Chapter 345, the beauty of regret

On the day when Ye Jian arrived in the western province, a farm vehicle drove up to 70 yards through the narrow road in Megiti County, and then slammed into the door of the dilapidated bus station.

The door of the door was slammed and slammed shut, and the yellow dust on the body could not tell the color of the original clothes. Xia Jinyuan striding into the bus station where there was no door.

"I rely, wait for me!" Han Yu, who got off the bus at night, was stunned by the yellow dust of the door. He coughed and jumped out of the car and chased. "Who are you looking for? How do you find it? I don’t even have a photo on my hand!"

The flight test flight, the test is nearly two months, every night when the downtime, you can see Xia Jinyuan standing in the high place, looking in the direction of the Hetian River.

There, after the radar scan, there are three red dots on the radar display, which is representative of someone in the desert.

In order to prevent accidents, the military deliberately sent people to check in the past, and the results found were shocking.

But since then, the military has never sent anyone in the past. Obviously, the three people who have stayed in the desert for a long time are not the lawless elements who spy on the military.

The three of them are Xia Jinyuan’s heart, as for Han Han... he only knew it five hours ago.

Xia Jinyuan, who walked to the station staff and asked him, did not hear what Han Han said behind him. He was tired of his eyebrows and he was asking about Ye Jian’s whereabouts.

According to the display on the radar, Ye Jian and Chen Shu and Genu Uncle returned to Maggati County from Hetian River 15 days ago. It takes about ten days according to the walking time.

After returning to the county with his calculations, the three generations should rest for a week or so. I know that I was wrong.

For those who walk out of Hetian River, they will take a week off in Makati County and raise their spirits to leave. However, Ye Jian had only rested for a day and then left for departure...

After Xia Jinyuan’s flight test flight for several months, he began to inquire about the whereabouts of the three generations last night. When he heard about it, he heard the bus station.

In fact, when driving over, Xia Jinyuan knew that Ye Jian was 99% likely to leave Maggette County, and one percent of the possibility was that the incoming bus had a problem with maintenance and needed to stop for a few more days. .

When Xia Jinyuan asked, the staff immediately knew who he was inquiring and smiled. "You said that there are a few young people we have seen and left four days ago."

"The little girl is pure and white, standing among a group of tanned passengers. It is particularly conspicuous. A lady also specifically asked the little girl what she used to paint her face."

As for the result, Xia Jinyuan actually knew it in his heart, but he did not want to ask again.

Outside, Han Yu learned from another staff member that Ye Jian had left four days ago and secretly said: Is the two people a fate or not? The territory of the motherland is vast, and they can still meet in the desert!

If you say that you have a relationship, you can't look at it right now. It's hard to have a chance to meet... It’s all missed.

Just after the New Year, the small county still reveals the residual flavor of the year, and occasionally there are firecrackers.

Xia Jinyuan bought two bottles of mineral water at a price three times outside. One person stood in the place where Ye Jian once stood, drinking water and sighing helplessly.

"Little fox, little fox, your speed is really fast, let me be happy, sigh, ... next time I see you have to ask for interest."

(End of this chapter)

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