
"Okay, aren't you afraid that your body won't be able to bear it? The days will be long in the future."

"Why don't you wear any clothes?"

He Feiyu watched the girl's purple eyes start to glow with spring water again. He gently placed one hand on the girl's soft jade belly, and then he realized that the girl was not wearing clothes yet.


Amaga Minato had just come back to her senses, but thinking that she had not been seen by the other party in some way, she quickly giggled and prepared to pass the test by being cute.

"Forget it, how about giving this thing a try?"

At He Feiyu's request, Tianhehua stood beside the table and covered two spots of vermilion with her hands. Her plump and white thighs were also entangled together to cover up her private parts. Although she thought so, she was really naked and exposed to her beloved. I still feel shy in front of other people.

He Feiyu took out the [Clothing Camera] and prepared to choose a set of pure and cute clothes for Tianhe Hua Minato to put on. But after opening it and looking at it, he found that it was full of clothes that added interest. It was a bit embarrassing. He took the photo when he saw these last time. , and finally he chose a set of white silk pajamas.

"Ahem, just wear it."

A white light similar to a camera flashed, and a set of silk suspender pajamas appeared on the naked Amaga Minato just now. Since the clothes will automatically adjust to the size of the person being photographed, the girl's two big breasts will be The clothes were held up high, and the ravine in the middle was bottomless, with a faint hint of pink in the ravine.


Amaga Minato is no longer surprised by the boy's special ability. However, when the girl lowers her head, she can see two dots of vermilion on her body through the white silk, full of silver charm. She might as well not wear it!

"Do you believe me when I say I made a mistake? I must wear normal clothes next time, cough cough."

He Feiyu saw the look of a big pervert on Tianhe Huamin's face and quickly defended, oh no, explained.


He Feiyu hugged Tianhe Huamin, who had doubted him, in his arms again, and sat on the sofa. He originally thought that with the protection of his clothes, he would not think so much anymore, but he did not expect that the fire in his belly was more intense than before. His eyes kept looking towards the red earth hidden under the white snow.

Just like watching short videos, you have been scrolling through many marginal videos, and suddenly a funny video appears among them, so you will stop and watch.

Tianhehua looked at He Feiyu in amusement as he struggled not to look but couldn't bear to look, but her heart felt warm because she knew that the young man was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it.

Thinking of this, she recalled the young man's dragon in her mind. It was as big as her forearm. It hurt so much every time it entered, but it became more comfortable as time went by. And for the first time, she remembered that she had rested by herself. One night, I rested for a few hours for the second time. Today I only rested for an hour, which was fine.

‘Does it mean that if you do it a few more times, you can keep Yu Jun satisfied? ’

Tianhehua Minato thought in his heart.

If He Feiyu knew that Tianhe Huamin thought this way, he would definitely cry and say that she was sensible. Why was he crying? There are three large juicers in the house and one medium juicer outside. If the girl also turns from a small juicer to a medium juicer, he will probably lie down in the gentle countryside.

"By the way, Mr. Yu, what have you been doing recently?"

Tianhe Hua Minato wanted to see if He Feiyu could spare more time. She wanted to increase her endurance so that she could satisfy the boy more in the future.

"Let's work"

"work to earn a living?"


"Are you short of money?"

"Uh... almost"

After listening to He Feiyu's words, Tianhe Huamin frowned slightly and said with a concerned tone.

"Would Mr. Yu want my money? I can't spend much anyway."

"Need not"

He Feiyu refused without thinking. On the one hand, the girl might not be able to pay back the money he owed even if he sold the villa. On the other hand, spending the girl's money would make his conscience uneasy.

"Oh, can I go to the place where you work and take a look?"


"If it causes trouble to Yu-kun, just forget it."

Tianhe Hana Minato saw the young man's tangled look and took the initiative to give way to the path.

"It's not too much trouble. If you want to take a look, I'll take you there tomorrow morning."


A sweet smile appeared on the girl's face again.

He Feiyu and the girl were affectionate for a while, and after teasing the cute Hua Yu, they were ready to go home.

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Yu"

"Well, see you tomorrow"

After He Feiyu changed his shoes at the entrance, he said goodbye to the girl and left.

Chapter 57 Hatsumi Akari’s needs

It was almost eight o'clock when I left Tianhehua Minato's house.

He Feiyu also met many families walking together on the road. The joy of the child sitting on his father's body, the warmth of the wife wiping her husband's sweat, and the sincere feelings they looked at each other exuded a beautiful atmosphere.

The happy reunion of the family infects He Feiyu's emotions, but this seemingly beautiful scene may be destroyed and collapse in the next second, because this world is still another world after all.

The existence of the tauren makes these seemingly beautiful things like bubbles at any time, bursting at the touch of a button. A poor excuse can make the wife who loves her husband fall into evil, and a despicable behavior can make the daughter indulge in carnal desires. A fabricated reason can make a husband send his wife or daughter to a dead end, and even perverted behavior such as forcing someone to take over a man can occur.

In the other world, all the beauty may be a mirage.

He Feiyu couldn't help sighing in his heart, and his determination to kill the minotaur in his heart became more unwavering.

As long as the minotaur appears in front of him, he must hunt it!

When passing by Odagiri Naomi's villa, He Feiyu stopped and hesitated whether he should go to see this mature and beautiful young woman.

After thinking for a while, he decided to come back in a few days. After all, he had just released a few times not long ago and entered the saint time. He couldn't think of any role to play for a while, so he would wait until he had inspiration.

So he walked towards home again.

When He Feiyu arrived at the corner of his apartment and his floor, he heard two mature voices talking.

One voice was his aunt Manzi, and the other voice should be his neighbor Chu Teng Mingli if it was not unexpected.

He Feiyu remembered that Chu Teng Mingli seemed to have a daughter. Coincidentally, she and his sister Gunma Liuli were studying in the same school in another place, and they were both students in the third grade of junior high school.

Thinking of this, he walked out of the corner.

"Hello, Aunt Manzi"

"Hello, Aunt Mingli"

He Feiyu smiled and greeted the two beautiful women.

In front of outsiders, he still had to pretend to be the adopted son of Qiangjian Manzi. If outsiders found out about his improper relationship with Qiangjian Manzi, he was not afraid, but he was afraid that his aunt Manzi would be affected.

"Hey! Hello, brother Feiyu~"

"Yujun is back"

When Qiangjian Manzi saw He Feiyu coming back, he immediately put his hand on his chest.

He Feiyu felt the comfort and softness on his arm, and looked at the crescent moon in Aunt Manzi's eyes, and could only sigh helplessly in his heart.

It's okay to do this in the house, but now there are outsiders. Isn't Aunt Manzi's doing this a seed for others to notice? Now I just hope that Chu Teng Mingli can't see it.

"Hello, Aunt Mingli!"

He Feiyu raised his head and responded calmly.

It seemed that his behavior with Qiangjian Manzi was just a subconscious action like a family.

He Feiyu thought so, but Chu Teng Mingli saw the clue.

Although Chu Teng Mingli had a smile on her face, she was shocked in her heart.

Because she had moved to the Gunma Apartment for five or six years. When her husband died, she was a full-time housewife with no source of income, so she sold all her things and found this cheap apartment specially prepared for widows.

Chu Teng Mingli had known Gunma Manzi for several years. They were both widows at the beginning, so she naturally knew the emptiness and loneliness in her landlord's eyes.

However, Gunma Manzi was more serious than her. She thought that if Gunma Manzi did not find a new husband after a certain period of time, she would definitely go to a gigolo or a man to vent.

Until a year ago, Chu Teng Mingli saw that the desire in Gunma Manzi's eyes seemed to have reached its peak. She estimated that it would not take long for her landlord to fall into evil, but she did not expect that one day she saw a young man in Gunma Manzi's house, and he was very handsome, which was completely on her G-spot.

After that, she also met Qiang Jian Manzi. Although there was still loneliness hidden in her eyes, she was much better, and even this person became more energetic. She was a little suspicious at the time. The adopted son of Qiang Jian Manzi might not only be regarded as an adopted son, but more likely as a lover, but it was none of her business.

But something happened half a year ago that made her

start to care about He Feiyu. Even since that night, she has used He Feiyu as a massage object.

She recalled that day again. After she bought vegetables, she was on her way home and passed by an alley that she had to pass through. But she saw three people with holes in their noses, their clothes and pants were tattered, and they laughed obscenely from time to time.

She noticed something was wrong at the time, but thought it had nothing to do with her, so she didn't care too much, just avoided the location of the three gangsters.

But what she didn't expect was that one of the gangsters with a crew cut saw her, and immediately whistled at the two gangsters next to him, and then signaled them to look at her with his eyes.

When the other two thugs turned around, they looked at her with eyes like a hyena that had been hungry for several days and saw delicious food, with an obscene and hungry evil light, and kept looking at her.

Just when she was at a loss, three thugs came up casually, with obvious intentions, coming towards her. Just when she wanted to leave, the three of them surrounded her and blocked her retreat.

She had no choice but to look for help from the passers-by around her, but only a few people looked at her, and even if one or two young men passing by couldn't stand this scene and were ready to help, they immediately walked away when they saw the daggers and iron bars shown by the thugs.

Although she was a widow, she didn't want to be defiled by scum. Just when she was desperate, a very clichéd hero saving beauty happened to her.

The young man in black was like a god descending from heaven. With three punches and two kicks, he knocked the thugs to the ground and wailed for mercy.

What impressed her most was not only that he saved her, but also that he actually used the steel rods in the gangsters' hands to pierce their asses one after another... The boy didn't care about their heart-wrenching screams, but piled them all together as if they were garbage.

Hatto Akari actually doesn't like violence very much, because she thinks people like that are extremely vulgar, but when she saw the boy's violent behavior, she was not afraid, but felt empty and lonely for many years, and her heart beat faster.

She understood that it was the feeling of heartbeat.

After teaching the gangster a lesson, the young man helped her take the things she had back home. Unfortunately, she didn't thank the young man for anything, so the young man waved his hand coolly and said that neighbors should help each other.

Today she went out to throw away the trash and ran into Mitsuko Gunma again. When she saw Mitsuko Gunma's eyes this time, she found that there was no longer a lonely look in her eyes, and her whole person was much more youthful and beautiful, as if... ..rejuvenated with a second spring.

Before she could guess anything, she saw the boy she longed for appeared in front of her. Then she read several meanings based on Mitsuko's intimate behavior and the way Mitsuko looked at He Feiyu, among which there was not only meaning but also meaning. A mother's care for her adopted son, and a wife's love for her husband.

Hatou Akari guessed that the two might have had a relationship. Of course, she didn't care about this, and she also wouldn't gossip behind them.

Because Mitsuko Gunma provided her with a low rent, and it was too late to thank her, how could she do something disgusting behind her back?

It's just...it's just that Mitsuko Gunma can do it, why can't I, Akari Hattou? Neighbors should help each other, right? This is what the young man said himself, so we can also help with physical problems, right?

Hatsuto Akari secretly compared their figures. She was obviously plumper and more graceful than Mitsuko Gunma. Her legs were better than hers, and her breasts were three times as big as hers. Boys should all like big ones. Yes, she thought to herself.

Thinking like this, a plan arose in her mind.

At this time, He Feiyu felt a chill behind him. He was a little baffled, but he couldn't find a reason. He continued to watch Hatou Mingri and his Aunt Manzi talking.


A soft sigh came from her mouth, with a pitiful look on her plump and pretty face,

"What's wrong, Miss Hatto?"

Mitsuko Gunma asked with concern. She was very enthusiastic about this neighbor who was also a widow, because she already had He Feiyu, and Hatori Akari, who was also a widow, was still alone. She knew the loneliness of being a widow. And sad.

"Hey, my daughter will take the entrance exam in a year, but... But she is stupid, her grades are at the bottom of the class, and her study results at home these days are not very good."

"There is no other way. I plan to find a tutor for her, but I can't afford that much money, so I can only find a junior high school student who has just graduated."

"Hey, I really don't know what to do. I'm an orphan and a widower. Where can I find a junior high school graduate who just graduated?"

Hattō Akari was crying when she said these words, and her face showed sadness. Even Mitsuko Gunma, who is also a woman, felt heartbroken.

"Don't worry, Miss Hatto. I want to think about it and see if I can help you find a suitable candidate."

"Choice...Choice...Hey! Mr. Yu, didn't you just graduate from junior high school?"

He Feiyu listened to the conversation between the two, but his eyelids started to twitch when Hattō Akari said he was looking for a junior high school student who had just graduated. Isn't this him? At a glance, he knew that Hattou Akari wanted him to be a tutor. His Aunt Manko was obviously very shrewd! Why can't I see this...

"Aunt Mingli, can I do it?"

He Feiyu asked tentatively. It was just his inference. It was possible

Hatsuto Akari's family is really in a tight situation. Besides, what can Hatsuto Akari covet from him, beauty? How is it possible, I am not a humanoid hormone, girls like me wherever I go.

"Little brother Feiyu?"

"Well, I just graduated from junior high school."



"Then thank you little brother Feiyu"

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