The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 406: duck hunting season

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From the posture of a person holding a gun, you can know whether he is an experienced gunslinger or hunter.

Sean observed a little, and among the twenty-five people who participated in the game, more than half of them were obviously used to being with guns.

The other eight explorers are obviously more proficient in this way.

Among the explorers, the "Bounty Town Robber" fulfilled Sean's bad hunch to some extent——

That **** "robber", one of the three Queen-level contestants, the way he holds the gun... as if the gun was an organ on his body.

"You can't directly compete with him." Sean thought, wading in the muddy water, trying to stay away from the gunman as much as possible.

Obviously, other explorers also have this understanding. Unlike ordinary people who are ignorant, they are all scattered far away from the "robbers".

"Number 7, his number is 7."

Sean wanted to get as close to the edge as possible, and when he was struggling to keep pulling his calf out of the mud, he was startled by what he saw unintentionally, and his pupils instantly widened—

He saw the face of a skeleton, looming in the woods in the distance.

Empty eyes stared straight at Sean.

"Damn..." He cursed in his heart, "I didn't see his voice just now, how did he get there?"

Soon, the skeletons engraved with rows of runes disappeared into the woods.

"Number 13." Sean frowned, the ominous feeling rising in his heart was like the fog rising from the wetlands...

Everyone seemed to have found a satisfactory position, and the surroundings became quiet.

Sean looked around, and through the thick fog, he could see figures scattered around.

"Like a ghost in the swamp..." The night mist wet the jacket, making Sean feel the cold penetrate into the clothes.

He turned to look at Olivia.

The Seiko girl shimmered with misty red eyes, she was so alert, like a fox born in the jungle and raised in the jungle.

Bingzhu people actually give themselves a sense of security.

"The excited water dog ran into the forest like a wild horse..." The sound from the horn became sticky due to the humidity.

Sean heard the sound of animals running quickly across the wetlands, and he turned his head to vaguely see a shadow moving quickly.

"They seem to have finally spotted an uninvited visitor."

The sound of a wing flapping sounded.

"Duck hunting season has begun!"

Sean had never seen a duck before.

But at this moment, among the reeds, in the woods, and in the wetlands, the wild ducks, which reflected the moonlight because of their wetness, suddenly took off.

No time to think about anything else...

Sean raised the Springfield carbine, not realizing that his mind had calmed down in an instant.

There were gunshots, but none of them hit the one that Sean was targeting.

Distance, about thirty meters.

Wind direction, northwest, light breeze.

No need for a lot of advance...

Pull the trigger.


This is the first time to activate this veteran's gun. I don't know if it's because of the magic that still works on it, or because of the design. The recoil is surprisingly small, and the gun flame seems to be stained with a little holy pale...

Sean could almost hear the sound of bullets slicing through the air, like a knife quickly slicing through the curtain.

With a dull and short sound, the wild duck fell to the ground.

Just as Sean was about to continue shooting, out of the corner of his eye he noticed that in the dark night sky, lines of text emitting green light appeared.

Those words seemed to pass through the fog and were imprinted in everyone's pupils.

No. 7, 2 only.

No. 24, 1.

No. 19, 1...

"It's the leaderboard." His eyes didn't miss those green light words too much, Sean turned his carbine towards the sky and aimed at the second prey.

Gunshots have been sounding one after another in the wetlands, and four of the six bullets in a magazine are embedded in the body of the wild duck.

For such a hit rate, Sean is quite satisfied.

Between the reloads, Sean glanced at the leaderboard above his head.

No. 7, 6 only.

Size 24, 4.

Size 15, 4.


"I'm second. The Bounty Town robbers have already hunted six."

Sean tilted his head, and the spiritual substance quickly took out the bullet clip from the invisible stomach bag and stuffed it into the magazine.

At this moment, a man who was quite conceited about his duck hunting skills not far away was staring at Sean with the number 24 written on his back.

Like the leaderboards in the sky, the numbers on the contestants' backs cannot be hidden.

He was still thinking about how these explorers could be so accurate when he saw...

The magazine that appeared out of nowhere actually got into the gun in the hands of the explorer.

He shook his head, suddenly having an answer in his heart. So he kind of wants to quit the game.

The ducks in the forest kept flying, and they kept being shot down by the roaring guns.

A duck flew by at a low altitude in a hurry. Under the moonlight, a pair of slender legs crossed a graceful arc, and the sharp blade under the feet cut the duck in half.

Its strength is exquisite and the blade is sharp, and the person being cut does not even know that he is dead, and his wings are still flapping twice in vain, pulling his body away.

Looking at the wild ducks that kept falling and flying, Olivia had some absurd associations at this moment—

It seems that the birds that are constantly flying in this cursed woodland are birds that cannot die, but desperately want to leave this place.

Although they were full of bullet holes and covered in blood, they still opened their decayed eyes and fluttered their broken wings, trying to escape.

But it was brought back to the earth again and again by the roaring guns...

Some people were convinced that the area where they were standing was not enough, and began to shift positions in the fog.

The greasy, hollow sound of the mud as he pulled out his calf, and the heavy breathing from the tension and the amount of exercise could be heard.

And all of this is not as obvious as the green fluorescent numbers on his back.

Sean turned back, looked at the glowing numbers on Olivia's back, and frowned suspiciously.

Enough bullets due to the invisible stomach bag and Sean's pre-mission habit.

Once again, the bullet was stuffed into the carbine whose barrel was already a little hot.


It still ranks second after the 28 robbers.

Just after loading the bullet and raising the barrel again, Sean heard a very strange sound.

It was like the sound of countless bones rubbing against each other.

Looking away from Zhunxin temporarily, Sean looked in the direction of the voice.

Not far from him, a man with a mustache also seemed to hear the strange sound

He put down the gun in his hand, frowned at the vague shadow in the mist, and stretched his neck slightly...

"What is that?" He seemed to be asking those around him.

However, the people around, including Sean, didn't know what it was—

A rotten thing, shaped like a bony duck...

However, its size is very huge, even bigger than an ostrich.

It reminded Sean inexplicably of the restored model of the dodo he saw in the Royal Museum in Greene.

cluck, cluck.

Like the sound of rotting bones dancing.

"What is that?!" the mustache man shouted, but he didn't seem to hope for an answer, and he had already started to turn and run away.

cluck, cluck.

The sound of bones rubbing came from the huge duck bone.

As if provoked by the man's movement, the strange existence in the wetlands staggered up, vibrated its shriveled and huge wings, and rushed over...

The wings brought a gust of wind, and the people around smelled a strong rancid odor.

The giant duck made of bones bit off the head of the escapee.

"The hunters know that this is a cursed wetland..."

"The ducks who have been killed for years and years want revenge...

"Their rotting limbs are stitched together by that will.

"This terrifying existence makes poachers with guns flee!"

The huge skeleton completed a revenge, and the duck skeleton, which was as weird as a rough model, turned in Sean's direction.

"Oh, big thing." Sean gritted his teeth and shook his head, with a threat in his voice, "Don't look at me..."

The duckbill roared angrily, which actually triggered an unpleasant memory of Sean's childhood——

A huge goose roared and rushed towards its young self!

Sean's heart jumped suddenly, suppressing the urge to escape that had nothing to do with reason in his body, breathing like a bellows, and the spiritual essence took out a holy silver coin as if it had been ready, and hung it in front of the muzzle.


The white gun flame seemed to ignite the silver coin that contained the power to punish evil, spreading a holy halo forward.

The shimmering bullet just drilled into the open duck's traversed the layers of shadows in the bone jungle, and drilled directly into the dark depths.


A little diamond-shaped halo, like a flower of desperation, suddenly bloomed in the middle of the darkness.

The bursting power of the Holy Inquisition dispelled evil intentions in the depths.

Immediately afterwards, the huge skeletal structure seemed to be spewed from the depths of the beast's throat, and the residual kinetic energy rushed towards Sean with the scattered skeleton.

The copper-boned umbrella gently spun out a shield wall, and the skeleton scattered like a river that had hit a reef.

Behind the shield wall is a blue mask with a dangerously gleaming eye:

"I said it, man. Don't look my way...

"You should follow my advice."

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