The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 401: board the ferris wheel

Sean never imagined that outside Kensington Park, this eerie and dangerous "place of joy" would ignite the passion of a dreamer.

He would not have expected that this passion would indeed continue to burn, allowing this lanky young man to get what he wanted after decades...

Seemingly infected by the passion of the listeners, Moonlight gave a face salute: "I hope your dreams come true."

The other party immediately responded with the same courtesy: "God favors you, sir."

At this time, the puppets under the Ferris wheel had opened the gate, and the team slowly moved forward.

After chatting, Sean learned that the listeners chose the Ferris wheel with a lower score as the first project because they were not rushing for the grand prize.

"I'm not very interested in money..." says the real-life animator, "We're just passing by in the New Testament.

"Before, I was cheated by a Hollywood studio - he bought all the crew members and took away the right to use an animated character I designed.

"To be honest, this thing makes me sick."

"I came here just to find inspiration and relax..."

His voice gradually decreased, and he stared curiously at the seated chest where the moonlight was stirring.

It was bulging there, like a restless beating heart.

"Mr. Tuner..." The listener looked at Moonlight's chest with some fascination, "Can you introduce your friend to me?"

Few explorers could notice that Moonlight often carried a companion in her pocket—Miss White the White Rat.

Living listeners can not only understand the language of animals, they are also very sensitive to their presence.

Impressed by the animator in front of him, Moonlight carefully took Miss White out of her inner pocket and placed it on the listener's hand, which seemed to be a crib...

Miss White, who didn't like being touched by strangers, was now lying in his palm, with the tip of her pink nose twitching slightly, smelling the smell of this new friend...

"what is her name?"

"You can call her Miss White," Moonlight lit a swan cigarette. "She was my only good friend..."

Suddenly looking at Sean beside him, Moonlight smiled happily.

Gently stroking the back of the mouse, this special explorer listened to the moonlight telling the story of acquaintance and acquaintance with Miss White...

The procession moved slowly, and as Moonlight spoke, the listeners stared at White, sometimes at Moonlight.

When they finally stood under the Ferris wheel and were about to be assigned to different carriages, the listener returned the guinea pig to the pianist.

"Mr. Tuner... I admire your friendship." Under the mask, he said with shining eyes, "In the process of listening to your story, a cute little character appeared in my heart...

"A witty, lovable mouse who always saves the day.

"I think when I go back, I will definitely be able to create more popular characters."

Moonlight asked excitedly, "Is it based on Miss White?"

"That's right." The animator laughed too.

The pianist rubbed the guinea pig's head with his fingers: "Miss White, you're going to be animated—you're so lucky!"

Failing to be allocated the same carriage, Sean and Yueguang said goodbye to the listeners and walked towards the carriage in front.

While listening to Moonlight's conversation with the listener with interest, Sean's thoughts drifted in another direction...

"Life Listener" reminded him that the name of this Ferris wheel is "Luck Ferris Wheel".

No one is too curious about this name.

However, Sean is different.

For professional reasons, he is very sensitive to words and vocabulary...

Under the mask, he frowned, and when he boarded the Ferris wheel, he thought to himself: "Good luck Ferris wheel...

"Why is it called 'good luck'?"

Thinking that there is no answer for the time being, the Ferris wheel continued to spin, so that this section of the carriage was lifted off the ground, so that the tourists behind could enter the next section of carriage.

The carriage slowly ascended, Olivia and Moonlight looked curiously at the scenery outside the window, Taylor sat on the sofa and closed his eyes in meditation, while Sean began to pay attention to the other tourists in the carriage.

In addition to the four of them, there are eight tourists in this carriage, five men and three women, all young non-explorers.

It seemed that they were all excited to board the Ferris wheel, and all of them were rosy and smiling.

For some reason, Sean suddenly had an ominous feeling.

His heart was beating violently, making him want to jump out of the carriage and get out of here.

"Calm down, calm down..." Sean closed his eyes, "No matter what happens, treat and deal with it calmly."

Thinking of this, the strong sense of crisis in my heart subsided a little.

"Wow, John, look!" In the carriage, a chubby lady pointed to the scenery that suddenly appeared outside the window due to the height.

Moonlight and Olivia couldn't help kneeling on the cushion, and looked out the window with wide eyes...

Both Taylor and Sean opened their eyes and cast their gazes out calmly.

Their carriage has reached the waist-up position of the Ferris wheel, and at this moment, they can gradually get a bird's-eye view of the panoramic view of Midnight Paradise.

Seeing the scenery outside the window, Sean had a deeper resonance with the previous words of the "Life Listener".

"Although I have visited many amusement parks, none of them are as grand and... dreamy as this one."

The continuous amusement tents are strung together by colorful lights, like Chinese clothes and shiny jewelry laid flat on the ground. People walk through them with laughter, as if visiting the treasures of giants...

The merry-go-round is like a delicate toy at the moment, placed in the darkest corner of the park, and the flames project the shadows of people, long and short, as if dancing with the merry-go-round and music.

There are clowns performing in the theater, and people's laughter has reached this high altitude.

Here we can finally see the situation in the "courtyard area" shaded by trees, where there are huge buildings and a hill that seems to have been hollowed out. The invisible children cheered here in the firelight, making people feel It's like coming to a small country...

And the castle in the distance is like a splendid palace in the sky, and the palace is right next to him.

You can even see the bright lights of the castle and the shadows reflected in the windows...

The Ferris wheel continues to rise, and you can see a carriage, like a delicate ornament, staying at the gate of the castle.

Could it be that there is a dance going on?

Such a view...

Sean even needs to keep reminding himself that this isn't really a happy place.

"This is the 'spirit' created by that terrifying being called 'Peter Pan'!"

Sean closed his eyes and dispelled the beautiful feeling that he wanted to linger here...

It is impossible to determine whether this kind of attachment is caused by the magical nature of the spirit itself, or simply because of the beauty created by Midnight Paradise...

After a moment, Sean opened his eyes and could finally focus on what he was going to do.

"Guys..." he said, looking at Taylor, "Dad..."

His call immediately attracted the attention of his teammates, "Why did you choose to board the Ferris wheel first, I think I should tell you the reason..."

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