The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 393: place of redemption

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"Explorer Name: (Hidden) · (Hidden) Smith

"Mask: slanderer (a eloquent person, Queen level.)

"Sentence: five years, two years and seven months remaining.

"Crime: Attacking a teammate during a mission, resulting in one death and two serious injuries.

"I said I couldn't trust others, and I firmly believed that my teammates were trying to kill myself for more share of the bonus, so it was better to do it first.

"After careful investigation, the 'teammate's unruly plot' was Smith's personal delusion. After research and judgment, his mental state is no longer suitable for exploratory duties, and it is recommended to revoke his qualifications after the expiration of his sentence..."

Raising his eyes from the file of the inquisitors in prison, Sean frowned and pondered:

"Is it because of what he went through in the open house that he became like this?

"Can't trust others, suspicious?"

He shook his head slightly in his heart: "In the analysis report, there is no mention of 'Slanderer' Smith. It became like this after the open day. It cannot be determined in this way."

At this moment, he and Yueguang have submitted a "visit application" for the prisoner, and it was approved.

As an industry insider who has proven his worth, the association will provide all possible conveniences for the Queen level and above.

Sean and Moonlight, who have been promoted, can just use this facility this time-through visitation rights, they can directly have a face-to-face conversation with the final prize winner of the former Open Day mentioned by Louis.

Sean and Moonlight entered the elevator with mixed feelings.

In the elevator, the staff wearing the red mask of the "Supervisor" used the key to open a small box at the bottom of the floor dial, and pressed the button on the negative five floors...

On the fifth basement of the Quest Center, Sean has heard of it many times, but never set foot on it—

"Place of Atonement".

When the elevator passed through the bottom of the underground library and was about to enter the fifth floor, Sean obviously felt a tingling in his soul.

That is the negative pressure caused by the high concentration of spiritual power.

Apparently, the pianist felt the same way - Sean heard it, and Moonlight took a slight breath.

The heavy spiritual power made the New Testament reporters and pianists feel solemn and heavy.

The bell that did not arrive, the floor dial above the elevator door was buried in the far left of the dial, as if hiding.

Here is a place that does not exist to the outside world.

The iron gate opened, and Sean entered the most mysterious area of ​​the New Zealand exploration industry.

A deep corridor leads straight ahead, and in the darkness, Sean can feel the gaze from the strong...

"No less than three Kings are permanently stationed here..."

There are always outlaws who want to do stupid things, and this place is related to the maintenance of the New Zealand quest system, so it makes sense to be heavily guarded.

In this too solemn place, it takes more energy to maintain the normal demeanor on the surface.

The two walked forward concentratedly, passed the long corridor, and came to the center of the place of redemption.

Moonlight was a little surprised by the sight in front of him, while Sean, who had read more information, was a little indifferent—

Here, is an open underground world.

Outside the stone "terrace", the rich spiritual energy condensed together, and even formed a bond that was visible to the naked eye, emitting a faint light. These bonds were intertwined, as if woven into a giant net...

At the center of the countless stretched shimmering tentacles is a bright red.

In the red, like a huge fetal chamber, there is the outline of a mask floating.

That is the axis of the "Place of Atonement" and the highest-ranking "prisoner" here.

"The Penitent Mars".

The only Ace-class prisoner.

In a vicious incident called "Ghost Bride", he killed his teammates in order to protect his wife who had fallen into an evil spirit.

Afterwards, Mars, who had calmed down, volunteered to serve his sentence in order to quell the overwhelming sense of guilt in his heart, and acted as the axis of the place of redemption...

At this moment, "Mars" can only see a stone mask with a resolute face, floating in pure spiritual power.

In the "fetal room" where he was, the red light changed all kinds of characters that others didn't understand, and it seemed to convey some information to the outside world.

Circling down the stone steps, Shawn was heading to the place of "Slanderer" under the leadership of the supervisor.

While walking down the stairs, the moonlight caressed the artificial stone bricks embedded in natural rock formations due to the underground pressure.

The text inscribed on the stone brick is the oldest known text symbol.

It's not that the "Place of Atonement" existed before the Era of Civilization, but that this place was built on the basis of a prehistoric site—

Unlike the prisons in the ordinary world, in addition to punishing the inquirers who are guilty of sins, the "place of redemption" is also an important part of the inquisitor system.

One of the founders of the New Zealand exploration system, discovered this ancient altar buried deep in the ground a century ago.

Few people know that the collapse of the Municipal Library and the establishment of the Explorer Center Building were all due to the existence of this underground altar——

At the beginning, after in-depth research, it was found that this altar had "patterns" that still covered the entire North Del Continent.

Borrowing these "patterns", the founder of the explorer system created the so-called "net of spiritual patterns" for all explorers to use.

Whether it is the remote communication ability of the explorer's playing cards, the early warning mechanism of key locations, or even the sealing power used by various huge threats suppressed in the name of the association...

The realization of its functions and the source of spiritual power all come from the "net of spiritual patterns" here.

The "place of redemption" is also the center of the "spirit web".

The prisoners below the Ace level will serve their sentences in the spirit net according to the sentence, and serve as the "fuel" of the spirit net, which is distributed to the altar that has been adjusted to realize and maintain various functions.

The ancient altar that does not know the era can put the soul and body of the prisoner in an indescribable state...

They will float in a limited range like ghosts in the void, and the spiritual power generated will be absorbed and distributed by the altar, involuntarily...

This process will produce great pain that touches the depths of the soul.

Proven over the ages, this pain also seems to have the effect of cleansing the soul.

In other words, the deterrent force of this pain is too strong, so that the prisoners will no longer dare to do injustice.

It is difficult to say which statement is more correct.

In any case, while the existence of the "Place of Atonement" plays a huge role, the cruel fate of using the souls of prisoners as the fuel for the net of spirit patterns is also a huge deterrent to those who want to do injustice.

For the meaning of this existence, the explorer industry also has a sentence:

"God favors explorers...

"And that preference is fulfilled by people underground."

Bottom of the Land of Atonement.

Beyond a space enclosed by ancient runestones.

Sean is still staring at the stones that have even been deformed by time, as if "melting".

Looking up, you can see a strange and dark "sun", exuding a hopeless light in the sky of this underground world - that is the axis of the contemporary spiritual web, Mars.

And in the darkness that spreads everywhere, from time to time, the light shines, and the light flows smoothly along the passage, and in the bursts of light, you can see the trembling masks and hands, their shadows are cast on the wall, Although I know that the experience is bound to be extremely I can't hear the slightest scream...

Standing here is like experiencing some kind of absurd and terrifying dream.

The Guardian stood outside the boundary of the runestone, calling out to the rich darkness.

"Prisoner, 'Slanderer' Smith!

"Someone is visiting!"

There was no response in the dark, and the supervisor had already retreated behind Sean and the two: "The visitation time is ten minutes."

Sean and Moonlight stared at the darkness with some doubts, but saw a burst of red-yellow light shining in the darkness.

In the flash of light, a smirking mask can be seen twitching in the air, and a pair of hands that are suspended in the air are also shaking in pain...

The spiritual power forced out by the "underground spiritual net" travels upstream along the invisible tributaries...

The extraction is temporarily over, the light has ended, and the darkness has returned...

The mask was suspended to the edge of the rune stone, and in the dark world, it was floating on the opposite side of the "Sea of ​​Shimmer" mask——

It turned out to be like a distorted mirror, reflecting Sean.


"In this world,

"Is there anyone still willing to visit me?"

There was a tired but slightly happy voice under the slanderer's mask.

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