The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 454: fierce battle

"Shut up!"

A majestic voice with a terrifying echo resounded behind Moonlight 1902.

That was Sean's voice.

He knew he could safely ignore what was behind him - the captain was in control.

After changing the frivolous and freehand style before, Moonlight showed a rare prudence when facing the Clockwork Pavilion Artisan.

He raised his hands with slender fingertips, not playing the keys, but waiting.

Waiting for each other's actions.

The battle situation is unpredictable, and the warlock realizes that he must help his teammates as soon as possible.

The other party was waiting, but he couldn't wait any longer.

Originally hunched, the robes on his body were broken, revealing a body that seemed to have been completely transformed by precision alchemy.

In the process of rushing towards the opponent with great strides, some precision parts poured out from behind him for no reason, and attached to him, making him suddenly stronger...

Before, when the Divine Kingdom Guard Team was in conflict, Moonlight discovered the secret of the magician.

He knew that the precise alchemy body he was facing at the moment was not the body of a magician.

He himself is like a puppeteer who manipulates strings, hiding behind this strange body.

Parts are still emerging, attached to the doll.

In the process of approaching step by step, the doll becomes more and more huge and strong...

Moonlight could even feel the tremor caused by the opponent's footsteps.

His wrist sank, and he played the spiritual piano in front of him.

It opens with the second movement, "The Carnival of Yesterday".

In the cemetery under the moon, the dead who were awakened by the influence of the golden apples crawled out of the mud and rushed towards the puppets that came crashing.

The phantom dead man stopped the puppet, which was now bloated like a Clocktower.

In a short period of time, however, this blocking has become more and more... difficult.

As more and more parts were added, from a rickety old man to a doll in the shape of a strong man, the pace of impact began to restart.

The main body of the magician, whose hidden magic continued to take effect, stared at the doll called "Imitator" in front of him, becoming more and more powerful step by step...

Under his left ear, a quaint spherical earring has been trembling slightly.

There are stored "doll add-on modules" that he made by himself, which can assemble the imitators to be more powerful in a short period of time.

As an explorer, the tectonic cabinet artificer is lucky.

During a Jack-level mission, I accidentally got the "Warehouse" earrings left by an unknown alchemist.

In that small warehouse, he found a strange mirror...

After careful observation, I found that it was not a mirror reflecting itself, but a strange "alchemy puppet" that had been forgotten for hundreds of years and would imitate the actions of others.

After that, using all the resources in the warehouse, he developed his own unique tactics.

The puppet he called "Imitator" stood in the front row, and all the enemies who thought it was his body would find that he was not only composed of alchemy accessories, but also constantly repaired and even strengthened.

Most enemies are consumed to death with huge doubts in endless battles with the dolls.

No one knew that the small warehouse had already been filled with replacement parts and add-on modules developed around the "copycats".

Those who oppose him will find that they are facing an indestructible, and even stronger, enemy.

Moonlight gritted his teeth, he had already exerted the maximum energy of "Yesterday's Carnival".

However, not only did the undead in the cemetery fail to destroy that doll...

He couldn't even stop him at all.

At this moment, due to the inexplicable enhancement accessories, it was assembled into a giant puppet, slamming away the dead who kept crawling out of the cemetery, like a rhino smashing away the skinny hunters.

The invincible "rhinoceros" rushed towards the moonlight.

However, the pianist is not ready to move his position.

Sean once said that the moonlight, which is full of spiritual energy and has "nocturne", is the "firepower output point" that almost no one in the same class can handle when playing the piano with all his strength.

Since it is a "firepower output point"...

He couldn't accept the easy escape from the transfer.

"Come on, big guy."

The musical score in my heart suddenly changed, and a dangerous light bloomed in my eyes!

Sweaty moonlight was already flowing from his forehead, and he played a tune that sounded extremely strange.

"Listen to my newly learned tune...

"It's called—"


The magician could not help frowning when he heard the piano changing the tune.

Behind him, the thick chain of the burning flames turned lazily like a giant python, surrounding a strange compartment.

There was a strange scene in that dorm.

The phantom butterfly mask on the face of Ms. Dreamcaster was stained with a strange dark green light.

In front of her, several strange stone urns were floating, and in the stone urns were shining powders of various colors.

In this chained chamber, the air gleamed—apparently, she had thrown a fair amount of powder.

And Max, the remnant soldier who inhaled the powder, stood in a posture of tense muscles all over his body at the moment, and seemed to be in great pain.

The Dreamcaster was the chief researcher of "Professor Stealing Dreams" Lehman's dream laboratory, and after she developed her own method of "using dreams", she parted ways with the eccentric Professor Lehman.

The fundamental reason is not Lehman's temper, but because they have serious differences in the concept of "dream research".

After more than ten years of research on human dreams, the dreamcaster realized that even if she spent her whole life, she might not be able to uncover the mysteries of dreams, and the risk of "losing in dreams" did not threaten her every day, declaring At the risk of moving on...

But Lehman was still walking towards the depths of his dream.

So, she decided to change direction.

No longer "study" dreams, but "use" dreams.

She made a series of dust powders, which can suggest people through smell and affect the cerebral cortex of the inhaler, thereby "customizing" terrible "dream caves"...

And once she fell into a dream cave, she would have mastered the opponent's soul.

With this original dream-making method, she even obtained a rare custom-made mask called "Dreamcaster".

Looking at the remnant soldiers who were trapped in the "dream cave" and their whole body was tense, she decided that this was another boring "explorer duel".

Those explorers who have studied other people in the industry will choose to stay away from her.

This is obviously wise: not only because she is very powerful, but, for reasons unknown, the power of dreams has become more ferocious and monstrous lately.

And the weird explorer in front of him had obviously never done any homework - he even chose to fight her in a small space.

The dreamer with the dark green color in his eyes picked up a rubbing of shiny silver ash from the stone urn in front of him.

That is the smell extracted from the fur of some ancient giant beast, which can create an extremely terrifying spectacle in a dream...

The residual fire on Max's mask was blown in one direction by the wind.

At this moment, he found himself standing on an ice sheet, the howling wind swept snowflakes and fluttered, and the sky was hidden by clouds and mist, and it was impossible to see clearly. Here, Max couldn't even tell the difference between north and south...

The tip of his nose He smelled something strange.


He heard—or rather, felt that tremor all over his body.

So, he turned to the direction from which the vibration came.


There is nothing but turbid clouds and mists, huh?

Nothing at all……


When the second shock came, he knew that what he regarded as a cloudy cloud...

Is a giant walking slowly.


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