The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 417: Chamber of Secrets

Behind him, the door made of mirrors closed.

Old light bulbs cast a dim light.

There was an old smell in the dull room.

There is a soft red carpet on the ground, but the red carpet seems to be full of moisture in the air. Every step you take, you can feel the water being squeezed out of the soles of your shoes.

Standing in the center of the room and looking around, Sean has an indescribable strange feeling...

The upper and lower rows of windows are neat semi-circles, but the glass of each window seems to have been specially treated to an opaque misty white.

Sean lifted his foot and looked at the wet sole.

The moisture stored in the red carpet has a strange stench.

Ahead, the curved symmetrical staircase extends upstairs along the moldy and peeling wallpaper...

"It feels..." Under the mask, Sean frowned, "It feels like entering a closed cave..."

"What's wrong, Sean?" The sensitive moonlight looked nervously at the captain who was looking up and thinking.

Sean regained his senses, and in order to reassure the team members, he shook his head slightly: "It's nothing, it's just some meaningless associations.

"Next, we have to find the existence called the Joker in this haunted house, and then deal with him..."

Unlike the previous points in the market area, Sean believes that in this dangerous environment, it is safest for the entire team to act together.

This proposal was obviously warmly welcomed by the moonlight, and the pianist nodded heavily: "That's right! Let's go together with the four of us!"

In the team, there is a resourceful and very reliable Sean.

Very strong, and an exorcist, Father Taro.

And the unusually agile and calm Olivia...

"Plus me," Yueguang clenched his fist, "I can already play "The Darkest"..."

Although he was in a dangerous situation again, Moonlight became full of confidence: "Guys - I don't think there is any problem that can't be solved if we are together!"

I was scared out of a cold sweat just now, but now my face is radiant again...

Sean shook his head and smiled bitterly. The state of his partner was as unpredictable as the clouds in the sky.

If you weren't already familiar with his eccentric and fickle personality, you might think the pianist is a little crazy.

After checking the room and making sure there was nothing special, Sean pushed open the door under the symmetrical staircase.

A deep corridor stretched forward, and the dim yellow light bulbs extended to the end of the corridor.

Before entering the corridor, Taylor glanced back at the entrance...

For no reason, he felt that there seemed to be movement outside.

The dead with their hearts gouged out again?

The priest, who had a bad premonition, was the last to walk into the corridor. In order to increase a sense of security, he turned and closed the door behind him.

The group walked forward for a while. Strangely, they found that although the door was closed, the corridor was not quiet.

Sean, who was walking in the front, turned his ears and said, "Did you hear anything?"

Moonlight with the most sensitive hearing, with one hand acting as the pinna, close your eyes and listen carefully...




"It's like the sound of the wind..." He opened his eyes and said with certainty.

The pianist walked over to the wall, leaning hands on the moldy wallpaper—the wood-panelled walls on either side, very worn.

"The sound seems to be coming from behind this wall."

Sean also put his hand on the wall, a small amount of spiritual essence penetrated, and carefully checked...

After a while, his face quickly turned to his teammates: "The back of this wall is empty!"

Several people looked at each other--

Found the secret room so soon?

Their purpose is to find the clown. Maybe the clown is in the secret room?

"Guys..." Sean motioned for a few people to step back, "I'm going to open this wall and take a look."

After the three of them stood at a distance, Sean used the spiritual substance to form a protective layer in front of him, and then drove the power of the "Indestructible God King" to open the wood paneled wall layer by layer...

The panels were first folded in an orderly fashion, revealing the mottled brick wall behind. Then, the pieces turned their heads and retreated in an orderly manner, forming a hole...

In the process, Sean shrugged: he noticed that there was actually a greasy layer of liquid under the brick wall, with a disturbing odor, dripping like an oil leaking pipe.

A musty wind blew out of the cave, making a whimpering sound, as if someone was crying in the cave.

"There really is a secret room!" Sean was a little excited, and the spiritual substance grabbed two flashlights and stretched into the black hole...

The light swayed left and right, and saw no danger.

To be on the safe side, Sean lit his lighter too, stretched it in, and stepped into the secret room first...

A group of people entered one after another, and the sound of footsteps stirred up echoes that had not been seen before.

"It's empty here?" The echo inspired by the question directly answered Moonlight's question.

The slate floor made the sound of footsteps crisp.

In the room, which was as empty as an auditorium, there was nothing and no utensils.

It's like a church carved into a cave.

While dispelling the darkness, while walking forward, Sean suddenly discovered a strange place——

He crouched down and pointed his flashlight to the ground.

He saw that there were strange patterns on the stone slabs on the ground...

When you touch it with your hand, the texture of those lines is particularly obvious.

The shallow ravines are densely packed, as if they have been repeatedly scraped by a thin rake, and these "lines" all extend into the darkness ahead.

"How did this come about?"

When Sean touched the ground lightly, Moonlight suddenly felt an itch on the back of his neck, as if a strand of hair had blown into his collar, and when he fiddled with his hands, he felt the silk like cotton wool...

"It's windy." Moonlight turned around and looked at the distant lights at the entrance.

"I just heard it through the wall, it should be the wind."

Sean stood up and frowned suspiciously: the air is well-ventilated and cannot leave such marks on the floor tiles...

There might be some unknown danger lurking in this room.

Thinking of this, Sean laughed a little self-deprecatingly: Since stepping into "Midnight Paradise", where is the "unknown danger"?

Since entering the exploration industry, when has it not been faced with "unknown dangers"?

This is our job...

The clown must be found. Sean stood up and walked forward cautiously.

Soon, the light of the flashlight and lighter in front could not touch the edge.

The ground disappeared. Deep in this empty hall, there is an abyss.

"Is this a natural cave?" Father Taylor walked to Sean's side, only about two meters away from the edge of the abyss.

Sean tore a page from the notebook, lit it by the flames, and threw it into the abyss - he wanted to see the vertical depth.

The burning paper kept falling until it turned into a bright yellow dot, until it was extinguished, and it did not reach the bottom of the abyss...

No way.

Sean turned around regretfully: "It seems that there is nothing Let's go back to the corridor."

As soon as the voice fell, the group suddenly heard a violent sound.

It was like a thunderstorm, like the floodgates were opened, and the tide came suddenly!

Before Sean realized what was going on, the shock had come.

The gentle and gentle wind suddenly became violent, and the reverberation turned into a storm. It rushed over like a runaway train and hit Sean and his party!

Such wind...

Will let us fall into the abyss!

Sean suddenly looked in the direction of Olivia Wind Chime——

Olivia is the lightest!

In an instant, the girl's surprised expression remained in front of Sean's eyes, the red eyes suddenly disappeared, and the slender body was blown into the darkness by the wind...

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