The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1005 Farewell

Chapter 1005 Farewell

With his behavior like this, everyone in the mountain knew that something had happened, and they all guessed what it was, but they couldn't figure it out. Song Yunyi was worried and didn't dare to ask. She knew that if Zhang Wen wanted to say something, he would definitely tell her. Cheng Xier was worried and didn't dare to ask. She knew that Zhang Weizhen was feeling worse than she was.

Fang Jian and Zhang Ping walked all the way and knew what happened. After returning to the mountain, they went back to their room and closed the door tightly. No one knew what he was doing and no one dared to ask questions.

Zhang Tianxin couldn't keep things in mind, so he jumped out and wanted to ask questions, but was stopped by Fu Kong. Thirty-four girls wanted to ask questions, but Cheng Xier stopped them. Lu Wan had not been in Tianlei Mountain for a long time, but after living here for many years, she had become accustomed to it. Seeing that the joyful and lively Tianlei Mountain in the past suddenly disappeared, and there was a solemn atmosphere everywhere, she felt a little depressed. However, seeing Cheng Xier's lonely and sad expression, this depression suddenly Instead of being sad, when I think of my past, I am also in sadness.

Zhang Ping didn't say what was going on, but just asked the people on the mountain to rest and called his oldest disciples to drink. The whole mountain became sad, as if a god knew what was going on here. Many dark clouds appeared inexplicably high in the sky above the mountain, and they fell thinly. It was raining, and for the first time, there was no thunder.

This rain is thinner and more sparse than the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. When it falls on the body, it only feels cool and not wet. Zhang Ain raised his glass to the sky and said with a smile: "Here's a toast to you."

Hai Ling had already sensed Zhang Ai's return to the mountain, but was frightened by Zhang Ai's actions. He led a group of fat children around Lin Sen and asked nervously: "Grandpa, has something happened?" Lin Sen shook his head. Without saying a word, he reached out to grab a glass of wine from the table and drank it himself.

He couldn't see what was going on in front of the mountain, and he didn't need to look. Just by the solemn atmosphere, he knew that something was serious. After drinking, he stopped the children who were about to move: "You are not allowed to go out today." But he did not say the reason.

Along with them were sixty-four disciples who had grown into teenagers and young adults. After Zhang Wen accepted them, he only saw each other often in the first two years. After that, he was extremely busy, messing around all day, and rarely had the chance to meet. This group of children, both boys and girls, were happily coming to play with the dolls after hearing the news about the rest in the mountain. When they realized that the atmosphere was not right, they ran to Cheng Xier to ask questions. However, seeing Cheng Xier's expression, no matter how stupid they were, they The people also knew that something had happened, and the disciple passed the news back to the children. A group of disciples wanted to go to the mountain to see what happened, but they were also detained by Lin Sen.

In addition to them, there was a man with a broken arm on the highest peak of Tianlei Mountain. He stood silently and looked down. Although the mountains were blocked by trees and nothing could be seen, Zhan Yun just stood there and looked down.

Zhang was afraid that such a scene would happen, but he didn't expect it to happen so early. As soon as he started drinking, the atmosphere became depressing. He also knew that he shouldn't drink with everyone in such a big way. I have always been lazy in the past. Since Tianlei Mountain was rebuilt, there has never been a gathering of thousands of people to drink together like now. If they do this now and rush to seize the bodies of all the Nascent Souls, everyone will notice that it is abnormal.

But he doesn't have much time. If he doesn't do this, he may never have the chance to sit with everyone again.

After this banquet, thousands of people gathered together to drink, but no one spoke, only the sound of drinking heavily. Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Why don't you speak? If you don't say anything, I will say, come and drink."

He has an introverted personality and does not know how to speak intimate words to others, such as saying that he misses you and likes you. He has never said this to Song Yunyi Cheng Xier. I have never told all the disciples that I think highly of you and like to be with you. He kept his feelings deep in his heart, kept calm, kept calm, and finally sank to this point. When it was time to say goodbye, he still couldn't say anything. He only said "come, drink", but he felt sad, and very sad.

When people meet, they will eventually part ways, either by life or by death.

Zhang Ai has been working hard and doesn't want to say goodbye to everyone he likes. Unfortunately, it has come to this. If he doesn't want to attract the powerful Punisher to cause trouble, he should say goodbye to Tianleishan.

He has a deep affection for Tianlei Mountain. He has been working hard to protect Tianlei Mountain and everyone on the mountain. After countless battles, he finally has strong strength, but he can no longer protect Tianlei Mountain. Naturally, he feels sad. It's like a man building a big ship by himself, buying tools, gathering wood, and sawing boards. After many attempts and many years of hard work, he finally built a big ship. Just when he wanted to get on the ship and enjoy it, the big ship was robbed. .

Ruiyuan always wanted to ask what happened, but Zhang Ain never mentioned it until the end of the day. Zhang Ain stood up and said, "Everyone, drink slowly. I will go back to the back mountain in six days." After that, he went to see Song Yunyi and Cheng. Xi'er.

Song Yunyi and other women were all sitting in the courtyard, facing the courtyard gate, waiting for his arrival. As soon as he appeared, the girls crowded around and asked, "What happened to Qianshan?"

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Qianshan was drinking, now we are drinking, hurry up, set up the table." After thinking for a while, he said: "This courtyard is too small, go to Uncle Lin's courtyard." Song Yunyi agreed, so a group of women followed Zhang Ain Go to see Lin Sen behind you.

Zhang Ain was walking ahead and suddenly sighed and said, "Come here." Following his words, piglets, kittens and Huo'er flew from the sky.

When he returned to the mountain, the piglet and kitten sensed it, but were too lazy to pay attention and did not come over. It has always been like this in the past. No one in the eyes of the little pig and kitten, including Zhang Ai, although they will fight for him desperately.

But this time it was different. Not long after, the atmosphere on the mountain suddenly became depressing, and the little pig and kitten wanted to come and see what was going on.

They were accompanied by Huo'er. Huo'er and Zhang Ai had made a pact and were in sympathy with each other. Knowing that Zhang Ai was feeling uncomfortable, he took it upon himself to stop the two beasts and not let them pass. In the past, Huo'er had always been soft and obedient, but today he went out of his way and forced himself to confront the two brothers. Piggy was curious and wanted to see what was going on.

His curiosity forced Huo'er to burst into flames and block the way forward. When the little pig and kitten saw that Huo'er had lost his temper, they remembered that Huo'er had always been docile and that everyone got along well. In order to make Huo'er happy, Xiao The pig and kitten did not go to Zhang Ping.

Zhang was afraid that he knew all these things, because he drank with his disciples during the day, and the piglets would only cause trouble when they came, so he did not call them. It was night now. When talking to Lin Sen and others, it was time to invite them to talk for a while, so I signaled to Huo'er, and they flew over.

Huo'er flew directly into Zhang Awei's arms. He knew that Zhang Awei was in pain and didn't know how to comfort him, so he stayed close to him and never separated. The little pig and kitten flew over like an old man, humming and wanting to teach Zhang Awei a few words, but looking at Huo'er's expression, the two demon kings finally knew that something happened to Zhang Awei, so they stood solemnly beside Zhang Awei, one on the left and the other on the right. , and hummed softly at the same time, which means you have something to say.

Zhang Ai felt sour in his heart. He was very moved. Although he was scolded and hunted by many people throughout his life, he always had many friends who were very good to him. Especially the little pigs and kittens, although they may not seem to deal with him on the surface, but whenever something happens, they always rush to the front, even if they have to fight tooth and nail.

Zhang Awei picked up the two little guys and yelled into the distance again: "Come here." This time it was Zhang Tianfang and Bu Kong.

During the day, he drank with his disciples during the banquet, and in the evening, he drank with people close to him, including Zhang Tianfang and others.

Zhang Tianfang flew over in a hurry, grabbed Zhang Awei and asked, "What's wrong with you?" Zhang Awei smiled and said, "It's nothing wrong with me." "Nonsense! Tell me quickly." Zhang Tianfang shouted with his eyes widened.

Zhang Weijing still smiled and said: "Go and call Fang Jian." Zhang Tianfang was stunned for a moment, looked around, slapped his forehead and shouted: "I mean, why do you feel that there is no one there?" Then he turned and left.

Seeing him leave, Zhang Ai walked a few steps further and saw Lin Sen standing in front of the courtyard gate to greet him. Zhang Ai bowed respectfully and said, "The boy is late."

Lin Sen smiled and said, "It's not too late. Why are we guys talking about these nonsense?" Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Then I won't say it, but I have to thank Uncle Lin. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am now." ." He bowed deeply again.

He bowed, and Lin Sen looked at it with a smile. He felt worthy of it, but he knew in his heart that something big must have happened, so there were some indescribable emotions flashing in his eyes.

At this time, Cheng Xier took the girls to set up the banquet. After a while, everyone came to the table. Lin Sen said: "I can't drink." He hoped that Zhang Aifeng would tell him what happened, so as not to know anything after being drunk.

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "I just have to drink more if I can't drink. I will drink more tomorrow."

Lin Sen understood that at least nothing happened today, so he raised his glass and drank it with a smile.

He sat opposite Zhang Weizhi, who was surrounded by two girls. Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier looked at him silently and didn't speak. The girls chatted non-stop and kept asking what happened. The girls were more persistent than Ruiyuan and would not give up until they asked clearly. Zhang Ping said, "I'll tell you in a few days."

At this time, Zhang Tianfang ran back like crazy and shouted: "Something happened." Everyone was stunned and looked at him. A girl asked: "What happened?"

Before Zhang Tianfang could speak, a person walked slowly from behind him, dressed in white clothes like clouds, fluttering to the banquet. Everyone was stunned when they saw it, and they couldn't believe their eyes. Not only was the person wearing white clothes, his hair was also snow-white.

Zhang Ao sighed softly: "It's none of your business." His voice was so low that he didn't know if anyone heard him.

The person who came was Fang Jian. In one day, his black hair turned into snow-white. For cultivators, such a thing is simply unimaginable. A cultivator can control the blood throughout his body, and whether his hair is black or white is entirely up to him. But Zhang Ping knew that Fang Jian definitely didn't do it on purpose, and that he had really turned gray.

As Fang Jian returned to the mountain, his mind was still agitated. He believed that tens of thousands of innocent people died because of his descent, and because he wanted revenge, Zhang was afraid of leaving this world. He felt extremely uncomfortable, so he locked himself up and refused to come out. Seeing this, Zhang Wen locked his Qi with his spiritual thoughts and found that his aura was slightly chaotic, but his cultivation was still there, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Who would have expected that Fang Jian, who was so excited, would turn gray in one day.

Fang Jian walked up to Zhang Weijing and said, "I'm the one who caused you trouble. I'm sorry."

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