Blue lightning energy started from the belt and quickly reached the tentacles on the top of the head.

The next moment, the violent energy gathered in the feet and kicked Ise Ebizo.


‘Bang bang bang’

Ise Ebizo’s body

flew into the woods inside the platform, breaking several trees before stopping.

He Feiyu followed and found Ise Ebizo, who was charred all over, under a broken tree. Now he was half dead and couldn’t move his fingers.

This was the result of He Feiyu asking Crazy Diamond to show mercy, otherwise he would have exploded directly with one kick, and there would be no ash left. He would not let the Minotaur die like this.

Crazy Diamond’s ability was activated, and Ise Ebizo was healed.


“Toola la la la la la la la la la!”

“Stay here forever and repent for your actions, if you still have a soul”

After that, He Feiyu turned and left.


Human-faced tree!

It is called so because it has a human-like face and strange branches.

It is said that a couple who wanted to try fighting in the wild accidentally discovered it. Since then, it has become a place chosen by different couples for outdoor battles and courage test competitions.

Later, it was developed into a tourist attraction by the locals, often attracting couples to commemorate their time, thus driving the local economic development, and was called the fortune tree by the locals!

Chapter 135 Bad Guy He Feiyu

Of course, that is all later~

Returning to the present, when Ise Ebizo was smashed together with a tree by Crazy Diamond, and then reassembled through its ability, it turned into a human-shaped tree, which was hovering between death and survival.

A thin black line just floated out of the tree's body and was arrested by the big hand formed by green and disappeared.

"I will come back again, hehe..."

He Feiyu suddenly heard a familiar voice, stopped, and picked his ears, but there was only the sound of heavy rain in his ears.

"Could it be that I have been too energetic recently? This shouldn't be the case..."

Confused, Liuli-chan has indeed squeezed a lot in the past few days, but it shouldn't be so empty, is it an auditory hallucination?

He took another step and walked towards the platform. There was still a silly girl there.

Cano Yushin sat on the bench on the platform and stared at the place where the two disappeared in a daze. Originally, today he was just going to the school he was about to attend to check the class division and find a cheap rental house by the way, so that he didn't have to run back and forth between the countryside and the city and delay his studies. But he never thought that he would witness such an incredible thing with his own eyes.

'Can the human body really do this? '

Looking at the fallen trees, Cano Yushin said to himself in his heart.

'Why did the uncle who bumped into me suddenly disappear? Was it him? '

Cano Yushin recalled the scenes in his memory and became more confused.

'Will it be him? What should I do if it is the fat uncle? If it's him, what should I do...'

After waiting for about ten minutes, a figure finally appeared in Cang No Jie Xin's eyes, but it was not very clear because it was too dark.

"It's you! Where's the fat uncle?"

The figure slowly approached, and Cang No Jie Xin finally saw the person clearly. It was the boy with a bit of bitter eyes.

"Hehe, it's me, what? Is that the person you want to see?"

He Feiyu walked to Cang No Jie Xin and sat down naturally, looking at the girl coldly.

"No, I... I'm just curious..."

"Ask out of curiosity, that's very dangerous, if you know something you shouldn't know~"

With a slightly teasing tone, He Feiyu threatened the girl, and raised one hand to make a gesture of wiping his neck while speaking.

"Ah! Then I won't ask! I don't know anything! Don't kill me"

Hearing what He Feiyu said, Cang No Jie Xin showed fear on his face, shaking his head and moving his hips, trying to get away from He Feiyu.

"I have a habit. If I feel disliked, I can't help wanting to hit something. What if I can't control the strength~"

Looking at Aono Yuxin's performance, He Feiyu said as if it was a matter of fact.

Hearing this, Aono Yuxin immediately stopped her movements, and looked at He Feiyu with an uneasy face, fearing that her fist would fall on her.

"What's your name? What are you doing here?"

He Feiyu was very satisfied with Aono Yuxin's performance. Although he already knew the girl's name from the system, he still pretended to ask.

"My name...my name is Aono Yuxin"

The girl said weakly.

"Today I want to go to school to see the class division, and then rent a house close to the school"

Aono Yuxin saw He Feiyu's eyebrows and immediately added.

'This is meeting a classmate'

He Feiyu thought in his heart but didn't speak up, otherwise how could he scare the silly girl.

"Well! Very good! Very honest"

He Feiyu nodded and praised the girl's performance.

"You...what about you?"

"I...I won't ask anymore, I don't know anything! I have a bad memory and I forgot what you look like!"

Suddenly thinking of the TV show where hostages were silenced because they saw or knew the appearance and name of the criminal, Cangnano Jiexin said quickly, and at the same time closed her eyes, looking like she knew nothing and saw nothing.

He Feiyu looked at Cangnano Jiexin with amusement. He didn't know why, but he just wanted to bully her. Who told her to be stupid? He had to teach the girl a lesson.

"Hmm~ It's good if you can't remember, otherwise your hands will be contaminated again..."

He Feiyu followed the girl's words.

“It’s raining so heavily now, and

You're soaked all over. Do you still want to go to school? "

He Feiyu continued, if he doesn't go today, he can go tomorrow. He is not in a hurry anyway.


Aangano hesitated. Just like what He Feiyu said, she was wet all over and felt that her clothes, skirts, white socks and shoes were all stuck to her body. It was very uncomfortable. But if the house is not found today, she will find it tomorrow. If so, time will be very urgent.

At the same time, the girl was also worried about causing harm to Chi Yu. If He Feiyu knew about the school and class she attended and started killing, she would be a sinner, and her mother-in-law would not be able to rest in peace in heaven.

"No...not going"

In the end, Aonano made up his mind and said that he could not let innocent people be implicated because of himself.

He Feiyu did not answer.

The two of them sat on the platform together in a strange atmosphere, listening to the sound of rain.

"You...don't you...leave yet?"

The last bus to the city had just passed by today. Seeing that He Feiyu didn't get on the bus, Canono couldn't help but ask.

"how about you?"

He Feiyu did not answer but asked instead.

"Me? I don't know either."

The girl shook her head when she heard this and said confusedly, she didn't know what to do next.


A long time passed.

“The rain finally stopped”

Aang Nao was sitting on pins and needles next to He Feiyu. Watching the rain getting lighter, she couldn't help but speak.


"I want to go back...home..."

Aangano Yuexin heard He Feiyu's answer and said as if asking for his opinion.

"Come back! My legs are on your body, do you still want me to carry you home?"

"Ah! This... don't you mind?"

Aangano Yuexin looked at He Feiyu and said doubtfully, is it so easy to let him go?

"do not mind"

"Oh, then I'm leaving..."

"If you want to leave, leave quickly, otherwise!"

Seeing Cang Nai's heart lingering, He Feiyu raised his hand and made a slapping gesture, threatening.


After sitting for almost three or four hours, the girl's body was already stiff due to threats from He Feiyu and Ise Ebizo. Now she realized it later. As soon as she stood up, her center of gravity became unstable and she fell to one side. She was about to collapse. On the stool, Sono Yushin closed her eyes, waiting for the pain to hit.

The next second, the girl felt something being hugged, and the pain she imagined did not come. Her black eyes opened, and He Feiyu's smiling face came into view. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was already a miracle that the boy didn't kill her. Yes, he actually helped her.

Nephrite was in his arms, and the girl's body fragrance hit him. He Feiyu put one hand around the girl's weak waist, and one hand around the girl's white and slender arms. The soft feeling in both places made him feel uneasy, but he didn't show it on his face. When he came out, he still had an indifferent expression.

"You haven't gotten up yet, do you want to eat my tofu?"

He Feiyu said in a nonchalant manner.

"No...no, it's just that my legs...legs...are weak."

Aangano's fair and pretty face turned red, and she immediately retorted hesitantly, while struggling in He Feiyu's arms.

"Oh, then I'll let go"


After saying that, He Feiyu's hand suddenly loosened, and Canono Yushin, who had just stabilized himself, fell towards He Feiyu again, and hit him in his arms. Two small hands pulled He Feiyu's arms, and his soft chest happened to be pressed against him. On Optimus Prime, the girl exclaimed.

"you you you..."

Although Sono Yushin was inexperienced, he still knew what was pressing against his chest. His already red cheeks turned even crimson, spreading to his small ears and delicate collarbones.

"You jumped on it yourself, but I didn't take the initiative. I didn't say anything to you. It's all your own fault. What are you doing to you!"

He Feiyu said calmly, "I don't put myself at the bottom just because of this. Do you understand that men and women are equal?"


Aangano Yuexin didn't know what to say, so she could only grit her teeth and say, looking at He Feiyu, her eyes almost watered.

"Okay, can you stand up?"

He Feiyu stopped teasing the girl, he helped Cang Naoyue up and asked.

"No...I can't, my legs are still a little weak."

Aangano Yuxin was a little uncomfortable with He Feiyu's sudden concern, but she still replied.

"Come on, don't waste time"

"What do you want to do?"

The girl was puzzled.

"What do you think? I'll carry you back, I'll suffer a bit and let you take advantage."

He Feiyu said calmly.

"You...you want to go back with me?"

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