There is still one day left before the one-month lockdown period is lifted.

After nearly a month at home, Sean Dickinson felt like the flesh on his stomach had thickened a bit.

And the naughty sister Alia knows that her brother is staying at home for some legitimate reason, but she is still very happy to play the role of a sensible sister who has no choice but to carry the burden of the whole family because of her unsatisfactory brother...

His level of devotion to acting, even in his letter to his father on the other side of the ocean, he complained faintly about his brother's "unwillingness to make progress", which led to the old father writing a stern letter asking Sean to cheer up as soon as possible, go out to work, and don't get too tired. his baby girl...

Sean raised his forehead when he read the reply letter and sighed deeply...

And Arya, who was hiding outside the room, was gloating at the success of her mischief.

"God is pitiful!" Sean threw the letter on the table, "In addition to growing flesh, I have also done a lot of things this month!"

By "a lot of things," I mean he's finished the last short story he needs to publish his horror short story collection.

It took about fifteen minutes.

However, this newly born work is somewhat different from the previous "semi-documentary" stories - this time, the fictional component has increased a lot.

The reason for this is that Sean realized that if he wrote the material at hand, it would undoubtedly lead people to connect the author to the "sea of ​​gleam" that was emerging in the exploration industry.

If so, Sean will have to drop his current pseudonym.

Therefore, he began to try to add some of his own ideas to the story material.

The new one, titled "She Can't Go Home", is based on the events of the undead Vivian that happened on the "Bronze Giant".

Sean hides all the clues of reality with his own brushwork, and replaces it with an excellent story that is wonderful and impossible to associate with real events...

This manuscript was still highly praised by Ling Sifeng, editor-in-chief of "New Testament Horror Stories". In her reply, she said that Sean's "Horror Short Stories" will be printed after a month of proofreading...

At the time, Sean pondered with joy the possible after-tax income of the short story collection.

Thinking of my income, I felt a little heavy after reading my father's letter, but instantly became light again.

Sean didn't look back on what happened in Midnight Paradise after living in a dwelling for a month. At this time, sitting at the desk, he couldn't help but start to take stock of the harvest...

After the unavoidable conflict with the King-level, he and Moonlight obtained two C-level mysterious heritages, "Platinum Cufflinks" and "Unknown Refiner Earrings"...

According to Sean's own speculation, the value of both estates is around $3000.

Although neither of these two estates can be sold for quite some time due to their sensitivity, they both have good practicality, and even if they are not sold, it is quite good to keep them for personal use.

On this issue, Sean is fortunate that he is not greedy. Like Moonlight, he follows the rules and only takes the mysterious inheritance of relatively low value.

Platinum cufflinks are not unique to the Guardians of the Kingdom of God. Once he is greedy and takes the more valuable B-grade inheritance, that is, the unique equipment of the guards of the kingdom of God...

Sean is well aware of the forces he is avoiding: the one who defeats the guards of the kingdom of God is the one who destroys Midnight Paradise.

That means that Sean will get a piece of priest equipment that can never be sold and cannot be used by himself.

The second income is more important - the golden statue of Peter Pan.

Sean has checked and there is no tracking-type magic on it.

Now, it has been tucked away in the closet of the wardrobe.

55 pounds of pure gold worth $22,000...

It's the amount that makes King-class enter Midnight Paradise.

According to Sean's practice, the four teammates and allies will be divided equally, and each will receive more than 5000 NZD.

Combined with the mysterious legacy obtained by "winner takes all" after the duel with high-level explorers, even if there are other places to spend later, Sean's repeatedly ill-fated "saving plan" for starting a newspaper will finally have a considerable amount of money. Progress……

After that, there are gains that cannot be measured in monetary value.

First of all, Sean won the absolute trust of "Remembrance" Mike Downs and "Old Father" Fagar Taylor.

Coupled with the "Eye of Oblivion" Evan Burns, who is currently in seclusion, and the "Violet Nightingale" Katherine Haley who is out on a mission, the absolutely trustworthy power Sean can use at present can already match a medium-sized exploratory family. the company...

Among them, the newly added Mike Downs, his mask ability is extremely rare: as a form of reminiscence, he can use the power of everyone in the team of buddies.

His Chains of Residual Fire, Foley's Elixir, and Holly's shadow.

Combined with Mike's combat literacy...

"It's also the strength of a Q-level goalkeeper..." Sean shook his head and sighed.

With a slightly bolder estimate, he almost has the strongest network resources at his level.

In the end, that's the ball of light.

Although he can't touch the unblocking yet, Sean has felt it many times in the Shengen space.

It's still not known what the exact power it brings, but Sean can already sense...

That's the ability that involves the "Godhead".

If "God Feather" borrowed the power of the old master, then Sean believed that what the ball of light could bring might be his first step towards the realm of "God".

Resisting the temptation to unblock again, Sean withdrew his hand from the ball of light: "It's not the time yet."

The ban will end tomorrow, and he wants to use the Moonlight's Curtain in a hidden place to unblock this biggest gain!

Looking back at this point, Sean has completely forgotten the unhappiness caused by that letter.

He only had one feeling at the moment: although the trip to "Midnight Paradise" was difficult, the rewards were unmatched by other experiences.


Time became long in the waiting, and Sean finally waited until the sunrise the next day.

The sun just "woke up", Sean contacted the moonlight through the card 1902: Come, accompany me to a place!

Naturally, it is to unseal the ball of light.

However, after Sean washed and dressed, his explorer playing cards shook again.

It's Arthur Merlin's message.

He wants Sean and Moonlight to rush to the Explorers Association as soon as possible, there are "important matters".

New Testament reporters had to hold back their expectations again and arranged the unblocking time after they visited the association...

After arriving at the Association Building on "Silent Street", Sean and Moonlight followed Arthur's instructions and took the elevator to the 99th floor.

What makes Sean and Moonlight a little nervous is that they know what this level means—

On the 99th floor, the Office of the President of the Explorers Association.

They are about to meet the old man who has the greatest power to explore the who leads all the explorers in the Newlander continent, Conor Phillips.

Sean has heard some rumors about President Phillips.

But some of those few words were too exaggerated to make him believe it.

The information he recognized included that President Phillips was a former "prepared Joker class", that is, the leader in the Ace class.

His abilities are related to a silver pocket watch he always carries.

He is a somewhat strange old man with no pretence, and he often haunts occasions where there are many grassroots explorers...


With Sean's wild thoughts, the elevator that reached the 99th floor opened the gate.


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