Chapter 114 113. The beginning of chaos

Dum, what do you mean?

After hearing Doom's words, everyone subconsciously looked over.

Doom stood up slowly and scanned the entire command center with vigilant eyes, because he could sense that the mysterious existence was here.

He couldn't tell what it felt like. It was an existence similar to breath, full of destruction and end, and he must be watching quietly from a corner in this command center at this time. Own.


The captain immediately stepped forward and asked in a low voice.


Doom stretched out a finger and made a silent gesture in front of his helmet, The other party is still here.

Who is it, the murderer?

Everyone was shocked and quickly looked around with guns in hand, but no one saw anything.

The other party is probably not a human being, but some kind of more evil existence.

Doom said again.

Not a human? Could it be an alien?

Some team members couldn't help but murmur, if this wasn't a murder scene, if everyone wasn't performing tasks, someone would have started laughing at this time.

But just when everyone was confused, a black shadow suddenly stood up quietly on the ground, just like a shadow. When it lay on the ground full of black blood, it was almost impossible to detect it.

At this time, as it stood up and began to slowly approach everyone, several team members who were the first to approach it suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

No, my helmet is out of battery!

Me too, no, it's not that there's no power, it's that there's interference!

Me too!

The three people's exclamations made everyone look at them subconsciously, and Doom's pupils shrank even more, because he actually saw a dark shadow standing behind the three team members, just like Standing not far away more than ten meters away!

what is that?

The moment Doom saw it, all the other team members also saw the strange black shadow, and there was almost no hesitation. The long-term training made them subconsciously pick up their guns and shoot at each other!

Da da da da da!

A burst of gunfire resounded through the room of the command center, but surprisingly, the bullets did not cause any damage to the black figure. All the bullets penetrated through its body and hit the wall behind!

Not only that, as the black figure continued to approach, everyone's night vision system also collapsed. Not only the night vision system of the helmet, but also various abnormalities occurred in the electronic equipment on each person's body and the rifle in their hand, either burned out, or directly closure!

The originally powerful exoskeleton armor and pulse rifle have all turned into decorations!

what happened?

Doom was shocked. He quickly took off his malfunctioning helmet and tried his best to look into the darkness in front of him. However, the black shadow was perfectly hidden in the darkness and could not be seen at all!

Replace gunpowder weapons!

Doom shouted loudly, and at the same time, he immediately pulled out the spare pistol from his waist and shot wildly in the direction of the black shadow based on his memory!

Not only him, but the rest of the team members didn't care about anything in the critical situation and kept shooting into the darkness in front of them. From time to time, bullets accidentally hit the armor of his teammates, bursting out bursts of sparks!


In the darkness, someone suddenly let out a scream. Doom's heart tightened, and he quickly retreated while constantly tapping the lighting system on the armor. However, this system also lost its function like his own armor.

It's like that figure has its own electromagnetic radiation...

Glow sticks! Take out all the glow sticks!

Suddenly, the captain issued an order, and everyone woke up as if from a dream. They took out their spare light sticks. Generally speaking, the light emitted by this equipment is not strong, or even weak, but at this time, everyone When all the electrical appliances failed, a light stick became a life-saving straw!


The captain took out the fluorescent stick almost immediately. As he quickly swung the fluorescent stick to the wall next to him, a blue ray of light suddenly illuminated his whole body and also illuminated several meters beside him. range.

Although the light was very weak, everyone still felt only a ray of light coming.

One after another, everyone took out their fluorescent sticks and lit them up. The colorful light illuminated everyone like ghosts, but then everyone suddenly realized that the black shadow just now seemed to have disappeared...

Where are the enemies?

The captain looked around in panic, but was startled when he saw a team member standing quietly not far away.

Is it Lao Hei?

He subconsciously took a step back, and then saw the familiar armor on the other person's body. Then he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then shined his light on the other person's face.

It is indeed Lao Hei... um, something is wrong?

When he saw the opponent's face clearly, the captain was startled for a moment, then his expression changed as if he thought of something, and he was about to retreat suddenly, but before he could retreat, a team member named Lao Hei suddenly rushed forward and directly attacked him. He fell to the ground!


The captain let out a heartbreaking scream!

Everyone woke up as if from a dream. Doom wanted to shoot, but hesitated for a while. The other team members on the side rushed forward and quickly pulled Lao Hei away from the captain.

Old Hei, what are you crazy about?

One of the team members immediately started to curse after pulling away Lao Hei, but then he was suddenly stunned. With the dim light of the fluorescent stick, he actually saw that Lao Hei had already lost his voice at this time, and the corners of his eyes and nostrils were still there. There are mouths, and they are constantly dripping with black blood!

Old Hei is dead?


On the other side, a team member who helped the captain let out a scream, and saw the captain throwing himself on the team member's body as if going crazy. At the same time, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the captain's body, without any hindrance. Entered that team member's body again!

Doom, who had witnessed all this from beginning to end, shrank his pupils. At this moment, he finally realized something.

Get away quickly, that black shadow is inside Lao Wei's body!

Doom shouted loudly, and at the same time raised his pistol, and without thinking, fired a burst at the team member whose black shadow merged!

This time, he aimed at the opponent's head!

Because everyone took off their helmets, almost instantly, the player's head exploded like a watermelon, and he collapsed completely to the ground.

Dead, dead?

Suddenly, everyone fell silent, staring closely at the body that fell to the ground.

But the next second, a black shadow was seen breaking free from the corpse and rushing toward everyone again.


Seeing this, someone shouted loudly, and everyone could no longer organize an effective attack and fled towards the command center!

Doom gritted his teeth. He was about to retreat towards the outside world, but suddenly his feet slipped and he fell heavily to the floor due to the influence of the blood on the ground.


With a muffled sound, Doom fell to pieces. Originally, all this could have been avoided. The exoskeleton armor had a balancing device controlled by a computer system. However, at this time, the armor became a drag. The huge weight made him Even getting up was a little difficult.

Is it over?

He turned around, only to see that the black shadow had come behind him, and the next second it merged into his body like a pool of water!

Suddenly, an indescribable coldness hit him, as if he was drowned by an endless stream of cold water. This water kept drowning him, and even penetrated into his body, squeezing into his skin and squeezing. It got into my own internal organs, and even squeezed into my own mind!


Doom couldn't help but let out a scream. At this moment, he finally understood why the possessed captain and the team members screamed. It felt like his body was squeezed into a corpse, and He still squeezed in alive while still conscious!

Am I going to die?

A trace of nostalgia for life appeared in Doom's eyes. At this moment, he seemed to have seen everything from childhood to adulthood, and scenes of his life. Those strange or familiar scenes flashed quickly in front of his eyes. He understood , this is a kind of revolving door phenomenon before death.

Because in the next second, like everyone else, he will be completely invaded by this evil figure and become a walking corpse that can only kill people...

However, the expected death did not come. The moment the other party invaded his body, he actually felt that something began to be absorbed by him. It was another force in the black shadow's body. It was invisible and without quality, but it carried With a hint of coolness.

These cool things kept pouring out of the other person's body and poured into his mind little by little. In an instant, Doom found that he could see again, that he could actually see in the dark!

Not only that, with the influx of that coolness, he seemed to be getting stronger little by little, and instead, the black shadow in his body was getting weaker little by little!

what happened?

Doom showed a look of surprise. He crawled his body bit by bit, trying to climb out of the command center, but he felt that his body was getting lighter and lighter, and the black shadow in his body became weaker and weaker. In the end, the opponent even Take the initiative to escape...

Is the other person afraid of me?

Doom instinctively came up with such an idea. He quickly got up and looked behind him, only to see that the black shadow had left his body and ran towards the darkness as if it was escaping!

Where to run!

Doom immediately shouted angrily and rushed forward quickly. His idea was simple, since the other person was afraid of him, then he could kill him!

He directly hugged the black figure from the waist and took the initiative to stick to it!

Hee hee hee…

The black shadow suddenly trembled and struggled. In the dark, Doom felt that the other party seemed to be screaming. With a faint sound of corrosion, he realized that he was really removing the black shadow bit by bit. melted……

When Doom came to his senses again, there was nothing in his hands, and the black shadow dissipated like a ball of black smoke.

Black Shadow, dead.


Seeing the black shadow completely dissipate, Doom felt his whole body relax, and he sat down directly on the ground, staring blankly at the mess on the ground.

What just happened?

A dark shadow killed his colleague, and then he killed it again?

But what exactly is this black shadow, a demon? A ghost? Or an alien?

Doom didn't know it, because all this was beyond the scientific system he knew. Especially when he sensed a certain energy flowing faintly in his body, this sense of absurdity was even stronger.

Just when Doom thought it was all over, suddenly, there was a violent vibration in the entire port. He subconsciously looked out the dark window and saw a blaze rising into the sky. It was a medium-sized ship. The battleship smashed into the port buildings, bursting out with bursts of fire!


Doom was stunned for a moment. He immediately stood up and ran downstairs, only to see that the entire port was already in chaos, with smoke and burning debris everywhere. Many people were running around, and among the crowd, he I even saw a colleague from the security department running away in a panic.

what happens?

Doom immediately stopped the other party and asked loudly.

A battleship, a battleship hit the port!

He said loudly at the same time, and then looked at Doom with some surprise, You're not dead?

Fortunately, I escaped. Why did the warship hit the port?

Doom continued to ask loudly.

have no idea!

The team member shook his head, Now the communication system and command system of the entire port have been completely paralyzed. Let's run!

With that said, he fled towards the outside world without waiting for Doom to continue asking.

Doom hesitated for a while, but finally did not stop the other party, but looked at the position where the battleship fell.

This battleship was at least medium-sized, with a length of more than a kilometer. The impact directly destroyed several parking areas. The fire continued to burn like the embers of doomsday, and the port that had been cut off was illuminated.

With such a big thing happening, United Airlines will surely react soon, right?

Doom hesitated, wondering if he should escape, but then he discovered that in the firelight that filled the sky, he seemed to see several black figures.

What, that kind of ghost thing again?

Doom was immediately startled, and he quickly rubbed his eyes.

The strong firelight stung his eyes, but when he looked again, the firelight had engulfed everything, and even those black shadows had disappeared...

No, I read that right, it's definitely the same black shadow as before!

When he sensed that mysterious feeling again, Doom, who was still a little hesitant at first, finally confirmed that those black shadows were not his own illusions, but real.

There is such a ghost thing even on the battleship. Is that why it crashed?

Thinking back to the previous spacecraft returning from Phobos, Doom suddenly understood something.

These black figures were brought from Phobos. Perhaps the company received the news and sent warships to capture them. However, the company's senior officials did not expect that the black figures were not conventional creatures at all. Any Death on contact!

Thinking of this, Doom immediately loaded his weapon, then showed a solemn look, and walked little by little towards the direction of the sea of ​​fire.

At this moment, Doom suddenly felt a sense of mission. Perhaps only he could eliminate that black figure...

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