Chapter 120 119. First entry into the metaverse

When Li Mahe arrived in Tianji Province in person and sat in the conference room on the top floor of the Tiandao Network Technology Building, Chen's father's expression was still confused.

Director Li, are you sure you want to sell your trillion-dollar virtual universe project to our company?

Father Chen frowned, but still confirmed, And it only costs 100 billion Thai dollars?


Li Mahe nodded, ignoring the ugly faces of his assistant and his son, and said firmly, I hope Mr. Chen She can be considerate and acquire our project!


Father Chen held the heavy contract with his hands trembling slightly. He was still a little uneasy about this pie-in-the-sky thing, fearing that there might be some trap waiting for him inside.

As the saying goes, being courteous for nothing is a traitor or a thief. The other party is a T1-level force. Although it only occupies one province in Korea, its business has spread to less than half of the federation. In particular, it has business relationships with large companies in other continents. of dealings.

Such a behemoth is definitely not something that a mere Chen family can afford to offend...

Father, the other party has good intentions, so just accept it.

On the side, Chen Dioshan said with a smile, I have inspected the situation inside and the other party is very sincere.

In that case, let's sign the contract.

Seeing Chen Shibo's meaningful gaze, Chen's father suddenly realized that all this seemed to be his son's handiwork.

Father Chen didn't want to say anything more to his son who couldn't see through it. Since he asked for the acquisition, let's acquire it.

Therefore, with the efforts of both parties, without even negotiating the price, the Chen family purchased the other party's virtual universe project for 100 billion Thai dollars.

As the project was handed over, Chen's father even arranged a dinner party to express the friendship of the landlord. This time, even Chen Shibo was with him for the first time.

Chen's father set up the party at the family manor, and invited all the big and small chaebols from the entire Tianji Province to accompany him. He also invited third-tier stars from several entertainment companies to join in the fun, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

At the end, the drunken Li Mahe entered the presidential suite surrounded by a group of beautiful female stars, while Chen's father called Chen Strobe to the balcony.

So, what's going on here?

On the balcony late at night, Chen's father lit a cigarette uneasily and asked Chen Strobe.

Didn't our company release an advertisement for the Metaverse a few months ago?

Chen Shibo leaned against the railing and said casually, This virtual universe project is our product. With this product, our company will break through the T2 threshold as quickly as possible, and even hope to catch up with T1. It’s time for the Chen family to rise completely.”

But what about our company's own finished products?

Father Chen was a little surprised and said, I only know that you took away 100 billion funds and said you wanted to study the Yuan Universe, but why...

Why did this Metaverse project end up in someone else's hands?

Chen Shibo smiled jokingly, Father, do you really think that 100 billion can create a metaverse?

It's really impossible for ordinary people, but after all, that's what you said...

Father Chen shook his head and then smiled bitterly.

I've spent all the 100 billion on advertising and building metaverse warehouses.

Chen Shibo spread his hands, As for the project itself, there is something wrong, so I have no choice but to let the Li family take the lead first. Don't worry, there are no traps here. Even if there are, I can handle them.

I can rest assured that.

Father Chen nodded and said nothing more.

A night of silence.

The next day, after seeing off Li Mach, the Seven Star Group airlifted a quantum supercomputer as big as a container, along with thousands of programmed androids.

Under the operation of these bonus androids, the quantum supercomputer was set up on the top of the Tiandao Network Technology Building. According to the instructions, this computer is the host of the virtual universe.

At this time, Father Chen also called a group of network engineers and brought in dozens of Yuan Universe warehouses to debug programs and equipment.

These metaverse warehouses are equipment assembled in the Wujiang City factory. They contain the latest models of brain-computer interface sensors. At the same time, the metaverse warehouses are also equipped with tactile processors, pain processors, unique massage units, etc.

At this time, a designer of the Yuan Universe Warehouse was explaining to Chen's father and Chen Shibo.

In fact, the technological level of this metaverse warehouse is not very high. The equipment inside is all ready-made. The brain-computer interface is a product of the T0-level giant Abstergo Industries, and the touch and pain processors are from Cyberlife. The company's massage device is owned by a consumer products company, and even the outer shell of the Yuan Universe Warehouse is an outsourced product. Tiandao Network Technology is only responsible for assembling these facilities.

Strictly speaking, this is a product of stacked materials. As long as the money is available, anyone can build it, but what is really important is the virtual universe product itself.

Just listen to the other party continue to explain, Our company's Yuan space warehouse is made of the latest highly strengthened glass and military-grade alloy. It has a smooth and beautiful shape, just like a water drop, but it can provide the user with the most excellent defense capabilities. After all, everyone must know that when the user enters the metaverse, he or she is in a state of immersion, so protective facilities must be in place.

Furthermore, for the physical and mental health of users, we have also installed a body monitoring system, alarm system, constant temperature system and air purification system in the Yuan Universe Warehouse. Once it is detected that the user's heartbeat exceeds 160 beats per minute, or the blood pressure rises, Or if it drops to a critical point, the metaverse warehouse will immediately disconnect, allowing the user to wake up.

If the user still does not wake up, the Yuan Universe Warehouse will automatically dial the local emergency number or notify emergency contacts, and these functions can be actively set.

Very thoughtful.

Father Chen couldn't help but nodded as he listened to the other party's explanation, Are there any other functions besides this?


The designer nodded, In addition to the above functions, we have also added a massage system. Strictly speaking, the Yuan Universe Warehouse is a massage bed, which can massage the user's whole body without any dead ends to achieve the effect of activating blood circulation and unblocking meridians. , in this way, even if the user lies in it continuously for more than 24 hours, he will not feel backache or leg pain.

Of course, we also have an anti-addiction system, that is, once a user uses the Yuan Universe Warehouse for more than 72 hours, we will forcefully wake up the user and instruct the user to replenish energy and water. We will reject the user until the body cannot meet the requirements. Continue to use the metaverse warehouse.

The above are all the additional functions of the Yuan Universe Warehouse, and then there are its main functions.

The designer waved his hand, and a projection calculated by the computer appeared in the room in real time. After the user lies in it, the brain-computer interface will quickly confirm whether the user is connected. After the connection, the user can directly access the Internet. For this reason, we A simple Internet system has been developed that can be controlled by brain waves. Other than that, its only function is to connect to the metaverse.

If I want to play other games or use other software, can this Metaverse Chamber do it?

Father Chen asked subconsciously.

That is impossible.

The designer shook his head, You can't play other games if the system doesn't match. After all, even games are divided into various platforms. You can use the Metaverse Warehouse as an independent game platform. For now, We only have one game on this platform: Metaverse.”

I understand, please continue.

Father Chen nodded.

After connecting to the Yuan Universe, the user's body will enter a state of light sleep. This state is very different from sleep. During sleep, we cannot hear external sounds and the consciousness is in a dormant state. But after entering the Yuan Universe At this time, our consciousness is still awake, but the world of the metaverse will actively occupy the majority of consciousness, and users often ignore their actual physical conditions.

At this time, the other party continued to explain, Therefore, entering the metaverse will not cause the body in reality to be disconnected. If you dance in the metaverse, your body in reality will probably dance slightly, but this is It’s normal, it just takes a while to get used to it to avoid this happening, the above are all the precautions.”

After hearing the other party's explanation, many people subconsciously looked at Father Chen, waiting for Father Chen's next order.


Father Chen nodded, In that case, let all the experimenters enter the Yuanverse warehouse and start today's experimental process.

Following his words, this group of people couldn't wait to press the switch next to the Yuan Universe Chamber and lay down one by one.

Chen Quanshan, who was on the side, also asked for a spot. He followed the example of everyone else and took off his coat and shoes. Wearing only a pair of pajamas, he got in from the open hatch. The space inside was not big, only room for A person has to lie flat, and the base is made of leather and has a slight curve, which is very ergonomic.

After lying down, the barn door slowly closed, and then the originally transparent lid turned completely black, turning the Yuanverse barn into darkness.

In the darkness, Chen Zuoshan closed his eyes slightly, and the next second his eyes suddenly lit up, and he appeared in a pure white space.

Welcome to the virtual universe.

A somewhat mechanical voice came from his ears, and Chen Shibo frowned. He tentatively opened his eyes again, only to find that there was still darkness in front of him. However, because his brain waves had been connected to the external brain-computer interface, So the picture also appeared in my mind.

At this time, he seemed to have two bodies, one lying in the dark and narrow Yuanverse warehouse, and the other standing in a pure white world.

If he focuses his attention in front of his eyes, he will see more black than white; if he focuses his attention in his head, he will see white overwhelming black.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo closed his eyes again and focused on another pure white space.

Hello, I am your virtual universe guide spirit. You are currently in the virtual universe. All your perceptions are false and simulated. Please don't worry.

The voice prompted, Now I will start the novice tutorial for you. If you agree, please nod, otherwise the novice tutorial will be closed and you will directly enter the virtual universe.

But don't worry, all the novice tutorials are available for viewing at any time, and you can move freely here like you control your body...

Seeing this, Chen Shibo directly exited the novice tutorial and chose to enter the virtual universe directly.

Then his eyes flashed again, and the whole person came completely into a blurry void.

The home system is activated. Your current location is your own absolute territory. Here you have all the permissions to build your dream home.

As he spoke, Chen Shibo found that a construction option popped up in front of him. He opened it lightly with his consciousness, and there were several options in it, including options for building land, building walls, building furniture, and so on.

So Chen Shibo directly clicked on the construction land, which was divided into various options such as universe, sky, soil, beach, ocean, etc.

Chen Shibo casually tried it and chose a universe, and the scene around him suddenly changed into the deep space of the universe, and in front of him was a foundation of about ten square meters.

In other words, can I build a house on this ten square meter foundation?

However, this ten-square-meter foundation was too small after all, so Chen Shibo tried to expand the area of ​​this foundation with his mind.

Just as he thought about it, the previous prompt came again: Expanding the foundation area requires a recharge of 100 Thai dollars. Do you want to recharge?


Chen Shibo was speechless. He seemed to have thought of something. He quickly opened the various options inside and found that in addition to the most basic scenes, some special scenes also required recharging to unlock.

In addition, among the furniture, electrical appliances, and various decoration options, except for some particularly plain furniture and electrical appliances, most of the gorgeous furniture is also gray and can only be unlocked by recharging.

It has been detected that you want to decorate your home for a fee. Do you want to activate the first-load gift package? Currently, you can open all paid furniture slots by recharging 1,000 Thai yuan!

The voice continued to remind.


The corners of Chen Shibo's mouth twitched again. What else could he say? This is the real create happiness with heart, no money will make you numb.

So Chen Shibo just randomly built a wall around his home, peaked the house, and barely created a private area, and then he looked at other options again.

In addition to the construction bar, there are options in front of you to buy food, buy clothes, and leave your home and enter public areas.

Needless to say, the food and clothing here are probably charged. Chen Shibo opened it at will and it turned out to be the case. There are a dazzling array of options, from the simplest snacks to a Manchu-Han banquet, but the food and clothing inside are all required. Slightly cheaper than reality, about one-tenth the real-world price.

So Chen Shibo ignored these and chose to enter the public area.

However, the so-called public area also disappointed Chen Shibo, because after he pressed this option, countless buttons appeared in front of him.

These options are all long green bars, and the inside shows: District 1, District 2, District 3... all the way to the 10,000th district.

In each area, it is displayed in green, and it is marked that each area can accommodate up to 10,000 people. At this time, the first area is 3 people, the second area is 1 person, and so on.

Isn't this the game selection in that world?

Chen Shibo sighed. At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in this virtual universe, so he had to enter an area casually to take a look.

Suddenly, he appeared in a small square in a city.

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