and Song Yunyi was 17 years old.

More than a hundred years had passed in the Nitian Cave. Except for the monsters that thrived, the herbs and the Five Immortals did not change much. Only the fruits that were special to southern Xinjiang had bloomed and fallen, and a large number of delicious fruits were produced. Lin Sen and the children could not eat all the fruits because they were very distressed because there were too many fruits. The monsters also helped to eat them, and squeezed juice to make wine, but there were still a lot of them left. Lin Sen put all the remaining fruits into the fresh-keeping box and threw them to Zhang Pa, ordering him to eat them all. He also threw the ordinary fruits he brought back to Zhang Pa at the beginning and taught him: "In the future, just bring back a few seeds of this kind of rubbish." Zhang Pa was depressed and humbly accepted the advice.

After the sparring with Song Yunyi, Zhang Pa wanted to see if he could beat the Fushen Snake, but the little snake ignored him lazily. He used the shadowless knife to make a fake attack, but the snake didn't care at all. He stabbed the tip of its tail with all his strength, and the little snake's tail swung and swept like lightning, knocking the shadowless knife away, leaving Zhang Pa dumbfounded, and floated away lazily in the air. Zhang Pa thought about it, even if he stabbed with all his strength, and dodged with all his strength, he couldn't avoid the tail, and thought to himself: "If I had let them deal with Xiang Kong..." Xiang Kong was really unlucky. He bullied Zhang Pa once, and he was worried about him every day.

Lin Sen brought the wine table over, asked him to sit down and asked: "Do you still have the wine I gave you?" Zhang Pa said: "I barely touched it. How dare I drink it casually outside?" Lin Sen filled the glass: "I thought you drank it all, so I prepared some more, but the vintage is a little younger." Zhang Pa took the glass: "Keep it. I barely ate those things." The two clinked their glasses and drank them all. Lin Sen filled another glass: "Drinking alone is extremely boring, and getting drunk is tasteless." Zhang Pa said heroically: "When I reach the level of a mountain god, you can go out and live with Fu'er and the others, and see who dares to touch you." Lin Sen sneered at him: "Is it too much if you haven't drunk it?" There was actually nothing to talk about at the table, it was just nonsense. At last, Zhang Pa said, "I will go to Lu in a few days." Lin Sen said calmly, "Go if you want to. Remember, kill if you can. If you can't kill, let it go for a few days. Life is important, but don't bring back the head even if you kill it." Zhang Pa smiled and said, "I'm not that stupid. Do you think I should take Yun Yi with me?" Lin Sen pretended to think for a long time and said, "I don't know." "I don't know if you think about it for a long time?" Zhang Pa muttered. "How do you know I don't know if you don't think about it for a long time?" Lin Sen muttered back. "You still don't know after thinking about it for a long time?" "I just thought about it for a long time to know I don't know." The two of them talked about the same thing for a while, and Lin Sen said, "The four stupid dogs have advanced. The original third-level monsters have now become fourth-level and a half, the initial stage of the Jindan period." Zhang Pa corrected him, "It's three stupid dogs and a smart wolf." "It's three stupid dogs and a stupid wolf." "Okay, I can't argue with you." Zhang Pa surrendered. Lin Sen always gets drunk every time he drinks, probably because he has lived too long and been sober for too long, so he can't bear to get drunk. This time he got drunk again, and he looked very arrogant when he was drunk, lying on his back with his arms and legs spread out. Zhang Pa looked at him across the table, and asked, "If I also live alone for hundreds of thousands of years, will I go crazy? I need friends when I am alone for too long, but I am betrayed by my only friend, will I go crazy?" He got up and looked for Song Yunyi, told her that he was going to Lu to kill someone, and asked her if she would go. Song Yunyi hesitated and asked, "Do you have to kill him?" Zhang Pa suddenly recalled Lin Sen's lonely expression when he was drunk, and gritted his teeth and said, "You must kill him!" Song Yunyi nodded, "I'll go with you." Zhang Pa smiled at her, "Then get ready. This time we go out to kill people, not to travel, and we kill high-level monks." Song Yunyi forced a smile and said, "You have killed many people every time."

From that day on, Zhang Pa accompanied Lin Sen to drink every day. Lin Sen got drunk every day. For more than ten days in a row, various aged wines were used in turn, and Lin Sen shouted that he was drunk and enjoyed it. He had been drunk like this before, but he was alone. Now that Zhang Pa was with him, the feeling was of course different.

After the fruit wine was brewed, it was also brought to the wine table. Lin Sen tasted it slightly, and then threw several bottles to Zhang Pa. The fruit was cultivated for a short time and the spiritual energy was not enough. The wine tasted light and sweet, and he was not satisfied. Zhang Pa thought this wine was good. The light spiritual energy overflowed with the wine. The alcohol content was not high and it was very sweet. Yunyi should like it.

It was drunken time at noon again, and Lin Sen appeared with unsteady steps. When he saw Zhang Ping and Song Yunyi sitting at the table at the same time, his expression darkened. He understood in his heart, sat down and asked, "Are you leaving?" They both stood up and saluted respectfully. Lin Sen's expression immediately looked a little lonely. He raised his arms to make gestures and pressed down, saying: "Sit down, have a good drink, and agree first that you are not allowed to leave until I get drunk." Song Yunyi was also a little sad: " We..." Lin Sen raised his glass: "Drink!"

Lin Sen got drunk again. Before getting drunk, he gave Song Yunyi a stack of top-notch seven-star black talismans, and then fell asleep. Zhang Wen went into Nitian Cave to recall more than a hundred divine snakes, three dogs and one wolf. Red Wolf agreed to go with Zhang Wen. The little monsters, Fu'er, Shou'er and other thirteen dolls came out of the Nitian Cave to see each other off. Fu'er jumped and pulled Zhang Awei: "Next time, next time you must take me out!"

Zhang Ai stretched out his long sleeves, wrapped Song Yunyi and walked through the ground. I randomly chose a direction and walked underground. After walking for a few hours, I guessed that it was dark outside, and then I carefully emerged from the ground.

It was indeed dark night, and the earth was silent. After identifying the direction, he flew westward. This time his destination was the Hu family in the state of Lu.

On the way, Zhang was afraid to tell Yunyi how monsters hide their spiritual energy. I wonder if it was because she had eaten thirteen fat dolls, so she learned very quickly. After condensing her spiritual energy, it would be difficult to notice how Zhang Wen is different from ordinary people even if she is close to her.

In the north of Lu State, Chengshan. Hundreds of miles below the mountain, it reaches the city. Chengshan is the foundation of the Hu family, and Chengcheng can be said to be the territory of the Hu family.

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