Chapter 160 159. Ada’s Rebirth

Chen Shibo ignored the small thoughts of the remaining two gods. At this time, he had got the news he wanted. Whether those two people were dead or alive was no longer important to him.

Next, this continent will quickly absorb the authority on them, allowing them to completely spit out the spiritual authority they stole in the past. When they finally lose their power, they will only become two ordinary people living in this city. In the continent of imaginary number space.

This was the final ending that Chen Shibo gave them.

So next, Chen Shibo started to hunt down the remaining eight of the Twelve Pillar Gods.

These remaining gods were hiding in their respective territories and sleeping, and after sensing Chen Strobe's imaginary number space, many gods woke up automatically like hounds.

It's just that these gods are very smart. In their understanding, the consciousness space should not reappear on the shining star ring at this moment, so they hid it as soon as they noticed something was wrong.

Some gods were even cautious enough not to have any contact with Aisha and other gods. They were extremely cautious.

I have to say, these gods do have something.

Their lifespans of millions of years have made each of them as cunning as foxes. Even in deep sleep, they have used some method to restrain their consciousness, making their projections in the imaginary space indistinguishable from mortals.

According to the memories of those gods, this ability is a portable skill that has evolved from the defense and battles between the gods over millions of years. As long as you are sleeping, you can block your own consciousness, making it difficult for the enemy to pass through the consciousness space. Position yourself.

But fortunately, once these gods wake up, this kind of convergence will be difficult to achieve, especially when using spiritual energy, their consciousness projections will burst out with violent light, and sometimes this light can illuminate the entire consciousness space.

At this time, Chen Shibo stood in the imaginary space, silently looking at the stars in the sky in trance.

In the past few days, he occasionally sensed several violent fluctuations in the imaginary number space. However, when he reacted and turned his attention to the imaginary number space, he found that those fluctuations only lasted for a moment and then disappeared, leaving only The next traces of spiritual energy remain.

Chen Pin knew that this was the reason why the remaining twelve pillar gods were waking up one after another. It was just because the other party chose to hide again the moment they woke up, so they could only sense the spiritual energy fluctuations at the moment they woke up, unless Chen Pin Flash can seize this moment to find the other party, otherwise he will not be able to find the other party's location once he hides again.

But of course this is not a problem for Chen Fongshan. Since he has killed more than half of the opponent's gods, he naturally doesn't mind killing a few more. He has decided to completely eliminate the god system of this race so that the Ada people can develop to their fullest.

So, he decided to wait and see.

At this time, he was waiting in this way for the remaining gods to awaken, and for some of the weak gods that had awakened to accidentally reveal their flaws.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes.

One hour, two hours, three hours.

One day, two days, three days...

Time passed day by day. Although this kind of stupidity was a bit time-consuming, it had to be said that it was indeed very effective. For the first time, Chen Shibo only waited less than three days before he saw the northwest corner of the imaginary number space, one of which was a patch of imaginary numbers. Suddenly a dazzling light burst out.

That light was like a supernova explosion. The explosion of consciousness projection even broke through the critical point at this moment, making it shine like a torch in front of the surrounding consciousness projections!

It's one of the twelve pillar gods. Haha, I finally caught him!

Chen's eyes lit up, and then he took a step forward, and his whole person disappeared into the imaginary space!

When he appeared in reality again, he had actually left the planet Elsa, but had crossed a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers and arrived in a primitive rain forest called the planet Val!

This planet is located in the center of the shining star ring. It is also a large planet with hundreds of billions of inhabitants. With the appearance of Chen Shibo, a handsome Ada man covered in primitive animal skins, like an indigenous person, suddenly appeared. Was startled.

King of the Forge, Val?

Seeing the god in front of him, Chen Bishan smiled slightly and then made a move with one hand.

The next second, the god only had time to show a look of astonishment. The next second, his whole body turned dark little by little, as if something was about to invade the real world, and then before he could react, an abyss appeared. The big mouth suddenly surfaced and swallowed the man in front of him completely!

The fifth pillar god...

I closed my eyes slightly when Chen Shibo flashed, and when he reappeared, I returned to the imaginary number space.

Who are you?

At this moment, not far away from him, Val was looking at him with an expression of shock and horror, Why am I here?

I'm your father.

Chen Shibo didn't talk nonsense. He just grabbed it with one hand, and a huge wave of psychic energy suddenly hit!


Val let out an angry roar. He couldn't believe that he had been caught, but at this time he could only choose to give it a try.

But before his power was activated, he was turned into endless debris under Chen Shibo's attack! The whole body was crushed into powder, and only the authority representing art and love was stripped away!

casually throwing the scattered authority in the direction of the pink castle, Chen Shibo took a deep breath, and then continued to squat.

Under this round-the-clock surveillance, the remaining members of the Twelve Pillars were arrested one by one, and they were all collected soon.

With the influx of authority from the previous gods, the power of the four evil gods has increased slightly, and Chen Shibo has completely eliminated the old forces of the Ada people. When they didn't know anything about it, , Chen Shibo has secretly unified the entire spirit world.

In fact, even if Chen Shibo does not take the initiative to clean up, as time goes by, these awakened gods will gradually enter the imaginary space to give it a try. After all, spiritual energy is so rare that there is no room for replenishment except in the imaginary space. However, Chen Shibo still pulled out these nails himself.

After everything stabilized, Chen Shibo stopped taking action and completely integrated into the Ada people's civilized circle as a low-key transparent person.

Seeing that ten of the twelve pillar gods were dead and the remaining two were still trapped on the continent of Terra, Chen Shibo felt that the remaining two had no use value, and just a thought made them disappear suddenly.

At this time, Asu Yan was teaming up with Aisha and doing some manual work to make money all day long.

Because they didn’t know how long it would take for them to get out, or even whether they could get out. However, in order to prevent angering the underworld existence, neither of them continued to use psychic powers. Instead, they relied on their own efforts as two mortals. In order to survive in the Terra Continent and face the top powerhouse who has never seen the dragon.

However, they obviously underestimated Chen Shibo's determination. After they had no use value, Chen Shibo suddenly had a thought that drove the two of them to death on the spot, and the remaining two psychic powers were also assigned to the corresponding four evil gods. .

At this point, the Twelve Evil Gods have completely died, and the Ada civilization has begun to enter a new era.

But this time, Chen Shibo completely let go of the restrictions of the imaginary number space. In an instant, countless Ada people completely sensed the existence of the imaginary number space.

Ash is a party lover.

As one of the races that likes to enjoy the most, Ash's hobby is partying, because this feeling is extremely exciting, far more profound than the metaverse. In her opinion, as long as she doesn't gamble or take drugs, she will be happy. A good citizen of the Ada people.

And her parents' identities are not simple either. Her father is a Marine general on the planet Elsa, and her mother is a wealthy princess with extraordinary skills. She was naturally beautiful and was raised in an ivory tower since she was a child.

Even the entire Binsk neighborhood was bought and built by her mother's company.

Therefore, she knew that the conscious space existed, but she did not know what was in the conscious space. The historical records of these issues were not clear or even vague.

And today, when she was staying alone at home, she suddenly missed the innocent little boy she had just made friends with before. It was the most unforgettable night she had ever spent, and at the same time, there was also a feeling called loneliness. My mind keeps wandering.

In order to break the loneliness, she slowly clicked on the other party's contact information, hoping to ask the other party to come over now, but when she contacted the other party, no one answered.

Do you dislike me?

Ash was a little strange. In his opinion, the other party should not be such a pedantic person, so she simply got up and walked towards the other party's villa.

When she was completely standing outside the door, Ash became a little nervous. She didn't know where this nervousness came from, so she just took a few deep breaths and knocked on the door.

However, there was still no movement inside the door.

Did you go to bed so early?

Ash looked at the time and saw that it was only around 9pm. It stands to reason that an Ada person with a rich life would choose to start a luxurious nightlife at this time, with few exceptions.

After all, the Ada people have always been a race that likes to enjoy themselves. They would rather immerse themselves in enjoyment than even get married and have children, and would rather go from enjoyment to death.

However, after seeing that the other party was really not at home, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but she turned around and returned to her villa.

However, just when she returned to the villa, a huge figure suddenly poured into her consciousness.

That figure is not something or a person, but an invisible and boundless space!

That's right, it's like a whirlpool that suddenly appeared in a small pond. At this time, under the calm surface of space, an undercurrent suddenly became turbulent. A whirlpool moved from far to near, moving towards Ai on the surface of the space little by little. What's coming!


The next second, as the vortex completely broke through the limitations of space and swallowed her consciousness, she found that she was connected to a vast void!

This is a space that does not belong within the universe, but is located somewhere outside the universe. It is hidden in the cracks of reality, but it is everywhere and unreachable. At the moment of connection, Ash suddenly has an idea A resonance from the soul.

This resonance was so strong that it seemed to be part of her consciousness, but Ash was certain that she had never felt such a wonderful feeling, as if even her soul had been cleansed and sublimated.

Not only that, in this void, she even saw four beautiful lights in a trance, one red, one blue, one green and one purple. But at this moment, the three red, green and blue lights were a little bit different. When it dims, only the purple blooms with gorgeous color!

Is this the legendary space of consciousness?

For some reason, Ash had a feeling that this extremely gentle and harmonious void was exactly the consciousness space of the Ada people who abandoned them in ancient mythology!

It's a pity that just when Ash was immersed in this comfortable melody, she suddenly woke up again with a jolt in her body. Then the feeling disappeared without a trace, only a faint mark appeared in her mind.

It was like a door that had been covered in dust for a long time. The gaps in the original door had long been filled with endless mud and sand, and the door could no longer be opened. But with this sudden opening, the original mud and sand were completely shaken off, and this door The door that had been closed for thousands of years was completely repaired at this moment!

However, not only Ash, but at the moment when her consciousness and the imaginary number space were completely connected, the entire Ada people on the Elsa planet entered this mysterious and mysterious state. Everyone was intoxicated, and some people were intoxicated. He even shed tears involuntarily, feeling that the shackles on his consciousness were completely removed, and his whole person began to sublimate.

Moreover, this situation continues to spread, from Planet Aisha to Planet Kane, and from Planet Kane to Planet Asuryan, until it completely spreads to the entire Shining Star Ring!

The consciousness space of the Ada people has returned again after experiencing silence for fifteen thousand years ago!

It's just that the instigator at this time, Chen Shibo, couldn't help but frowned after feeling that the consciousness of tens of thousands of people had completely entered the imaginary space.

For some unknown reason, when these people's consciousnesses first came into contact with the four properties of psychic energy, most of them were automatically selected as purple. In other words, most of the Ada people's psychic talents were All belong to purple psychic energy.

Purple psychic energy represents love, desire and art. If you combine the strong emotions of the Ada people with their preference for art and their indulgent minds, there seems to be nothing wrong...

So Chen Shibo had to accept the fact that most of the Eldar seemed to be of the purple psychic system. He still remembered that when these Eldar died, their souls automatically chose S Slaanesh. Now it seems that, This is simply racial talent.

It seems that we should find a way to balance the forces in the imaginary number space.

Chen Fongfang looked back at the purple castle in the south. At this time, hundreds of millions of light points were emitting purple light, covering S's castle like fireflies. In just an instant, the power of the four evil gods was revealed. S, which is at the bottom, has the tendency to become the first of the four gods.

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