The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1022 God Lord

Chapter 1022 God Lord

Lehe was stunned for a while and then said to Fourteenth: "How can you admit defeat?" Fourteenth smiled and did not answer. He sat upright on the ice with his head slightly lowered. The three elders in the pavilion were standing, looking down from above. , didn't see the trace of disdain on his face.

Dage Lao looked at Fourteen's loose black hair and whispered: "How can you admit defeat? No one in Hongge has said these two words." The voice was low and disappointed.

Fourteen still didn't speak. In his eyes, even the most famous elder in the divine world didn't seem to be very important.

Le Shen came here in excitement, thinking that with the reputation he had earned over the years, he would always be able to fight against Shi Shi. However, he did not expect that Shi Shi would admit defeat. He was suddenly very angry. The goal he had been chasing crazily for countless years was this virtue. ? He wanted to beat Fourteen, but Fourteen's defenseless posture prevented him from doing so. He was the abyss of gods and had his own dignity, so he said coldly: "Stand up and fight me."

Fourteen lazily replied: "Why don't I admit defeat?"

His laziness made Le Shen helpless. No matter what, he couldn't sneak attack Fourteen. The proud Le Shen snorted: "Trash."

However, Fourteen remained silent as if he had not heard such vicious words.

Hearing these two words, Dage Laoer felt shocked and sad at the same time. What was shocking was that the first genius had no reaction when he was scolded in front of his face. He was also sad because Fourteen had no reaction, so he thought for a while and said: "That year you went to the lower world. Things……"

Before he finished speaking, Shi Shi raised his head and gave him a cold look. Mr. Dage felt the coldness and was unable to continue speaking.

Fourteen lowered his head again and said softly: "This is the far west, too far away from the shrine. Please go back to the Grand Pavilion earlier. If something happens to the Red Pavilion or the shrine while you are away, Who will handle it?"

The elder of the Grand Pavilion knew that Fourteenth was right. After thinking about it calmly, the Fourteenth would definitely not go back to the Red Pavilion with him, so he said in a cold voice: "You can take care of yourself." He ordered: "Let's go."

Jinyixiwei claimed yes, but Leshen said: "I want to stay here."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Weizhi became anxious under the ice. What should I do if you stay here? Do you want to hide under the ice for the rest of your life?

Dage Lao looked at Leshen, and he was a little worried. He was not worried that Leshen would mess up, but he was worried that Leshen would mess up and anger Shi Shi, thus costing his life. So he said, "No."

Le Shen wanted to say more, but Fourteen laughed at himself: "Do you like staying with trash?"

When Le Shen saw that Shi Shi considered himself useless, his face turned pale and red, and he said in a hateful voice: "Just wait, I will come again." After saying this, the figure disappeared. The boss of the Grand Pavilion glanced at Fourteen, shook his head slightly, and flew away with the golden-clad Xiwei.

The three of them left for a while, and Fourteen whispered: "Come out, how long do you want to stay under the ice?"

Zhang feared and broke through the ice. He saw Fourteen shaking the wine bottle in front of him. After shaking it for a while, he poured out a glass of wine, drank it in one gulp, and sighed: "It's still not spicy enough."

Zhang Xingxin said: "Nonsense, you are a god, no matter how spicy something is for you to eat, it will be tasteless." He walked to sit across from Fourteenth, also took out a wine bottle and shook it for a while, then asked: "You The first genius?"

Fourteen smiled: "You're lying, there's no such thing as a genius. Remember, there's never been such a thing as a genius in this world, at least you can't come across it."

Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand. How could there be no genius? Isn't it a genius to have the best qualities among others and dominate the world?

Fourteen smiled and said, "Have you always met so-called geniuses when you were in the mortal world?" Zhang Ain nodded and said yes. Fourteen asked: "How is that genius doing now? Don't say compare with the gods of the divine world, just compare with the other two realms of your three realms, how about it?"

Zhang Ping argued: "Even a genius needs time to grow. How can someone be an outstanding leader right from birth?"

Fourteen shook his head and said: "Yes, some people are brilliant as soon as they are born, and they are leaders and invincible. But even such a powerful person is said to be not a genius, but just lucky. What else can I do? Dare you call yourself a genius?"

Zhang Ain didn't want to believe it at first, but he remembered the power of the monkeys he encountered in the Three Realms of Jiangnan. He had grown up in battles all his life, and the more he fought, the more powerful he was. What is he not a genius?

When the topic of geniuses came up, Fourteenth became interested and added one more thing: "The people you mentioned who are knowledgeable and stand out can only be regarded as talents or elites. Compared with these people, I can barely be considered the best among them." By."

"You are really humble, but with your humility, countless geniuses in the world will be immediately belittled." The two of them drank and talked, and Zhang Dare dared to tease the cold Iceman.

Fourteen said disdainfully: "Geniuses are rare, so cats and dogs can't all be geniuses." Having said this, he looked at Zhang Awei with a half-smile and asked, "You are not what people call a genius, are you?"

Zhang Awei quickly shook his head: "No, I know myself, and I am definitely not a genius." Fourteen smiled and said: "Why don't you dare to admit it? From the mortal body to the divine realm, this is not a genius?" Zhang Awei denied: "No. "Fourteen joked: "Even if you are a genius, you can't do anything. At most, I will arrange a fight between you and Le Shen. That guy likes to fight geniuses the most."

This must be denied, otherwise it is very likely that he will fight with the God of Music, who is known as the abyss of the gods. Zhang Ai shook his head firmly and said: "No, he is definitely not a genius."

At this moment, Shi Shi seemed to be in a good mood, with a slight smile on his face. He was joking with Zhang Awei while shaking the bottle, and the two had a friendly exchange. Speaking of the latter, Fourteen asked: "What do you want to do?"

Zhang is afraid that he doesn’t understand, what should he do? Do the words of men of God always appear incomprehensible? He looked over with questioning eyes. Fourteen said: "The Fushen Snake, even if they are adults, they are not very powerful. If they can't cultivate into human form, no matter how powerful they are, it will be in vain." This is as euphemistic as possible. With Fourteen's strength, even the Fushen Snake who has cultivated human form will be in vain. , he didn’t even notice it, such as Mr. Dage.

Zhang Weijing replied honestly: "I don't know." He is a typical contradictory person. He wants the snake to become more powerful, but he also doesn't want the snake to suffer. How can there be such a good thing in the world? Even though he himself has been blessed with good luck throughout his life, how many people have he been chasing? After growing up in the midst of killing countless times, I got the chance to become who I am now.

Even now, there are countless terrifying masters from the God Realm trying to figure him out.

Fourteen said softly: "There is nothing I don't know. If you want something, give it up first. If you don't pay, there will be no reward. Do you want to support them for a lifetime? I can guarantee that if you really think so, as long as Emperor Xi comes back, the first The one I want to kill is you."

Zhang was afraid of being depressed, so he whispered: "What's the point? I take care of his people, and he wants to kill me?"

Fourteen said: "The Xi clan is known as the first clan in the God Realm. They value natural selection. They have to compete from birth. Only those who survive are qualified to become Xi clan members. You have deprived them of the right to compete."

Unreasonable! There is no normal person in the God Realm. He is full of weird ideas and yet treats them as the truth, Zhang Wei slandered.

Fourteen seemed to know what he was thinking, and explained: "The competition among the people of the Xi tribe is the most severe. They have to compete when they are born, and when they are older, they have to train hard and be selected. After the selection, they have to be sent out to fight. After repeated screening, those who can Those who survive are definitely the elites of the clan. Otherwise, if they have dozens or even hundreds of eggs in one birth, the entire God Realm will not be enough for them to live in for hundreds of millions of years."

Words are the most interesting thing, you can say them casually, no matter what the angle is, no matter how you say it, it makes sense. Fourteen has fourteen's truth, and Zhang Wear has Zhang Wear's reason, so for what Fourteen said, Zhang Wear just takes it lightly. Lower your head to show that you heard.

Fourteen also knew that this guy was stubborn, so he didn't say anything more, swayed the wine around, smelled it, and then took a sip.

Ordinarily, if you get rid of the golden-clad Xiwei, no one will come here to track down the thieves who dug up the tombs of your ancestors; if you get rid of the Grand Pavilion Elder and Le Shen, there won't be any gods to come here to take advantage of good things. But there are three giants above the gods, and among them there is a madman who always does things unexpectedly, so today, he came unexpectedly.

The names of the Big Three were definitely not blown out. He suddenly stood up for Zhang Ai and Shi Shi. Zhang Ai didn't notice and didn't say anything. Even Shi Shi only knew that the Lord of God was coming when he saw this person.

Fourteen was arrogant at heart. Even though the Lord of God came in person, Fourteen still sat motionless. He only raised his head and said: "Sit down."

The God Lord actually sat opposite him, stretched out his hand to Zhang Awei and said, "Bring it here."

Zhang Weijing was startled. This scary guy suddenly arrived. Even Shi Shi was not aware of it. He stretched out his hand to him. Maybe he wanted to subjugate the divine snake. His expression changed sharply at that time, and he hesitated whether to fight or not.

The Lord God is tall, sitting on the ground, a head taller than Fourteen. He is wearing gray linen clothes, which looks sloppier than the gray sloppy clothes Zhang Wen once owned. The skin is golden, and although he is wearing linen, the whole person is shining like the sun, making the golden skin look even brighter.

He was still holding out his hand. Seeing Zhang Awei's hesitation, he frowned and said, "Why are you so stingy? You won't even give me a glass of wine?" Zhang Awei said and felt relieved. It turned out that he just wanted wine! This guy didn't explain clearly and was almost scared to death, so he quickly took out the spiritual wine and sent it over.

The Lord God took the wine without looking at it. He tilted his head and poured it into his mouth. He drank for a while before speaking: "It's pretty good."

Zhang was afraid that he didn't know the Lord of God, but Fourteen did. At this time, he asked in a low voice: "What are you doing here, sir?"

The Lord of God clicked his lips, without the demeanor of a master at all, and said casually: "Let's see you."

Fourteen knew that he had no contact with the Lord of God, and he would definitely not come to see him as simply as pouring wine from a jade cup, then looking at the wine in the cup in a daze, and after looking at it for a long time, he asked in a low voice: "What do you want to see? "

The Lord God replied: "I came to see you, what do you think I can see? Fighting, there are rumors that you are the best genius in the world. By the time I heard the news, you had been locked up by the fat man. I went to ask the fat man, Can I let you come out in advance? Fatty ignored me at all. If he hadn't found his true identity, I really wanted to beat him up. Fortunately, you came out in advance. "

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