The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1059 Xiaoyao is coming

Chapter 1059 Xiaoyao is coming

The posture is really alluring, and the body has a light fragrance, which makes people unable to get enough of it, and also makes people want to get closer, causing the lively crowd to become chaotic and crowded, making it even more lively, and following in confusion.

The government is also concerned about the true sect's recruitment of disciples every five years. After all, no court wants to see a force more tyrannical than them. If you can't kill them, you can only make friends with them, so every time there is an election, the court will send people to congratulate them. This year is no exception. A so-called national advisor and a prince will congratulate the emperor on behalf of him.

The prince has been living in the mansion for a long time. He rarely goes out once, and of course he wants to have a good time. This is very similar to peach blossoms, so he went for a walk under the Xuan Shen Mountain. He was accompanied by more than a dozen servants and guards. It was very lively to wander around.

In order to win over the Shinichi clan, the imperial court built roads from the nearest city all the way to the foot of the Selected God Mountain. This official road was flat and wide, and the lively crowd at this time stretched along the official road to the Selected God Mountain.

The prince was walking on the road, and Taohua was also walking on the road, and then they bumped into each other. Because they were covered with cloaks, they looked very strange in the crowd. The prince took a second look and was immediately attracted by the figure and grace of the two women. He hurriedly chased them to talk, in short, he wanted to see their faces.

Of course, Zhang was afraid of coming forward, so he simply refused. Although the prince was unwilling to do so, he did not dare to be too arrogant because he was at the foot of the God of Selection, so he suppressed his temper and did not lose his temper. But he had men. These men were used to being arrogant in the capital, and now they were even more arrogant when they left the capital. At that time, two people rushed up to them, and while cursing, they stretched out to tear off the cloaks of the two women.

Zhang Ai was very helpless, covering himself so tightly that he could not stop the harassment from Bee and Die. He raised his hand to push the two guards away and said coldly: "This is the Holy Mountain of Choice." Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to cause trouble, so he just found an excuse to scare them away.

But the two guards didn't care about this. Seeing that they were pushed away, they felt very humiliated. One of them said: "Be wise, leave the woman and get out." The other cursed: "You don't want to live anymore, do you?"

Although the prince wanted to keep a low profile, the two guards were members of his own family after all. If he stopped them, he would lose his face, so he said nothing and watched the situation unfold quietly.

If Zhang Wen continues to choose to be patient, it is not worth getting angry with a group of ants. But the two teenagers quit. They were rescued by Zhang Awei. How could they allow others to bully their benefactor? Children are the most unscrupulous in doing things. They rush forward with passion. It doesn't matter whether you are an official or an emperor. Return to Zhang Awei. Standing still, Zhenbi shouted angrily: "Get out of the way quickly."

They started a dispute, and countless people on the official road immediately gathered, making the lively place even more lively, and the crowd of onlookers grew. In this way, the prince did not want to lose face, so he let his men do what they did and stepped aside, thinking to himself, my majesty, the prince, will never let a group of common people lose face in a remote countryside.

The two teenagers stood in front of Zhang Wen, and a group of guards came around with laughter: "Is there anyone else? The kid also wants to be a hero and save the beauty? Has his hair grown?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Weijing's expression changed and he decided to take action to deal with these bastards. At this moment, a dozen Taoist priests quickly ran up the road, each wearing a bright purple Taoist robe, a purple square scarf on his head, and a three-foot long sword on his back. They ran quickly, and wherever they passed, the crowd dispersed and automatically gave way to the road.

A dozen Taoist priests quickly came forward, and a Taoist priest with thick eyebrows and big eyes walked out and said in a deep voice: "The Holy Mountain is truly a forbidden area. Fighting and noise are prohibited at the foot of the mountain. Anyone who offends will be killed without mercy."

This is courage. When people come, they don’t even ask about the cause of the matter. They just say that anyone who causes trouble will be killed. If you have the ability, continue to cause trouble.

As soon as these Taoist priests arrived, although the palace guards wanted to continue to be arrogant, their own princes could not be favored in front of these Taoist priests, let alone them, so they glared fiercely at Zhang Afraid and others, opened their mouths to make lip gestures, and said silently: " Just wait and see.”

This was a threat to them. Zhang Ai looked at it with endless joy. The mortal world in the Bingren Starry Sky was no different from the mortal world in his own side of the starry sky. There were also people who bullied good and feared evil based on human power.

After the threats were over, the guards followed the prince and left, leaving Zhang Ai and others behind. The Taoist priest with thick eyebrows and big eyes glanced at them and said in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter who you are here, it's best to be at peace." After saying that, he turned around and left.

The cultivation level of these Taoist priests is very average. According to the realm classification of Tianlei Mountain, they are considered to be Qi refining disciples who have just started. Looking at their majestic backs, I thought to myself, why should I be so arrogant? But when I looked at the two young men, their eyes were full of envy and longing, looking forward to the bright purple robes and imagining the day when I would wear them.

Zhang Ain smiled and called them: "There is a restaurant ahead, let's go have something to eat." The two young men agreed and made up their minds to pass three tests in a row and become apprentices.

They just walked forward, but the group of Taoist priests left and returned, each one staring at the two women, thinking: Weird! I am so determined in my Taoism, why do I have strange feelings towards these two women, and my heart becomes agitated just by seeing their figures? I really want to find out!

For cultivators, this phenomenon belongs to inner demons. Because something makes you obsessed, you have to break this obsession before you can continue to practice. Otherwise, practicing will only achieve twice the result with half the effort.

The Taoist priest with thick eyebrows and big eyes finished training Zhang Wei, and then ran away for a thousand meters. Suddenly, two beautiful cloaks were shaking in front of his eyes. He knew that he was in trouble. The inner demon mentioned by the master appeared, so he had to come back to find out. If As expected, it is related to the two girls. It is impossible to say that he must destroy the flowers with ruthless hands and break away the inner demons.

He was not the only one who had this idea. A group of Taoist priests had scanned the two girls and found them very tempting. Although they couldn't see their faces and didn't know where they were tempting them, temptation was temptation, so they came back together. .

When I came back and took a closer look, I was deeply immersed in it and couldn't extricate myself.

For example, we have always liked someone, liked it very much, but could not be together. At some point in the future, we suddenly see someone who is very similar to him, and we will pay more attention to this person, and even fall in love with him. This is very important to us. In other words, it is obsession.

For the Taoist priests, the peach blossoms in the morning dew are very beautiful. Just one impression will penetrate their minds, and their minds will be filled with women and cloaks. Now that they come back and look at the two women carefully to deepen their impression, they will fall in easily.

The Taoist priests sincerely seek the Tao and cannot tolerate the existence of anything that can taint the Taoist heart. So a Taoist priest walked up to the two girls and said in a deep voice: "Please take off your cloaks."

Is Zhang afraid that the conflict will escalate? From a domineering young man to a Taoist cultivator? Smiling and waving his hands, he said: "Stop joking, I'm afraid of you, why don't you leave?" He took the two girls behind him and turned around to leave.

"You can't leave." A Taoist priest quickly walked around him to block the way, and then repeated what the Taoist priest said just now: "You two girls, please take off your cloaks, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless."

Is this going to kill people? Zhang was afraid that he was speechless. His good temper had been provoked again and again, and now it was implicated in the two women. He didn't want to endure it any longer. At worst, he would have to leave this planet, so he wanted to fight these guys away.

The last time he wanted to deal with the palace guards, a Taoist priest came to the rescue. Now he wanted to deal with the Taoist priests, and the bells on the Chosen God Mountain came to rescue him, and he heard the melodious and loud ringing of the bells from the God Chosen Mountain.

As soon as the bell rang, the Taoist priests in front of them immediately paid attention and ignored Zhang Afraid and others for the time being. When they heard the bell ringing for eighteen times, the faces of the Taoist priests changed, and they all turned around and ran away, completely forgetting the existence of Zhang Ai and the two girls.

Zhang was curious, what was going on? Stopped and looked up the mountain.

The bells on the mountain rang a total of twenty-seven times. After the bells stopped ringing, all the disciples on the mountain gathered on the god-selecting platform halfway up the mountain. More than two thousand people sat cross-legged. Standing at the front were a dozen Taoist priests. The foundation-building cultivator had a solemn face, his eyes slowly swept over the disciples, and then he began to speak.

At the beginning, I talked about some nonsense about cultivating the Taoism. Later, I said that I should be in the best condition to welcome the arrival of God. Zhang Ain listened for a while and wondered where the god came from? Could it be a soldier?

After thinking about it, he led the two girls out of the lively area, and the two teenagers naturally followed. A few people went to live in an uninhabited mountain col. Anyway, the mountain gate election would not be held until ten days, so the two teenagers were not in a hurry.

From daytime to evening, the night sky with stars and moon is beautiful. In the quiet night sky, a meteor streaked across the sky quickly, hit the Mount of Gods, and disappeared.

Zhang Ain chuckled lightly, it turned out that this was the god.

Meteor is actually three people, among whom are two acquaintances of Zhang Ping, and the two highnesses who had disputes with him, one of whom is named Xiaoyao. These two people were cultivating gods and could not cross the starry sky. The person who brought them here was a military master. According to Zhang Ai's level, that person's cultivation was slightly more powerful than the fat man Nonda he knew. According to the level of soldiers, this person should be at the second level of cultivation, and he is the group of people with the lowest cultivation level in the God Realm.

Zhang is very curious, what is Xiaoyao doing here? He didn't tell his father about being assassinated, but instead ran away all the way. Could it be that his father was also dead?

Thinking of this, Zhang Awei shook his head repeatedly and prayed with all his heart: Don't bother me with these nonsense, and stay away from me.

He muttered to himself that Chao Lu was the most considerate person. She came to him lightly, sat down next to him, put her hands on his, and said softly: "Some things always have to be faced." It meant to persuade him not to stop. bother.

But Zhang was afraid that he would be even more annoyed when he heard that these things had nothing to do with me, so why should I face them? Thinking about his great luck, he secretly praised himself as an expert! When I met Xiaoyao, he was assassinated. In order to avoid trouble, it took him half a year to find a seemingly safe star. Not long after he stayed there, Xiaoyao came after him? Are you still going to solve trouble for Xiaoyao?

Zhang was afraid of sitting there all night, with Chaolu by his side. After dawn the next day, two young men, Gong Zheng and Zhen Jie, came over and asked respectfully. They meant that they were about to take the mountain entrance exam and needed to prepare well. They couldn't serve their benefactor these days, so I asked my benefactor for your forgiveness.

Zhang was afraid of being amused by the two of them, so he said, "You are busy with your work, I am a big living person, and I still need you to take care of me?" Because Xiaoyao's arrival made him a little interested in the election of Zhenyi Sect to recruit disciples.

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