The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 436: face under the moon

The latest website: The whistling sound of the north wind suddenly rang in Fagar Taylor's ear.

Taro stared at the three children who disappeared in the orphanage ten years ago. Not only did the wind sound in his ears, but there was snow in front of him.

The memory was so vivid that it pulled him back almost instantly.

However, whenever he recalled that night more than ten years ago, for some reason, Father Taylor always felt that the experience was a little unreal.

It was because of that scorched yellow face that was illuminated by the moonlight and whose facial features were constantly changing.

Rather than saying it was a face, in Taylor's eyes, it seemed more like some kind of ominous symbol...

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The knock on the door was as if someone who had been unjustly slammed on the lid of his coffin. After more than ten years, this sound resounded in the ears of the priest in Xiacheng District.

At that time, Father Taylor suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the gate - he had a younger face than he is now.

When the north wind whistled at night, in the corner of the window illuminated by the kerosene lamp, you could see a large swath of snowflakes being carried by the wind and flying fast.

Fagar Taylor felt a little irritable in his heart.

The night was his peaceful time, and he just wanted to sit in front of the fireplace and read a book and drink a hot glass of milk before going to bed.

He just stood up, not wanting to be disturbed, when there was that kind of life-threatening knock at the door again.

Bang Bang Bang!

"Come on!" The priest suppressed the impatience in his voice and walked to the door.

He opened the door, and North Wind and Flying Snow poured into his room like refugees.

An indescribable smell struck, and a pair of eyes that were so frightened that they looked up.

At the door stood a woman in a headscarf. She held a baby in her arms and held a girl wrapped like a penguin in her right hand. The girl is holding another younger brother who is also well-dressed.

"Mrs. Dollins?" Taylor didn't expect her to be visiting late at night.

The Dollings, who had come to Newlander by boat from Lyon about two years ago, lived just east of the lower town, and were known to the priest by frequent visits to the church where Fagar Tello held services.

"Father Taylor..." called Mrs. Dollings in an almost pleading voice.

It was only then that the priest noticed something unusual about his wife.

Her old padded jacket was stained with blood.

In the left hand holding the baby, there is a wooden sculpture with a strange shape.

The wooden sculpture was a sitting man covering his face, with eyes all over his body.

"He's here...he's here!"

Taylor hurriedly invited Mrs. Dollings and the children into the room.

The warm interior instantly melted the snow on the wife's body, and a **** stink came out.

"Madam, where's your husband? Who's here?"

Mrs. Dollins grabbed Father Taylor's arm as if she was going mad, and said like nonsense: "The old people say that the Dollings...have to serve him from generation to generation...

"Joke and I... I came here to let the children escape such a fate...

"We thought that the things in the forest would not take a boat and come to the other side of the ocean!

"But he's here! He's here!"

"What's coming!?" Taylor grabbed the hysterical wife's shoulders and tried to pour clear spiritual power into her body-but, such an effort was like using his own body temperature to heat up the whole body Like a snowy night.

"That, the thing in the forest..." The wife's eyes were blank, as if she saw some ghost, her lips trembled, "That... the thing that plays the flute.

"He killed Jack..." the wife whimpered.

The baby in her arms was still asleep. The girl and boy behind them held hands, as cute as two little shadows.

As if hearing something, Mrs. Dollings stood up straight, and shoved the baby in her arms into Father Taylor's.

Then, she looked at the weird wood carving in her hand, swallowed her saliva, and put the wood carving on the baby's body: "Father, there is no other way - please take care of them!"

Taylor was confused, and his wife suddenly became anxious, and in turn grabbed Taylor's arm: "You can take care of them, right?"

In order to appease the other party's emotions, Taylor said: "Of course, ma'am. But you have to tell me what happened..."

As if not hearing Taylor's words, the wife kissed the baby in his arms deeply.

Then he squatted down, hugged the girl and boy, and kissed them on the cheek: "Grey, Michael... take care of your brother...

"Don't blame Mom and Dad." Tears welled up in her red eyes, "We tried our best."

After saying this, she actually stood up, opened the door, and rushed into the wind and snow again.

Fagar Taylor could only put the baby on his bed and instructed his sister and brother to wait here.

The two children were surprisingly calm, just staring blankly with their eyes open. It seems that she has gone through too many drastic changes, so she still doesn't cry or cry when her mother runs away.

Before he could change his boots, he picked up the oil lamp, grabbed the cast iron key and rushed out the door - he locked the door to prevent the children from getting lost.

Outside the door, the snow was a little lighter.

The figure of Ms. Dollings had run away. From a distance, it looks like a dirty snowflake.

Fagal Taylor chased forward with an oil lamp, his feet in slippers were sore from being frozen by the snow on the ground.

The weather suddenly changed, and the North Wind lowered his tone as if he heard the devil had entered the city.

The snow-covered streets at midnight were as quiet as a dead city.

The dark clouds seemed to think that the snow here was thick enough, and under the urging and shoving of the wind, they walked fast together.



Taylor's voice was particularly evident under the gradually clearing night sky.

The lady who seemed to be mad had no intention of turning back, and just kept running forward.

The priest was already a little angry. He vowed to make things clear.

Mrs. Dollings, however, seemed determined to flee.

One runs, one chases...

Until both were out of breath.

Getting closer and closer to Mrs. Dollings, Taylor was about to shout to stop her, but looked up, but the shout was swallowed.

Fagar Taylor saw a strange thing.

The hurried clouds accidentally made the last quarter moon appear, and the confusing moonlight projected on a corner of the city...

Illuminated a figure standing upstairs.

It seemed to be an upright goat, and he had a scorched yellow face, but a face that was constantly changing and blurred appeared on that face.

Although the appearance is strange, Fagar Taylor can feel that the thing is not something like a resentment, but something of a higher rank.

It seems to have come out of an ancient legend, something that was once worshipped by people.

Taylor instantly understood that Mrs. Dollings' "crazy" had a reason.

The living idol's attention was on the poor mother ahead.

Suddenly, he jumped into the darkness as if he had jumped into the sea.

Then, take away the woman who kept running away.

When the young priest chased the scene of the incident, he could only see a trail that was abruptly interrupted...


In the priest's room, the fire of the fireplace crackled.

Sister Grey and second brother Michael sat next to the youngest brother Tony, who was soundly asleep.

The weird wooden statue was right next to as if covering his eyes and crying first.

My sister hugged Michael, her eyes sparkling.

The flames in the furnace crackled, like a cracking sound.

She holds a black and white photo in her hand.

It was when Tony was born, and the Dollings took them to a photo studio together.

In the photo, the family is smiling warmly, and Nicole, the Bernese Mountain dog wearing a maid's hat, is sitting beside them, grinning and sticking out her tongue, and seems to be smiling too - Dad once said with a smile that Nicole is their home the "servant".

"Don't be afraid, Michael..." She hummed softly, staring at the photo, her suppressed emotions seemed to finally find an outlet, blurring his vision.

"Do not be afraid……

"Mom and Dad, and Nicole... always by our side."

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