Even Gu Yuwen, who is not afraid of the sky and fearless, will inevitably realize what it means to be "relieved" when he receives a communication message from the interior of the royal house.

The stable male worms almost disappeared and escaped from the encirclement of female worms. A group of big female worms did not scare him at all. Zerg was originally a very open race. The females have long been accustomed to this way of communication. After all, for the males, their large number of admirers is a very worthy capital to show off.

As soon as Gu Yuwen left the encirclement, females dressed in costumes similar to those of the worms that sent the invitation letter greeted them. He led Gu Yuwen towards the back of the banquet hall and passed through a large garden. —He couldn't be more familiar with this garden.

The metal bubbles are exactly the same as his dormitory building. The only difference is that the thickness of the metal wall here seems to be much thinner than that of the bedroom downstairs and the Viking Plantation.

The royal family built a crossing bridge in the sky above the metal building, and Gu Yuwen followed the waiter across the bridge. He stayed in the plantation for the first time, but "walking" at the top of the plantation still came to Chongxing for the first time. The floating bridge is firmly embedded in the composite material that is mixed with a lot of materials and can barely be called metal.Although it is separated by several layers of isolation and protection, Gu Yuwen still clearly feels his body when he walks on it. The abilities in in can't restrain the tendency of some riots.

He and the plant are like magnets and magnets, as long as they reach a certain distance, they will attract and feel each other irresistibly.

——But natural plants should not give him such a huge reaction. The upper limit of the plant source that natural plants can release is placed there, and only high-level spiritual plants can drive his power fluctuations.

"Here is..."?

He conditioned to hear the news.

The female who led the way was not surprised by his curiosity: "The content of your study is also the direction of plants? This is the private insect plantation of His Majesty Chongdi. He is as interested in plant research as you."

The specialty of Gu Yuwen's report was made public throughout the interstellar, and the matter of Chongdi's several plantations has also been reported countless times in the news.

Before Gu Yuwen's arrival, the general direction of society had already faintly developed in the direction of plant research. The advanced zerg and even the entire interstellar social civilization have reached a new peak. Mineral technology has been studied to the extreme by them. When a technology has reached a certain level, it is difficult to seek breakthroughs. The existing perspective is These countless years have been studied countless times, unless another mineral vein like the obsidian galaxy appears in the interstellar to dig out a new kind of ore that contains huge energy, otherwise the insect star technology will not have any major in a long period of time. Progress in direction.

It is a miracle that the Yao galaxy, a mineral vein galaxy that is rare in the entire universe, can excavate one. So many scientists have put their sights on natural plants.

There are too many ancient records about plants in the history of cosmic civilization. The research and development prospects of those plants are so big that as long as a worm with a brain is in mind, the legendary high-level spiritual plant has the ability to make worms crazy—— Just like the ninth-level old tree that is still a seedling in Gu Yuwen's hand, once it grows up, it can easily destroy several small and medium-sized forces.

Earlier, there were worms calling for the government to provide more subsidies for natural plant-related professions. However, the royal family has been hiding from the public for many years, and other departments are busy competing for the cake, which has been delayed until now.

The number of plants in the imperial palace’s plantation should not be very large. Gu Yuwen only felt a few plants. He thought that Fuhuai could buy natural plants at a high price as decorations in the house. Suddenly, Gu Yuwen felt that this did not seem to be the case. What a surprise.

Some things are precious and rare to the outside, but in the eyes of others...in fact, it is nothing more than that.

The waiter insect took him away for a long time.

That is Gu Yuwen, but some other males are afraid that they can't stop panting after walking a few steps. His mental power can feel that the worm around him has no malicious intent to him-even some inexplicable curiosity. It is just that the female waiter who has been trained by countless tries to restrain the excited mind, he is afraid that the male worm will Feeling impatient with this apparently long road, while leading the way, racking his brains to find the topic to divert Gu Yuwen's attention.

The male worm focused more attention on his own power fluctuations.

To put it bluntly, mental power and supernatural power are two different powers, but in the final analysis, they are the aggregation of biological energy. To put it bluntly, after all, in some respects, they still end up in the same way by different means, except that the way the energy is displayed and the object of action are slightly different. The mental power detection device cannot detect Gu Yuwen's abilities, but when Gu Yuwen's power reaches a certain level, such fluctuations may still be caught by the mental power detection device.

Even the plant sources emitted by some extremely high-level high-level spiritual plants can be scattered and supplemented by mental power detection devices.

The security in the Chongdi Palace is complicated beyond Gu Yuwen’s understanding. Perhaps it is a common problem for the royal family to be afraid of being assassinated. This is true for both the earth and the Chongxing. You can see a small spot every few steps. With the camera, the reflection of metal products can be vaguely seen in the place where the stone bricks meet in the road under the foot, and even Gu Yuwen's unexpanded mental power can vaguely detect the various monitoring devices and thermal weapons hidden nearby.

The male's complexion remained unchanged.

As the road goes farther and farther, the plant-specific fluctuations in the surrounding environment gradually increase, and the abilities in Gu Yuwen's body are even somewhat uncontrollable and want to go outside. He clenched his fists, and took back the greenish green in his palms firmly.

Although it was from the depths of the imperial palace that he had visited in the future, Gu Yuwen was relaxed as never before, and he was still vaguely worried when he came. His power is like a fish in water in this place, and even Gu Yuwen has an intuition in the dark-when the number of plants reaches a certain level, his power may be more powerful than the spiritual power of the SSS level. Even bigger!

"Chongdi...does he have a lot of plantations?" Gu Yuwen asked curiously.

"Very much." The female worm raised her hand and gestured to him: "Your Majesty Chongdi stays in the plantation all day now, even we rarely see him."

In this era, the information is highly developed. Even most of the insects in these palaces can browse the media and gossip of the star network. The public has a lot of opinions about the attitude of the insect emperor to the little male insects. This female is also worried. Gu Yuwen would have a grievance, and try his best to say good things about the insect emperor in front of Gu Yuwen without revealing the secret.

Who makes his mental power level high? In the higher Zerg race, high strength is the kingly way. As long as the male worm is willing, he can even use his own ability to make troubles with the worm star. No matter what great rebellious things Gu Yuwen does, he will only charge. With his face and that level of strength, countless females would definitely support him hard.

Gu Yuwen took a deep breath.

Every time he was "popularized" by other insects for his own rights, he was a little frightened. In the 21st century, the male was infected with a lot of novel, film and television insects. He, who is of unknown origin, inexplicably possesses so many privileges and is even qualified to subvert. The worms of the regime... Can this legendary worm emperor really have no complaints?

Whenever You Chong said with respect to him that he could be compared to a certain royal nobleman, his status and authority, and even the Chongdi only by virtue of his mental power, etc...Gu Yu Some messy pictures flashed through Wen's mind.

If it weren't for this, and if it wasn't for his embarrassing status as Gu Can, he wouldn't directly swagger to apply for the purchase of the next entire galaxy without any buffers.

A worm with an unprecedented super-high mental power that returned to the insect star inexplicably, suddenly possessed an entire vein of precious ore that was once produced in the entire universe! Who doesn't doubt it? He wants to? ! Not to mention that Gu Yuwen also owns the ownership of the mineral vein!

Even if Gu Yuwen put himself in and brought him in, I'm afraid he would feel that this worm had some thoughts that it shouldn't have. The super mental power level here seemed to be a reminder.

In addition, these worms of the higher zerg have an inexplicable sense of self-honor and group consciousness in their bones. There seems to be no betrayal in their lives, otherwise the things of Mu Ke back then would not be like that!

Until he personally saw the legendary male who ruled the entire high-level Zerg for nearly a thousand years...

All doubts were solved.

Why is the royal family indifferent while watching that their rights are weakened and robbed by various departments, why the male worm has been back for so long but the worm emperor has not even recorded his face? Restriction, why would Moore or Mueller, who have no brains at a glance, also come to him to brush up on their sense of existence...

The worm in front of him...maybe it's not that he doesn't want to stop it, but that he has no ability to stop all this from happening.

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