The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 404: Lots of variables

There are twelve people in the whole car.

Twelve people lost their support at the same time and fell towards the deep night sky at the same time.

The limbs of the eight people who were unconscious fell slack, but suddenly stopped below, and swayed to the side one by one.

They did not continue to fall, but floated in the night sky like a string of grasshoppers...

Before the ground was opened, Sean's spiritual essence had already tied everyone like a long winding rope.

The other end of the spiritual substance was attached to the Ferris wheel.

Below your feet is the abyss of the night sky, and above your head is the splendid world...

At this moment, they are like people who crawled out of the depths of the world using a spider silk.

Fluttering in the night sky like a long tail catching a kite, Taylor pressed his teeth tightly without saying a word.

Olivia was expressionless, holding Moonlight gracefully and holding the priest's hand at the other.

Although he was tied by the esoteric rope, the moonlight with his eyes closed tightly held Sean's hand - his palm was full of cold sweat.

What will happen next?

Sean's eyes were cold and he looked up...

I saw that the entire car was released from the support of the Ferris wheel and fell head-on.

Sean, who had anticipated that there would be variables, suddenly contracted the rope connected to the other side of the bracket, causing the swaying twelve lives to swing to the side, avoiding the falling car.

Anticipating that the host would drop the car, Sean not only attached the rope to the main body of the Ferris wheel, but also preset evasion in two directions.

What happens next?

There was no relief, no sense of despair.

A spider silk connects everyone's lives, and Sean just waits quietly for what will happen next.

Let the whole Ferris wheel fall?


They'll do everything they can to make us unlucky, but not break the rules of the game.

At this time, due to the night wind, a woman among the ordinary tourists woke up.

She found herself floating in a world that turned upside down, with an endless abyss beneath her feet.

She screamed, stinging the eardrums of all three except Olivia—

That's why Sean made them pass out before.

The woman raised her head in horror, and the scene she saw next made her breathing stagnate for a moment, and she fainted due to the excessive shock...

She saw that "hanging upside down" on the support of the Ferris wheel on the ground was covered with figures with twisted limbs.

Those gray things, some heads were smashed open, and some limbs were twisted into strange angles...

It seems that these resentful souls who died on the Lucky Ferris Wheel have never left, and have been clinging to this huge spectacle...

When someone was unwilling to accept bad luck, they acted to make sure no one escaped.

The resentful spirits crawled along the steel structure like a nest of weird spiders, biting and eroding Sean's spiritual essence.

The psychic rope is slowly weakened...

bad! Sean's eyes widened suddenly.

No matter how strong his soul is, after all, he is maintaining the weight of twelve people at the moment, and after a violent drift...

The spiritual rope has already been stretched to the limit, and now it is eroded by the resentful souls, and they are really going to fall into the night sky!

"It seems..." In the broadcast, the host seemed to be losing patience. "Our 'winners' don't seem to like their 'prize' very much."

The rope will soon be bitten by them.

At this moment, Sean closed his eyes.

His mind sank into the "God's Root", and in that empty hall, he activated the divine feather representing "Genor of Creation".

In an instant, the three souls with strong spiritual power were connected together.

The surging spiritual power surged up instantly along the rope that became slender due to deformation...

The spiritual substance did not break, but instead became stronger and stronger.

On the radio, there were heavy breathing and an angry voice: "Our lucky ones, thought they could escape all this!"

As if feeling the urging in the voice, those gray resentful spirits climbed down the spiritual ropes, as if they wanted to directly attack the souls of Sean and others...

"Uh..." Breathing out a cold and stench of resentment, like an ominous thing burning with ashes, while the brain is completely collapsed, while the eyeball hangs on the cheekbone...

They were crawling down, trying to eat the souls of these twelve people who didn't want to die.

"Moonlight!" Sean shouted suddenly, "My spiritual essence can't move now, you take a holy light bullet from my pocket and give it to the priest!"

Moonlight, who had been keeping his eyes tightly closed, stretched out a slightly trembling spiritual substance, reached into the invisible stomach bag, and groped for a spherical object.

The holy light bomb was pulled out, and the spiritual substance sagged and handed it into Taylor's hands.

"Father, strengthen it and throw it up!"

Father Taro held the holy light bullet with the leaves of light hollowed out in one hand, and injected his holy soul power into it...

Salvationist clerics have considerable bonuses for using sacred items related to their beliefs.

"May he grant you courage as he grants sunshine to the earth."

Pulling out the fuse, the strong arm suddenly threw it up.

The resentful spirits crawling down the spider silk raised their heads one after another. The one closest to Sean had already stretched his hand to the hair of the New Testament reporter. Sean had originally felt a slight chill...

He also stopped and looked up at the silver sphere reflecting the light.

Taylor's mind was stable. This throw was so perfect. When the Holy Light Bullet almost touched the axis of the Ferris wheel, the divine power and explosive elements in it finally broke through the surface of the Holy Light Bullet...

Almost in the center of the Ferris wheel, a silver sun was recreated.

The strong light casts a deep black shadow, outlines a frozen carnival on the ground, and creates a terrifying picture of **** climbing in the sky...

The resentful spirits dissipated, and the strange power that maintained the Ferris wheel suddenly disappeared.

In the world of Ferris wheel participants, the world turned upside down.

One by one the cars were thrown down along the shaft and swayed.

The slower ones are Sean and the others. They are like spider silks floating in the wind, swinging down when the wind stops...

It's not over yet.

Sean is still the one who calmly observes the overall situation.

They swing too far, too fast...

A few tourists at the far end are likely to die on the steel frame of the Ferris wheel.

He used the spiritual power of the three people with a kind of ingenuity that can only be achieved by explorers who specialize in spiritual substances, and condensed a thick buffer layer along the surface of each person.

I remembered the sound of successive collisions, but it was not the sound of broken bones and broken internal organs...

Rather dull, like the sound of gel hitting.

The eight were still in a coma, and the Ferris wheel returned to its original shape.

After a few pitch-shifting sounds, the music resumed and the Ferris wheel began to spin again.

After each car hits the ground, passengers scramble for the door and flee.

Before some of the cars landed, some passengers opened the doors and jumped down.

The hanging Sean and his party gradually fell to the ground.

The Lucky Wheel is over...

All twelve people in Sean's car survived.

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