
"Yujun...next time...can we hang out together next time?"

"Of course, I'm the only one free and I'll be here when you call me."

"No matter who asks you, you will admit that I am your boyfriend."

"Isn't it the right thing to take care of your girlfriend?"

When the girl heard He Feiyu's flowers, a smile bloomed on her face again, but when she heard what he said later, she blushed again and lowered her head, but said nothing.

"By the way, Hana Minato-chan, where are your parents? Why didn't you see your uncle and aunt when you visited today?"

"My parents have been traveling on business since I started high school and only come back a few days a year..."

There was a hesitant look on the girl's face, but when she saw the boy's concerned look, she still told the truth.

"It's okay, I will accompany you from now on"

"By the way, why don't you buy a pet? That way it won't be too boring."

After hearing the girl's words, He Feiyu gently patted their clasped hands with one hand to comfort her. He seemed to have thought of something, and he said directly.

"Hey, that's right!"

The girl's beautiful face showed a look of sudden realization. Why didn't she think of watching movies after having a pet? It was a waste of time.

"Well, let's see if there is a pet shop on our way home and buy a cat."

He Feiyu said.


Tianhehua Minato taps his head gently.

When the tram arrived at the station, He Feiyu saw a pet shop selling cats on the way home as he was sending Tianhe Huamin away. He led the girl in and walked in.


As soon as the two entered the store, the dazzling array of cats began to bark when they saw strangers arriving.

The girl's eyes were shining with stars, and they were all cute cats. The girl turned her head to look at He Feiyu, as if asking for his permission. When the boy nodded, she let go of the boy's hand and ran outside the cage where the cats were kept. Playing and teasing the cat inside.



"Yujun, look, Maomao responded to me."

The girl was so playful that she even imitated the meow of the cat. Seeing the cat meowing back, she excitedly turned her head and looked at He Feiyu.

"Haha, it seems that the cat is also cute by Hana Minato-chan."

He Feiyu was actually speechless, but he couldn't hurt the girl's innocent heart and could only flatter him.


The girl giggled after hearing He Feiyu's words.

Seeing that there were no customers in the store, He Feiyu also walked around, preparing to choose a suitable cat.

After shopping around for a while, he found several suitable cats.

One is the leopard cat, which is very wild, but it has too many things to equip, which is troublesome. The second is the civet cat, a native cat of the Dragon Kingdom. It is away from home for two days out of three days and is very wild. You can also consider it. The third is the Balinese cat. , it is the "evolved extended version" of the Siamese cat. It has a gentle temperament, can observe people's emotions, and is very sensitive, which is not bad. The fourth is the cow cat, which has the same black and white skin color as the panda, but its life is not as good as the panda, and occasionally There were also a few cats with strange skin. He recalled a photo of a J8 cat that was popular in Blue Star in his previous life. It was a cow cat.

After thinking for a while, I finally decided to buy a Balinese cat. It can adjust the owner's mood and bring joy to its owner because it is affectionate and considerate. It is especially suitable for Tianhe Hua Min.

"Hanamato-chan, how is this cat?"

He Feiyu called the girl over and wanted to ask her opinion.


The girl agreed without thinking. After all, the Balinese cat looked very beautiful, and the most important thing was that Mr. Feiyu chose it.

Chapter 14: War of words

The two of them carried the cages for the cats to the sales counter together. After bargaining, He Feiyu and Tianhe Huamin bought some equipment for the cats, such as cat climbing frames, cat food, and cat basins. Tianhe Huamin originally wanted to buy some equipment for the cats. Maomao bought cat litter and a cat shovel. Generally, online poop scavengers will need these basic equipment. However, He Feiyu stopped her and said that he had a way to teach cats to go to the toilet on their own. Tianhehua Minato trusted He Feiyu. , I didn’t buy cat litter and cat shovel directly.

A series of equipment and cats cost a total of 70,000 yen. Of course, the money was paid for by Tianhehua. He Feiyu was helpless. He could spend 4,000 yen in total, which was barely enough to buy a few bags of cat food, but the girl was determined. Don't agree with him paying

, the reason is that the cat is raised by her.

He Feiyu also knew that the girl was considerate of him, but he felt a little frustrated now because he was too poor. Although he could ask Aunt Manzi, a rich little woman, for money, and Aunt Manzi would give it to him, but he always felt that this was not good.

He Feiyu thought about it and found that the women around him were all rich women, not to mention Kurashiki Reika who opened her mouth for 1 million yen and Aunt Manko who owned an apartment building. The girl in front of him lived alone in a small apartment building. In the villa, he was carrying around tens of thousands of yen bills. He just took a quick look and found that there were probably dozens of them.

This made him determined to find a part-time job after completing the task of conquering Tianhe Flower Minato, otherwise the hero would be stumped for a penny.

After the two of them finished, they left the pet shop. He Feiyu took a few bags of cat food and cat equipment, while Tianhe Huamin held the cage for the cat. Her beautiful purple eyes kept lingering on the cat, and she would be alright if nothing happened. Just imitate the "meow" of a cat and put a smile on your face.

Cumbersome time always makes people feel that time is very slow, but happy time makes people feel that time goes very fast.

"Jun Yu, do you want to come in and sit down?"

The two of them soon arrived at Tianhe Hua Minato's door. Just when He Feiyu was hesitant to go in, the girl's voice rang in his ears.

"I can't carry so many things..."

He Feiyu turned to look at the girl. Tianhe Huamin thought the boy had thought of something, so he blushed and said.


After he finished speaking, Amagawa Minato put down the cage, took out the key, and opened the door.

"sorry for disturbance"

He Feiyu thought of the short movie he watched in his previous life. Even though the content was harsh, there was still some etiquette in it. He imitated the scenes in his memory and bowed before entering the door, saying politely.


"I'm the only one at home, so there's no need for this"

When the girl saw He Feiyu like this, she laughed out loud on her innocent and lovely face.


He Feiyu spared his head in embarrassment. To be honest, during the year of time travel, he basically didn't learn much etiquette. On the one hand, he was busy studying textbook knowledge, and on the other hand, he was not interested. It was instinctive.

But when I find that I need to use it, I still find it better to learn a little bit to avoid embarrassing myself in front of the people I like.

"Yujun, please wear these slippers. Although my father wore them, I have washed them several times, so I won't dislike them."


He Feiyu and the girl took off their shoes together, and he put on the slippers that the girl brought over.

He watched the girl take off her white socks and stuff them into her white shoes. A trace of evil thoughts arose in his heart, and he couldn't help but want to smell it. He quickly shook his head to expel the unhealthy thoughts. He Feiyu didn't know that it was because of his previous life. The impact left by his control was that the women he came into contact with all his life had beautiful legs and feet, and he had developed a "bad" habit inadvertently.

He wanted to play with it, but he had to get the girl's permission, otherwise the nine years of compulsory education in his previous life would have been in vain.

"Ahem! Hana Minato-chan, where do you put the things?"

He Feiyu followed the girl into the living room. At first glance, it was quiet. To the left of He Feiyu was the toilet and kitchen of the girl's house. On the right was the girl's resting place. There was another floor, which was probably the bedroom of the girl's parents.


He Feiyu looked in the direction the girl pointed, which should be the balcony. He Feiyu took everything over and put it away. The cat was still in the cage, and the girl held the cage in her hand.

"Yujun, look, Cat is so well-behaved."

“I didn’t even move on the road just now.”

He Feiyu smiled secretly after hearing what the girl said. When he decided to buy the cat, he gave the cat half a Momotaro meatball and told it not to make any noise. The cat naturally obeyed.

"Hanamato-chan, let the cat out and let it get familiar with the environment."


Minato Tianhe placed the cage on the dining table and opened it, and the cat jumped out immediately.

"Oh~ I am obviously its owner, why is it Feiyu-kun who is so clingy!!!"

Tianhe Flower Night Attack, Qunlu; Nine Four Nine Three' Six①'③ Wu Minao saw Maomao jumping out and approaching her. He thought Maomao was kissing her, so he quickly opened his hands and was ready to hug Maomao. Unexpectedly, the cat jumped on the stool and pounced on He Feiyu. The cat's head rubbed against his chest. The girl couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Be good, meow"


He Feiyu just smiled slightly after hearing the girl's words, holding the cat with one hand and stroking the cat's head with one hand. The cat closed its eyes and made sounds of enjoyment from its body.

"Oh~ I want to touch it too!"

Tianhehua noticed that Maomao was so clingy to He Feiyu, so she quickly walked up to Maomao and wanted to touch him.

He Feiyu heard that the girl wanted to touch the cat, so he took his hand away and watched the girl slowly put her hand on the cat's head, but before she could touch it, the cat opened her eyes. On one side of her head, it seemed that I'm saying, don't touch me.

"why is it like this!!!"

Tianhe Hana Minato felt a little frustrated. She didn't expect that the cat she bought with money wouldn't be close and direct, so she couldn't help but say.

"Hey, he actually has some skills."

He Feiyu looked at the girl's aggrieved pretty face and slightly pursed pink lips, and couldn't help but want to be frivolous and seduce the girl.

"What, teach me quickly, Mr. Yu"

When the girl heard the boy's words, she immediately raised her head and looked at He Feiyu with a Jiyi look in her purple eyes.

"Are you sure? There is a price!"

"Sure! I'm willing to pay"

"Are you really, really sure?"

“Really, really sure!!!”

He Feiyu said nothing and kissed the girl's pink lips directly. The girl was a little dazed at first, but after she realized what she was doing, she responded fiercely.

"Meow, woo~"

The cat felt uncomfortable being sandwiched between the two of them. It broke away from He Feiyu's arms and jumped onto the sofa to lie down. With human disdain in its small eyes, it looked at the two people who were exchanging ink. After a while, I felt bored, closed my eyes and buried my head.

Without Maomao in the way, He Feiyu hugged Tianhe Hua Minu tightly with both hands. The soft flesh on the girl's chest was pressed out of shape, but He Feiyu focused all his energy on the girl's lips. There was no one else this time, so he wanted to take care of her. Taste it.

In the girl's territory, two uvulas were intertwined, and a large amount of ink was secreted from their mouths. As their lips and teeth were touching, the ink was being passed around. It was no longer clear who belonged to whom, and He Feiyu didn't care. , directly swallowed what was in his mouth, and then sucked what was in the girl's mouth, and then swallowed it again, continuing to be entangled.

It wasn't until Tianhehua Minato couldn't breathe that she patted the boy's back gently. He Feiyu also reacted and quickly separated. At this time, the girl's pretty face was filled with blush, and her original pink lips turned red under the boy's aggressive kiss. All red.


Tianhe Huamin gasped, her moist purple eyes looked at He Feiyu affectionately, her flushed pretty face looked a bit delicate.

He Feiyu originally wanted to take out Momotaro's meatballs, but he couldn't stand it when he saw the girl's appearance, so he directly held her on the girl's waist and walked towards the sofa.

The sofa slumped under the combined weight of the two of them. The girl was now facing He Feiyu, her plump and slender legs were straddling his legs, and her hands were holding He Feiyu's head tightly. This caused He Feiyu's entire face was buried in the girl's snowy peak.

The faint fragrance of the girl was inhaled by He Feiyu, but he was not satisfied. As if he wanted to rob the girl of more fragrance, he forcefully pushed his head into the girl's ravine, and the hand that hugged the girl's waist tightly also Slowly sliding down, passing through the girl's skirt, she touched a layer of silk fabric.

He Feiyu knew what it was, but he didn't pay attention. He continued down, half of his arm was covered by the girl's short skirt, and his hand touched the girl's plump and round body. It was soft, tender, and delicate. This was his first time. Thinking of such beautiful things, he couldn't help but want to destroy them. He kneaded the girl's plump and round body vigorously, like kneading dough, constantly changing the shape in the boy's hands.

Chapter 15 Flower Feather


The seductive music also came from the girl's mouth, which continued to stimulate He Feiyu's nerves.


The cat, who was about to fall asleep, didn't expect that he would be disturbed here. He felt the vibrations coming from under his body from time to time. He couldn't think of sleeping anymore. He opened his eyes and saw that he was about to fall asleep. The two poop shovelers, who were one body, just wanted to scratch people's hearts but stopped. They could only meow helplessly to vent their anger, then found a place to lie down again, but they did not sleep again, but opened their eyes. He closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"No... no, Mr. Yu, I'm not ready yet, at least... less, go to bed."

"I'm sorry, Hana Minato-chan, you're so cute, I couldn't hold it back."

After hearing the girl's words, He Feiyu's brain, which had just been immersed in impulsiveness, suddenly became clear. He quickly took his hands away from the girl's hips, raised his head from the girl's chest, and looked at the girl's pretty flushed face.

"No need to apologize, I also like Mr. Yu. If Mr. Yu wants it today, it's not impossible."

He Feiyu heard the girl's love words and looked at the sincerity on the girl's pretty face. He felt moved in his heart and found that he was still too hasty. After careful calculation, this was the first day he and the girl met. Even though he had gone through many things , but it was too hasty, so he decided to wait a few days before talking.

Because there was no notification sound from the system that Amaga Minato was captured, he was a little curious. The girl was ready to devote herself to him. In theory, the mission should be completed anyway. He planned to think about it carefully after returning home.


"Don't you want to know why the cat is so close to me, Hana Minato-chan?"

"You feed it this"

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