The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1034 Xiguan

Chapter 1034 Xiguan

Unexpectedly, when he was about to leave, something happened that made him uneasy. The girls said that it was boring to stay in the back mountain all the time, and the mountain was full of men, which was very inconvenient. They planned to establish their own sect and make the Snow Mountain Sect popular again. Recruit female disciples. And successfully encouraged Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier to become lobbyists.

They delayed the matter until the last moment because they wanted to stay for a few more days. Zhang was afraid that knowing this, he would naturally not reject the two women's request and re-select three peaks in addition to the eighteen main peaks of the Tianlei Mountain Range. A divine array was set up on the topography, connected to the main peak divine array, and several divine array talismans were made, and passed to Song Yunyi together with the control spells before the mission was completed.

As a result, the Snow Mountain Sect reopened, and a group of women were busy tidying up their own place. Because the number of people was small, they temporarily lived together, leaving the other two peaks empty.

The girls were very capable of twisting and taking away the female disciples that Zhang was afraid of accepting, as well as Lu Wan, as well as piglets and kittens. They named them two sacred beasts that commanded the mountains and took them away by force.

Zhang was afraid that they would be left to their own devices, so he carefully told Zhang Tianfang, Ruiyuan, Bai Zhan and others to take good care of the girls.

As for the conflict between Qi State Tianleitang, Longhu Mountain, and Hongguang Inn, Zhang Ain told Ruiyuan that if he couldn't balance it out, or it was unnecessary to balance it, he would give up Qi State's territory and move Tianleitang back to Tianlei Mountain. , when everyone becomes one, they will be stronger. Ruiyuan replied that he would seriously consider it.

At this point, Zhang was afraid that after staying in Tianlei Mountain for more than a month, the girls had no excuse to let him stay for a few more days, so he went on his way alone.

Looking at the people crowded in the back mountain to see him off, Zhang Aif didn't say anything. He bowed slightly to everyone, and the white shadow floated away, leaving the three realms and going to the infinite starry sky.

How big is the starry sky? This is a question that never has a definite answer. Zhang is afraid of flying out of the Three Realms and flying towards the southwest starry sky.

The location he was in was the Divine Palace Star Territory. There were many stars in this place. To a certain extent, Zhang was afraid that it was equivalent to the stage of escaping. For safety reasons, he naturally had to stay away from busy areas.

Flying southwest from his position is actually flying to the south of the entire starry sky. There is no dense star cluster there, but there are slightly more star clusters than the lonely star cluster in the far west, which is most suitable for escaping and hiding oneself.

Unexpectedly, just after flying out of the palace star field, a person suddenly appeared next to him. He was similar in height to Zhang Wei, but one-third thinner. He was wearing a loose golden robe. He was an acquaintance.

When Zhang Wen saw him, he thought to himself: Am I so unlucky? He stopped, hugged his fists towards the visitor and said, "I've seen the God of War."

The God of War squinted his eyes and stared at Zhang Awei, his consciousness scanning over without scruples, his face calm and silent.

Zhang was afraid and stood there to show him, but he was thinking wildly: This guy must have bad intentions. He wanted to kill himself to steal the power of the monkey, but was stopped by the three Buddhas. Now that the monkey's power is completely integrated, he can't get this power even if he kills himself. It seems that he is venting his anger on himself.

Judging from the current situation, Zhang is unwilling to conflict with the God of War, because he still doesn't know how powerful he is and whether he can beat the God of War.

Although there are many experts in the God Realm, not everyone is qualified to be called a god, especially the gods under the three giants. If they are the ruling class of the entire starry sky, their strength is not a problem. According to the past, the monkeys and Judging from the situation where the God of War and Sheng Buddha were tied, Zhang was afraid that even with the power of the monkey, he might not be a match for the God of War, so he did not dare to start the battle lightly.

The God of War stared at him for a long time and asked, "Did that golden skeleton save your life?" When the Divine Power Buddha gave it to Zhang Ping's Golden Light Arhat, the God of War was also present, so he knew about it.

Zhang Ai was stunned when he heard this. Did this guy want to kill someone? He replied: "No."

The God of War nodded slightly, paused for a long time and said, "Where are you going?"

Zhang Ain did not answer the question, but asked: "I wonder what the God of War does?" The God of War chuckled when he heard this, and asked again: "New to the God Realm?" Zhang Ain said yes. The God of War asked again: "Where are you going? Where is your station?" Zhang Ain replied: "Not here." The God of War smiled disdainfully and said: "Of course not here. If you are stationed here, what should I do?"

Zhang Ai did not answer the call. The God of War looked at him and shook his head gently, with a hint of coldness in his eyes and said: "We have just come to the God Realm. You and I can be considered acquaintances. I will take you to an interesting place." Zhang looked over in fear of doubt and asked: "What? Is the place interesting?”

The God of War shook his head and smiled: "Do you feel bored when you come to the God Realm? Sitting alone all day in a daze? Are you not in the mood to practice, and don't know how to practice?"

Zhang was afraid to be even more confused. As the old saying goes, being courteous for nothing is a traitor or a thief. He had offended the God of War. Why would he still be so kind to him? There must be something weird in it. So he just looked at the God of War without saying anything.

The God of War knew that this boy was guessing what he wanted to do, and did not explain. In the face of absolute strength, fists were the best explanation, so he grabbed Zhang Awei and led him to jump and dodge in the starry sky until he came to a fiery red star. In front of the fiery red star cave, there were dozens of patrols patrolling back and forth outside the star cave. There were three stars not far away. With Zhang Weijing's cultivation level, he could clearly feel that there were countless people on the star. Judging from the energy, murderous intention, and the gathering state of the population above, it looked like a military camp. I feel a little strange, what does the God Realm want the military camp for? Are the gods at war with each other?

Just as he was thinking about it, the God of War had stopped outside the Fire Red Star Cave. The two of them stopped, and two patrol teams immediately came around. When they found out that it was the God of War, the two teams saluted respectfully, and then continued patrolling.

The God of War smiled and said, "It's very interesting in there." But this smile was a little weird, with some different meanings. From Zhang Weifang's point of view, it was even a little evil, so he looked straight at the Fiery Star Cave.

It is called a star hole because first of all it is a huge star. It is very big. The star hole appears in the middle of the star. It is also very big. From a distance, the star seems to be a ring. Same. Zhang Ping wanted to go to the side to see if there was a big hole.

The God of War saw him looking around and said: "All the stars in the entire starry sky are rotating, except this one, because this star is connected to another place. Well, strictly speaking, it is actually this star that divides the entire starry sky into Two parts, walking through this star, you will see another side of the starry sky. "

"Ah?" The place he has come to is only half of the starry sky? Is there another half sealed by a star? Why? What's on the other side of the stars? Zhang Ain looked at the God of War, waiting for him to continue explaining.

The God of War brought Zhang Awei here and seemed very happy. He talked more to explain Zhang Awei's doubts. He pointed at the flaming star cave and said, "This place is called Xiguan. Do you know what pass means?"

Of course Zhang Ping knew that and asked: "Is the starry sky on the other side the enemy?"

The God of War smiled and said: "How smart." He continued: "Before the birth of Emperor Xi, this starry sky was originally a place where we and them lived." Speaking of them, he raised his finger and pointed at the flaming star hole.

Zhang was afraid that he was talking about the people living in the half of the starry sky on the other side of the stars, so he asked, "Who are they?"

"They are also human beings. According to your understanding, they are also gods. However, they are different from us. They are a fighting race. They live for fighting and die for fighting. They are born with the ability to kill and are fighting geniuses. We are not. You need to study hard to catch up with them slowly, so many years before Emperor Xi was born, they were the masters of this starry sky, we called them soldiers, and their king was called the Emperor of Soldiers." At this point. , suddenly smiled and asked Zhang Ping: "Did you know that there is a guy in the palace who calls himself the King of Soldiers? Alas." This sigh was full of disdain, looking down on the King of Soldiers.

Zhang Wen did not reply, so the God of War continued: "At that time, we, the Xi tribe, and many other races were enslaved by soldiers. There was no Three Realms at that time. You are not even a bubble at that time. Not on."

Zhang was afraid that if he continued to remain silent, he had already guessed the God of War's intention. This guy wanted to throw himself into the star cave to fight with the soldiers in the starry sky on the other side!

The God of War didn't care what he thought and continued: "The reason why Emperor Xi became Emperor Xi, and the reason why a group of us are willing to protect the palace, the Xi clan, and a group of big snakes is because Emperor Xi saved us with one person's power. We thank him for respecting him, so we can admit that the snake people are a clan of the gods, and tolerate the special status of the palace. After Emperor Xi left, the powerful emperor and god never thought of taking his place and unifying the entire planet. boundary."

Zhang Ai was shocked when he heard this. This is a great man. Whether he is here or not, there are legends about him everywhere.

The God of War continued: "Although I despise the current Xi clan, as long as I live and as long as the three giants are still there, I will never tolerate others making things difficult for the Xi clan. It's a pity that they themselves are not up to par and are fighting among themselves, haha, Let me tell you something. Hundreds of years ago, the shrine was in chaos. People died, injured, and disappeared. In the end, there were only thirty-five people left in the entire Xi clan, but more than a hundred people were missing. Those more than a hundred people were missing. It's a pity that we are living in the Heavenly Emperor's Star Territory at this time, because the Heavenly Emperor only supports them and will not let them out, nor will they continue to fight for power and gain. "

Listening to the God of War talking incessantly, Zhang Ping really wanted to ask: "Why are you telling me all this?" But in the end, he didn't ask. We are all smart people, and there is no need to say everything clearly.

The God of War continued: "I have only admired one person in my life, but he is not a complete person. Do you think it's funny? Alas, there are many gods who are hostile to the Xi tribe nowadays. It's not that these people have other ideas. The reason Just one person, who can't stand a half-human, half-snake guy sitting on their head, will naturally feel resentful. It's a pity that they have lived in peace for so long that they have forgotten how cruel the soldiers are. "

At this point, we finally got to the point. The God of War looked at the Fire Star Cave and said to Zhang Awei: "It's very fun here. I hope you can come out after going in."

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