The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1,014 Lonely Alone

Chapter 1014: Alone Alone

"What tone? I came here to see you out of kindness, and you're talking to me like this?" Thirteenth Lang said dissatisfied.

Zhang Wen ignored his criticism and continued to ask: "Don't tell me that you came all the way just to see me?"

Thirteenth Lang nodded and said: "Of course, I am a good person and I can't bear to see you alone."

"Are you a good person? If you are a good person, why didn't you teach me the Star Escape Technique earlier? Why did you let me fly for more than three months before you told me?" Thinking of those months of flying around, Zhang Fei became angry.

Thirteenth Lang smiled and said: "You can blame me for other things, but this matter has nothing to do with me. Even if I want to teach you the Star Escape Technique, you don't have the ability. Last time, Master Jushen borrowed it from me, and clicked Whether I am thanking you or blaming you, what you should ask is Master Jushen."

Thirteenth Lang found a high-sounding reason, but Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to pursue it, so he asked again: "Why are you here?" Thirteenth Lang put on a well-intentioned and misunderstood expression and said: "I really came to see you. "

"That's weird!" Zhang Aif added two words to express his extreme disbelief.

"Well, Dage always asked me to come and see how the Snake is doing. Although Master Punishen has good intentions, you have to be more careful in everything, right? Originally, I just wanted to observe from a distance in the starry sky. "I know that Fushen Snake is fine and I can go back to do business, but I thought that we would get to know each other. You are not a bad person. It is extremely lonely here. I am afraid that you will be lonely, so I came down for a walk to keep you company." Saburo said casually, looking around while talking.

Ganqing really came to see him. Zhang was a little embarrassed and whispered: "Thank you."

Thirteenth Lang waved his hand and said: "Fake! What are you thanking for?" He added: "Generally speaking, when someone from the lower world ascends to the God Realm, there will usually be someone to guide them, so they will know more about things in the God Realm. For example, in the God Realm, There are countless stars. When one's own strength reaches a certain level, one will be assigned a star to serve as a divine residence. After most people are assigned a star, they will transform it and set it up according to their own imagination from the inside out. What kind of building of mountains and seas? Do it casually; even if some people are afraid of trouble and are too lazy to bother, they will set up some forbidden divine formations outside the stars to protect their own safety. For example, the star I went to last time has a limit. Within the limits, the cultivation level of outsiders will be reduced and the formation will be increased. With one's cultivation level, the one who sets up the formation can compete with masters who are much more powerful than themselves. Limitation is one of the most useful protective formations in the God Realm. Many people have them. Do you want to get one?"

Of course Zhang Wen wanted to do it. With such a good divine formation protecting him, he could sleep peacefully. But before he could say anything, Thirteenth Lang shook his head: "No, Master Jushen has an ulterior motive for placing you here, so you can't act haphazardly."

Zhang was a little depressed and asked: "What does it mean not to mess around? The old guy sent me to a place where I don't even have a hair, and I build a magic circle and it counts as messing around?" Thirteenth Lang asked with a smile: "You Say what?"

Zhang Ai's eyes widened and he wanted to refute, but he was too embarrassed to talk nonsense. After thinking about it for a moment, he replied dejectedly: "Okay, you're right."

Thirteenth Lang said that Pan Shen was good to Zhang Ai, and Zhang Ai had no objection because he knew that Pan Shen was really good for him.

The sky is full of gods, excluding a lot of newcomers like him who have just entered the divine world and are not as strong as Thirteenth Lang. Only those guys who are as powerful as the God of War, every one of them is hostile to the Shen Fu Snake. Perhaps for some reason, the God-Fighting Snake cannot be killed openly, but what about a sneak attack or an assassination? It will always make you hard to guard against.

Even if you don't kill him, just think of a way to embarrass yourself so that the Snake cannot choose. Those who have not been selected will never become the next Xi Emperor. No matter how many they are, it will be in vain.

Punishing God knew about the existence of the God-Destroying Snake, but he did not embarrass Zhang Awei. He was one of the few gods who was not hostile to the God-Conquering Snake. But it's just that there is no hostility. If the gods secretly cause trouble for the Fushen Snake, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot go against the gods. After all, he is a god, not the Xihuang clan. What's more, there are still the King of Soldiers and others in the palace who are eager to kill the evil snake. These are all potential dangers.

Punishment is one of the three giants and knows this situation well, so he sent Zhang Ai to the west. This place is so desolate that only desolation remains. Not to mention the gods, even the ghosts are not willing to stay here. From then on From this point of view, Punishing God is equivalent to protecting Zhang Ai and Fushen Snake in disguise.

Zhang was afraid but not stupid, he could tell these things when he thought about it, so even though he complained in his mouth that Judgment sent him away, he was grateful in his heart.

Thirteenth Lang said that not setting up a magic circle was also for Zhang's safety. Since there is nothing on this black planet, there is no need to set up a barrier to attract attention. What if some great god comes here out of boredom to see the scenery and suddenly realizes, ah, there are people living on the ownerless planet? When I walked in, I found the God-Suppressing Snake. I don’t know what will happen next.

Zhang was afraid of understanding this truth, so he said with dejection that Thirteenth Lang was right. After all, it is easy to hide a person, but it is extremely difficult to hide a planet with a forbidden magic circle.

Thirteenth Lang was very satisfied with Zhang Wei's performance. He was not afraid of helping others; he was not afraid that if he helped others, people would not know and did not appreciate it; he was just afraid that if he helped others, but they did not appreciate it and did not say anything, but would complain and blame endlessly, that would be unlucky. Asking for trouble.

No matter how generous the judge is, he still doesn't want to be this unlucky guy.

Thirteenth Lang said: "Master Punishing takes good care of you, so just stay here and I'm leaving."

"Don't leave!" Zhang Ao shouted quickly, joking, he came to the God Realm in a daze and didn't understand anything. What am I doing here? How long will it take? What will happen next? Always find someone to ask clearly.

Thirteenth Lang asked: "What are you doing? Invite me to dinner?" This guy went to the human world and the changes were so great.

Zhang said angrily: "Okay, I'll treat you to dinner." As he spoke, he sat on the floor and took out food and wine from his storage bag.

"Just sit here? Don't go into the house?" Thirteenth Lang said as he looked at the tent house.

Zhang was afraid and said: "Let's make do, there are snakes in the house." When he came out to see Thirteenth Lang, the snakes wanted to follow him, but he forced them to stay in the house.

"Snake? Can you let me see it? I have never seen more than a hundred snakes in my life. It must be very spectacular." Thirteenth Lang was moved.

Zhang was afraid of not giving him a chance, so he said: "Have a drink and tell me what is going on in the God Realm."

Thirteenth Lang sat across from him, grabbed a piece of dried meat and said, "Didn't I say that before?"

Zhang was afraid and didn't reply, looking at him calmly. Thirteenth Lang swallowed the dried meat and said: "Okay, let me say it again, remember it. Don't be like an idiot and forget it after you say it."

Zhang said angrily: "You are an idiot. When did you tell me?"

Not long ago, Zhang Wen was respectful and powerful to the monks in the transformation stage, not to mention the gods who were above him. He simply worshiped them. But now I know many gods and people, and after getting in touch with them, I found that a bunch of gods have no right tone. Fat Nongda eats whenever he gets the chance. Thirteenth Lang started to become a talkative. The Seven Beauties are not so vulgar, but from the beginning The tail is like ice. The farmer king is a sick man, the soldier king is fighting for power, and the old man in the pavilion is desperate to restore the prestige of the Xi clan... This is the various expressions of the gods. It is very funny to say that these people are the gods above? The gods in the story are all majestic, huge, unsmiling, irresistible, and possess supreme dignity, which is completely different from them.

This shows that the rumors are not credible.

Seeing that Zhang was afraid of getting angry, even though he knew that he was not really angry, Thirteenth Lang still smiled and replied: "If I didn't say it, I didn't say it. It's not too late to say it now." "What is not too late? If I didn't drag you, you would have Run away." Zhang Fang said angrily.

So, Thirteenth Lang briefly talked to Zhang Ain about the God Realm. At this time, the God Realm is basically divided into three forces, one is the Divine Palace, the other is the Emperor of Heaven, and the other is all the other star realms.

The Divine Palace is the sphere of influence of the Xi clan, and it is not easy to deal with the gods; the Emperor of Heaven circles a star field opposite the Divine Palace, which is equivalent to establishing himself as the king. As for Punishing God and God Lord, although they are among the three giants, they don't care much about power. Punishing God adheres to Emperor Xi's instructions and manages the starry sky seriously, even taking care of matters in the palace. Except for the star domain under the jurisdiction of the Emperor of Heaven.

As for the God Lord, in the terms of the human world, he is a lunatic. He has only one belief in his life. The strong is respected and the strong is the master. His goal is Emperor Xi. When he does not reach the level of Emperor Xi, he will attack everything. Don't care.

In order to achieve this goal, I have traveled to countless stars in the starry sky, including stars in the divine world and stars in the lower world. I have learned countless kinds of exercises, and even studied Buddhism carefully. The God Lord is extremely talented and works extremely hard. After many years of hard work, he finally achieved extraordinary cultivation and became one of the three giants in the God Realm.

The Lord of God has an eccentric personality. Most of the time he behaves harmlessly to humans and animals. When he is tolerant, it will be okay if you pee on him. If he is unhappy when you meet him, dying happily will be a blessing. He is extremely arrogant and has no one in his eyes except Emperor Xi, so after Emperor Xi left, he called himself God Lord, which means, from now on, I am your master.

For a person to dare to take this name and live well all this time shows that he has extraordinary abilities.

It is precisely because of the existence of a tyrannical and crazy God Lord who suppresses the gods that no one dares to take the lead, that the entire starry sky becomes a weird third-party force. This force is the strongest, has the widest star territory, but is also the most chaotic.

There are five dense star clusters in the starry sky, one of which is occupied by the Divine Palace and the Emperor of Heaven, and the remaining three are within the sphere of influence of the third party. But the starry sky is vast, how can it be simply distinguished by five star clusters? In order to facilitate the recognition and management of directions, the gods divided the starry sky into eighty-eight star groups, divided into four directions: A, B, C and D. For example, Zhang Ai is located in the westernmost part of the starry sky and is called the La Liga asterism. The shrine is part of the northeastern C star group.

However, because this kind of name is too ugly, except for occasionally using it when identifying the direction, other times it is mostly called directly by the name of the largest star group in the star area, such as the Shengong star group, the Celestial Emperor star group, etc. There is no big star cluster in the place where Zhang is afraid, so it has always been called the La Liga star cluster.

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