Chapter 145 144. Flying out of the solar system

A long time passed after that.

Chen Shibo operates various psychic technologies while maintaining the stability of the Yuan Universe.

During this period, human society has undergone several changes. After the death of Chen's father, the system that had been maintained for three hundred years has become unstable. Then Chen Ca and the next few successors of the Chen family made the situation slow but firm. Sliding underground.

By the 500th anniversary of the founding of the New Federation, the Chen family's government had been completely overthrown.

The person who overthrew the Chen family this time was a highly talented psychic. In him, Chen Shibo saw a psychic talent that was far more terrifying than the Yao Meteor. He sensed the imaginary space as soon as he was born. And at the age of five, he successfully communicated with the imaginary space and became a psychic.

It was just because he was too high-profile during his childhood that he was pursued by the Chen family. In order to protect him, his parents died at the hands of secret agents, and he himself was imprisoned by the Chen family and conducted human experiments all day long.

It can be said that the hatred between the two sides is as deep as the sea.

Although the Chen family has been very careful, the boy's power is still beyond the Chen family's understanding. He can tear apart the human body with a random thought and summon psychic lightning with a wave of his hand. When he was twenty years old , as the Chen family felt that they could no longer control him and were about to secretly execute him, the boy finally burst out with a roar.

With this roar, the entire secret research base used to study him was completely turned into powder.

Then, the boy finally set out on the road to destroy the Federation.

While he organized a large number of psyker resistance armies, he implemented affirmative action policies for civilians and preached that civilians and the civil system would be abolished in the future. He immediately responded to the call and attracted countless people to follow him.

From then on, the entire federation dominated by the Chen family fell into a precarious situation.

But Chen Zhongshan just watched all this silently, without any intention to intervene. It was not until the Chen family was about to be slaughtered by the opponent that he appeared again, and with the boy's inexplicable look of horror, he easily killed the boy. He beat.

However, Chen Shibo did not kill the other party, but just reached a deal with the other party. He asked the other party to let go of the remaining Chen family. In return, he would make the other party the new generation master of the Federation.

So, the other party agreed.

The remaining Chen family members have since become anonymous and completely buried in the history of the entire Federation.

At this point, Father Chen's last request has been fulfilled.

Then came the changes.

Because the emergence of the Yuan Universe seriously hindered the progress of civilization and caused everyone to fall into the land of gentleness, the New Federation completely banned the Yuan Universe. But this time, Chen Shibo did not stop anything, because at this time, the imaginary number space has been completely enveloped. Jupiter's range.

At this point, all human beings have been enveloped, so even if the Yuan Universe disappears, it will have no impact.

After the metaverse completely disappeared, Chen Shibo no longer paid attention to the outside world, but shifted his focus to the imaginary number space, dealing with tens of thousands of researchers inside all day long. Because of the erosion of the imaginary number space, he once Those scientists who entered the imaginary number space did not die. Instead, they created a research base mixed with spiritual energy and technology in the imaginary number space.

At this time, in the research base, a thousand-meter-long spaceship shaped like a cannon was displayed in front of Chen Shibo.

No, strictly speaking, this spaceship is not a real spaceship. It does not have the exquisite and gorgeous shell of human beings, but is full of pits and pits. It looks extremely ugly like a human being corroded by the imaginary space.

But this spacecraft has an unprecedented engine, an engine driven by a mixture of psychic energy and nuclear power.

This engine can travel in imaginary space and reality at will. This function was actually developed by Zhou Dafeng hundreds of years ago, but today, this new spacecraft has an even more important piece of equipment - the imaginary space engine.

With this engine, the spacecraft can travel between reality and imaginary space many times, achieving the same ability as Chen Shibo to cross the two worlds and travel between them.

Finally the research was done...

Looking at the huge spaceship in front of him, Zhou Dafu burst into tears. Over the years, his body had been corrupted by the imaginary space and turned into a shape like a pile of rotten flesh. However, it was not just him, The same goes for other researchers. They even have organs that use psychic energy already growing in their bodies. They can survive in the imaginary space without oxygen or any facilities.

He has become adapted to life in the imaginary space.

At this time, I could only hear him say excitedly in a loud voice, with yellow oil stains flowing out of his body due to excitement, This spacecraft is the work of my team and I that has spent five hundred years of hard work. It can break the barriers of imaginary space and travel between two worlds at will. , this is definitely the only one in history, and even I am not sure that I can build a second one!”

You did a great job, what's the name of this ship?

Chen Shibo nodded. Although this spacecraft is of little use for the time being, if the imaginary space continues to expand in the future, the speed of the spacecraft will be very impressive, at least at the super-light level.

I think it would be nice to call it Big Spoke!

Zhou Dafu laughed, his voice was very harsh.


Suddenly, Chen Shibo's expression flashed, and a bold idea came to his mind.

If this spaceship can jump between imaginary space and reality, what about taking this spaceship yourself?

Today, the diameter of imaginary space has reached 1.8 billion kilometers, which can cover the distance from Terra to Jupiter. In other words, the spacecraft can jump up to 900 million kilometers in an instant. If you are riding on the spacecraft, then the spacecraft will After jumping to reality, you will also appear in the corresponding reality, which means that the spacecraft can continue to jump...

Chen Shibo felt only a throbbing sensation.

Although you can do the same thing, jumping by yourself requires physical strength, and you can't do without oxygen. Therefore, it is unrealistic to travel through the universe with your physical body. But if you jump in a spaceship, then wouldn't you? Is it a matter of course?

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo suddenly felt enlightened, so he immediately asked, So how long does it take for the spacecraft to jump each time?

It takes about 10 seconds to complete a jump! Very fast, right?

Zhou Dafu said proudly.

Ten seconds?

Chen Shibo calculated silently - the speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second, and the spacecraft can jump up to 900 million kilometers at a time, which is 3,000 times the distance of a light second. Even if a jump is completed in ten seconds, it is still 300 times the speed of light!

In other words, if you take this spaceship and make non-stop jumps, you can travel 300 light-years across the universe in just one year! Based on the 100,000 light-year diameter of the entire Milky Way, it would only take 333 years to cross the entire Milky Way!

As soon as this idea appeared, Chen Shibo suddenly felt that his whole body began to become excited. His once calm heart was completely broken. He couldn't help but look up at the sky. Although he was in the imaginary space at this time, he seemed to see endless galaxies. Waving to himself.

Zhou Dafu, you did a great job!

Chen Shibo couldn't help but patted Zhou Dafu's greasy body, and then burst into laughter.

What, what's wrong?

Seeing Chen Shifang's performance, Zhou Dafu and the researchers around him all looked puzzled.

Nothing, I thought of something happy.

Chen Quanfeng smiled and waved his hand. Then he no longer hesitated and quickly returned to reality. And this time he did not hide among the crowd again, but made a high-profile appearance in a military military building located in Tianji Province. In front of the port.

Everyone, listen, I'll give you one day to get out of here, or you'll stay forever.

High in the sky, Chen Shibo's clothes were flying. He looked down at this military port, which was as big as a city, and opened his mouth to say this.

Suddenly, these words seemed to echo in the ears of all the soldiers.

Then Chen Shibo suddenly waved his hand, and a huge crack slowly emerged from the sky. Like the abyss of a monster, it began to swallow up the entire port!

He plans to directly integrate this military-grade port into the imaginary number space!

This port has the most advanced technology of mankind so far, as well as several warships and a large amount of supplies, enough to support his navigation for hundreds of years.

As this scene occurred, all electronic products in the entire military-grade port failed in an instant. Countless soldiers woke up from their dreams and immediately began to flee crazily.

Because they knew that this was definitely a powerful psyker, and only psykers could do such strange things.

What happened here quickly reached the ears of those who controlled the entire federation, but a few hours later, the boy appeared in front of Chen Shibo.

No one knew what the two said. In short, when the boy left again, the endless darkness had completely enveloped the entire military-grade port, transporting the other party into the imaginary number space.

What remains in reality is a huge pit with a diameter of more than a hundred kilometers.

In just one day and one night, this large-scale military-grade port disappeared forever.

After doing all this, Chen Shibo had already boarded the new psychic spacecraft built by Zhou Dafu. Following his order, the entire spacecraft suddenly trembled, and the imaginary space engine at the stern shook rapidly, and then A small blue dot appeared directly in front of the spacecraft!

The small dot was getting bigger and bigger. In just ten seconds, the small dot turned into a strange and deep passage. As the spacecraft passed through the passage, Chen Shibo, who was standing in the cab, only felt a blur in front of him. Suddenly, he appeared completely in the void.

This is not the space of imaginary numbers, but the deep space of the universe in reality!


In the cab, the scientific researchers of the book suddenly burst into cheers, and Zhou Daf also spoke with great excitement, The Daf has just crossed 900 million kilometers, and appeared from Terra to the orbit of Jupiter. superior.

Very well, continue.

Chen Shibo nodded.

Following his command, the spacecraft instantly disappeared from reality again and returned to the imaginary number space. Then when it emerged from the imaginary number space again, it had already appeared in a farther location.

We are currently in the orbit of Saturn!

Zhou Dafou checked the outside world and immediately answered with a beaming face, It is 1.8 billion kilometers away from the home planet Terra and it takes 10 seconds.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo showed a satisfied smile.

In this way, Chen Shibo rode the Big Spoke all the way and arrived at the Kuiper Belt, the boundary of the solar system, in just one minute. Seeing this scene, Chen Shibo felt extremely emotional.

Because according to the speed of the Federation spacecraft, it would take at least three months to fly from Terra to the Kuiper Belt, but now it only takes one minute to do it. The difference is simply huge.

And this time, he will fly out of the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud for the first time, to the boundary that humans have reached so far, and fly towards the unknown beyond...

With such a longing, more than ten minutes later, Chen Shibo found himself flying out of the Oort cloud and completely out of the solar system.

Mr. Chen, we are now flying to Proxima Centauri. At the current speed, we will arrive in 26 hours.

Looking at the various data on the spacecraft, Zhou Dafou continued to report, and then suddenly sighed, I can't believe it. I still remember that hundreds of years ago, humans could only send a large number of unnatural people on spaceships to distant places. Starry sky.”

At that time, for us humans, although Proxima Centauri was only a short 4.2 light-years away, it would take a person's lifetime to reach it. But now, we only need one day to get there.

Who says it isn't?

Another slimy researcher on the side also nodded, And it was Mr. Chen who allowed us to do such magical things.

Okay, stop flattering me.

Chen Shibo waved his hand, We can't wait until Proxima Centauri to talk about these things. I'm really curious. Can this spaceship really keep on jumping like this? Don't let it get damaged halfway.

Don't worry, Mr. Chen.

Zhou Dafu looked full of confidence, As long as the driving power is enough, the engine will last for at least a few years without any problems. Even if there is a fault, I am confident that it can be repaired.

That's good.

Chen Shibo ordered, In this case, it is enough for you to leave a few pilots on this spaceship. You can go back to the imaginary space and build a similar spaceship for me.

Ah this...

Suddenly, Zhou Dafu looked bitter and said, This may be a bit difficult.

Why, if we can build the first one, why can't we build the second one?

Chen Shibo was a little confused.

This is because there is a difference between psychic technology and human electronic technology.

Zhou Daf carefully answered, It is full of thousands of uncertainties, which even I can't explain. Maybe a second spacecraft can be built according to Daf's method, but the differences between the two The functionality is very different.”


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