"What's going on? Is it dangerous?"

Tianhe Hua Minato left He Feiyu's chest, looked at He Feiyu nervously with her beautiful purple eyes open, and said in a worried tone.

"Two little bugs, no danger at all"

He Feiyu looked at the girl, his heart felt warm. He couldn't bear the girl's worry, so he could only deceive her.

"Haha, lead the way."

He Feiyu saw the girl walk into the room, closed the door, and said to the crows circling in the sky.


He Feiyu followed the crow to where Huang Mao Matsuoka Reiji was hiding.


Matsuoka Reiji was hiding in a dark place, looking at the watermelon-headed Nishida standing not far away in front of the cinema, with a weird smile on his sinister face that showed his conspiracy was successful.

Yesterday, he was in the house, destroying everything he could see. He didn't stop until his body was exhausted, lying in the messy living room, looking at the dim ceiling and breathing heavily.

Half of the blood-red color in his eyes had disappeared, and a faint cold light appeared instead. After calming down, he decided to take revenge, and he was the culprit of all this.

Tianhehua Minato! ! !

If she hadn't rejected him, none of this would have happened.

He only wanted to play for fun, and he wouldn't do anything to her. It was because of her ungenerousness that his family was ruined.

Thinking of this, the cold light in his eyes became even worse, like a wild beast that chooses people to devour. The blood-red color in his eyes completely disappeared, and the entire eyes turned dark black.

He wanted to take revenge, but he couldn't go directly. After all, he was already broken by her rejection. He was afraid that he wouldn't let her open the door even if he pretended to visit her, and he would be alerted by the time.

If the boy from the beginning happens to appear again...

Thinking of this, Matsuoka Reiji shuddered, and his desire for revenge faded a lot. But the next moment, a strange feeling came to his heart, hatred filled his body again, and the problem he had just thought about was also forgotten.

Matsuoka Reiji shook his head, feeling a little strange. He had just thought of something terrible, but he couldn't remember it clearly.

Chapter 26 Self-indulgent

do not care! Revenge is the most important thing.

If I can't appear directly, what if it's Nishida Kazuo whom Amaga Minato has a good impression of?

Wasn't it exactly the conditions he created for me last time? So is it possible this time?

Doesn't Nishida Kazu also like Amaga Minato? If I told him that a boy of the same age appeared next to Amaga Minato, and they had a good relationship, and I saw them holding hands with my own eyes, and I was not sure whether they were in love, would Nishida be nervous and call to inquire?

Ask Tianhehua Minato.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, you can ask Nishida Kazuto to invite Amano Kaminato out, and call it an apology. When he suddenly comes out, Amano Kaminato will be like a piece of meat on the chopping board for others to slaughter.

If Nishida knows the stuff, he can feel good after playing it himself. If he doesn't, haha.

Thinking of this, Matsuoka Reiji immediately took out his mobile phone and called Nishida Kazu. As he expected, the otaku who had never eaten meat immediately started hesitating when he heard this. At first, he said he was just a friend, but when he When he mentioned that a young man appeared next to Amaga Minato, his tone became nervous. After a few words, he wanted to call and ask directly, but the time was not right. How could he ask now? After some persuasion, he decided to ask tomorrow Let’s talk at noon.

And our simple classmate Nishida Kazu put down his cell phone when he heard Matsuoka Reiji's words, and his thoughts went back to the first day when he met Amaga Minato.

At that time, his grades were not good, and he was still a transparent little person in his class. He had no special skills. If he insisted on talking about it, I would probably only write down all the people and directors who had watched the movie, but this kind of What's the use of specialties?

I'm afraid that if I suddenly disappear one day, others may only be surprised that there is only one person in the class. As for who it is, who will care?

After school, as usual, he came to the film research department he founded. Even though there were only a few members, they were all marginalized figures in the class like himself. A few people hugged each other for warmth. Perhaps only in this way could they prove the meaning of their existence. .

But from this day on, everything changed.

Opening the door of the Film Research Department, through the watermelon hair that covered his eyes, he saw a beautiful angel-like person inside. Because his academic performance was not very good, he could only think of these to describe the woman in front of him, and he subconsciously Thinking about it, I'm afraid the most beautiful person in his own class is not half as beautiful as her.

Nishida was nervous and uneasy. He didn't know what to do when he suddenly faced such a beautiful girl. Fortunately, a member of the club came to tell him that the girl was here to join the club. Hearing this, Nishida chuckled. After all, it was like this Beautiful girls can watch a movie together every day after school. Even if nothing happens, it is still a kind of enjoyment.

In the next period of time, he learned the girl's name.

Tianhe Flowers

Her name is as beautiful and innocent as her person.

After a certain movie ended, he overheard the girl muttering to herself, saying, "I'm so stupid, I can't even remember the name of the person and director after watching the movie." He didn't know why he blurted it out right away the next moment. , named all the people and important characters in the movie, and it really attracted the girl's admiring eyes. At that moment, he felt the meaning of his life.

His admiring look at the girl was very useful, but he hid one thing. In fact, he had watched the movie no less than ten times. Every night when he went home, he could only pass the time by watching movies. It was impossible to study anything. .

From then on, he seemed to have found a goal in life. He also watched movies in class, memorized all the directors and characters that appeared, and then played them after school. He calmly said the names of the directors and characters, which always triggered The girl's admiring gaze.

After a semester like this, he took it for granted that the girl fell in love with him, but he didn't dare to confess, for fear that it would just be a joke, and by then he would have no last place to stay, so he could just continue like this. , but until Reiji Matsuoka appeared.

Nishida has heard a little about Matsuoka Reiji. Matsuoka Reiji is a rich second generation, and his family is somewhat powerful. He is someone he can't afford to offend. Moreover, this person has a bad behavior. He has joined some yellow-haired society, and several members have committed many crimes. , often went to bully other people's girlfriends, and Matsuoka Reiji was one of them. I heard that he bullied a few powerless people, and got a female teacher who had just come to practice to get pregnant and have an abortion, but his family suppressed him. I didn't expect him I came to the Film Research Department and fell in love with Minato Amaga.

When Nishitian saw Reiji Matsuoka teasing Kaminato Amagawa, he couldn't help but want to punch him a few times, but when he saw that he was tall and tall, and he still had money, he gave in. He could only wait for Reiji Matsuoka to leave and stay in Kaminato Amagawa's ear. After saying a few bad words, he was relieved that the girl didn't like Matsuoka Reiji either.

What made him even more overjoyed was that the girl actually took the initiative to ask him to watch a movie. At that time, he suppressed the joy in his heart and agreed. He was looking forward to that day coming, but when the day actually arrived, he was already almost at the agreed place. But the cell phone suddenly rang, and the voices of his parents came from the phone, asking him to go home and saying that he needed help with something.

He hesitated. Between the girl and her parents, he finally chose his parents. The girl was rejected by him. For him, he might be able to apologize with just one phone call, but for the girl, she was played with, defiled, and finally attacked at night. ,group ⑥;Nine④Nine③'⑥一'Three Wu were trained into velvet balls, and the ending can be imagined.

But when he heard that Amaga Minato was close to a boy, he subconsciously thought of betrayal. He subconsciously regarded Amaga Minato as his girlfriend, and wanted to call and ask, but it was more like questioning.

But Matsuoka Reiji stopped him, saying that it was not good to disturb him at night, so why not make an appointment to talk in person at noon tomorrow, after all, it is better to explain everything face to face.

Nishida was shaken and a little touched. He didn't expect Reiji Matsuoka to think about him so much. It seemed that the rumors were not necessarily true. After all, who would think about others so thanklessly?


, the next day, Matsuoka Reiji appeared at his door, hugging his shoulders affectionately, like a good friend, and kept helping him analyze the situation, what to say when they meet, and how to save Tianhe At first glance, Hua Minato has the face of a good teacher and helpful friend.

Nishida Kazuchi, who didn't have many friends to begin with, was even more moved. He kept communicating with Matsuoka Reiji until about 12 o'clock. After dinner, they went to Amagawa Minato's house together.

When I arrived near Minato Amagawa's house, I wandered around for a while. After listening to Matsuoka Reiji, I decided to solve everything in person at the cinema. Just like Matsuoka Reiji said to him, solve the problem completely where it all started. But look His face looked a little gloomy and terrifying, and he didn't think much about it. What did he have that was worthy of Matsuoka Reiji's trap?

In the middle of the journey, he sent a text message to Amaga Minato, confessing his love to the girl. It took a long time before he received her answer.

got rejected

He felt a little uncomfortable. Could it be that everything Reiji-kun said was right and that Amaga Minato really had someone he liked?

Then who do you think you are?

Chapter 27 The cat is in trouble!

He was a little aggrieved, but with Reiji-kun's encouragement, he still called Amaga Minato, and he answered it, which showed that the girl still had him in her heart, which made him a little happy, but he still pretended to cry, hoping that the girl would come out. , listen to his apology.

The girl didn't say anything and was hung up again after a while, but he believed he succeeded because the girl was kind and innocent, and she absolutely couldn't stand anyone being sad because of her.

Nishidaichi has been standing here for nearly an hour. Because it is summer, it is a bit hot at noon. He could have waited under the cinema, just like Reiji-kun, hiding in the shadows, but he thought the girl would Seeing him sweating profusely, he knew how much he had paid for her, hoping to win back the girl's heart in this way.

He guessed that Matsuoka Reiji was afraid of being misunderstood by Amagawa Minato. After all, he had a bad reputation due to rumors. When the time came, he would explain it in front of the girl, hoping that the misunderstanding between the two would dissipate.

Nishida glanced at the phone on his phone. It was almost two o'clock, and the girl should be here soon.

Sure enough, as soon as he raised his head, he saw a figure coming from the girl's house to the cinema. His eyes were wet with sweat, so his vision was a little blurry, but he could vaguely see the outline of white. White is the girl's favorite color, so it should be. She did.

He Feiyu turned the corner and saw a boy with long watermelon hair. In fact, He Feiyu didn't recognize it at first. After all, his hair had covered his eyes. In his previous life, Blue Star, his hometown, had a saying that the eyes are The window to the soul, if it weren't for the fact that women in this world generally have big breasts, it would be difficult for him to identify his gender.

“The sun is so bright and I don’t know how to stand in the shade.”

"It's true that you can eat melon seeds and eat shrimps - there is something for everyone."

He Feiyu couldn't help but complain a few words. On such a hot day, if he hadn't been in good health, he would have wanted to lie in the swimming pool all day.


Nishidaichi, who thought she was a girl, just wanted to go up and show how hard he had been waiting for her, but he heard the voice of the person in front of him making complaints. It was obviously a man. He didn't know if he had revealed his little thoughts, so he subconsciously tightened his grip. fist.

He Feiyu ignored the watermelon head in front of him. He had already seen several crows hovering in a narrow gap next to the cinema that was barely big enough for people to pass through. He guessed that that was where Huang Mao was hiding, and he walked slowly and leisurely towards it.

He looked calm and indifferent, as if he didn't take Huang Mao seriously at all.

Unlike He Feiyu, who looked calm and calm, Matsuoka Reiji saw He Feiyu at a glance in the shade. The forgotten memories suddenly came back to him, and he was trembling all over. Now he just wanted to go home and calm down.

He watched the young man slowly walking this way, cursing crazily in his heart, but at the same time he was praying crazily in his heart, hoping that he would never discover him.

"Matsuoka Reiji, are you going to come out on your own, or should I ask you to come out?"

It's a pity that fantasy is beautiful, but reality is cruel. The boy's death-like voice rang in his ears, destroying his fantasy. Matsuoka Reiji knew that he had been discovered, and could only slowly squeeze out from the gap.

"You...what do you want...to do? I...didn't...mess with you!"

Matsuoka Reiji said with a trembling tone. He looked at He Feiyu's half-smiling face, and the memory of being beaten came back to his mind, and his face seemed to start to hurt again.

"It's true that you and I don't have any direct hatred, but unfortunately, who wants you to pay attention to my woman?"

"Tell me how you want to die and fulfill your last wish."

He Feiyu said in a contemptuous tone, his words were like the god of death, as if Matsuoka Reiji's life and death were just child's play in his eyes.

"Don't... forget that this is a society governed by law, don't be so... arrogant!"

Even though Matsuoka Reiji was afraid of He Feiyu, when he heard the joking in his tone and treated himself like a bug, he couldn't help but clenched his fists and said harsh words.


Since He Feiyu came to this world, he has observed many things. For example, this is a fusion world, secondly, the police here are very useless, and finally, except for the surveillance settings of the relevant series, more than 90% of the places There is no surveillance. As for why there are no large-scale riots, it is probably related to the laws of the world. Of course, then

This sentence above is purely his guess.

So he felt ridiculous about what Matsuoka Reiji said. A person who asked a trainee teacher to have an abortion and then relied on connections to settle things, was he worthy of saying this to him? ? ?


At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in the empty space in front of the cinema.

The three of them all turned their heads and looked at the source of the voice, who was none other than Amaga Minato.

At this time, the three people had different thoughts.

First, there was Nishida Kazuo. He was watching the confrontation between Matsuoka Reiji and the boy who suddenly appeared. Listening to their incomprehensible words, he was confused. He also heard the girl's voice appearing countless times in his dream. He turned around with joy, but Seeing her running directly towards the boy, without even looking at him, he stood there blankly. It was exactly as Reiji-kun said, Amagawa Minato had a boyfriend.

Then there was He Feiyu, who was speechless as he watched the girl running towards him holding Hua Yu, and then threw herself into his arms. As for Hua Yu, she jumped on He Feiyu's head and squatted down, just about to say to the girl Something, but seeing the worry in the girl's purple eyes, she didn't say anything in the end.

Finally, there was Reiji Matsuoka. He instinctively wanted to use this time to escape, but a consciousness made him stay, because when he saw Hana Amagawa, his heart was filled with deep-seated hatred, and he couldn't help but want to kill her. Defiled and then torn apart, this thought occupied his mind as soon as it appeared, and he immediately forgot all about escaping.

"Didn't you tell me not to come? Look at how sweaty you are."

"But...Xin...Yujun, you..."


"And you, Hua Yu, who asked you to bring her here? She can't tell the difference. Can't you tell the difference?"


Hua Yu was very speechless at this time. The meow coming from her mouth seemed to be saying, you asked her to give me the meatballs to eat. You didn't ask me to disobey her. She ordered me to come. What can I do? And you If you can’t bear to blame her, can you bear to blame me, this poor cat? ? ? Um! ! !

Cat life is difficult! Others raise me and serve me like an ancestor, so why do I act like a dog and a bodyguard at the same time?

"Do you know! Showing affection will kill you quickly!!!"

Matsuoka Reiji was already full of anger, and the dog man and woman in front of him were showing off their affection in front of him. The FFF yellow hair ball's oath suddenly came to mind. He mustered up the courage and rushed towards the two of them, with one fist clenched, ready to strike. It was fatal and hit He Feiyu on the back of the head.

Chapter 28 Kamen Rider Gossamer Yellow Hair?

"Yujun, be careful!!!"

Tianhe Hanamin looked at the sudden attack on Matsuoka Reiji from He Feiyu's back, and couldn't help shouting, but everything was in the blink of an eye. Matsuoka Reiji didn't know why the speed became faster. It originally took 5.6 seconds to arrive, Now it only took 2.3 seconds to reach He Feiyu's back and hit him on the back of the head.

"Success??? Hahahahaha!!!"

Matsuoka Reiji couldn't believe that he had hit He Feiyu, but he could clearly feel the stiffness on his fist, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Yu Jun?"

"Woo, it's all... my... fault. If... I listened to... you, you wouldn't be... distracted, woo..."

"It's all... my fault, it's all... my fault..."

The girl listened to Matsuoka Reiji's words, looked at the boy in front of her motionless, and thought that the boy was hit in the vitals, and now something happened, she couldn't help crying, tears like no money, quickly wet the boy's chest, and then water marks appeared on the ground, but quickly evaporated.


Hua Yu looked at all this indifferently, and her blue eyes seemed to show disdain for Matsuoka Reiji who was laughing wildly. She hit him, and then changed to a more comfortable angle and continued to lie on He Feiyu's head and take a nap.

Was He Feiyu really hit? It must have been hit, but it was not the real person but the invincible Star Platinum. If there were a stand in this world, he would have seen that Matsuoka Reiji's fist was only 5 mm away from He Feiyu's back and was blocked by the big pectoral muscles of a purple figure.

A smile appeared on He Feiyu's face because he heard the system prompt.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the S-level mission and obtaining the Kamen Rider Faiz belt experience card for 10 minutes]

In fact, everything was intentional by He Feiyu. If Matsuoka Reiji's speed was ten times faster, he might not be able to dodge it, but at least Matsuoka Reiji can't do it now.

He saw that the girl's intimacy had reached 89, and it was almost breaking through 9. At that time, the mission would be completed, and the sword of Damocles on his Niu Niu would temporarily disappear.

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