Latest website: Around Peter Pan's shadow, the black shadow peeled off the plane, like a sharp sword standing up.

Holly, who was hidden in the dark shadow, waved her hands forward, and the shadow sword rushed towards Pan's shadow like a black wave, and it was about to chop him to pieces...

The strange thing is that after those black swords touched Peter Pan's shadow, they were absorbed by him.

The faint shadow illuminated by the glow potion suddenly became intense.

"A mere human..." Pan's shadow smiled evilly, "You dare to touch the power of 'Shadow'?"

The boy's shadow suddenly became dark and huge, making Holly look weak.

"Since you like to play with 'shadow'..." Pan Zhiying grabbed Holly, the woman in black struggled in the hands of the shadow, "then let you stay in the world of shadows!"

Max, Sean, and others have each used their own methods to launch attacks, but they couldn't hurt Sombra in the slightest.

The owner of the Addict's House took a knife, and actually stripped Holly's shadow from her body...

After the shadow was disconnected from the body, both lost their vitality and stopped moving.

"Holly!" Foley threw two glow potions forcefully.

It's a pity that the stronger light just makes the tragedy in front of you more conspicuous——

Peter Pan's shadow swallowed Holly's shadow.

After the shadow was lost, Holly's body that collapsed to the ground also became illusory and disappeared.

Facing a disembodied enemy, Sean reflected on his past experiences.

He tried to throw a holy light bullet, but the strong light only temporarily restricted the shadow's movement——

The opponent's strength is much stronger than ordinary evil spirits, and it is difficult for them to cause damage to him.

Max's chains flicked past, but the shadow had shifted.

It attacked the "Black Death Doctor" Foley, who was the most front row at the moment.

"You seem to have a lot of interesting potions, so do you remember which ones are poisonous?" Shadow was still smiling, blending into Foley's shadow, "However, it doesn't matter...

"Because, you have to drink it all."

Foley's shadow became so strong that he acted on his own.

The body of the Black Death Doctor lost control, and he took out all kinds of medicines in the cloak and drank it frantically.

The flaming chains smashed in the past, and Foley dodged in a strange gesture.

His eyes showed extreme pain, but his hands were still filling himself with potions.

Suddenly, his body began to swell, and his bones made a tooth-ache cracking sound.

The suddenly swollen body burst through the cloak, the muscles bulged, the blood vessels snaked like a snake, and the skin turned purple.

"Oh! You really have some interesting inventory!" Shadow's voice was already frantic.

In a blink of an eye, flames ignited on the giant purple body, and Foley kept wailing and rushed into the darkness behind.

"Next is...?"

At this moment, the "remnants of the destroyed legion" are facing forward with a slight stagnation.

He couldn't seem to believe that his two teammates had lost so quickly.

Max roared through his damaged throat.

Sean sensed something was wrong and shouted, "Max!"

But the remnant soldiers could not hear anyone's voice.

He tore open his ribs in a fierce manner, and his heart, which was burning with dark red phosphorus, was completely exposed to the air.

It was only at this moment that Sean saw clearly that there were circles of chains wrapped around his heart that was beating vigorously.

Remnants, as their name suggests, are survivors bound by something.

The surging dark red residual fire spurted out of his chest, frantically burning the passage ahead.

The retreating shadow didn't have the time to laugh for a moment - his edge was stained with the residual fire.

He calmly bypassed the stream of fire, wanting to surprise the remnants who had gone berserk.

But he was temporarily hindered—

Chains as thick as ship anchors pierced through the walls of the passage, interweaving into a jungle of residual fire that was impossible to pass through.

"Max!" Sean knew that if he continued to let the remnants release the repressed power in his body, Max would only be destroyed in the end.

However, in the remnant forest of rusty chains, no one could call him back.

The chains kept shuttling, as if dozens of roadheaders had traffic jams underground. If it wasn't for the maintenance of the chains themselves, the place would have collapsed long ago.

The furious avenger did not realize that Pan Zhiying was calmer than him at this time.

And calm people can always find the opponent's gap in the outpouring of anger.

The residual fire illuminated Pan's shadow into ghostly shadows, and the dark shadows that became pale stood up from all directions, penetrating the body of the remnant soldiers from all angles.

Like a punctured voodoo doll, Max fell to the ground.

The shadow broke three people in a row, and it has come to Sean and others.

The destruction of Max's team had a huge impact on Sean Dickinson.

Instinct is screaming: Run! Do your best to escape!

But Sean, who has experienced many dangers, is only handling this irrational instinct with ease.

With a detached composure, he stared at the rushing shadow.

"...There is always a solution." Before he had time to mourn for Max and the others, his eyes narrowed. The originally dazed spiritual substance searched for four items in the invisible stomach, and quickly handed them to Father Taylor. .

Four "Holy Flame Indulgences".

Sean clearly remembered that in just a short period of time, all attacks were ineffective against Pan's shadow.

However, only the residual fire stained the edge of the shadow.

"Maybe, the only answer is fire."

It was extremely unacceptable that such a simple piece of information was actually exchanged for the demise of the Max team.

"Father, expel him with the most vigorous flames!" Sean did not give in an inch, the power of "City of Two Suns" and "Indestructible God King" were full, and the movements of shadows were slightly delayed.

"You guy..." It seems that I didn't expect that there is an existence that can delay myself, "I seem to have seen you..."

Behind him, Father Taro opened his hands forward, and four holy flame indulgences were suspended in the air in front of him.

He has received the message from Sean's words - he will drive the four indulgences with all his strength.

So, the moonlight behind the priest saw that on the back of the exorcist, there was a faint picture of "Joshua's Passion", shimmering through the black priest's uniform.

The exorcist poured all his spiritual power into the holy flame atonement.

"...Since they want to worship fire and don't believe in me, I will punish them with heavenly fire!

"The fire of the kingdom of heaven can not only shine on the faithful believers, but also give warmth...

"It can also burn the disbelievers, their bodies, their houses, and the food in the fields...

"So that they may know that God's wrath can burn away all disobedience to Him!"

The Holy Flame Indulgences burned violently, and Sean turned his head. He had never seen the indulgences burn to such an extent—

Like a white wall of fire, it slammed towards Pan's shadow without any dead ends!

The Wall of Holy Flame went through Sean and there was no sin on him, so the Holy Flame left him unscathed.

The flame wall fell towards Pan's shadow, and the entire passage was illuminated with light.

Aware that Father Taro's spiritual power was overdrawn behind him, Sean quickly supplied supplies through the psychic tentacles to ensure that he would not fall into weakness, so as to avoid future variables.

The flame wall collapsed and smashed away.

The residual fire on the chain was also purified by this pure flame.

Due to Max's berserk, this section of the cave passage was already crumbling and was about to collapse.

The scene in front of him made Sean's heart feel cold——

Not far away, Peter Pan's shadow was obviously shriveled by the holy flame, but...

He was still swallowing up the shadows around him that were beating because of the flames, recovering at an extremely fast speed.

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