[Punishment for mission failure: 1 point deducted for each basic attribute]

‘I’ll blanch it! Hongmen Banquet’

He Feiyu suddenly heard the system prompt sound in his head, and then realized that Kurashiki Reika actually had such a small idea, but by getting drunk and then telling a small story,

The trick was that the Blue Star in his previous life could only appear in divine dramas. Unexpectedly, he would be lucky enough to meet her in this world. He Feiyu thought it would be better to just use the beauty trap. Maybe he would do it all as soon as he was happy.

He Feiyu looked at the cold beauty in front of him, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised unconsciously. He felt inexplicably that the beauty in front of him was a little cute, but she could still come up with such a method. If there was no mission, he didn't mind being drunk, anyway. It is impossible to be eaten, but if the mission fails, attribute points will be deducted. They can only be added once a month. Four points will be deducted at one time, which is equivalent to four months of work in vain. Moreover, without the support of attribute points, the invincible Platinum Star can only I can eat dust in the warehouse.

Then we can only feel wronged by our President Kurashiki Reika.

Chapter 21 Dining

"Feiyu-kun, please have a meal."


Without the system prompts, He Feiyu really thought that tonight was just a simple meal of thanks. But after knowing Kurashiki Reika's little thoughts, he felt that the food in front of him was not so delicious, so he just waited for our President Kurashiki Reika to show up. Recruited.

The two of them had their own thoughts, but neither showed it.

"By the way, Feiyu-kun, do you like drinking?"


He Feiyu actually doesn't like drinking, but he must follow Kurashiki Reika's wishes, otherwise he will not be able to complete the task.

"Oh! Really? I didn't expect Feiyu-kun to drink alcohol at such a young age."

"Haha, I drink it occasionally."

"Then I wonder if it would be an honor for me to have a few drinks with you today?"

"The honor is over, just treat us as friends and have a few drinks."

"haha okay"

A smile of successful conspiracy appeared on Kurashiki Reika's cold face, but it only faded away.

But He Feiyu noticed it. He didn't expect that Kurashiki Reika, who always had a straight face, would smile so beautifully, and her heart felt a little hot.

"How about this, let's do boxing, and whoever loses drinks, how about that?"

"Fisting? I've never done it before, but I can give it a try."

When He Feiyu saw Kurashiki Reika agreed, a smile of successful conspiracy appeared on his face, but Kurashiki Reika did not see the smile on his face. She was still happy about why Feiyu agreed to drink, because drinking was still her strong point. In the past, At the business dinner, I didn't know how many people were drunk, but He Feiyu, a mere high school student, could handle it with just one hand.

She also brought out the good wine she had collected for many years. Her highest record was only 8 drinks, but He Feiyu would get drunk after drinking 2 or 3 glasses at most, so she was not afraid at all.

"How...how can it be...I lose, burp, again...again, I...I don't believe it"

Kurashiki Reika lost three times in a row at the beginning, and she accepted her defeat and drank three drinks. She was a little surprised why He Feiyu never lost once, but victory or defeat was a matter for the military family. Just like in business, there are losses and there are losses. Winning, as long as the strategy is right, comeback is easy. This is how she does business, so she doesn't believe that she will always lose. As long as He Feiyu drinks a drink, he will be dizzy. Whatever she asks, He Feiyu will answer.

"Woo~ He... He Fei... Yu, are you... hiccup... cheating?"


"Well, doesn't it depend on luck? Maybe our President Kurashiki Reika is not pregnant today?"


He Feiyu saw that Kurashiki Reika had drunk 6 drinks in a row, the smile on his face was no longer concealed, and the tone he spoke to Kurashiki Reika began to become frivolous.

Is He Feiyu really lucky? of course not! When he decided to use punching to drink, he had already won. If he used other methods, he couldn't say that he would definitely win, but he would definitely win with punching!

Rock, paper, scissors is easy to see, especially with the help of Star Platinum. Whenever the two of them are about to punch, he stops time, comes to Kurashiki Reika, and carefully looks at her little hands. , if it is to use scissors, then the index finger and middle finger will have a tendency to bulge outward at the moment of moving out. If it is to take a step, then the five fingers will be average at the moment of moving out, and no one finger is particularly prominent. If the first two If none of the characteristics appear, then it must be a stone, and there is nothing more to say.

So with this method, he stopped 6 times and succeeded every time. He waited a few more times and the task prompt was successful.

The balance of victory has tilted in his favor.

Because, Platinum Star is invincible! ! !

He Feiyu was a little carried away now. He forgot that DIO was bragging about his own world like this before it split into several pieces.

After the seventh cup, He Feiyu smiled brightly.

After the eighth cup, He Feiyu smiled even more.

After the ninth cup, cold sweat broke out on He Feiyu's face, and he began to feel dizzy and dizzy.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the A-level mission and obtaining Melancholic Blues]

He Feiyu was trembling now, without the joy of completing the task and getting the reward. He even felt fainter than Kurashiki Reika who drank 9 glasses of wine.

‘What’s going on with the system? ’

He Feiyu endured the discomfort and asked the system in his heart.

【Ding! Because the host's mental power is not strong enough, it can only use the ability of the Platinum Star about 8 times. After the number is exceeded, the spirit will enter weakness, confusion, and intoxication]


He Feiyu could only say hello in his heart.

Now he just wanted to find a place to have a good rest. It happened that this room was equipped with a cozy bed and it was quite big. He Feiyu stood up and took two staggering steps. He happened to pass by Kurashiki Reika. She no longer had the cool and glamorous look of the past. Her hands were waving wildly, and her thighs wearing black silk high heels were kicking wildly. She looked like a drunken lunatic. He didn't bother to care about it. He had better make himself comfortable first.

"Stop...stop, little...dog"

He Feiyu was just about to leave this place when he heard the command coming from Kurashiki Reika's mouth. He didn't know why he stopped. His consciousness wanted to leave this place, but his body honestly didn't move.

‘Move quickly! Body! Is our relationship worse than that stinky woman? Don't let that woman affect the bond between us! Oh, I'm deaf and dumb! ! ’

He Feiyu complained crazily in his heart.

"Get down...down"

When Kurashiki Reika was drunk and dizzy, she regarded He Feiyu as a puppy. Seeing how well-behaved he was, she couldn't help but continue teasing him.

Sure enough, He Feiyu immediately fell down after hearing Kurashiki Reika's words. He could only enjoy it now, and just hoped that Kurashiki Reika wouldn't go too far. But when he looked at Kurashiki Reika's plump, round and black sexy thighs from this angle, his eyes He stayed on it for a moment, and a flame slowly burned in his body.

"Want...want...to eat?"

Seeing how well-behaved the puppy in front of her was, Kurashiki Reika couldn't help but want to give it some rewards. She looked around and found the caviar that had not been eaten just now. She stood up staggeringly and took the caviar in her hand. In her hand, she lost weight again and sat down on the sofa. By coincidence, the caviar fell on her black silk feet.

The red contrasts nicely with the black.

"Come on, puppy, eat it."

Kurashiki Reika didn't seem to want to waste food. Instead of pouring the caviar on her feet on the ground, she just stretched it towards He Feiyu.


He Feiyu looked at the black stockings under Caviar, who was getting closer and closer. Just now, Kurashiki Reika staggered, and the high heels on the foot she stretched out had fallen off from the heel of her back foot, leaving only the black toes sticking out. The high heels swayed as her feet trembled.

"What? Don't you like it? Or do you want me to feed you myself?"

Chapter 22: Speaking out of character

Kurashiki Reika drowsily saw that the puppy was not moving, and couldn't help but murmured. Seeing that it still hadn't responded, she quickly put her foot under its mouth and lifted it towards it, as if urging it to eat.

He Feiyu was still debating whether he should eat this food, but as he looked at the fish feet getting closer and closer, his nose smelled a fishy smell mixed with the smell of feet and a faint smell of leather.

He Feiyu felt that his brain exploded, and his consciousness was directly the same as his body. What a bullshit bond. Now he just wanted to thank his body for its honesty, oh mom! It’s so fragrant!

A fish foot wearing pure black stockings (with caviar on top) gently paddled in front of him, forming beautiful arcs.

That is a beautiful little foot, from the silky and soft instep to the deep hollow of the foot, and the slightly yellowed heel through the black stockings, it looks like a cup of pure black delicious brown sugar sundae, with more than a dozen red grains The caviar is like pearls dotted with delicious food, making people want to taste it.

He Feiyu swallowed again and raised his head to look at Kurashiki Reika, who was raising her jade feet. Even though this woman was drunk and had a seductive blush on her face, her strong temperament formed by years of fighting in the mall was still exuding. , the look on his face is one of reward and reward.

This aloof and unattainable temperament shocked He Feiyu's heart, and an emotion that wanted to blaspheme and conquer burst out of his body.

He Feiyu lowered his head again and looked at the delicious food close at hand. He slowly crawled over, the tip of his nose followed the yellowed heels, rubbed on the silky pantyhose, and slid along the inner soles until they hung At the toes of the high heels, and then back to the back, he inhaled all the mature and charming smell.

Then he opened his mouth, which had been secreting saliva for a long time, and took the yellowed heel into his mouth.


A strange cry of unknown meaning came from Kurashiki Reika's mouth, and a blush that was not consistent with drunkenness appeared on some of her red face. The warm breath and moist pantyhose made her body feel a little hot, and her slender white hands I couldn't help but stretch towards the fullness and roundness of my chest.

Kurashiki Reika's drunkenness has mostly dissipated, and the blush on her face is more of satisfaction and excitement. She has clearly seen that the person under her feet is He Feiyu, not a puppy. She thinks about whether she should lift her feet, but she also It took only a moment of hesitation before the decision was made.

As one of the top ten bosses of the Neon Group, it doesn't matter that Kurashiki Reika keeps a pretty boy. Moreover, she previously learned from the information that He Feiyu not only has amazing learning ability, but also showed incredible abilities on the train to help her. All of this was given to Kurashiki Reika. It left a lot of good impressions, which at least showed that the young man under my feet was not so mediocre and qualified to be taken care of by me. Moreover, he was serving me now, not her to serve the young man. Even if you are powerful, you still have to surrender under my feet. Her The feeling of conquest is filled.

"Open your mouth and take it!"

She opened her beautiful emerald eyes and saw He Feiyu preparing to get up. She thought that she had just been aroused and had not yet been released. Even if

I could also entertain myself, but I felt like something was missing, so I couldn't help but order.

Just like eating snail noodles without adding chili pepper, it is soulless.

He Feiyu glanced at Kurashiki Reika, and then slowly squatted down.

Kurashiki Reika found that the feeling on her feet was even hotter than the last time, and the hand that was still on Taoyuan began to caress it gently.


More than ten minutes later, Kurashiki Reika took out her hand. It was already full of water stains. She was about to wipe it, but she saw that He Feiyu was still working hard, and her heart moved slightly, wanting to reward him.

"Lick clean"

Kurashiki Reika ordered again. She watched He Feiyu stop his mouth movements, stand up, and walked towards Kurashiki Reika's water-stained hand, and then wiped the water off it, Gunliu; ⑨Eat all the four, nine, three, three, and five stains.

"Okay, I'll call you next time I need you."

Kurashiki Reika was satisfied physically and mentally after seeing this scene, but there was still some alcohol left in her body and she was a little tired after just being drained. She stared at He Feiyu with her beautiful eyes, and her tone was arrogant, as if He Feiyu was the one who came to her at the drop of a hat and retreated as soon as she drank. servant.

"haha, really?"

"I just played role-playing with you, why are you so serious now?"

He Feiyu swallowed some of the water stains on his mouth and looked at Kurashiki Reika with a half-smile. The words that came out of his mouth shocked Kurashiki Reika.

"What do you mean"

"literal meaning"

"Now it's my turn to be the master and you the little dog."

"you dare!"

"Do you think I dare?"

After He Feiyu finished speaking, he used both hands to move Kurashiki Reika's foot that was still tapping Erlang's leg away, then put his knee between her legs, and quickly grabbed her hands with both hands, leaning forward. , the chest squeezed on her two proud snow peaks and changed its shape.

"Let me go, who allowed you to do this...um-"

He Feiyu blocked her mouth before she finished speaking.

Lips and teeth meet

Kurashiki Reika still wanted to struggle, but the feeling coming from her mouth was really comfortable.

I haven’t experienced it in more than ten years.

The lonely delicate body began to be filled.

The eyes that were a little sharp at first began to slowly become blurry.

The originally closed teeth also opened the gap. Unexpectedly, after a moment of relaxation, He Feiyu's uvula rushed in like a loach.

Tangled together fiercely.

The delicate body also becomes hotter and more active.

He Feiyu originally just wanted to teach Kurashiki Reika a lesson and tell her to stop being so arrogant and ready to loosen her mouth just because she thought she had hundreds of millions of dollars.

"I know I was wrong...well——"


He Feiyu just let go of his mouth and before he finished his words of education, he felt that his mouth was blocked by Kurashiki Reika.

role reversal

His eyes widened with disbelief. Kurashiki Reika took the initiative to wrap herself around him and sucked in his mouth. It seemed that she would not let go until she finished the fluid in his mouth. Moreover, her breasts were plump. She took the initiative to rub against him, and her two plump thighs clamped his legs.

its not right.

Shouldn't I be the one taking the initiative? Why are you more anxious than me? ? Wouldn’t that give you a reward? ? ?

He Feiyu doesn't care anymore

Lips and teeth meet

I don't know when, Kurashiki Reika's two hands had hugged He Feiyu's back. The white and slender fingers were painted with red nail polish. At this time, they scratched He Feiyu's white shirt, leaving one obvious mark after another. scratches.

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