"I, He Feiyu, am not scared. I just want to see how to set fire to my body."

He Feiyu smacked his mouth, with a look of contempt on his face, and raised his fingers at Gao Niao Zhen and other idiots, saying with disdain.

Although he could kill these idiots in an instant, it was good to play with them first. Since they were playing with women, he didn't mind playing with them and trying out the feeling of a different kind of tauren.

"Ba...zhuo! You brat, how dare you play tricks on us?"


Gao Niao Zhen was just thinking about giving an ultimatum. He didn't know why he always felt flustered, like an ant being toyed with. It all depends on the mood of the person who is toying with the ant. If he is in a good mood and can still survive, If it's not good, then it can only be crushed to death easily. But after hearing what He Feiyu said, he realized that he had been tricked. It was because he heard those two words just now, which seemed familiar, and he thought of Hei Jing who had been arresting him. Rin was teased by him casually, but he didn't expect that "the goose that hunts geese all the time would eventually peck his eye." Anger welled up in his heart and he said viciously.

The idiots behind Gao Niao Zhen were also furious. Although they didn't speak just now, when He Feiyu introduced himself, most of them subconsciously repeated it several times in their hearts. If Gao Niao Zhen hadn't reacted, I'm afraid they'll keep calling it that.

"Bagaya Deer, if you dare to tease us, let us help you relax your muscles and bones today."

Two burly idiots came out from behind the tall bird array, and one of the tallest idiots said with a ferocious face. Judging from the scar on his face that ran through the entire face from his forehead to his chin, he was extremely vicious. The look can make a child cry.


The two idiots and He Feiyu who were about to step forward looked at the owner of the voice, Gao Bird Array, at the same time.

The two idiots and the idiots watching around them all had doubts in their eyes. They didn't know what the Gao Bird Formation wanted to do. They called people up for a while and stopped for a while. They didn't really treat them as coolies, right? If they hadn't heard that there were women to play with, they wouldn't have listened to Takatori.

He Feiyu expressed curiosity and wanted to see what the Tall Bird Formation had in store.

Did the Gao Bird Formation call a timeout because they didn't want to hurt He Feiyu? Of course not, he had a bolder idea. After taking a few deep breaths, he forced himself to regain his usual calmness. The previous appearance was not his nature at all.

"Haha, just make him unable to resist. Remember, don't let his butt get hurt. Wait a minute.

It’s fun to have him”

An evil smile appeared on Takatori's face, and what he said next stunned everyone except Nishikori Alyssa, who was in a strange state.


"I...I can~"

After he finished speaking, the scene fell silent. Even the idiot boys in the Gao Bird Formation felt chilled by the new boss's hobbies. They looked at him with strange eyes. Some were happy and some were sad. At this time, the crowd of idiots There was an inappropriate voice. It was obviously the rough voice of an old man, but it also seemed to be an artificial sound made by pinching the throat.

The idiots automatically moved out of the way, forming a passage to make way for the person who made the sound. He Feiyu also stared at it and almost vomited out all the food he had for lunch today, let alone the idiots. He bent down and started Retching.

I saw a girl with black hair tied up high, with a few delicate flowers on it, and pink pearl earrings on her earlobes. Everything looked so beautiful, as if it was the right time. The young girl would dress the same, but if you look at his face, it would be creepy, because the rat-eyed deer's face is covered with beards, and because everyone was looking at him before, they don't know if it is Sorry, there was still a blush on his dark skin. He cast a wink at the high bird array, which was very suggestive.

Gao Niaozhen's eyes twitched. He didn't know where he found such a strange thing. After regaining his composure, he remained calm. He just glanced at it and then shifted his gaze to He Feiyu.

Through his observation, he found that He Feiyu was handsome, but he didn't look very old and had a delicate look. If he put on a skirt and a wig, he would definitely be as beautiful as the girl next to him, so he changed his attention and prepared Let He Feiyu board the last crazy tram he built.

After vomiting, the idiot boys all looked at He Feiyu. The moment just now was a shadow of their lives. If they were just ugly, then the person just now was not only the king of uglies, but also a complete pervert.

In fact, they didn't know each other, but got together through the news about Takatori. They had no idea in advance that there was someone more perverted than them mixed in.


Seeing everyone's reaction, the rat-eyed deer head stamped his feet with a dissatisfied look on his face, but the next moment, his loving eyes fell on Gao Bird Formation again. Although He Feiyu was more handsome than Gao Bird Formation, Gao Bird Formation Bird Formation is more mature than He Feiyu, and he still prefers mature people.

"Come on, remember what I said."

Gao Niao Zhen waved his hand, gesturing to the two idiot boys just now to take action.

"Hey, you brat, just wait to be tortured, Jie Jie Jie!!!"

The tall man's mouth revealed a hint of schadenfreude, as if he had already seen the scene of He Feiyu being seduced by a strong man.

"Really? It's not certain who will destroy whom."

"You're still being arrogant! Then give me a punch and see if it's you who's being arrogant or..."


Just during the conversation between the two, the tall man had already arrived in front of He Feiyu. He looked down at He Feiyu's tough mouth. He was so angry that he hit He Feiyu's face with a fist as big as an iron pot. But He Feiyu was faster, and a purple figure appeared behind him. He punched the tall man in the face.


Teeth and blood mixed with saliva splashed out from the tall man's mouth and scattered on the ground. As for the tall man, he struggled for a while when he fell to the ground, but died in the next second.

"It seems that your fists and mouth are not tough."

"What about you? Who else wants to give it a try?"

He Feiyu shook his head, with a pity in his expression. He raised his head, looked at the confused idiots around him, and said jokingly.

There was silence for a moment.

The idiots looked at each other, and they could see fear in each other's eyes, because they didn't see clearly how He Feiyu made the move, and they clearly didn't move their bodies.

Gao Niao Zhen was also in shock. A sharp pain suddenly came to his head, and then some inexplicable scenes flashed through his mind. He tried hard to recall, but he just couldn't remember it. However, his fear of He Feiyu returned, even more than before. Still violent.

"Come on, come on, I don't believe he can beat so many people."

Gao Niozhen said in a hoarse voice. Although he said this, his steps were already retreating, preparing to get into the crowd. He was already preparing to run away. Anyway, this little brother is for selling. As long as he is still there, this is not normal. If the world is still there, then there are countless people who can be used by him, and the green hills will remain, and he will not be afraid of running out of firewood.

A few people listened to the words of the Takatori Formation and were about to rush out, but before taking two steps, they found that most of the people were still standing in the same place and did not move. They also stopped, seemingly aware of the retreating Takatori. Zhen, looked at each other with the other idiots, and found dissatisfaction.

But there are also some truly simple-minded people in this world. There happened to be a fool who didn't notice the strangeness of the atmosphere, but still rushed out resolutely. As a result, he was punched away before he could reach He Feiyu.

“There is no such thing as meets the eye.”

He Feiyu curled his lips.

"Why are you running? I haven't had enough fun yet! By the way, what did you want to do just now?"


Looking at the Gao Bird Formation, it was about to blend into the crowd. The snap of fingers rang out again. The younger brothers who had just belonged to the Gao Bird Formation were controlled by He Feiyu's [Hypnosis]. Several idiots swarmed up and held the Gao Bird Formation tightly. ,

Unable to move.

"You...what do you want to do?!!"

"Of course I do what you want~"

Chapter 69: Male on top of male

Takatori was locked tightly, and his body was shaking constantly, trying to break free. However, because he had been practicing the fingering techniques on his hands for these years, and his body lacked exercise, how could he possibly escape from the hands of idiots who were stronger than him? Escape.

"What I want to do..."

The high bird array stopped struggling and lowered his head, as if he had accepted his fate. Now he only hoped that the mysterious and terrifying young man in front of him would let him go, and he quickly recalled what the young man said in his mind.

"No! Please don't! That kind of thing is really not okay!!!"

As if he thought of something, Gao Niozhen's scarlet pupils shrank, his heartbeat accelerated, and his whole body began to tremble. After losing his composure many times, he was no longer as high-spirited as before, and he spoke in horror.

Gao Niao Zhen only expressed two things in front of He Feiyu. One was to deal with him, and the other was to tease him. If He Feiyu was referring to the first thing, then it would be fine. The worst he could do was get beaten. Then I asked for mercy, maybe the matter would be over.

If it was the second thing, he couldn't imagine it. He swallowed and glanced at the idiots around him who were being controlled for unknown reasons. The image of being poked appeared in his mind. No, Gao Bird Array really couldn't imagine it. Then A creepy feeling made his hands and feet feel cold.

"What don't you want? I haven't said anything yet."

Although what He Feiyu said was unclear, a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Originally, He Feiyu just wanted to teach Gao Niuzhen a lesson and let him go. After all, such good leeks are not easy to find. You must take good care of them when cutting them to ensure that they can grow again, but he didn't expect that he actually wanted to do something evil to him. Then we can only repay him with his own way.

Gao Niuzhen didn't notice He Feiyu's expression. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. As long as he wasn't raped like that, it would be fine. He thought that he had the domineering title of "Devil's Hand" in front of his peers. If he was raped by others, he wouldn't be able to do it. Face is called that again.

At the same time, he was also cursing in his heart. Even though his plan was perfect, why did he suddenly meet a person who was more perverted than him, who could directly control people through unknown means? Such weirdness made him think of the word hypnosis in his mind, but he It doesn't feel right.

In the past few years, Gao Bird Array has traveled far and wide and encountered some strange people, many of whom can do hypnosis. He has also experienced it, but it requires specific media, such as pocket watches, multiple psychological suggestions, etc., just by snapping his fingers like He Feiyu It was unheard of to be able to control people.

Anyway, the Takatori Formation has firmly remembered He Feiyu. He was hesitating in his heart whether he should change the city and continue to complete the dream of the last crazy train, but he couldn't bear to leave Saitama City, because in the past ten days, he had seen There are many good-looking women, the majority of whom are girls, and there are also many beautiful young women. It would be a great feat if they all boarded the final nympho tram.

Thinking of this, Gao Niaozhen shivered and trembled, his scarlet eyes burst into hysterical light, his body couldn't control it, it seemed... it seemed that he was really high!!!

'No wonder he became a pervert, it turned out that he had mental problems, but I wonder if he can still laugh next? '

He Feiyu has been staring at Gao Niaozhen. He was stunned by Gao Niaozhen's changes. He was obviously frightened before, but now he was extremely excited, which puzzled He Feiyu, but it didn't matter, he would take action anyway.

Because any evil will be brought to justice.

An abrupt snap of fingers woke up Gao Niaozhen who was enjoying himself. He was already stressed by this sound, because in just a few minutes, he had left an indelible impression on him. He looked up blankly, wondering what He Feiyu was doing again. Was he going to let him go? But it didn't seem like it! He scanned the perverts around him and found that they were still like puppets, not moving.

No! Why wasn't he controlled? Gao Niaozhen looked at the bearded man with lipstick and a rat-like face who had said he could.

'Is this... the feeling of being in love? '

The bearded man looked around blankly, wondering why they were motionless and holding the boss. But when Gao Niaozhen stared at him, he happened to look over and looked at him. The moment their eyes met, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he thought sweetly in his heart.


"Humph~ Who is that? My name is Katsumura Yangta, you can also call me Yangta-chan~"

"Ugh! If you don't talk properly, believe it or not, you will be the same as that person in the next moment, damn it!"

Although He Feiyu had squinted his eyes and didn't look at the bearded man, he couldn't accept his awkward and artificial voice. He had no choice but to threaten.

"Hmph! Why are you so fierce? I'm just a girl..."


He Feiyu couldn't stand it anymore, and punched through the metal seat of the tram with his [Crazy Diamond], which made the bearded man shut up.

"Now! I say one sentence, you answer one sentence, if you dare to say one more sentence, you will be treated like this stool, do you hear me!?"


The bearded man swallowed his saliva and looked at He Feiyu with fear. Hearing what he said, he nodded quickly, fearing that the fist would fall on him the next moment.


Are you sexually abnormal?"


The bearded man didn't dare to hide it, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Very good, then why are you following them?"

"Because... because..."

The bearded man said shyly, looking at the high bird formation without leaving any trace, with a blush on his face.


"Because I like the boss, I followed him"

The bearded man saw He Feiyu raise his hand, and he didn't care about so much, and he yelled directly. He felt light all over after speaking his heart, as if the huge rock pressing on him was swept away, and then he looked at Gao Niaozhen with affection.

Gao Niaozhen was controlled by He Feiyu. Although he couldn't speak, his hearing and consciousness could still feel everything happening around him. He was now ashamed and looked at He Feiyu with pleading eyes. The meaning was obvious.

Can He Feiyu spare him? Of course not. If he hadn't been reborn in this world, I'm afraid I don't know how many women would be toyed with by him. For such a bad way to turn women into fluff balls, they should be punished. The most important thing is that they also focus on him, which is like lighting a light in the toilet, looking for death.

"Now I give you a chance, do you want it?"

After saying this, Katsumura Yangta seemed to be in heaven, and Gao Niaozhen seemed to be in hell.


The bearded man responded without thinking. He had never encountered such a pie in the sky.

"Then let's go there."

He Feiyu pointed to a corner, the farthest place from his position.

He paused and said again.

"But it has to be done quickly, within ten minutes at most."

"Don't worry~ My nickname is the quick shooter. It won't take ten minutes, just more than ten seconds~"

"Go! Go!"

Who is in the mood to listen to you? He Feiyu waved his hand impatiently, signaling him to go quickly.

The hypnotized pervert was pressed into the corner by Gao Niaozhen, but because Gao Niaozhen was controlled and could not resist, only the blood and tears flowing from his scarlet eyes could show his mood at the moment.

There were only Gao Niaozhen and the bearded man in the corner. The other perverts surrounded them. He Feiyu didn't want to see such an eye-catching scene.

"Baby, I'm coming~"

The bearded man licked his lips, his face full of excitement, racing against time, stripping Gao Niaozhen naked with the fastest hand speed.

Humiliation and unbearable tears rolled down Gao Niaozhen's face.

He Feiyu didn't pay attention to what happened in the corner. He was not a pervert and was not interested in such a man-on-man thing. He turned his head and looked at the beautiful girl in the black JK uniform. She had been lowering her head beside him, not saying a word, and no one knew what she was thinking.

However, in order to complete the task, He Feiyu had to take the initiative to ask, just hoping not to end up like Odagiri Naomi. He already had enough women. If there were more, he would probably have to live the life of a pile driver in high school.

He Feiyu waved his hand in front of her eyes, and Jinzhi Alyssa, who didn't know what she was doing, finally responded. She slowly raised her head, and her beautiful cheeks were filled with blush, even spreading to her fair neck, as if exuding the fragrance of a young girl. She looked at He Feiyu with shyness in her black eyes.

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