The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1057 Happiness

Chapter 1057 Happiness

At this time, his faint feelings enveloped the woods, making the sunset add a touch of sadness.

Zhang Ban closed his eyes to experience this moment, the scenery outside, his own mood, and a kind of happiness. Suddenly, he felt his right hand being held by someone. When he opened his eyes, Chunbai showed up and knelt beside him, holding his right hand with his right hand and said softly: "I am very happy to be able to live quietly."

This woman could feel the happiness he felt, and a gentle hand-holding made both of them feel happy. In particular, she said that living quietly is very happy, which made Zhang Ai agree. Isn't it that he has been practicing hard to protect his beloved and live quietly? He smiled and nodded lightly at Chaolu.

At this moment, his heart was split in two. Half of him felt that the quiet white morning dew had the same alluring appeal as peach blossoms, which made him confused for a moment. The other half thought of Song Yunyi, that silly woman who had followed him around since she was very young, running and running, but she left him and came to the God Realm on her own.

He was thinking wildly when Taohua ran back and said, "I want to hold hands too." She held Zhang Awei's left hand and asked, "When are you going to play outside?"

It’s really a matter of enjoying one thing, Zhang Wen said helplessly: “It’s not possible yet.”

"Why can't it be done?" Taohua Buyi asked. Zhang Weixing had no choice but to take out the magic weapon of everlasting victory, divert Taohua's attention, and asked: "Why are you and Chaolu coming and going silently? I can't even notice your arrival with my spiritual consciousness?"

Just now Chao Lu came up to hold his hand, but Zhang Zhi didn't notice at all. With this ability, he was definitely a born assassin.

After hearing the question, Taohua blinked her eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "I don't know." But she continued to ask, "When are you going to go out to play?"

When Zhang Wen heard this, he thought it was over. This trick was useless. He smiled bitterly and said, "You know..." "I know I am beautiful, but I don't want to become ugly." Taohua said first.

This kind of dialogue has happened frequently in the past period of time, and Taohua already knew what Zhang was going to say.

Xu Shijing was very thoughtful and smiled at Chao Lu, "It doesn't matter if we just go out and have a look. At most, we can wear cloaks." Tao Hua smiled and said yes, and also said that she wanted a nice and beautiful cloak and cloak.

The two women made a decision, looked at Zhang Ping and asked him when he would set off.

Zhang Ain smiled and shook his head and asked Chao Lu: "Didn't you say that living quietly is very happy?" Chao Lu replied with a smile: "Living quietly is very happy. If there is more excitement occasionally, it will be even happier."

So Zhang was afraid that she would be easily persuaded, so he stood up and said, "Let's go now."

During these days of hiding at the beach, Zhang used his spiritual consciousness to scan the entire planet for fear of having nothing to do. The final result was that there were three cultivation sects on this star, with a total of thirty-three cultivators, and there were quite a few disciples. There are more than 4,000 people in this sect. It's a pity that only thirty-three people out of four thousand can enter the Tao. I really don't know how they practice.

Apart from these cultivators, there are more than a billion people living scattered across the stars, and wars are going on in many places.

Because he knew clearly that there was no cultivator in the stars who could threaten him, Zhang Zhen only agreed to the request of the two women.

Seeing that Zhang Wen agreed, Taohua held his hand and said, "You are so kind."

Zhang Ain immediately became nervous, this little girl is here again! Suddenly, he looked overseas, thought for a moment, human life is important after all, and said to the two women: "I'll go out for a while." He let go of the two women's jade hands, and flew into the depths of the sea.

There are two boat planks on the sea, with two young men crawling on them respectively. The two tied themselves to the boat planks with their clothes, and tied their hands together with cloth strips, so that they would drift on the sea until this.

There is a saying that life and death in the world are all determined by destiny, so after Zhang Ain came to this star, he just lived his life quietly. He ignored the killings in the outside world, the shipwrecks in the sea, and the carelessness of human lives in the distant cities. In order to give myself as much peace of mind as possible, I restrained my consciousness most of the time and only scanned this area near the beach.

The two teenagers on the boat were discovered by Zhang Ai when they entered the range of his spiritual consciousness. They were so close that they could not ignore death, so Zhang Ai flew into the sea and took the two teenagers to the beach. .

The two young men were severely dehydrated and on the verge of death. Zhang Wen sent spiritual power into his body to protect his heart and re-energize the meridians in their bodies before giving them water. After a while, the two young men stood up and saw that they were not dead, and saw Zhang Awei who was looking at them with a smile. They both turned over and bowed, thanking Zhang Awei for saving his life. Another person was confused and asked in a low voice: "But sir, save my life?"

Before Zhang Ai could answer, he was already pulled down by the first boy and said, "Stop talking nonsense." The two of them thanked Zhang Ai respectfully.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "It doesn't matter." He pointed to the coast and said: "Go along the coast, three thousand meters to the north, cross the beach, and walk another three thousand meters through the woods, there is a small village." As he spoke, he took a look. As the sky turned dark, he sighed in his heart: It was getting dark, where could they go? Youdao wanted to save people until the end, so he added, "Stay here tonight and leave tomorrow." The two young men thanked them again.

Zhang Wen stopped talking and led the two of them to the wooden house where he lived and said, "You are not allowed to wander around when you stay here." After that, he walked towards the two women's residence.

Just now, with Zhang Ain's consent, the two girls returned to their wooden house to pack their luggage, thinking of leaving here quickly. But seeing that Zhang was afraid of attracting the two young men back, he was curious and wanted to ask what was going on.

Zhang was afraid that they would be allowed to talk freely, so he drew a barrier to separate the young man from himself, and then spoke: "Those two children were in a shipwreck and almost died."

"Oh." Taohua understood and asked, "Do you want my help?"

Zhang Pa hurriedly shook his head: "No, stay one more day today, we will set off tomorrow." The two girls agreed.

There is a saying that there are unexpected changes in the weather. One night, everyone was sleeping, and it rained. The heavy rain came down and soon soaked the wooden house.

In the past, Zhang Pa used magic to block the rain. Now he can block the rain for the two girls, but what about the two boys? Zhang Pa first used magic to block the rain for the two girls, and then walked to the front of his wooden house, but saw the two boys folded the bedding together and put it on dry stones. The two of them pressed the bedding with their bodies to prevent the rain from pouring on it, and held up the rain gear made of branches to block the rain.

Zhang Pa sighed in his heart, because he was afraid that his bedding would get wet. He was a little touched and smiled, "Beds are for use. It is best to use them to block the rain. You two are kind." As he said that, he took off his robe and covered the outside of the wooden house.

His robe was a white Fushen robe made a long time ago. It can resist the attack of magic weapons and is more rainproof. He just took it out from the storage bag.

The clothes were very big and covered the wooden house. The house stopped leaking. The two teenagers hurried out and took off their clothes to block the rain. Zhang Pa pushed them back to the wooden house and got in himself, saying that my clothes were raincoats. In this way, the two teenagers did not come out to get wet in the rain.

It was raining heavily outside and people could not stay there. The wooden house was small and not enough for three people to sleep. The three of them started talking. When the heavy rain stopped, Zhang Pa had figured out the origins of the two.

There are three sects of cultivation on this star, and the mountain gates are all on the continent where Zhang Pa lives. The three sects open their sects and accept disciples every five years. The two teenagers didn't know where they heard the news that the immortals were accepting disciples, so they ran away from home secretly, boarded a ship in Shanghai, and played a cross-ocean apprenticeship. As a result, they didn't play well. They encountered a tsunami. The two brothers were brave enough to remove the boat planks, tie themselves to it, and then life and death depended on heaven.

This is how the whole thing happened. Zhang Pa persuaded them, "Go home, your parents will worry." The two boys refused to do it. They had worked so hard and almost died. They had to try it anyway. It would not be too late to go home if they failed.

Zhang Pa saw that he could not persuade them, so he stopped persuading them. But the two boys persuaded him. One said, "Brother, you are not old. Why don't you go with us to become disciples? As long as you pass the exam, you can become a disciple of the gods."

Zhang Pa smiled and shook his head and said, "You go." But the two boys were very persistent, and they were also persistent when persuading others, and said a few more words. Zhang Pa knew that they were kind-hearted, so he smiled and said nothing.

Soon it was dawn, and the two boys asked Zhang Pa to leave his name and hometown, saying that they would come to thank him in the future.

Zhang Pa liked the two children very much from the moment he saw them. They were so sensible that he was even happier to hear this. He smiled and replied, "You go and become my disciples first. If we are destined, we can meet again in the future."

The two young men knew that Zhang Pa was a man of high moral character, so they thanked him several times and followed the route Zhang Pa told them to go north.

Seeing them go far away, Zhang Pa looked at the wooden house and thought there was no need to ask for it. He put away his robe and went to the two girls' residence. As soon as they met, Taohua asked, "Are you leaving now?"

Zhang Pa smiled at her small bag and asked, "No storage bag?" The two girls didn't have any, so Zhang Pa gave one to each of them. The two girls put away their bedding and other things, leaving two empty wooden houses with lingering fragrance.

From then on, the three of them set off.

According to Taohua's request, Zhang Pa tried his best to make two large cloaks with hats as beautiful as possible, covering his body tightly, even covering his eyes with gauze. There was no other reason, just because his eyes were too beautiful and could not be seen by others.

Although Taohua was very dissatisfied, she listened to Zhang Pa for once, put on her shoes, and followed Zhang Pa out.

Zhang Pa was very satisfied with his work, thinking: It should have been like this long ago.

There were many stones on the coast. Zhang Pa protected the two girls and walked slowly out. After three kilometers, there was a beach. After another three kilometers, there was a small forest. Further ahead, there was a small village. Through the village was a small road. The small road became wider and wider, and finally merged into the official road. According to the pace of ordinary people, after walking for three or four hours, you will see a small county town.

Zhang Pa led the two girls away, and his spiritual sense easily found the two teenagers walking in front. He did not want to surpass them. When he walked to the village, he spent a lot of money to buy a donkey cart, bought some wood, and nailed a carriage for the two girls to sit in, and he led the donkey. In this way, he was even slower than the two teenagers.

Soon it was night, because they walked slowly, they could not reach the county town, so they decided to rest on the side of the road. The two teenagers in front also chose to sleep directly in the wilderness. Zhang Pa looked at them and sighed secretly. He had been keeping an eye on the two of them along the way and knew that they had not eaten anything and only drank a bellyful of well water.

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