Chapter 107 106. Metaverse

According to the latest news reports, the headquarters of Shinra Corporation was suddenly attacked by unknown creatures, with more than fifty people killed and injured.

According to reports from reporters at the scene, around 23:00 last night, the headquarters of Shinra Corporation and the headquarters of the Shinra Family of the Federation of Terra were attacked by unknown creatures. According to eyewitness descriptions, the attacker was a red octopus with countless tentacles. A monster, the opponent attacked the Shinra family's base camp and caused more than fifty casualties. Before the unknown creature attacked, the Shinra company was attacked by hackers, and all protective facilities were destroyed from within.

Currently, Shinra Corporation has held a press conference, defining this terrorist attack as man-made, and issued a reward. Anyone willing to provide relevant information on this incident can receive a reward of 5 million to 100 million Thai dollars. If relevant evidence can be produced, a reward of more than one billion can be obtained...

Currently, Donghaizhou District has entered a state of war and martial law. Shinra Company believes that the other party is still lurking in Donghaizhou District...

On the holographic environment simulator, reports about Shinra appeared one after another, almost filling the screen.

This can be regarded as the second major event in the Terra Federation that caused a sensation in the entire solar system after the collapse of the Harmony Mining Company.

In just a few days, reports about the sudden attack on Shinra Company spread throughout the Terra Federation, and citizens across the Federation were in an uproar.

After all, anyone with some common sense knows that Shinra Corporation is a T0-level giant, and the defense of its headquarters has long been beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Let alone hackers, even if thousands of top hackers form a hacker army, there will be no Qualifications to break into Shinra's internal network.

Let alone being attacked by one, killing it and escaping unharmed, this is almost impossible to happen.

Of course, since it really happened, it means that not only Shinra, but also this force can assassinate the top executives of any T0 company in the world if it is willing.

As a result, the entire Terra Federation's top brass couldn't sit still. Almost all T0s stopped invading the Dongzhou District and instead tightened their defenses. At the same time, they began to investigate hidden dangers bit by bit and upgrade their defense systems.

For a time, the entire Federation of Terra strangely fell into a brief period of peace.

As for the fact that three gods appeared in everyone's souls, no media mentioned it. All the forces qualified to know unanimously chose to seal this incident and chose to investigate and study it slowly themselves.

But all this was exactly what Chen Shibo wanted. At this time, he looked at the news reported in front of him, yawned slightly, then closed the holographic environment simulator and turned to look out the window.

Without the interference of Harmony Mining Company and Shinra Company, Dao Network Technology is now expanding with a fierce attitude. At present, it has almost dominated the entire Skyrim Province and has begun to spread to other provinces.

Especially in Siwei Province, under the attack of Tiandao Network Technology Company, the Lu family, which lost its head and fell into civil strife, retreated step by step. They could only curl up and quietly wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

However, the Chen family would not give the other party this opportunity.

At this time, Zheng Xiancun walked in. He took out a document and said, Master, there is news from the chairman. He has ordered the equipment you need, and this batch of equipment is being shipped to the underground experimental base.

well done.

Chen Shibo stood up and walked slowly towards the elevator, followed by Zheng Xiancun beside him.

By the way, what is the company's current market value? How far is it from T2?

On the way, Chen Shibo took the initiative to ask.

At present, the company's market value has been rising all the way. After swallowing up the Zheng family and Zhou family, it has jumped to nearly 500 billion Thai dollars.

Zheng Xiancun immediately replied excitedly, If we can annex the Fourth Dimension Province, we can immediately be promoted to T2 level force, and we will not be far from T1 level by then...

There's still so much left...

Chen Shibo shook his head. The company's rating increased almost tenfold. The assets of T3 were about 100 billion Thai dollars. When it reached T2, it was one trillion. T1 was even ten trillion. It was almost a continent. Only the GDP of the country can create a T1.

And T0 is in the quadrillion level. This number is so huge that it is despairing. Only the current human civilization that radiates to the entire solar system can support a behemoth like T0.

Without delving into this issue, after Chen Shibo entered the elevator, the elevator began to slowly go down, but it did not stop on the first floor. Instead, it became faster and faster, and gradually sank toward the ground.

About five minutes later, Chen Shibo had descended over a thousand meters and arrived at the underground experimental base.

At this time, there were hundreds of engineering androids in the hall on the 25th floor starting to carry the goods. As the goods were disassembled and assembled, Zheng Xiancun gradually saw that this seemed to be an assembly line.

this is?

Zheng Xiancun was a little confused. After looking at it for a long time, he couldn't tell what kind of assembly line product this was.

This is the assembly line for assembling the metaverse warehouse.

Chen Zhongshan turned his head and said calmly, Do you know about the Yuan Universe?


Zheng Xiancun was stunned for a moment, I think I've heard of this term before. I heard it's a kind of virtual world? It's just that I haven't heard of this term for a long time.


Chen Shibo nodded, The so-called metaverse is actually a product of virtual reality. Strictly speaking, it should be a collection of virtual spaces. It is a virtual world that is linked and created using scientific and technological means to map and interact with the real world. , is a digital living space with a new social system.”

Actually, the Metaverse itself is not a new concept technology, but the product of integrating a large number of existing technologies, including artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, virtual social interaction, etc. However, for some reasons, the Federation did not allow this technology to be used. It has become widespread, so we haven’t heard of it so far. In fact, with the technology of this era, it is not difficult to create an immersive metaverse, but it is more expensive.”

But once it is made and recognized by the world, the benefits it will bring and create a new T0-level giant are not excessive.


Zheng Xiancun was shocked, If you can become a new T0, then what you are doing now is...

That's right.

Chen Shibo nodded, I plan to launch a metaverse device, which is the metaverse warehouse in front of me.

But we don't seem to have the experience to develop the Metaverse, and I don't think the development of the Metaverse is any easier than any other operating system, or even more difficult.

Zheng Xiancun was a little worried, With our current strength, is it enough?

There is no need to worry about the development of the Metaverse. I have already let others do it.

Chen Shibo waved his hand, What we have to do here is to make a terminal, a virtual reality device that can enter the metaverse, so I chose the metaverse warehouse. The next goal of the underground experimental base is to put these The equipment is assembled to form a production line.”

Zheng Xiancun nodded, although he still felt that Chen Shibo was a little too hasty, and after all, the federation had blocked this project before, and he did not know whether it was a blessing or a curse for him to rashly violate the federal policy.

Regarding this point, Chen Shibo naturally has his own thoughts. Currently, the entire Terra Federation’s top management is in silence. After the loss of the Harmony Mining Company and the severe damage to the Shinra Company, the Terra Federation’s control over the entire capital monopoly society is at a historic stage. A new low, coupled with the fact that there is no new T0 rising in Dongzhou District, it is a time of chaos.

Therefore, what the Chen family is facing now is a once-in-a-century opportunity. If they cannot seize this opportunity, there will be no chance for the Chen family to become a T0-level force.

As for the problem of the Yuan Universe itself, Chen Shibo had naturally made plans. No one saw it at this time. Blue lightning flashed in his charcoal-like eyes, and blue psychic energy continued to affect him. His thoughts put him in an extremely calm state.

In this state, he could predict and rehearse the future of almost every step he took, and his brain at this time indeed told him that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

So, he thought of a way, which was to use spiritual energy to connect the channel between reality and the imaginary number space, and use a special device to introduce human consciousness into the imaginary number space, thereby experiencing adventures in the imaginary number space.

From the perspective of the outside world, the soul entering the imaginary space is not much different from entering the metaverse. As long as it can ensure that the soul will not die in the imaginary space, it is enough.

Regarding this point, Chen Shibo took the time to reach an agreement with the four evil gods born from the cocoon. For the human souls that enter the imaginary space through some special method in the future, the four evil gods will secretly use their divine power to destroy the origin of the soul. Protection, and as a price, after this group of people enter the imaginary space, the emotions they generate will be divided by the four gods.

This temporarily solves the hidden danger of the soul entering the imaginary number space. Then there is only one problem left to solve, that is, how to introduce the human soul into the imaginary number space?

This problem is not difficult. Chen Shibo and those scientists designed a special psychic device. This device only needs psychic energy to drive, and can connect the human soul to the imaginary number space.

The so-called Yuan Universe Warehouse is just a cover.

Moreover, the human-computer interaction technology in Shinra's database is already at the pinnacle of the Terra Federation. This external brain-computer interface can perfectly convert human consciousness into readable electronic signals. Under the guise of this technology, Then secretly put the psychic device into the metaverse warehouse, and you can fool people into thinking that you have entered the metaverse.

Moreover, the imaginary number space is a real world after all. Although the laws of physics are different from reality, the degree of realism is definitely far beyond the virtual reality world set by humans. This is why Chen Shibo believes that he can sell the metaverse warehouse to the world.

So, everything was ready, all that was needed was the east wind.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in Dongzhou District to manage it, Chen Shibo started to place advertisements on major online platforms around the world and continued to publicize and report on the Metaverse on a large scale.

Just one day later, many people began to notice that such an advertisement began to appear on advertising screens around the world——

On the screen, a beautiful girl generated by AI is standing in a fairy tale world, talking to everyone over and over again:

Are you tired of real life?

The girl showed an innocent and sweet smile. She walked step by step on the fairy tale grassland, surrounded by countless colorful rabbits and mushrooms of various colors. Then enter the metaverse quickly! Here, you will have a place that belongs only to you. A world where everything can be created as you wish. You can be an ancient emperor, an adventurer who travels across the stars, a general on the battlefield, a princess in a fairy tale...

As she spoke, the girl's body was suddenly filled with golden light. The next second, she appeared in a feasting dance, surrounded by countless handsome men and beautiful women writhing wildly on the dance floor.

Are you lonely in real life?

The girl continued to talk, In the world of the Yuan Universe, you can meet countless like-minded friends. With just one invitation every day, you can invite hundreds of friends to a dinner party designed by you to experience an intoxicating carnival together!

Just as he was talking, groups of men and women on the dance floor suddenly hugged and kissed each other. As the camera focused on the couple in the center, the scene changed again and turned into a gorgeous church built of marble and pure white equipment!

In the church, the movements of the kissing couple did not change. The only thing that changed was their outfits. At some point, the two people had changed into wedding dresses and gowns, and hugged each other tightly with the blessings of countless spectators.

Even here, you can meet your beloved other half...

The AI ​​girl continued to speak, and with her words, the man and woman on the screen were completely frozen, turning into a beautiful picture, Your partner can be a like-minded citizen, or you can design and create it with your own hands. The perfect companion!”

As everyone cheered under the wedding stage, the girl suddenly snapped her fingers, and the next second, her whole body changed again, and she came to the vast starry sky!

At this time, she was riding in a luxurious spaceship, which was traveling in the endless deep space, with planets passing by, as vast as smoke.

If you don't want to communicate with others and just want to enjoy loneliness, then the Metaverse is still your best partner! Here, you can travel to countless worlds, adventures are waiting for you, and tens of thousands of games are available. Calling you, sandbox, adventure, simulation, super large online games, hundreds of millions of people across the federation are online, experience another life, be a hero, official, adventurer, researcher, businessman...

Whenever the AI ​​girl says a noun, a new world begins to be born behind her. These worlds stand behind the girl like projections, and then countless worlds rush towards a black hole in the screen!

In the end, everything returned to zero and turned into a strange-looking LOGO with the characters Tiandao Network Technology Co., Ltd. on it.

Yuan Universe, your spiritual harbor!

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