The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1,067 The Guards Come to the Door

Chapter 1067: Guards come to the door

Zhang Ain asked back: "What are you doing?" The thin man said: "There is a big customer who asked for three thousand pills and promised that he could exchange one for a high-level pill or a spiritual stone. Thousands of pills will always be exchanged for hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones."

Zhang is afraid that he is not interested in spirit stones, or this kind of transaction. He is a god-level cultivation. There is nothing on this planet that can interest him. Naturally, he is not interested in the so-called hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. I apologize. He smiled and said, "I don't have this blessing." He didn't say whether he had any elixirs, he just said that he didn't trade blessings. How the thin man wants to understand it is his business.

Hearing this, the thin man asked anxiously: "How many pills do you have, fellow Taoist?" Zhang Ain put his hand into his arms, took out a dozen low-level pills and said, "Are these good?"

Only a dozen? The thin man lost interest as soon as he heard this. He cupped his hands and said, "It's all fate. I'll look for it somewhere else." After saying that, he said goodbye and left the house.

This is just an ordinary transaction done by ordinary people for profit, and it is nothing. After sending the thin man away, Zhang Ping was about to go back and continue drinking when the knock on the door came again. Zhang Ping opened the door again and saw that the man who was selling his house was back. The first thing he said when they met was: "I dare to ask my friend, but there are still Low-level spiritual energy pill?”

At this time, another person came outside the door. It was his businessman Shi Shi. At that time, in order to satisfy Peach Blossom's request, Zhang Weijing also sold hundreds of spiritual energy pills in exchange for spiritual stones to supply daily expenses. The merchant asked through the door: "Sir, do you have any spiritual energy pills?"

Zhang Ping pointed at the man selling the house and said, "He has the same purpose as you."

ah? The two looked at each other after hearing the words. It seemed that many people had gotten the news. The two asked Zhang Ping anxiously: "Sir, do you have any elixirs? I will buy them at a high price." The other person said, "I will pay a higher price." People started quarreling outside Zhang Weijing's door.

Zhang Ai looked a little pity, but he was also a practitioner after all, so why did he care so much about these so-called profits and benefits? If people become philistine, how can they make great progress in spiritual practice?

However, he also understood that this place was full of practitioners, and everyone had to compete for the so-called practice equipment, spiritual stones, or pills. Without selling them, they would not be able to maintain their normal practice needs. It was all for the sake of hard work. To become a god, you have to be a philistine.

Therefore, he had no objection to the two of them. He only shook his head slightly and repeated what he had just said: "I also know the news, but I don't have this blessing."

When the two people outside the door heard this, their faces became depressed. They thought there would be a big opportunity ahead, but they didn't know that it was all in vain. However, the two of them still kept hundreds of low-level spiritual energy pills. If they sold them all, they could always get some benefits, so they said goodbye and left.

Three people in a row came to him to buy spiritual energy pills. Zhang Wen was curious, what did he want to do? I wanted to use my consciousness to check the situation carefully, but then I thought that for me, one more thing is worse than one less thing, so I gave up the idea of ​​​​finding out the matter and went back to continue drinking.

Not long after, the two girls came out, and Taohua asked, "What are they going to do?" Zhang Ping said, "I don't know."

Since they met Taohua, the three words he said most to Taohua were "I don't know", which made the beauty a little unhappy every time. This time, the beauty glared angrily at her beautiful eyes and hummed: "I don't know anything you ask." , hum, idiot.”

He was obviously speaking out of anger, but it felt like he was being coquettish. Zhang was so disturbed that his heart skipped a beat, and he coughed quickly and said, "I'm not interested in those things, so what can I do if I understand them?"

Taohua said: "Of course you have to know more, so that you can be knowledgeable and not bullied by others." Zhang Ying smiled and said: "Whether you are bullied by others has nothing to do with your knowledge, it has to do with your own strength." The two quarreled, Chao Lu just looked at it with a smile, I feel that in this life, my life is only when I am with Zhang Weifang. This person is innocent and cute, like an idiot, he is obsessed with his thoughts and never gives up. He never thinks that he is a beauty, and he does not have those strange dark thoughts. When talking about being friends with her, Qiu has no fault. He really treats her as a People look at it.

In the past, because she was a beauty and because of her pure whiteness, people wanted to protect her, but there were also people who wanted to possess her. In the past, she was fought over like a commodity. It was not until she was rescued by Mr. Wang that she lived a peaceful life. But he only admired and protected himself, and did not have a true relationship with him like Zhang Afraid. And this is what Chao Lu wants most, to live like an ordinary person, with friends and a home of his own.

There is Peach Blossom again, that little girl is more alluring than herself, and is a natural killer of men, but this idiot just chants sutras every day, suppresses her sexual desire, and does not want to hurt Peach Blossom. Speaking of which, Taohua's fate is even more miserable than her own. She is just pure white, and everything is pure white. Peach blossom is ambiguous. Normal men will only have one thought when seeing her, which is a strong desire to possess. There are few exceptions.

Fortunately, Zhang is probably the exception. Chao Lu knows that he is normal, but this normal man can control all the desires and treat Tao Hua like her. Meeting such a man, meeting a man who respects them so much, should be a great blessing in life. If they can live like this for a long time, for the two women, it will be the greatest joy and happiness in their lifetime.

Therefore, if a person is born too beautiful, it may not be a good thing.

Taohua and Zhang Awei bickered for a while, but found it boring. She ran back to the room angrily, then came out with the qin in her arms, and devoted herself to torturing Zhang Awei with the sound of the piano. Fortunately, the house has a barrier, and Zhang was afraid to add a few extra floors, so although the two girls often played the piano, no one in the city knew about it.

After being tortured for another quarter of an hour, there was another knock on the door, which was much louder than the three people's voices just now. Taohua looked at the courtyard door angrily, and returned to the house with Chaolu. Zhang was afraid to open the door again.

This time, the people standing outside the door were people from the city lord's palace, six guards in black. They asked Zhang for fear of asking for household certificates, and they had to enter the hospital for a search after the inspection. Zhang is afraid of being shocked. This is not possible. If they see the two girls, what will happen if they fail to protect them. Then he asked: "Why do these gentlemen need to be admitted to the hospital for examination?"

Several guards also knew that there were many masters in the city, so they did not dare to be too arrogant. One of them raised his hand and replied: "Sir, someone will challenge the city lord next month today. Before the war comes, they must conduct a detailed inspection of the city to avoid any abnormality during the war. If something like that happens, it will be a disaster for you and me.”

Zhang was afraid of being curious, so he asked: "Isn't it just two people competing for the position of city lord? What abnormal situation could happen?"

The guard smiled and replied: "Sir, you are overthinking. It is just a precaution. If a spy from another clan sneaks into the city and gives a fatal blow to the city lord during the battle, it will be a joke to our emperor if word spreads. Therefore, it must be checked every year. "It's just a formality. How many people are there in your family? As long as the number is correct, we can make a deal."

There aren't many people, but it's a pity that I can't let you see it.

Zhang Ping knew that the reason these guards were willing to talk to him in a friendly manner was because he had the face of a royal family member. However, if the two women were to wear cloaks to see them, it would definitely arouse suspicion and make him feel embarrassed.

He wanted to shirk it, and the expressions of the six guards changed. One of them asked, "Is there something inconvenient for you, sir?"

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "It's nothing inconvenient. It's just that there are two female relatives, so you can't see their faces. But the six of you can rest assured. They don't have any cultivation. I can remove the barrier and let the six of you search carefully. , I just can’t meet, I don’t know if it’s okay?”

Of course it's not possible. How can this be justified? A guard asked doubtfully: "Are they not cultivated, or are we unable to detect that they are cultivated based on our strength?"

Zhang was afraid that he really wanted to knock these people unconscious, but if he defeated them, others would come. Although they were not his opponents, if he provoked the soldiers, a new problem would arise. He thought to himself: I just want to live in seclusion, why do I do this? Disaster?

Thinking of this, Zhang Ping casually drew a circle of residential courtyards. When all the guards saw him behaving like this, their faces were horrified. They each took out their magic weapons and looked at each other coldly, and quickly formed a fighting position.

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "Don't be nervous. I have no ill intentions. There is a reason for everything. I can't let you see the face of the female family members, but you don't obey. I can only tell you how powerful I am. Aren't you worried that someone will assassinate the city lord? Mine The strength can destroy an entire city, let alone a small city lord. You can resist me with all your strength, or use your strongest spells to attack me, but I will not harm you."

There is no other way but to scare them with force.

Hearing this, the faces of the six people became ugly. They knew that there were many masters in the city, but they did not expect that there would be such a tyrannical master who could speak so arrogantly. The six people hurriedly used their strongest spells, but no one dared to attack Zhang Afraid. They were worried. Provoke him to the point of losing your life, and only use your strongest shield to protect yourself.

The six people were cautious and did not see any movement from Zhang Awei, so they felt that their bodies were suddenly sealed by ice, and an unstoppable cold penetrated their bodies through their defenses. The six people repeatedly used their skills to fight against each other, and tried hard to get rid of the coldness, but they couldn't. Just at the critical moment, when they couldn't see, the coldness suddenly disappeared. Zhang Ping said quietly: "If I want to be the city lord, I can get it easily."

The six of them were the city lord's guards, so they naturally knew how skilled the city lord was. Seeing that this young man was able to suppress the six of them without even using his hands, and he looked so calm and indifferent, so he knew that they were worlds apart from him. The man remained calm and silent, wondering how he would deal with them.

Zhang Ai put away his spiritual power and said softly: "Only the seven of us know about this matter. If anyone else knows about it, I will kill the six of you. If no one knows about it, you will naturally live a long life. In addition, if anything happens, you can come to me and I will try my best to help you. "This is like giving a sweet date after hitting you with a stick.

The six guards were originally uneasy, but when they heard the last words of Zhang Ai, their minds immediately came alive. Being able to be related to such an expert was definitely a great blessing. The six guards happily handed over their hands and said: "Thank you, senior. I have offended my senior by being ignorant." , please forgive me, senior."

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