Chapter 122 121. Hyperspace Experiment

Earth Federation, Mars, Flamenco Province.

Since helping the company get rid of those dark shadows, Doom's status in the company has skyrocketed. Within a few days, he was first interviewed by several middle-level managers, who asked about the events at the port. In the end, he even I met the top executive in the company, a man named Yrel Russell.

He did not know the identity of the other party. He only knew that the other party was an outstanding member of the younger generation of the Russell family and currently controlled the business of the entire Flamenco Province.

For such an unimaginable big shot, Doom found that he was so approachable, and there were many benefits after meeting him. Within a few days, the company issued an order, and he was assigned to serve as the security captain in a newly built laboratory, in charge of a group of people. A security team of thousands of people.

When he arrived at the place where he was performing his duties, he only saw a building so huge that he had never seen it before.

This building seems to be made entirely of metal, with bright anti-rust paint on the walls. It is more than three hundred meters tall, and its shape is more simple, like a huge iron box sitting on the ground, without any extra decoration. .

It was obvious that this large and exaggerated laboratory was built on a temporary basis.

This laboratory is located in a no-man's land between two cities. Doom discovered that there were actually troops stationed around the laboratory. These troops formed a circle around the laboratory, forming a tight line of defense.

But when he saw the layout of the defense line, Doom was a little surprised, because the direction of the defense line was not facing the outside world, but rather...

It's like guarding against the laboratory itself.

As a former member of the Marine Corps, Doom's military literacy allowed him to easily detect abnormalities. After all, how can there be a line of defense in this world that is aimed at one's own people?

But that's the case here. Not only that, but the cordon formed by the army has always been on tight alert, with no entry allowed and no exit allowed, so tight that even a fly cannot fly out.

Is there a secret in this laboratory?

This was Doom's instant thought.

For some reason, he suddenly recalled the strange black shadows before and a series of events on Phobos.

That black shadow was suspected to have been brought back by the spacecraft on Phobos. Not only that, but a large number of warships were stationed on Phobos later, but not long after they were stationed, those warships mysteriously crashed...

In other words, some kind of experiment on Phobos went haywire.

Doom connected all of this secretly, and then thought about his own abilities. He suddenly understood something - he was arranged in this newly built laboratory, and the purpose was already very clear, that is, the company wanted to suppress him in the new laboratory. Here, block those humanoid shadows,

The birth of these humanoid shadows is probably related to previous experiments on Phobos.

The company wants to re-launch failed experiments on Phobos here?

Thinking of this, Doom was almost confident. He was not stupid to begin with, he was even a little smart, and he quickly guessed the company's true intention.

In the next few days, Doom was stationed in this newly built laboratory as the security captain. The scale of this laboratory was very large. At least Doom had never seen such a huge laboratory. The bottom of the light It is divided into three floors, each floor is ten meters high. There is a recreation room, a lobby, and staff dormitories. What you see on weekdays are all kinds of scientific researchers wearing white coats.

The top floor occupies the remaining 270 meters in height, and the entire space is completely opened up. It is completely a huge stadium, even bigger than a stadium.

In the center of the laboratory, Doom saw two equally huge pieces of equipment. One was like an unprecedented cannon, and the other was like a tall pyramid. Doom didn't even need to guess. Two pieces of equipment are worth as much as a city, or more.

In the past few days since he was stationed, a large amount of materials were constantly being transported in and out by giant trucks, and tens of thousands of engineers came from all over the country. It was quite a spectacular scene like going to a market.

Under this vigorous situation, the entire laboratory finally began to operate.

On the day when the internal construction of the laboratory was completely completed, Doom, who had nothing to do but train his subordinates, was finally called over by his immediate boss, Director Charles. He came to the laboratory under the leadership of several soldiers In the supervisor's office at the top, he saw an unexpected person, a member of the Russell family who had met him before.

Captain Doom, we meet again.

The tall blond man sat at the desk, and next to him stood Director Charles, the top person in charge of the laboratory. The two smiled to themselves, as if they were meeting old friends, The new ones during this period Are you still used to working?

Very accustomed, sir.

Doom nodded and said solemnly, This place is much more leisurely than the port, and the equipment and weapons are also much more advanced. I like it here very much.

See, Charles, I told you our hero would love it here!

Yirel, who was sitting on the desk, chuckled. Charles on the side quickly echoed, Of course I believe that you have always judged people very accurately. Captain Doom's business ability is of course nothing to say.

Okay, no more polite words.

Yrel waved his hand and threw a pile of information to Doom. Sit down and take a look at this information. It is related to your next mission.

This is……

Doom picked up the information with some confusion. He didn't quite understand why the information was still on paper, until he saw the two big words Top Secret marked on it.

This is the company's top secret, and the level of confidentiality reaches G level. In other words, even a province cannot be as precious as this information.

Seeing Doom's confused look, Yrel immediately explained, Now that you know this secret, it also means that you have the potential to become a senior executive of the company.

So that's it?

Doom was shocked. A piece of information was actually worth more than a province?

He opened the cover and looked at the first page, only to find the words United Aerospace Corporation Hyperspace Experiment Memorandum written on it.


Doom became even more confused. He quickly looked at it, but after passing through some dispensable experimental data, he became more and more frightened!

This information stated that the company had conducted several hyperspace experiments, and the purpose of the experiments was to develop a super-light technology that would allow humans to break the barriers of time and space, leave the solar system, and officially enter the field of interstellar colonization. a technology.

The doctor responsible for this technology is named Black. He invented a high-power ultra-high field laser weapon that can pierce space in a very short time. At the same time, coupled with a device called an overfrequency magnetic field, it is very likely to completely Breaking open the void, creating Schwarzschild's Throat - an artificial wormhole that can be traveled through.

As a result, this secret experiment was launched in full swing.

At the beginning, this experiment did not go well. No matter how high the power of the ultra-high field laser was, the wormhole could not be observed. However, Professor Black did not give up. Coupled with the company's continuous financial support, he finally succeeded in a few years. A few months ago, I broke through all the difficulties and observed the birth of a wormhole for the first time!

What, a wormhole was actually created?

When he saw this, Doom couldn't help but feel chilled. Wouldn't this kind of unauthorized opening of time and space really produce some unexpected results?

He quickly continued to read, and sure enough, at the moment the wormhole opened, an unprecedented energy overflowed from the wormhole, instantly destroying the circuit systems of the two devices, but fortunately, this was only a small amount of energy. Problem, this damage is completely repairable.

What is really shocking is that although Professor Black did not completely create a super-light wormhole, he accidentally opened a universe that does not belong to reality!

The information ends abruptly here.

Are there really other universes in the world?

After reading the information, Doom couldn't help but take a deep breath. He raised his head and looked at Yrel, Sir, is what is said here true?

Of course.

Yrel nodded and said with a solemn expression, As for the experimental records, they are classified at a higher level, but you should be able to guess that there is something wrong with the experiment.

That kind of black figure?

Doom was shocked, That kind of black figure can destroy all electronic systems around it. Does that mean those black figures are the beings of another universe we opened?

I'm afraid so.

Yrel nodded appreciatively, So you understand why I asked you to come here as the captain of the security team and set up a military defense line around the laboratory.


Doom sighed, then hesitantly said, But I am only one person. If the experiment continues here, I may not be able to stop it.

That's something you can't help. It's enough for you to have this awareness.

Yrel said solemnly, We have invested nearly ten trillion Thai dollars in this experiment. There is no turning back. Humanity must find a way out, otherwise it will be trapped in the solar system forever, and the speed of light can never be surpassed. , Hyperspace is our only hope for mankind.

Then I'll try my best.

Doom nodded.

Seeing this, Yrel clapped with satisfaction, The company does need talents like you. I can assure you that if you can protect the smooth progress of the company's experimental projects, then you will be the first person in this experiment. A hero, as long as I can inherit the identity of the helm of the family in the future, you, the first group of people who followed me, will also rise and become the backbone of the company!

He said this not only to Doom, but also to Charles who was standing beside him.

Hearing the other party's promise, Doom didn't have much reaction. He was not a person who was greedy for power. On the contrary, Charles beside him looked so excited that he almost knelt down to show his loyalty.

As the conversation ended, Doom waited for a few more days until a week later. Finally, he received an order from his supervisor Charles, ordering the entire security team to be fully armed and go to the laboratory to await instructions.

In the past few days, Doom has almost perfected the security team. At this time, following the broadcast, everyone rushed directly to the huge laboratory. Strictly speaking, this laboratory is a huge square, and Instead, the location where everyone was located was surrounded by a smaller control room. Through the observation window in front of them, everyone could see the two huge instruments in the distance, as well as a group of busy androids.

All personnel are in place, and the 19th boundary-breaking experiment is ready to start.

As everyone was buzzing about their designated positions, the huge alarm sounded again, and the androids began to exit the laboratory and quickly left through the isolation gates on both sides. Within half a minute, the entire laboratory was empty.

The ultra-high field laser team is in place...

Behind Doom, several scientists in white coats walked to the console and pressed the position button.

The overfrequency magnetic field group is in place...

Another group of scientists also came up and sat down in front of the designated console.

The data monitoring team is in place...

The security team is in place...

After hearing this order, Doom also nodded towards Director Charles, Inform the Director that all members of the security team are in place!

very good.

Charles responded expressionlessly.

With the instructions, the entire laboratory was spinning rapidly like a precision instrument. After all personnel were in place, Charles continued to speak, The ultra-high field laser generator is performing self-test, and the ultra-frequency magnetic field generator is performing self-test. , the data monitoring team began to examine the data.

All equipment groups have completed self-tests and everything is normal!

The experiment is ready to begin! One minute countdown to prepare...

Director Charles continued to issue orders, and a solemn atmosphere began to fill the entire command room, especially when Doom knew that once the wormhole was opened, there would be an invasion of strange black figures immediately, which made him secretly vigilant. .

Since you are getting someone else's salary, you should take it seriously.

The 19th boundary-breaking experiment will be conducted in ten seconds, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5...

3, 2, 1!

As a cold female voice began to read the countdown, Doom only saw the two huge mountain-like machines starting to start. The next second, a burst of light flashed, and the observation window in front of everyone began to dim rapidly without warning. , and then completely turned into an opaque pure black color.

This is anti-glare glass…

Doom immediately understood that this kind of glass eats up light very quickly. As long as it senses a light source of a certain intensity, it will automatically adjust the brightness to a range that the human eye can bear. Moreover, the brighter the external light source, the dimmer the glass will be. , and can even turn directly into pure black to protect the eyes of the observer.

However, even though the glass had turned completely pure black, everyone present still saw a ray of light suddenly shot into the void, as if it had burned through something, leaving a blazing white streak in the distance. The gap.

That is the space rift, or Schwarzschild's Throat!

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