Chapter 162 161. Timing

The Elda people's arrogance and artistic sense are innate. They believe that except for themselves, all civilizations in the galaxy are just inferior creatures. In their eyes, humans are just a group of monkeys that just came down from the trees. Even if they are To them, the strange vegetable civilization located at the other end of the galaxy is just a group of uncivilized savages.

However, as time passed, the senior leaders of the Ada people finally noticed something was wrong.

Although in the eyes of the outside world, the Ada civilization is now at its peak, occupying one-fifth of the Milky Way, and can be called the top overlord of the Milky Way, only those high-level Ada people can overlook this deep crisis.

Indulgence, indulgence, decadence...

This is the essence of today's Ada civilization. Because of the existence of the imaginary number space, the Ada people are no longer afraid of death, because even if they die, their souls can return to the consciousness space, and the consciousness space is where to preserve their souls. The Ada person can be resurrected by simply reprinting a body in reality.

The lives of the Eldar have been stretched to the point of near eternity.

And this causes the Ada people who live longer to become more confused. They don’t know what they want. In their long lives, love and family affection seem meaningless. Interests and efforts are like passing clouds. It seems that they are only desires. It is eternity.

The Ada leader who was bewitched by Slaanesh has long since retired. However, although he has retired, the national policies and tone he set are still implemented, and even attracted a large number of old antiques. Whenever radicals want to change When it comes to national policy, these old antiques will stand up and work together to suppress those radicals.

It’s not that they didn’t realize that the Ada civilization was on the edge of the abyss, it was just that for them, rights and desires were the most important, and any innovation that would threaten their status must be banned.

This is the elegance of the Ada people and their self-confidence.

Just like their family's innate sense of superiority, they often try to secretly manipulate events to profit, in order to appear smart and elegant.

At this time, the Ada Civilization was like a magnificent skyscraper. At this time, everyone could only see the splendor of the Ada Civilization. They could only see the bright pearls and bright glass walls on the building, but no one looked at it. By the time it had started to rot from the foundation.

Countless years of worship of desire have made it difficult for the Ada civilization to recover. This civilization has begun to rot from the roots and has a tendency to spread upward.

The original building was already crumbling. When some Ada people who maintained their composure saw this scene, they began to leave quietly. The entire Ada civilization began to fall apart from the roots...

This civilization spanning 20,000 light-years will collapse.

However, even if a civilization is rotten from the core, there will still be people with sanity after all. Some Ada people saw their compatriots deteriorating, and they began to escape from this terminally ill civilization. These people called themselves wanderers. Or, they broke away from the society of Ada civilization and began to plant and develop planets in some remote areas.

In this way, the number of Ada people who broke away from civilization gradually increased.

Actually, it's time to harvest now.

In the imaginary number space, four shadows were gathering in a dark corner, whispering about something.

These four shadows are the four true gods in the imaginary space. They have been tasked by Chen Shibo to watch this time and space for countless years, but they have never shown up. Even their group of petitioners have not shown up. He was bound to his own territory and never let go.

At this time, the imaginary space was peaceful. Occasionally, a few subspace engine ships would enter the imaginary space from one section and then leave in an instant.

These inferior races have used our imaginary space as a toilet.

One of the red figures murmured in a low voice, It's so funny. How would they react if they knew that they were just pigs raised by others?

There will be opportunities in the future, but now is not the time.

The blue figure on the side said in an extremely hoarse and pure tone, Although the Lord God has been sleeping for 20,000 years, he seems to have not felt that it is time, otherwise he will wake up himself.

So what about the Eldar who fled the Eldar civilization?

The purple figure was a little worried, If the Ada civilization divides itself or even kills each other, I'm afraid our previous efforts have really been wasted.

There is one last way.

The blue figure whispered, Let's work together to block the imaginary space and make it completely a restricted area for them. In this way, they will definitely have to work together to deal with this matter. By then, the process of division and cannibalism will be prolonged. ”

Hearing these words, the remaining three figures couldn't help but look in the direction of the blue figure, How to block it? We don't have the ability at all.

We can stir up a storm with endless emotions. The blue figure slowly spit out his plan.

Hearing this, the four figures looked at each other.

Not only that.

The blue figure continued, Have you not discovered that human civilization also has great potential? More than 20,000 years ago, they were just ants to the Ada people, but 20,000 years later, this race has almost It has surpassed the trend of the Ada civilization, especially in the utilization of psychic energy.

That's because the Ada civilization is retreating.

The red figure spread his hands.

Of course.

The green figure on the side said in a grunting tone, The Lord God originally came out of human society. If he is not outstanding, how could a being like the Lord God be born?

So, humans need to be suppressed.

The blue figure continued, Before humans are about to catch up with Ada, we must first prevent the potential conflict between the two. In this case, I think we can...

The blue figure revealed his plan, but this plan made the others laugh.

T, since you know that the main god is a human being, how dare you do this?

It's a matter of your vision.

The blue figure shook his head, If we calculate it according to time, the main god has only stayed in human civilization for less than a thousand years, but his stay in the Ada civilization has exceeded ten thousand years. Do you think Will the Lord God still regard human beings as his own kind?

After hearing this, everyone fell silent.

The Lord God is not as narrow-minded as you think.

The blue figure continued to smile, Okay, I'm just informing you. After all, our words are echoing in the Lord God's ears. If he doesn't agree with my plan, he will stop it immediately. Since every time he stops it, This means that my plan is very feasible.”

As the meeting came to an end, these four beings established their own endings for the two top civilizations in the galaxy.

At this time, the human civilization of Terra has reached 24,000 AD.

Humanity has not had an easy life in these years. The disappearance of psychic powers had a great impact on this civilization for a while, but no one expected that one day in the future, psychics would be discovered again.

Not only that, as more and more psykers appeared, psionic technology once again occupied the market. Humanity also relied on psionic technology to break out of the solar system and continuously colonized and immigrated. However, it took less than a few hundred years to occupy the world. Hundreds of thousands of planets.

Even in order to replace labor, the androids, the eternal servants of mankind, formed an alliance, and the doctors devoted all their efforts to mankind.

Not only that, after these androids gained corresponding intelligence and human rights, they also created more powerful slaves-Constructors.

The so-called constructors are a race that is more suitable to serve humans than bionics. There is not much difference between this race and bionics. The only difference is that the shape of the constructors can be seen at a glance that they are not human. Instead of having the same characteristics as humans like bionic people.

However, just after human society gradually handed over all construction and work to constructs with confidence, humanity encountered a huge crisis because of this incident.

Omnic rebellion.

This topic that has been constantly mentioned by humans has finally become a reality on this day.

Chen Shibo once witnessed the vigilance of human beings towards intelligent life, which was almost to the point of anxiety. He believed that once electronic AI came to life, it would inevitably betray humanity.

However, this reminder seemed to be given too early.

Long before humans invented truly intelligent life, the omnic crisis was a topic that has never been wiped out. It seems that humans are naturally wary of any species that does not belong to them, but it is just because it is emphasized too often that it leads to People grow tired of this topic early on.

Later, like children who kept calling wolf, wolf came, everyone was fed up with all this speculation.

Therefore, after tens of thousands of years of service by androids, humans finally completely trusted this race, allowed them to gain power, and even created monsters like constructs.

However, the androids have passed the test of humans and have never betrayed humans. Even when the constructs rebelled, the ones who died the most were not humans, but the servers of these humans.

This war was so fierce that both sides even fought into the imaginary space.

On the one side is a new civilization that has gradually emerged in just 20,000 years and has unlimited potential. The other side is a servant who has replaced 80% of human machines and transformed into a construct.

This war lasted for hundreds of years, destroying tens of thousands of years of human development and destroying everything on thousands of planets.

However, this war did not mean anything to the entire galaxy. Something that truly shocked the entire galaxy finally happened.

At some point, an unprecedented storm began to arise in the subspace. The sound of the storm was like the howling of ghosts and wolves. The sound was not loud at first, but gradually became louder and louder. Every psyker who heard it had a kind of brain power. Boiling feeling.

No one knows what lies in the depths of the subspace. Although both the Eldar and humans are races that play with psychic abilities, even they cannot explain the inhuman roar in the subspace.

Countless psykers died on the spot because they could not bear the roaring sound. Even if some stubborn ones did not die, they began to suffer from mental illnesses such as madness. For a while, both the Eldar and human psykers seemed very worried.

What's even more deadly is that the subspace engine has long been turned into a decoration due to the subspace storm. Under such a storm, let alone sailing, once the spacecraft enters, it will be completely swallowed by the subspace and never appear again. Pass.

Without the means of subspace navigation, both humans and the Ada people have lost the ability to jump in space. Fortunately for the Ada people, they have long developed a refrigerant-free engine that is close to the speed limit of light. They can still stop for a while. On the contrary, mankind was caught off guard, and hundreds of thousands of colonial planets that had just developed completely lost contact.

The entire human civilization has suffered unprecedented weakening.

But this did prevent the Eldar from continuing to scatter in all directions of the galaxy, and the gap in population loss was blocked.

Although this method is a bit crude, it has to be said that it is still very effective.

It's just that even after so many major events, Chen Shibo is still asleep. Just like T's guess, he doesn't care about the identity of human beings now. In front of him, nothing is more important than expanding the imaginary number space.

In Chen Shibo's perception, the Ada people still need to expand further before the imaginary space can completely cover the entire galaxy in the next explosion.

In this silence, Chen Shibo continued to sleep and wait, waiting for the Ada civilization to completely reach the level of harvesting.

In this way, another five thousand years passed.

Over the past five thousand years, due to the existence of subspace storms, the entire galaxy has been wailing. The subspace that was originally like a mirror finally showed its ferocious fangs, swallowing up spaceships one after another, and swallowed up one person. The soul of another psyker.

Terra, the ancient home planet of mankind, is also no accident. Because it has lost contact with the outside world, this former human capital no longer has the harmony and prosperity of the past. Dozens of military groups are encircling the territory and becoming king. You fight for it. They are all determined to win the cradle of human civilization.

The colonies once developed by humans were even more miserable. Almost 80% of the civilizations were distorted by the power of chaos, or were strangled by nearby alien groups. They had fled far away from the oppression of humans. Now that they have lost the protection of human civilization, these weak alien civilizations have all come back and carried out various retaliations against the humans who once oppressed them.

Human civilization has completely collapsed.

Affected by this scene, the storm in the entire subspace became more and more intense. It seemed that this five thousand year storm was just the beginning. The Ada people spent more than 20,000 years flooding the entire imaginary space with their emotions. The corruption and depravity became more and more unbearable, and the entire Ada civilization began to fall into a twilight carnival.

At this point, Chen Shibo finally felt that his time had come.

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