The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1007 Looking for Bodyguards

Chapter 1007: Looking for bodyguards

Most of them had been trained by Zhan Yun, and some of their outstanding disciples had passed down their magic skills, and they had a very good relationship with each other. However, Zhan Yun came down the mountain without telling these people. They were a little confused and didn't know what happened. They didn't know why Zhan Yun came down. I don't know when he will come back.

Zhang was afraid of feeling guilty, and was thinking of explaining a few words when Zhan Yun's voice came from the wind: "Zhan lives to the west of Tianlei Mountain. If anyone wants to learn spells, as long as they are not afraid of Zhan being annoying, feel free to come."

Zhan Yun made it clear that there was no need for Zhang to say anything. He smiled at the disciples and went to the back mountain.

Yesterday, I drank with all the disciples during the day, and also drank with a bunch of people at night. I didn't have the chance to get along with Song Yunyi Cheng Xi'er alone. If I want to go to the God Realm, I have to give them an explanation.

Not long after I arrived in front of Song Yunyi's courtyard, the courtyard was empty and there was no one. Zhang Ping knew that Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier were sitting in the room. Without stopping, he walked directly into the door. After entering the house, he said directly: "There are still six days left, and I will go to the God Realm."

The two girls had already guessed the outcome. Although the separation was uncomfortable, they thought wholeheartedly about Zhang Afraid and did not want to show their sadness and make him feel worse. Cheng Xier forced a smile and said: "There are still six days..." What happened later I have something to say, but I find it difficult to open my mouth and can't speak.

Zhang Ping knew that Xi'er was talking about six days to get along with her, so he sighed: "There are not six days, there are still some things that need to be resolved."

"Is there anything else?" Cheng Xi'er looked up at him, with some sadness, pity and helplessness in her eyes.

These two women had never wanted to be cultivators, including the thirty-four girls who were with them. It was Zhang Wen who advocated for them, cut their marrow, and led them to the path of cultivation.

Song Yunyi only wanted to accompany Zhang Ain for the rest of his life, while Cheng Xier only wanted to make Zhang Ain happy for the rest of his life as a way to repay his kindness. Of course, these two women hope to spend more time with Zhang Afraid.

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "It's not a big deal. There's still time to do it tomorrow. The three of us will talk for a while today."

He wanted to talk, but the two girls didn't think so. Cheng Xi'er went to close the door and window. Song Yunyi came to him, hugged him gently, and said softly: "Let's spend the day together."

Zhang Ain understood immediately, shook his head and said softly: "It doesn't have to be like this. After I go to the God Realm, if I have a chance, I will take you with me."

Cheng Xi'er came over and said, "That's for the future, we only need it now." As he spoke, he raised his beautiful hands and untied his clothes.

Zhang was afraid of knowing the two women's intentions and couldn't bear to refuse, but he couldn't bear to take away the two women's virginity at this time. He sighed softly and pulled Cheng Xier over and said, "Believe me, I will definitely come back to take you away."

The two girls didn't care about these words at all. They were women and they thought simply. They hoped that Zhang Wen would always be with them, so they could see the mountains and rivers together, travel around the world together, and be happy together, so that their lives would be worthwhile. But Zhang Ai has a lot of things to do, and a bunch of girls are causing trouble. The three of them have been in love for hundreds of years, but they rarely have the opportunity to be alone together to talk in detail, so at this moment, the two girls did not speak, and just hugged Zhang Ai. , gently and softly by your side, closing your eyes to experience this warmth and love.

The second daughter wanted to give her best to Zhang Ai, but Zhang Ai took care of the two women as if they were sweethearts and couldn't bear to hurt them. The three of them sat in a row, and the two women buried their heads on Zhang Wen's shoulders, occasionally whispering small words.

Song Yunyi would talk about what it was like when she got married to Zhang Wen. The princess of the Song Dynasty was getting married. Counting the bride and groom, there were only four people sitting at the table. It sounded a bit pitiful, but Song Yunyi looked very satisfied and happy.

Cheng Xier said that she was robbed, and when she met Zhang Ai, he killed the monster thief for her and helped eliminate danger in the family. She said with a smile: "I thought there would be a hero to save me, but I knew he was a white-faced boy. "

The three of them sat like this, talking like this, until the moon was high, and then until the sun rose, their postures remained unchanged. But the more I sat there, the more I found that there was endless things to say. The more you said to each other, the happier you became. Thinking of the past life, even if you were being chased and running away, it was all unforgettable memories.

When the light shone into the room through the window screen, Song Yunyi hugged Zhang Wenying hard, and said softly, face to face: "Go and do your work." After that, he stood up. Cheng Xier also hugged her and stood up. Although she still had unfinished feelings, the two girls did not want to delay Zhang Ao's affairs.

This is the most peculiar couple in the world. They love each other but have little time to communicate.

Zhang Ai stood up and said, "I still need your help with something." He went out to find Hai Ling.

After solving Zhan Yun's problem, there are also pigs and kittens that are unstable factors on the mountain. Zhang is afraid that Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er will have to control them. If the two guys don't listen to the advice, he will let Hai Ling take care of them, so he wants to The three of them called together and gave instructions.

When he saw Hai Ling, he was in a daze in the room, sitting on the big bed with his calves hanging in the air, holding the edge of the bed with his hands and staring blankly at the opposite wall. Zhang Wen entered the door and saw that he was alone, so he asked casually: "Where are Fu'er and the others?"

Hai Ling replied: "Grandpa asked him to leave." Then he asked: "Brother, are you leaving?"

Hearing this, Zhang Weijing blushed a little. He had said that he would take care of Hai Ling, but just a few years after taking him out, he was about to go to the God Realm, leaving Hai Ling alone again. So he smiled and said: "Don't leave yet, I need your help with something."

Hai Ling jumped out of bed and said, "You tell me, I can do anything you ask me to do." Zhang Ain smiled and touched his little head, and said softly: "You are the most powerful on the mountain, help protect Fu'er and Grandpa Lin, and also The most important thing to protect Sister Yunyi and Sister Xi'er is to control the piglets and kittens. If they don't obey, lock them up and put them in your belly."

Hai Ling clenched her little fist and nodded heavily: "Brother, don't worry, I will take good care of Tianlei Mountain." Zhang Ain smiled and said: "I believe you."

At this time, Zhang Tianfang shouted from outside: "Zhang Ai, come out here, where are you?" Following the sound of opening and closing doors, Zhang Tianfang cursed: "There are so many broken houses." Then he shouted again: "You Where are you hiding? Come out here."

Zhang Ao led Hai Ling outside the house and faced Zhang Tianfang. When the two met, Zhang Ain asked, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? The more I think about it, the more wrong it becomes. You tricked me from all the way here, and then you slapped your butt and said you ascended? How can such a good thing happen? You have to take me with you." Zhang Tianfang said loudly.

Zhang Yin smiled and said: "How can I take you there?" Zhang Tianfang said seriously: "As the old saying goes, if one person achieves enlightenment, chickens and dogs can ascend to heaven. Even chickens and dogs can reach heaven. It won't be a problem to take one of me, right?"

Zhang Awei shook his head gently, thought for a while and said: "You stay alone for a while, I will go down the mountain later, and finally accompany you on a tour of the rivers and lakes." Zhang Tianfang let out a sound, thought for a long time with his mouth open, and then agreed: "Okay. "He also knew that he was making trouble unreasonably. Because he was reluctant to leave and was afraid of leaving, he became angry for a moment and randomly found an excuse to come over and make a fool of himself.

Zhang Aif then said to Hai Ling: "I will go down the mountain first and come back to play with you."

Hai Ling had always been strong, but was spoiled by the second half of the sentence. She started crying without any warning. She stood there silently crying, and her eyes soon became bloodshot. When he was in the sea before, Zhang was afraid of talking to him like this when he left. How lonely was he then?

Zhang was afraid that he would make him cry, so he felt very sad and laughed at himself: Am I also a cultivator? Why is it so easy to be swayed by emotions?

Seeing Hai Ling's tears falling like rain, they fell to the ground and turned into pearls. They bounced several times and rolled around. Zhang Ain smiled and caught the tears with his hands: "This is a treasure. If you don't say a word, I can find a basin to put it in. Don't waste it." He pretended to greet Zhang Tianfang: "Where was the basin last time? I just prepared to show off. Bring the basin of blood quickly."

Zhang Tianfang curled his lips and said: "Those two fart gods are really stingy. As soon as they saw me take out the basin, they stopped bleeding. It's boring."

They were talking about Thirteenth Lang secretly sneaking into the lower world, followed by the silver-clad Xiwei, and Thirteenth Lang and Fatty teaming up to fight off the enemy, so they were bleeding profusely.

"Stop talking nonsense and get the basin out quickly." Zhang Ain glared. Zhang Tianfang glared: "It's gone." "Why is it gone?" "Guess."

The two of them were messing around. Hai Ling was amused and laughed. Then she wiped away her tears and tried not to cry. Zhang Jing said: "That's right. All you cry is pearls. If you cry casually, you will lose thousands of gold. If you lose big, you will lose big."

Hai Ling held back her tears and pretended to be strong and said, "I won't cry." But seeing that Zhang was afraid to leave, she said again: "Am I a evil star? In the foggy valley, Da Hei and Er Hei were captured by me. After you come out, you will be beaten to death." As he spoke, he wanted to cry again: "It must be like this, it must be like this."

Zhang Awei picked him up and said, "Stop crying, I'll take you out too." He greeted Zhang Tianfang and said, "Come down the mountain." Zhang Tianfang said, "Ask Fang Jian to come with us."

Zhang was afraid that he didn't have much time. Even if everyone went down the mountain together, they would only be able to come and go in a hurry and not be as leisurely as before, so he shook his head apologetically and said, "I don't have much time."

After hearing this, Zhang Tianfang shook his head like him and said, "Then I won't go either. You go and come back quickly." It's okay if he goes, it will only waste time. It's better to stay on the mountain honestly. Seeing this, Hai Ling jumped down from Zhang Ai's arms and said, "I'm not going, please come back soon." Zhang Ai smiled and said, "I'll take you to see Sister Yunying first. I have something to say." As he spoke, , took Hai Ling back to Song Yunyi's room, and repeated the question about the kittens and piglets carefully. Hai Ling and the two women expressed their understanding, and Zhang Aichong waved his hands to the three of them and said, "I'm going to do something." The figure disappeared.

The first place he went to was the heaven. He quickly crossed the boundary and appeared silently in front of the Star Emperor. He said coldly: "I have become a god." At this time, the Great Demon King had only died for two days, and the news had not reached the heaven. The emperor was shocked at first when he saw his sudden appearance. The boy became more and more powerful. What he said next surprised the Star Emperor for the second time. Will the common people in the lower world become gods? I feel a little unbalanced. Recalling that I had imprisoned him, I secretly thought to myself, this guy is a petty person, isn't he here for revenge?

Zhang Ping is a little more generous than the little-bellied chicken that the Star Emperor imagined. He came to the heaven not to seek revenge, but to find bodyguards.

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