"Why? Because I appear just to deal with people like you!"

After hearing Shimoda Yoshiyu's words that sounded like complaints and inquiries, He Feiyu lost his previous casualness and spoke solemnly.

Now that He Feiyu has determined that Shimoda Yoshiyu has become an evil god, he can now directly sanction her. He does not want to waste time, and he also senses that something is wrong with Nakaizumi Mao, because his ability to use [Crazy Diamond] just now did not change her behavior.

"Hahahaha!! Dealing with someone like me? Hahaha! Then come and try it!"

Yoshihiro Shimoda was completely occupied by anger and lost his mind, because in He Feiyu's words, he was just like the villain in the anime. What to do with people like you? What's wrong with people like me? Damn it, I look down on you! He wanted He Feiyu to pay a heavy price for what he said!

When God opens a door for you, he will close a window!

Shimoda Yoshiyu didn't believe that He Feiyu had both that weird power and other powers, like him. Shimoda Yoshiyu felt that his own defense was the strongest, because he had no problem jumping from the building before. He didn't believe that He Feiyu could Isn't it amazing to break through his defense and only have the weird power to move his body?

If He Feiyu knew what he was thinking, he would definitely ridicule and say, sorry, systematic men are really amazing.

Shimoda Yoshiyu rushed towards He Feiyu. He protected his head with his hands. As for why he didn't protect his crotch, it was because there was no weakness and no need to be protected. He still chose the same fighting method as last time. This was instinct. It was also acquired. The subconscious wanted to win by virtue of weight, but the result was even worse than the last time.

This time, He Feiyu's body was violently bombarded in the abdomen by an unknown force. He flew backwards and hit the entrance with a huge impact. Shimoda Yoshiyu felt that his internal organs were rolling, accompanied by some soreness. Water is spat out.

"How could... be like this? He Feiyu, you are cheating! Why are you so powerful!"

After Tian Fangyu said these words, he was like a flashback, lying on the ground motionless. Didn't he say that when God opens a door for you, he will close a window? God, look at it, is this fair?

"Aunt Mayo, what's wrong?"

He Feiyu saw that Shimoda Yoshiyu had lost his combat effectiveness, so he did not rush to deal with it. Instead, he quickly walked towards the three women, looked at Nakaizumi Mayo worriedly, and asked Fuyutsuki Shiori and Nakaizumi Yui.

"Ugh... Feiyu-kun! I don't know about mom, but Yoshihiro Shimoda just sprayed something strange on mom, and then... then mom became weird."

"Yujun! Just believe in the solution."

After Nakaizumi Yui saw that she was safe, the courage she had previously built up disappeared. She cried and explained. Fuyutsuki Shiori felt very uncomfortable when she saw Nakaizumi Yui crying and Nakaizumi Mayo like this, but she had no choice. She could only ask the young man for help, because she was saved by the young man twice and already regarded the young man as her backbone.

"Don't worry, let me take a look first"

He Feiyu took the spray that Yoshihiro Shimoda left on the sofa in his hand and looked at it carefully, but he didn't know what it was for a while. But judging from Mao Nakaizumi's behavior, it was probably a love potion. He didn't expect that Yoshihiro Shimoda would treat his own sister. To do this kind of thing, the tauren really didn't go offline.

"Produced by Succubus, it must be the best."

"...? Succubus? What the hell?"

With great difficulty, He Feiyu turned to the bottom of the bottle and saw a line of small characters with the same color as the bottle. These words surprised He Feiyu, although he knew that this was the fusion world, and there was an evil god with a √⑧sounding name. But I have never seen other creatures that are not human. I am very excited to see the products made by the so-called succubus. After all, who has not imagined being ridden by a succubus with countless temptations.

But now is not the time to think about this. Nakaizumi Mao's situation is getting worse and worse. In his previous life, He Feiyu knew that some strong love potions can burn people's brains. His [Crazy Diamond] can only treat physical injuries. Medicines and the like can only relieve the problem but cannot cure it, so the only option is to ask Yoshihiro Shimoda.

"Hey! Fatty pervert, where did you get this spray and how to remove it? Tell me now and I will make it easier for you."

He Feiyu asked Shimoda Fangyu while walking towards him.

But Yoshihiro Shimoda closed his eyes and did not answer aloud. If he hadn't seen his stomach still moving, he would have thought he was dead.


Just when He Feiyu was about to approach him, Shimoda Fangyu opened his eyes suddenly. He didn't know where the strength came from.

He stood up, pumped his fists, and spit out a mouthful of unknown-colored liquid toward He Feiyu.

‘Eula Euler Euler Euler’

‘Du la du la du la du la’

Unfortunately, it was a small trick after all. He Feiyu changed his position and hid directly. He saw that the enemy not only refused to surrender, but also dared to fight back. Two burly figures appeared behind him, one purple and one red, and they punched Shimoda Yoshihiro crazily.

With the naked eye, there were signs of dents on Shimoda Yoshihiro's body, but the fat quickly rebounded and became dented again... It's just that the punch speed was obviously higher than the speed of the fat recovery. After a few seconds, Shimoda Yoshihiro was lying on the ground again, and his body looked like It was as if he had lost more than ten kilograms, and he had condensed into a circle. His clothes were all covered with huge fist marks.

But then he saw that his black hair was rapidly turning white, and it showed no sign of stopping until a quarter of it was left. Yoshihiro Shimoda's body returned to its original shape, and his originally gray eyes were radiant again.

‘Damn it, I’m no match for you, so I have to find a way to escape first’


Fangyu Shimoda spat at He Feiyu, trying to irritate him, because he found that he was no match for He Feiyu, who was more than one level stronger than him. After a brief thought, he came up with an escape plan.

“Hahaha! You’ve been fooled, He Feiyu! Actually, this is my escape route!”

“Although you are stronger than me, you are still not as smart as me, Fangyu Shimoda! Hahaha!”

“There will always be a time when you are not here, then you have to be careful of your parents, and the three of them! Hahaha!”

Sure enough, when he felt pain in his abdomen, the next moment, he exhaled deeply, and his whole body swelled like a balloon. When the pain came again, he immediately spit out the gas accumulated in his abdomen, and actually... actually used the force to break through the broken wall and flew out.

Fangyu Shimoda laughed wantonly in the air. Even though he looked embarrassed, his smile was wonderful because he did it on purpose! With the help of the strange force that He Feiyu hit him, he escaped. As long as he stayed away from He Feiyu and waited for him to regroup, even if he couldn't beat He Feiyu, he would make him pay a terrible price!

I'm taking a day off

I'm sorry for my graduation project.

Chapter 77: Trans-dimensional Transformation


He Feiyu frowned slightly, and felt inexplicably funny when he saw Shimoda Yoshihiro moving away in an arc in the sky. He didn't expect that he could still be so stubborn and say such harsh words, and dare to threaten him.

If He Feiyu cares about anyone in this world, it must be Aunt Manzi and the other women.

Shimoda Yoshihiro said such words without knowing whether to live or die, which was undoubtedly courting death.

Time stopped flowing, and everything fell into gray.

[Platinum Star] seemed to be able to understand He Feiyu's emotions at this time. It emerged on its own, bent its powerful thighs, crossed its ten fingers, spread its huge palms, and looked at He Feiyu with its piercing eyes.

Everything is self-explanatory. When He Feiyu first crossed over to this world, everything was so unfamiliar, including culture, food, environment, and people. If there was anything familiar, it was the [Platinum Star] given to him by the system. He was also a JO fan in his previous life, so he didn't seem so lonely in the other dimension.

Although he couldn't activate the [Platinum Star] at that time, he could still feel its existence. The time it spent with He Feiyu was almost the same as the time the three girls at home spent with him, and it was even more "intimate".

He Feiyu understood the meaning of the [Platinum Star]. He jumped up lightly and stepped on its large palm. With a "boom", in less than two seconds, He Feiyu had come to Shimoda Yoshihiro, who was hovering in the air with a smug smile.

"Don't you know not to set the flag so early?"

He Feiyu tried to touch Shimoda Yoshihiro's obese body. Fat accounted for the majority. For a person, it must be an unhealthy body, but if it is a football, it should be pretty good.

He Feiyu looked around and found that there were still many lights on around Mao Nakai, and there were two families next to the floor of the apartment where she lived. However, no one came to check after such a big commotion, which really made He Feiyu feel strange, but when he thought about what kind of world this was, he felt it was normal.

However, He Feiyu didn't like to be too blatant. He looked down from a high position and soon found a hidden corner, which was a good place for the Minotaur to rest.

Since the grave had been chosen, He Feiyu stepped on Shimoda Yoshihiro and flew into the air. With the help of gravity, he volleyed a kick on Shimoda Yoshihiro's waist. Although it was not as powerful as the substitute, He Feiyu, whose physical fitness was already different from that of ordinary people, still kicked a terrifying kick.

Time began to flow.


For some reason, Shimoda Yoshihiro felt a sharp pain in his waist. The smile that was still frozen on his face immediately twisted and he cried out in pain. Moreover, this was not the most uncomfortable thing for him, because he found that he was deviating from the route. According to his previous calculations, he could fly directly to a place with more people. In that case, even if He Feiyu caught up with him, he didn't believe that He Feiyu would dare to attack him in front of so many people. At that time, it would not be easy to escape with a pull.

But now it was beyond his expectations. The route deviated. He watched himself flying towards the dark alley with fear in his eyes. He didn't fly for too long. With a "bang", Shimoda Yoshihiro happened to hit the garbage pile.

There were piles of black pockets full of garbage. The impact of Shimoda Yoshihiro made a lot of garbage rush out of the pockets and stained him, making Shimoda Yoshihiro, who was already in a mess, even more miserable. I don't know whether it was good luck or bad luck.


The noisy sound made several mice foraging for food flee in all directions.


Shimoda Yoshihiro struggled to get up from the garbage heap in a mess. He didn't know what he had accidentally eaten. The strange taste made him sick, so he spit it out quickly. At a glance, it looked like something stuck on a baby's butt, or something used by women during menstruation...

Before Shimoda Yoshihiro could complain, a figure that made him shudder suddenly fell from the sky, and the only exit was blocked.

"You...you...you, why can you catch up with me?!"

Shimoda Yoshihiro couldn't figure out why He Feiyu was like a dog-skin plaster, and could follow him even in this way.

"There is no reason. If you have to say the reason, it is fate"

"Destiny? What bullshit fate, my fate is up to me!!!"

When Shimoda Yoshiyu heard He Feiyu's soft words, his eyes were full of anger and madness.

"Stop talking nonsense and do it."

He Feiyu no longer argued with Yoshiyu Shimoda. He was also a staunch materialist before, but after experiencing time travel, he met several women.

Maybe the so-called system is the fate he talks about.

"Haha...you...do you think I still have a chance?"

Yoshihiro Shimoda saw that the only exit was blocked, and it was almost impossible to escape as before. The previous scene of being beaten and bean curd was still deeply imprinted in his mind. He wanted to try to struggle again, but Yoshihiro Shimoda had a flattering look on his face. He looked at He Feiyu with a smile.

"Damn brat, don't push yourself too far! Rabbits will bite when cornered!"

Seeing that He Feiyu didn't speak, his attitude was already clear. Shimoda Yoshiyu balled up his fists and said fiercely to He Feiyu. Without the previous flattery, he only had one fight now. Either he would get out alive today, or He Feiyu would die here. !

Unfortunately, history is always surprisingly similar. In less than two minutes, Yoshihiro Shimoda was lying on the ground like a dead dog, with a nose to inhale but no mouth to exhale, and his already fat face was beaten like a fat pig.

It looked like he was about to die, but that was it. He Feiyu didn't go there rashly. After all, the villains in the previous animations either exploded before dying or spent their life force to forcefully explode their seeds. Now that he has concerns in his heart, he will do things like this. Be extremely careful and don't mess around like before.

"Do you want power? Do you want the ability to subvert everything?"

Originally, Yoshihiro Shimoda felt that he was about to go to heaven. There was a vague white light flashing in front of his eyes, but there was a voice whispering in his ears. He endured the pain and opened a gap in his eyes, but he and He Feiyu were the only ones in the alley. The sound sounded like a ghost roaring or a wild wolf howling, but it was inexplicably convincing.


Shimoda Yoshiyu responded in his heart. The sudden voice was like a life-saving straw. He wanted to hold on tightly, because now he could only believe it.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The true villain's smile echoed in Yoshihiro Shimoda's mind, making him as painful as if his heart was being eaten by thousands of ants, but fortunately it didn't last long. He felt his body getting better, and even... he even felt the chicken move.

The long-lost brother reappeared in front of him. Yoshihiro Shimoda, who weighed more than 200 pounds, cried like a child, and the hot tears fell down as if they were moneyless.

On He Feiyu's side, there was another scene. Shimoda Yoshiyu, who had been lying on the ground unable to move, suddenly stood up and touched his crotch like a pervert, crying and laughing at the same time.

Sure enough, something changed. He Feiyu saw Shimoda Yoshiyu's strange behavior and became cautious. Two substitutes appeared behind him to prevent accidents. In addition, he took out the FAIZ belt and put it on if the situation was not right.

After crying, Shimoda Yoshiyu looked at He Feiyu again. There was no longer fear in his eyes, but more contempt. He felt better than ever before, as if all the fat on his body had turned into muscles. He clenched his fists slightly, and his eyes were dirty. The Xixi and tattered clothes were exploded by him and turned into rags.

"Hahahaha! He Feiyu! Your death has come!"

The first thing the villain did when he succeeded was revenge. He didn't even say a word this time, and directly punched He Feiyu with his fist. The speed was even faster than before. He appeared in front of He Feiyu in less than two seconds. Unfortunately, [Platinum Zhizhi] Star] ability, Shimoda Yoshiyu was not so easy to get close to. The two stand-ins punched Shimoda Yoshiyu again, but this time the effect was not very good. After the timeout, Shimoda Yoshiyu only took a few steps back and was not hit. He flew out and looked at his face, he seemed to be able to do it with ease.

He Feiyu's alarm bell rang loudly, thinking that Shimoda Fangyu was really like Huang Mao who was killed last time, and it seemed that he was even more difficult to deal with.

He was observing the battle between Shimoda Yoshihiro and the stand-in. Although it was said to be a battle, in fact, most of the beatings were caused by Shimoda Yoshihiro, because only the stand-in could attack the stand-in. So He Feiyu was not so anxious for a while, but analyzed why Shimoda Yoshihiro was like this, How long will this power last?

After five or six minutes passed, He Feiyu discovered that Yoshihiro Shimoda's physical strength seemed to be running low, and through his careful observation, he noticed that there were more and more wrinkles on Yoshihiro Shimoda's face, and he seemed to be getting older.

There is a limit to this kind of power. As long as he takes it slowly, Shimoda Yoshiyu will be exhausted to death.

But considering that Nakaizumi Mao's situation was not optimistic, there was no time to waste waiting for him. Suddenly, a bright light flashed through He Feiyu's mind, and a bold idea arose in his heart, which was out of control.

Transforming into a Kamen Rider can improve the holder's physical fitness tenfold, so...then can a substitute who is stronger than him be able to transform? It's logically impossible, but things like time travel can happen, so why not give it a try.

He Feiyu called [Platinum Star] back, took a closer look at its burly figure, and slowly brought the red belt to its waist, holding his breath and expecting it in his heart.

The next second, something exciting happened to He Feiyu. The belt was actually buckled around [Platinum Star]'s waist. He Feiyu excitedly entered the power-on password and inserted it into the belt.



After a transformation prompt sounded, a dazzling red light illuminated the surroundings, and then disappeared. A tall and metallic Kamen Rider FAIZ stood beside He Feiyu. [Star Platinum] was taller than He Feiyu after the transformation. If He Feiyu was 180 after the transformation, then [Star Platinum] was about 220 after the transformation.

Crisis No. 78

Fangyu Shimoda also noticed the abnormality at the alley. The dazzling red light just now made him unable to open his eyes. Some important parts of his body and face were hit by several punches, but he could still bear it, and found that the attack from the void seemed to be a little smaller.

Fangyu Shimoda was happy in his heart, guessing that He Feiyu's power could not last too long, as long as he dragged it on.

The advantage is mine!

He took advantage of the gap in defense and looked at the alley entrance, wanting to know what happened. This time, his lucky mentality was gone. Shimoda Fangyu saw a tall and majestic figure wearing ancient armor next to He Feiyu. The two bright yellow light bulb eyes on his face were weird and cool. The armor on his body was full of metallic feeling under the faint light.

‘Why... why! Why! Why does He Feiyu have so many strange things? This is not fair! ’

Shimoda Fangyu roared wildly in his heart. The handsome armor was made by He Feiyu at a glance. He was an enemy, not a friend. He didn’t have much chance of winning. He thought there was hope before, but he didn’t expect it was just wishful thinking.

He Feiyu was very happy to see that [Star Platinum] could be linked with Kamen Rider. He turned into a little fanboy and touched it. Sure enough, the feeling of his transformation was completely different from that of others. Even if [Star Platinum] was not his enemy now, He Feiyu could still feel a huge sense of oppression beside it, as if its every move had the ability to destroy the world, so it would be much faster to kill Shimoda Yoshihiro.

For insurance, or to avoid wasting time, He Feiyu took out Faiz's development, a red lightsaber, which was used as the handle of the motorcycle in the original work and was also the most basic form. It could also be upgraded to a heavy-duty form, but it was not needed now, and Shimoda Yoshihiro was not worthy of it.

He Feiyu held the beam sword in his hand, and a strong second-year soul burst out. He waved it in front of him, leaving a few red sword marks. Because he had not learned any sword skills, he looked like a primary school student holding a branch.

After satisfying the little desire in my heart, it is time to end everything. In fact, it is also to adapt the transformed [Star Platinum] to the new combat form. Transformed into Kamen Rider, [Star Platinum] gained ten times the power, but the previous combat method is no longer feasible. For example, during the stand period, he can float and move more freely. It can only be said that there are pros and cons. However, as a power stand, [Star Platinum] is very scary to be strengthened by Kamen Rider.

He Feiyu looked at it, and [Star Platinum] nodded, as if to say that it was okay. He Feiyu handed it the beam sword, turned on the transformation device on its belt, and pressed the button.

[EXCEED CHARGE] (Energy Charge)

The red energy started from the belt and gathered on the beam sword through the red veins on the body. The sword body lit up with a dazzling red light, and the hilt flashed yellow light, making the dark alley bright.

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