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In the Shengen space, Sean closed the black diary and looked forward thoughtfully.

He had finished reading Foley's old diary. Due to the age and the complex names of people, the whole story in his mind is still very disordered.

However, he had a general outline in his mind about what happened that year.

"Max Squad..." In the real world, Sean looked coldly at Peter Pan's back as he walked into the door, "It really came for him."

Some "factors" in fate always seem to be attracted to each other, and they will meet at some point in time and space on the days that seem to be doomed...

Here and now, is clearly such a meeting point.

However, the reality is a huge chaotic system. Even if "new hatred and old hatred" gather on a destined day, it may not necessarily create Peter Pan's "doomsday".

After all, this place is his spiritual realm, his home ground.

After all, even God has not given the promise of "justice will prevail".

Many times, "justice" has been murdered and sunk forever in the bay of New Testament City.

However, it is precisely because the future is bleak that these chaotic forces must be put to good use.

All Sean has to do is bring all of these "factors" together, permuting and combining what may be the only "below the gram" opportunity.

Facing Peter Pan, facing the Lord of Paradise, the King of the Spirit...

It's not a desperate battle, but a slim chance.

Thanks to the overnight discussions with female chess players in the "chessboard space", Sean has become accustomed to turning various abstract events and phenomena into very concrete existences...


In the open sand table of the mind, these "chess pieces" are arranged, evolved, overturned, reopened in a strangely fast way...

Sean is also feeling very strange now.

He was like a first-time chess player, about to challenge the strongest opponent here - he had to prepare everything before the conflict began.

During the deduction process, a slightly risky plan for the Lord of Paradise gradually took shape in Sean's mind.

So, he summoned all his teammates and the remnant Max, and informed the determined parts in a way that would not leak.

In Sean's own view, there are still too many variables in the current plan.

But he couldn't do anything - the chances of victory were already slim.

However, for those obvious reasons, they had no choice but to move on.

Halfway through the rest time, Sean decided to take the most important step at the moment.

He walked to the realm of the King-level team that was far away from them.

Before the break begins, Peter Pan has announced the final game content.

Obviously, in the final game, the Divine Guard Team has a great advantage.

Therefore, in his perspective, Sean and others should have come to find themselves earlier, instead of delaying it for so long.

Although it was expected that the "Last Dance" who seemed to have always had an idea would find him before the game started, the guards of the kingdom of God remained silent, wanting to see what the other party was going to do.

Standing about three meters away from the guards of the kingdom of God, Sean drooped his hands, stretched out his spiritual essence, imitated his fingers, and made a gesture like a crutch—

One of the Explorer's Essence Gestures: Invite to establish a basic playing card connection so that some secret discussions can take place.

After thinking for a moment, the guards of the kingdom of God also stretched out their spiritual qualities.

With a light touch of the two elbows, the same frequency is achieved between the playing cards.

Sean nodded lightly and said with the vibration of playing cards, "God favors explorers."

"God favors explorers."

The reason why I chose to use Quest Poker to communicate is because this castle is the core of Peter Pan's spiritual world. Not only will the rules be distorted by his will, but I am afraid that all conventional communication methods will be monitored by him.

The explorer playing cards using the "spirit net" as the transmission channel can even isolate the prying eyes of the gods to a certain extent. Therefore, using poker contacts here ensures that no secrets will be leaked.

Returning to the field of his own team, Sean expressed his thoughts to the guards of the kingdom of God straight to the point:

"We want to solve this spiritual master. If you're willing to join us, the golden statue will be yours after it's done."

Sean knew that he could only invite them to join him—if the guards of the Kingdom of God were asked to stand by, things might change.

The guards of the kingdom of God hesitated for a while before the poker shook: "The Lord of the Spirits should indeed be exterminated.

"However, his strength is above our teamwork...

"Why do you have this plan? Are you sure?

"I need to know all the keys to make this decision."

Peter Pan is a powerful and evil spirit type. In his own spirit world, even if he is an Ace-level, he has to take risks and use the power of the "miracle" level to be able to solve him.

The only potential resister left here is one king and seven queens. From the point of view of the card, if there is a direct conflict, although the possibility of winning is very small, it is not impossible.

However, Sean Dickinson knew that if he wanted to convince the other party to join, he had to have a good reason.

So, he roughly informed the guards of the kingdom of God about his plan.

After that, the other party fell into a long deliberation.

Sean still has certain confidence in persuading the guards of the kingdom of God: he knows that although the other party has acted selfishly, he is also a Salvationist cleric who attaches great importance to accumulating "merit"...

On the one hand, he doesn't need to consider Peter Pan's complicated connections in the outside world, or worry about the "revenge" of the spiritual protector - this is the advantage of the Salvationist endorsed by the high-ranking gods They can exercise all their rights without fear of retaliation by "doctrine".

All "dirty deeds", even if they come from within the divine court, will retreat at night in front of the banner of "doctrine".

The key point is that solving Peter Pan will yield a considerable "evidence", which may lead to direct promotion of his teaching position...

Not to mention, Sean has promised to give up the ultimate purpose of their trip - the golden statue.

Therefore, Sean knew that his invitation was quite attractive to the guards of the kingdom of God.

When there were only about two minutes left in the break, the poker in Sean's pocket finally shook, and the guard said:

"Obviously, we cannot conclude a temporary covenant for explorers here."

After the alliance is concluded, the temporary alliance will be supervised by the spirit network. If they violate the contract, the explorer will not be able to escape the responsibility of the association.

However, for technical reasons, there is no secret alliance ceremony.

And if they go directly to the alliance ceremony, Peter Pan will definitely find out...

Before participating in the final game, the participating teams directly formed an alliance - this is undoubtedly a direct announcement that they do not intend to play the game, they intend to unite against the Lord of the Spirit...

This is impossible at the moment.

"It doesn't matter. God is the proof." Sean said succinctly.

Across a long distance, the guards of the Kingdom of God stood solemnly.

He looked in Sean's direction, and Sean also turned his head to look at him.

A moment later, the poker vibrated in Sean's inner pocket, and he pieced together a sentence that made him clench his fists with excitement:

"Okay, let's join - God is the witness."

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