Gu Yuwen gave him all these matters.

The female never expected that Gu Yuwen would be so "daring". After all, it was a security plan for a whole galaxy or even a whole galaxy! To put it bluntly, Gu Can will have countless opportunities to make some small movements in it and insert it into her worm's hand.

If he hadn’t expected it to be wrong... After the planet’s transformation, Gu Yuwen will not open the application for a long time. Maybe he will open some other planets around, that is to say, this planet. It is difficult for the outside world to know what is happening on the planet.

The female worms became more and more excited as they thought about it.

——For example, he can wait for the male worm to close his authority and take the opportunity to "rebel", imprison the little male worm on this planet and never let him go out or give other female worms the chance to wink and wink, etc. ...He can turn the little male worm into his own!

The more he thought about it, the more heart-stirred he became, and he couldn't wait to go straight through how many ephemeris days and then cross to the day when the planetary transformation was completed and put all this into action!

He even thought about what kind of precious ore to create what a luxurious cage to keep the little male in! ! !

His heart beats like a drum, as if he can pop out of his throat on the spot in the next moment. The male worm he imagined for himself can only lie on the gorgeous bed he made by himself and hug him with intoxication. However, The reality is that the male just touched his forehead at random, and he almost got in on the spot.

Cowardly useless waste bugs.

The male worm's expression was a little worried: "What's wrong with you?" Suddenly, he stared at him dumbly, and his expression was also inexplicably weird.

Could it be that the medical center gave the wrong medicine to the female worm and drank the wrong nutrient solution?

He even called up today's list and glanced at it—yes, it's all things that supplement nutrition and regulate the body.

Gu Yuwen rejected several treatment plans put forward by the medical center one after another, only instructing them to follow the path of conditioning the body, and various precious tonics were continuously sent to the females to absorb energy. The medical insects thought that the male insects had decided to give up saving the incurable nucleus of the female insects. After all, no matter how good the effect of the nutrient solution is, it is still a drop in the bucket compared to the daily energy loss of the female insect's body.

Of course, this is only what the medical insects saw. They imagined that the value of the insect source in the female insect's body was dropping at a rate of a few points per day. In fact... Gu Can's current consumption is all Gu Yu. Warm the source of insects in the blood. These excessively sufficient blood belonging to the male worms will be the first to replace the female worm's source and be lost, and even because the male worm's system level is too high, there is still some left to feed back to the female worm itself.

Gu Yuwen thought he was not feeling well, and was thinking about whether to feed him some more blood, but suddenly saw the female in front of him grabbed his hand: "I really like Your Highness."

Gu Yuwen: "...".

He really suspected that the female had taken the wrong medicine.

The female is a very introverted worm. He is not stingy to express the status of the male in his heart in a variety of ways, but he still can't brave the courage to praise Gu Yuwen face to face. The several expressions of spit out a few syllables, either while Gu Yuwen is busy.

This time, he raised his head upright and looked straight at Gu Yuwen. There was no sign of flinching in his expression. He even repeated the words one by one against Gu Yuwen's incredible eyes.

"What's the matter with you?" Gu Yuwen was really frightened by him.

He pinched the female's cheek with both hands one left and the other right, and pulled it outward. Was he traversed?

It doesn't look like it.

"I just think... you should let you know how much I like you." The female coughed in a low voice. Although he looked very arrogant, the paws covered by the sleeves were already clenched tightly. He almost bleeds his palm.

He inhaled quietly, as if he was afraid that the sound of his own breathing would disturb the male.

After a while, Gu Yuwen slowly answered him: "I know."

He held the female's cheek and loosened his hand slightly upwards until it covered the female's eyes.

This way the female would not see his current expression.


As the evening approached, Gu Yuwen accidentally received an express delivery message.

The male has a lot of things in the past few days. Where can he go shopping on, he asked Gu Can, and he also got a confused expression from the female.

After all, it can be regarded as a famous insect. Whether it belongs to Mu Ke and is now his small villa or now the college dormitory is no secret among the higher zergs. As a male, he can receive a lot of subsidies from the government every month. Welfare, such as these departments headed by Xiongbao, will also send him some messy things every other time.

Gu Yuwen thought it was the same for this unknown courier. He opened the shipping information attached to the order number and unexpectedly discovered that it came from a planet that he didn't remember much about.

The male worm copied and pasted the address into the search box and checked it.

It is a very remote small planet almost on the edge of the jurisdiction of the higher Zerg race. The whole planet is probably not as large as the Emperor Star and the G area. Kind of, the total population of resident insects may not be better than a major in the Mecha Department of the Academy.

Gu Yuwen remembers very clearly that the couriers sent to the males were specifically reviewed and intercepted, especially when he first came back, almost 90% of the females thought about sending him some love items. The males did not understand. How the courier of unknown origin was sent, but he already knew about the number of the sender of the courier in his mind.

The male patted Gu Can on the shoulder and smoothly pushed several manufacturers and middlemen of the planetary defense system who took the initiative to come to the door through various relationships to the female. He was confident that he did not bully the "insects" at all. Consciousness, the females themselves are still happy because they can provide help to the males.

It's the kind that will count money for the other party after being sold by a bug.

"Look at it first, and I'll go back." Before Gu Can was happy, he saw his hero get up and get out of bed without any reluctance. As the quilt was lifted, the heat was quickly lost, Gu Can was dumbfounded. Watching the male worms put clothes on his body one by one, he felt that the male lord's profile was a little bit of cruel scum.

He silently wrapped the little quilt around his body, and couldn't help feeling that the male with no expression on his face was so handsome.

In just a few ephemeris days, there were a lot of uncollected couriers piled up in the buffer zone outside the male dormitory building. They were neatly arranged in a pile. Gu Yuwen spent a lot of time. Find the one you want.

Generally important items are sent directly by the empire department, such as the seeds that Gu Yuwen claimed, and the nutrient solution that needs to be stored at a specific temperature, etc. Gu Yuwen never expected this mysterious interstellar merchant. Just so carelessly he stuffed Gao Da Lingzhi into the courier, and he couldn't believe that the thing was sent to him smoothly and smoothly.

Excluding almost impossible coincidences, it can only be said that the worm's ability seems to be higher than he thought.

The volume of the courier is not large, and the cross-sectional area is almost the same as the area of ​​A4 paper. He directly took the things to the plantation not far away, and after covering the mental strength, he began to dismantle them.

Tear open those bubble wraps that are overwrapped, there are a total of three plants in the box.

Gu Yuwen was silent for a while before them, and suddenly felt as if he had returned to the earth.

——Have you bought plants in Tao X and Pin XX? The kind that simply wraps the roots of the plants in plastic wrap or toilet paper seven or eight layers when they are sent?

The male was almost frightened and tried his supernatural powers, but unexpectedly discovered that these three plants actually had a breath of life.

——Higher Lingzhi is much more resistant to handling than natural plants.

The first one looked like a tree, but Gu Yuwen only had branches that were about the length of his arm, and the bare one had no leaves. It looked pitiful.

This thing looks very like a willow branch, but it’s dry and dry. I don’t know how long it has been away from the branch. It is not suspected whether it is firewood on the earth, or the kind that is picked out by the buyer and thrown away as firewood. The kind you want.

Gu Yuwen raised his hand and picked it up. There was an instant tingling pain in his hand, and blood beads overflowed from his fingertips, soaking the bottom of the whole branch in a short while.

Only then did he find that there were tiny thorns everywhere on the branches, even if he checked them with the naked eye, it was very difficult to check them with the naked eye. These small thorns were originally transparent but gradually appeared after being stained with his blood.

Now that he was stabbed, Gu Yuwen did not let go for the first time, allowing this small branch to absorb his own blood. Anyway, the blood of the male worm is very useful for this thing. In the end, it is himself who will benefit. .

He once tried to cultivate natural plants with his own blood, but he almost made up that natural plant with just a little bit. The male worm guessed that the level of this high-level spiritual plant might be much higher than he thought. . He watched the branches stretch out on his fingertips automatically without wind, and then the brown dry skin suddenly burst and curled up in sections, and even fell from the branches without the need of the male's movement. Sparsely spread a thin layer on the bottom of the box.

The branch slowly revealed its original appearance.

With just a glance, Gu Yuwen recognized what it was.

Without him, this thing is really easy to recognize.

In the history of the higher Zerg, there are not many higher spiritual plants in total, but the Zerg has a commissioner responsible for collecting various information of other star regions and filling it into his own database. Gu Yuwen has already browsed all the natural plants and plants in the imperial database. Gao Lingzhi's information, his unforgettable memory brought the information to his mind on the spot.

It is a kind of extinct ancient tree that has been completely declared extinct thousands of years ago, and now only a few pieces of extinct ancient trees can be glimpsed in some ancient precious materials.

The branch in his hand didn't look like a living thing at all. The protection of that layer of withered skin was removed, and the part that appeared in front of the male insect... how to say it, especially like a decorative ornament.

It's the kind that is full of money.

The whole branch is carved out of jade with the unique luster of jade, and the touch is also warm and smooth. Gu Yuwen suspects that if he gets the earth, it’s the old pit glass sculpture that can be someone. Believe.

There is a circle of similar bamboo knots at about half a finger distance. The plant in his hand has seven knots, and the color of each knot has a very obvious transition. The place at the bottom of his hand is dark green, little by little, it turns into dark green and green and finally to the tender green of the branch. The whole branch is very natural, and Gu Yuwen can even take a photo to make it. The color spectrum is green.

This kind of ancient tree is not well-known among the higher zergs, but it is almost universally known in some remote outer galaxies. They are rare in number and have a very long life span. It is not a problem for a tree to grow for ten thousand years.

The reason why other races are distracted... is because of its extremely strong vitality and high aggressiveness.

From the day they take root, they will quickly absorb the energy around them, almost the kind that comers want all kinds of energy, and they grow extremely fast.

According to the records in the database, the last old tree appeared on a small three hundred and sixty-line planet in that unlucky galaxy. Because the planet is too small and there are no residents living on it, it has been for a long time. It was not discovered by local residents.

However, after that, strange incidents such as the loss of signal from the satellite network and the inexplicable cut-off of the energy of urban facilities have often occurred on that small planet. At that time, the relevant departments also investigated several times, and each time the result was insufficient energy supply.

In the 21st century, a city without electricity can be destroyed by half, not to mention this kind of planet that relies on energy everywhere in life. Every planet has its own emergency energy reserve system, even if there is an accident, it can be the first time. Automatic switching to the backup plan will not affect the residents' daily life. As this weird phenomenon has appeared more and more times, even the planet’s protective shield has temporarily failed. What happened on this remote planet has finally been noticed by the higher-ups of that race, and more and more People invested in the investigation.

There was a big deal in this investigation.

That remote race didn't know the horror of this tree. They were overjoyed and felt that it was a chance for the rise of the universe-a high-level spiritual plant that fell from the sky, or such a large high-level spiritual plant. What is it that is not a gift of the will of the universe! A large number of people poured into the planet to try to get some benefits from this spiritual plant, but even the highest-level photon knife at the time could not cut down the ancient tree. Such a large high-level spiritual plant can't hide from the spies of other planets. , More and more mechas are pouring in on behalf of their respective forces...The prelude to the war has finally begun.

In the universe, wars are fought for resources every day. Natural plants and higher spiritual plants are the highest level of resources. If it weren’t for the higher zerg at the critical moment of imperial centralization, I’m afraid even the zerg would not be able to resist mixing them. And a kick. The small planet of the three hundred and sixty lines suddenly became the main battlefield of artillery fire, but the forces from all sides have tacitly moved the battle site away from the ancient trees to avoid any harm to Lingzhi.

The most important thing on the battlefield is the residual energy of various weapons. Many weapons have been unable to eliminate the sequelae for decades or even hundreds of years. No one has noticed that these residual energy has disappeared for no reason. The place where the crashed mecha stored energy was inexplicably emptied, as if it had been absorbed by something. Perhaps someone discovered these things, but there were too many races and forces participating in the war at the time, and it was impossible to inform everyone and attract their attention in a short time.

They have gone crazy.

Until one day, all the energy on the planet was pumped clean overnight.

They finally found out about it.

Since then, all electronic devices have been useless on that planet. Take a fully charged mobile phone, and the mobile phone will automatically shut down on the spot when the battery is dead; as long as the mechas and aircraft reach a certain distance near the planet, they will be pumped away by an invisible force and all energy will fall out of thin air; the researchers even discovered that A small-scale hidden vein, but the ore has already absorbed all the energy and turned into a dead mine.

Until this time, the researchers finally turned their attention to the ancient tree whose root system had penetrated the entire planet.

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