Sono Yushin walked out of the bedroom, holding a change of clothes in his hand, and locked eyes with He Feiyu who was sitting on the sofa and playing with his mobile phone. There was an unstoppable smile on his fair and pretty face. He had a clear plan, no matter it was Whether he wears it or not, he is the one who is embarrassed.

With a cheerful mood, Sono Yushin walked into the bathroom, took off her white shirt and skirt that were already wet, bent down slightly, and took off her light blue panties from her crotch. Her black eyes saw He Feiyu's The clothes put together were originally intended to be placed next to him, but something occurred to her and she placed her pants in the middle of He Feiyu's clothes.

"This is all revenge! It's revenge! You're not a slut!"

Afterwards, after putting it away, the girl's pretty face turned red, but the thought of someone saying her feet smelled made her angry. In this case, let something even more "stinky" pollute He Feiyu's clothes. Let him be infected without knowing it!

Aangano Yushin came to the bathtub and was about to lift her thighs and step into the water, but thought of something and hesitated. He Feiyu had just soaked before. Should he change the water, but...

Her own life was already tight, so she wondered if it would be too wasteful to change the water. After struggling for a moment, the girl decided to use the water that He Feiyu had used. It didn't look dirty anyway.

After convincing herself, the girl sat down completely, with only her little head above the water. Her whole body was wrapped in warmth, and all the fatigue she had experienced throughout the afternoon seemed to disappear.

"What happened today, why did it happen, gulu gulu~"

Recalling the scene that happened at the station before, Aangano couldn't help but think that at the same time, the whole body below Qiong's nose was submerged in the water, and the small mouth unconsciously exhaled air, causing bubbles in the water.

"Acridine! What am I doing?! I drank from him... but... damn, it's all his fault!"

Playing in the water like a little girl, but while playing, I suddenly remembered something. This was the bath water that He Feiyu had soaked in. It was already embarrassing to take a bath with the water that a boy had soaked in, and he drank it from someone else. The girl didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment, so she could only blush and throw the mistake to He Feiyu.

"Ah, who is thinking of me? Liuli-chan? Jingjiu-chan or..."

He Feiyu sneezed and muttered to himself, and then focused his attention on the screen of his mobile phone. Seeing the message of concern from Aunt Manzi, he was moved in his heart and couldn't help but think that he had such a reasonable adoptive mother. own luck.


The bathroom door was opened, and He Feiyu subconsciously turned his head to look.

The slim and cute girl was wearing a white scarf. Her fair and slender calves and rosy pink skin were clearly visible in He Feiyu's eyes. One of his brothers stiffened slightly and went through the motions.

"You...don't look at me so lustfully"

The young man's fiery gaze made Sono Yui say with tenderness. Even though she was wearing pants and a bra, the young man's gaze seemed to penetrate everything, making her awkward and shy. She tightened the bath towel wrapping her breasts with her hands, and her plump breasts My thighs couldn't help but tighten a lot.


Hearing this, He Feiyu immediately withdrew his gaze and chatted with Hana Minato-chan on the phone.

‘Am I that attractive? ’


'boom! ’

He Feiyu's obedience made Canano doubt her own charm. However, she said so herself, so she couldn't blame the young man. She could only grunt, express her dissatisfaction, and then walk away angrily. He entered his bedroom and closed the door heavily.

Hearing Men Cangnai's heartbroken groan and the banging of the door, He Feiyu raised his eyebrows. He didn't know what the girl was doing. He looked at the time and saw that it was only about eight o'clock, but the thunder and rain outside were getting louder and louder. Big, I wonder if it will stop for a while.

After looking around the room, He Feiyu decided to rest on the sofa tonight.

The drizzle enveloped the earth, and the continuous thunder was heart-wrenching. He Feiyu, who was lying on the sofa, listened to the rain in his ears and felt more relaxed than ever before. He narrowed his eyes slightly and began to fall asleep.

But Sono Yushin in the bedroom was not so happy. Growing up, what she was most afraid of was thunder. As long as it rained and thundered, she would curl up in her mother-in-law's arms. Listening to the gentle voice, she could Sleep peacefully.

The continuous thunder outside the house was deafening and made her roll over. Even if she covered her ears with a pillow, she still couldn't do it.


I don't know if it was because of fear, but Sono thought of her deceased mother-in-law. Her petite body curled up into a ball. Whenever thunder sounded, the girl's petite body would tremble uncontrollably.


In a daze, He Feiyu felt a cold touch on his arm, and his slightly squinted eyes opened instantly.

‘Boom! ’

"Can...can you...sleep...with me...I'm afraid...of thunder..."

A thunder exploded, and the black shadow in front of him suddenly brightened up. Before He Feiyu could react, Sono Yushin had already thrown into his arms, and there was a rumor in his ears.

He could barely hear the girl's soft voice if the two of them weren't so close.


The girl's body rose and fell slightly in his arms, not seeming to be fake.

"May I?"

Sensing He Feiyu's hesitation, Canono Yuxin whispered in He Feiyu's ear again, which was mixed with a kitten-like whimper, which made people unable to bear to refuse.


After thinking for a while, although he didn't know why the girl acted like this, He Feiyu agreed.


He Feiyu carried Sono Yushin, who was wrapped around her body like an octopus, back to her bedroom.

"Okay, I'll be by your side, have a good rest."

On the bed, the girl was still holding him tightly. He Feiyu couldn't turn over even if he wanted to, so he could only comfort him.

"Back to back, otherwise there will be air leakage in the middle and it will be bad if you catch a cold. Don't you have to go to school tomorrow?"

Noticing that some cold wind was pouring in from the gap between the two of them, He Feiyu was worried about Cang Nao, not that he was afraid, because even if he was lying naked in the rain, he would not get sick from it, but the girl was different.

"Be obedient! Otherwise I will go out!"

Seeing that the girl was still motionless, He Feiyu threatened, and sure enough, upon hearing this, Sono Yushin immediately let go of He Feiyu's hand and turned around.

"That's good! Get some rest, good night."

Aoi Yue's boudoir was filled with fragrance, and He Feiyu's nose was filled with fragrance, which made all his sleepiness disappear. It was a long night and he didn't know what to do.

I simply opened the system and checked it out.

‘What would happen if I used a magnifying light to magnify the cow? ’

Browsing the page belonging to Doraemon's props, He Feiyu subconsciously thought about the function of the magnifying light, but then rejected the idea. If it is appropriate, it is fine, but if it is too large, it will be counterproductive.

But the shrinking lamp can be used, and it will be very good to punish the minotaur. The most proud thing of the minotaur is the bull. If you find that the bull is small and pitiful, you will have a mental breakdown.

I browsed the Kamen Rider and Stand pages for a while, and I still had two lottery cards in my hand, but I had to make good use of them.

Finally, we came to the most special page, aura increase.

He Feiyu already has a succubus halo, which can protect the safety of women after having sex.

There are also a dazzling array of haloes with different functions. This time, when he was free, He Feiyu decided to take a look at it slowly. If he was interested, he could buy it. Looking at the floating number two, He Feiyu felt that he could still operate it.

At the same time as Night Raid, Group Six; ⑨ Four Nine Three'⑥ One' Three Five, Yushin Sono next to him didn't know that it was because of someone around him, but the girl fell directly into sleep. In her dream, she saw When she got to the people closest to her, she told her thoughts and sorrows one by one. The gray-haired old man in front of her listened quietly and kindly.

Auno Yu felt the long-lost warmth in her heart, and her bad emotions slowly disappeared. However, before she knew it, her topics began to complain about He Feiyu's abominable behavior of bullying her: spanking her, saying her feet smell, and letting her She bathed in his water and occupied her bed, some of which were clearly initiated by the girl herself, but she also said that it was He Feiyu who forced her, since she could act as coquettishly as she wanted in front of her grandma anyway.

'Hehe, good boy, Yuxin-chan, grandma can no longer accompany you. The person who can accompany you for life has appeared, and grandma can leave with peace of mind. Good boy, grandma will bless you in the kingdom of heaven.'

After Sono Yushin finished what she wanted to say, her grandmother slowly and kindly spoke.

"Don't! Don't go, grandma!"

Sono Yushin didn't understand what her grandma said, but she could clearly understand the meaning of her grandma's last words. The girl quickly cried and tried to catch the increasingly hazy figure, while shouting loudly and reluctantly.

In reality, He Feiyu was browsing one of the things called Reverse Halo. He was not only speechless when he saw its effect, but also felt funny. He thought that all the halos were beneficial to him as the host, but he didn't expect that there were also bad ones. , thinking that only a fool would buy this, even if it only requires a little power of rules!

Just when he put his hand on the page and was about to slide down, the girl next to him suddenly exclaimed loudly. At the same time, in the darkness, a small hand happened to hit his hand. What was even better, or Unfortunately, it happened to move upwards and hit the reverse thrust halo.

Chapter 138 The Awakening Girl

Sluggish, confused.

He Fei Yusheng looked helplessly at the sold reverse push halo.

[Reverse halo: The halo owner must comply with the requirements of the child of destiny in this world twice a day, and the probability of random triggering is 1% (provided that the halo owner's personal bottom line must not be violated) Passive skill]

‘The destined child of this world? What is this? Why do I feel like I have heard somewhere, whether the Child of Destiny is a boy or a girl? ’

The deal was done, and He Feiyu had no choice but to accept it, but what the Son of the World said on the halo made him feel on edge. It was easier for a woman to say what to do if it was a man, especially a perverted man with special interests and hobbies. He believes that there is absolutely no shortage of them in this world.

He Feiyu didn't dare to think about it at all. The more he thought about it, the more horrified he felt. His back was wet with cold sweat and he felt chilly.

"Don't... don't go... ugh..."

Listening to the slightly crying murmur of the girl next to him, He Feiyu came up with the idea of ​​​​beating her butt into four parts.

After all, it was not the girl's intention to disappear, and he couldn't bear to blame anything.


"Be good...don't go, don't go, sleep peacefully, sleep...sleep..."

He Feiyu sighed, sweeping away the worries about the unknown from his heart, and began to comfort the girl. Gentle and gentle words came out of his mouth. At the same time, he turned slightly sideways and began to soothe the girl's delicate back with his hands.


He Feiyu's actions and words seemed to have a good effect, and the girl answered unconsciously. Through the soft moonlight, she could vaguely see the eyebrows slowly unfurling under Sono Yushin's smooth forehead.

The girl fell into a deep sleep again.

But He Feiyu suffered an old sin.

I didn't notice it before, but Sono Yushin was only wearing pants and a bra. Now the girl is like an octopus, with warm thighs intertwined around his legs like old tree roots, and her white and tender skin feels soft to the touch. , was clearly transmitted to his brain. The most fatal thing was that the knee of one of the girl's thighs was rubbing against his dragon egg intentionally or unintentionally, and one of his hands also sank into the girl's soft flesh.

Restraining the urge to do Fa-rectification on the spot, he forced his eyes to close to sleep and diverted his attention.

There is a way to be astringent!


"Ah!!! Why are you in my bed, pervert! Pervert! Ugh~"

Just when He Feiyu dreamed of being intimate with Miss Shangmei in a sexy purple cheongsam, a girl's loud exclamation suddenly sounded in his ears, causing him to wake up. He couldn't care less about the disappointment, and saw Sono Yushin hugging the quilt and twisting. The body retreated to the corner, sobbing and looking at him.

"Think about it carefully, who was the one who was so afraid of dragging me here in the middle of the night yesterday!"

Hearing this, He Feiyu said angrily.


Hearing He Feiyu's words, Canano seemed to have thought of something and stopped sobbing. His fair and pretty face was stained with a hint of red, and he hesitated not knowing what to say.

Because Sono Yushin had already remembered what happened, the thunder was raging last night. In the past, the girl would seek comfort in her grandma's arms, but her grandma's death made her confused and at a loss. She suddenly thought of He Feiyu in the living room. Although She thought he was a bad guy, but she still walked out of the bedroom and asked him for help.

"I...I...I was taken advantage of by you! Originally, I wanted to see you pitiful, so I stayed with you for one night with good intentions and did not care about my reputation, but I didn't expect that I would be slandered instead. Alas, people's hearts are not ancient. !”

He Feiyu was lying on the bed, shaking his legs, looking at the girl with a disappointed look on her face, as if she was wronged.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it"

Souno Yushin's already red and pretty face was even worse, as if she could bleed. The girl held the quilt tightly with her little hands and said in a panic.


He Feiyu shook his head exaggeratedly, and sighed a little exaggeratedly.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If...if I can make you forgive me, I'm willing to do anything!"

Seeing He Feiyu's performance, the girl gritted her teeth tightly, her pretty face changed, and finally, as if she had made some decision, she suddenly looked at He Feiyu seriously and said.

'As expected of a silly girl, otherwise she wouldn't have been raped by a tauren and then raped, alas...'

Aangano's heartfelt words made He Feiyu laugh secretly in his heart. A small trick can make a girl feel guilty. To say such words is worthy of a girl who looks silly and gentle in appearance. However, while He Feiyu is having fun, he is also I sighed in my heart.

In this case...

He Feiyu glanced at his own Yizhu Qingtian, and his meaning was very obvious.

Sono Yushin followed He Feiyu's gaze. At the moment of contact, steam seemed to come out of his head, and his whole body seemed to come out of a steamer.

Looking at He Feiyu's disappointed eyes, the girl plucked up the courage, let go of the quilt covering her body, and slowly crawled somewhere like a puppy.

"Ouch! What are you doing!?"

The girl stared at death. Just when her hand was about to touch the thing that made her body hot, He Feiyu immediately sat up, blocked it with his hand, and said in surprise.

"Ah! Didn't you ask me to do this?"

He Feiyu's performance made Cang Naoyue confused.

"Why did I ask you to do this? I meant to ask you to help me put on my pants! What are you thinking about every day!"

"Ah! I...I don't know...I'm sorry..."

The girl's green-white toes moved awkwardly, and Sono Yuki just wanted to escape from this place of right and wrong.


After a series of events, Canano Yuxin seemed not to be so afraid of He Feiyu.

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