This is the first time the male has stepped into the so-called slums since returning to Emperor Star.

He carefully sorted out the black cloak that he had grown to the ground, and then covered his body with a thin layer of camouflage with mental strength.

Area G covers a huge area. It is said that the highest political center of the higher zergs in the early years was on another planet, but it was later moved here because of wars and resource problems. The history of Zone G can be traced back to the time when the Emperor Star was still a plain ordinary planet. It has not been destroyed by the First Legion for so many years. There are probably other reasons that cannot be ignored.

The desolation is Gu Yuwen's first and deepest impression of this place.

It is hard to believe that the world of luxury and science fiction, such as the towering buildings suspended in the air, the various mechas that exude awe-inspiring silver glow in the sun, and the colored light screens projected into the sky and underground, are only separated from this slum. It takes less than two stars.

Basically, every planet that is normally put into use of the advanced zerg will be covered with several layers of energy shields. The higher the level of the planet, the more layers of energy shields will be. If they are all activated, there are nearly a thousand!

Different energy masks have different functions. Most of them are controlled by the main system on the planet. For example, the main brain on the Emperor Star is the main brain, and a small part of the operation authority is assigned to more professional related insects.

Including those used to adjust the environment, prevent enemy attacks, mental interference, etc., even the sunny rain that Gu Yuwen sees when he goes out every morning is related to the parameters of the energy hood system.

If Gu Yuwen wants to become a star owner in the future, he will also have to build a lot of energy shields. Many planets simply cannot build a complete ecological environment in the universe. These energy shields are more similar to a regulation system of insect intervention. Improved the environment is more suitable for the survival of the Zerg.

Fu Huai is quite good at this aspect. He has more planets. There are some companies on Chongxing that specialize in this. Gu Yuwen will directly ask him to help contact the related Chong directly to customize the finished product.

When the male went out, he took a large cloak with a female audience. He has not experienced secondary evolution himself. Among the males, his height is one of the best, but it is slightly lower among the females. The head looked like a short female worm, and the hem of the cloak was dragged to the ground.

Anyway, this dress is a one-time use for him. It doesn't matter if it is soiled or torn. He just threw it away on the way back.

Obviously, the energy shield here has not been repaired by insects for a long time. The ground under one's feet is muddy and filthy, as if the fields in the south of the Yangtze River have been drizzling for ten and a half months. If you step on it, you can sink a little The mud puddle came out.

Area G is not a closed area. To be stricter, it is similar to the concentration camps for homeless people specially created by the government. The three areas of ABC must undergo strict identity verification wherever they enter. The remaining areas also have their own Various security measures. Although the government does not restrict the free activities of the insects, in theory they can go wherever they want, but if they cannot provide a valid identity and related documents, they will not open the door anywhere.

The government has been deliberately controlling the resources imported here, just like raising Gu, something that can be solved with just a few sums of money, but the government just wants to watch the worms here fend for themselves.

Although the male worm has been as low-key as possible, and he chose the universal cloak, which has sold hundreds of millions of dollars, the material of his clothing and the looming satin gold vamp under the black cloak have attracted the attention of many worms.

Compared with the hell-like environment of B-H324, the worms in G area are relatively much higher in terms of living conditions and worms. Mainly, they may not be able to find a piece of energy on the barren star for a few months. You can grab your own hands on the spot if you don’t see anything after you’ve eaten a meal, and the government in G district will also put something on a regular basis, no matter what.

Generally speaking, it has not been forced to that level.

If Gu Yuwen appeared on the barren star the moment he was torn to pieces by other insects, maybe they would realize that when he was torn halfway, it turned out to be a male insect.

At a glance, the insects in G area judged that Gu Yuwen was only an alien from the so-called "high-end society", and occasionally some worms dressed like this would enter here on weekdays, so the females have long been surprised. Up. Since he has not experienced the second evolution, the male worm breath on his body is not very obvious. Gu Yuwen used his own abilities to mix the pheromone, and the female worms would not be aware of what is in front of him without close contact. This one turned out to be a male.

In addition, the inherent mental power of the males also brings a suggestive and hypnotic subconscious guidance to the females. The females will unconsciously think in the direction guided by the males. This is due to genetic suppression. Many Many females would rather suffer the violence and indifference of males than resist. There are some factors in this aspect.

Before the higher Zerg race, the highest level of spiritual power was Fu Huai. The insects of the Institute of Spiritual Power also tried to invite Fu Huai to assist them in their experimental tests. Even the light wings can't condense, and the females can't judge what his mental power can affect the females.

Later, the insects from the research institute focused on Gu Yuwen, a worm with both high-level mental power and talent in this respect. However, Gu Yuwen had already revealed his interest in the natural flora at that time, and Viking directly attacked him. When they arrived at their headquarters, they had a fight with the Dean Worm.

The level of science and technology of the advanced Zerg has been developing rapidly for many years, and it is unknown how many years it has entered the bottleneck period. Unless brand-new substances and materials are discovered to open up new research directions, all existing things have been manipulated by them. Up.

And the field of spiritual power research, the field of cultivation and development of natural plants and higher spiritual plants, the field of spiritual power linkage of mechas, and even the spiritual guidance of insects on life sciences, etc... Countless domain bugs that have been stagnated for many years without research progress have seen the direction of breakthroughs, and the males don't even need to do anything! He only needs to cooperate with the various conjectures of the females and use his mental power to assist the process of the experiment and record the results of the experiment, which is very likely to cause a major change in the entire field! ! !

Just like what he did with the plant seed screening system! This is what excites the insects who are obsessed with scientific research!

The mental power of the males is like seeing the final answer page of the exercise book directly when they are working on the questions. The females give accurate answers and then infer the process and idea of ​​solving the questions by the females!

In so many years, it’s not that no insects have had the idea of ​​hitting other male worms, but the whole empire has the ability to substantiate the spiritual power of the male worms. It’s only a few, and these worms are all noble and unpredictable. It is necessary to use a lot of energy to ask for a bit of face. As for the spiritual power of the invited highness, it is another problem. There are many worms like Mansor among these highnesses.

And as far as they know! Gu Yuwen has always had a good temper! According to reliable sources, Viking provided him with dozens of samples when he used his mental power to test the seeds, but Gu Yuwen didn't say a word of impatience! He even bought one, get one free and brought one of the same name to provide experimental samples!

The more scientific research insects think about it, the more angry they are, and the hair that has not many hairs will have to be evenly angry. Why is such a well-behaved and super capable male that can't think of running to Viking's side! ! !

Gu Yuwen also wondered why Viking moved out of the plantation after he came. He even lived in the dormitory uniformly arranged by the college for teachers. Each department has a dedicated teacher dormitory. It's just that the natural plant department rarely has insects in it because of work.

Where did he know that Viking was afraid that he would be addicted to research for a few days, and he would be stolen and beaten when he returned home. He is now guarding outside every day, and as soon as he hears that he is thinking about the male and his mental power, he will come to clean up the other party. Viking and these professional leaders are basically familiar with each other. Very, although Professor Worm is already very old, when she was young, she was only a tough female who admired force, and she fought no inferior to those combat-type insects.

The area of ​​G area is really not small, and night is the carnival time in G area. When Gu Yuwen came, many insects were still sleeping. Although a few insects kept staring at him, the males still used the mess. The terrain quickly dumped them.

At this time, I have to praise the G area, because it is a broken slum area, there is no mental power device here, except for a few important levels to enter and exit the G area, it is simply Gu Yuwen’s joy. Heaven.

There are dilapidated buildings and ruins everywhere, the narrow alleys and the dilapidated houses that have been abandoned for many years are stumbling down on the side of the road. Scrap mechas that may not have been touched by insects for decades, etc... .. The male can finally let go of his mental power without restraint and recklessly let him shuttle through every narrow alley. These mental power tentacles are like a pair of invisible eyes, which are in his eyes in an instant. A three-dimensional map was constructed in my mind.

"Grass, is this worm really foreign? How do you feel that you are more familiar with this place than us?" a female worm who was chasing him cursed.

The other female's expression was also a bit bad: "Why is this worm so slippery? The time to turn around is gone?"

"It looks like he is fat, maybe he has a lot of credit, have you seen where he went?"

The females shook their heads.

The female was furious: "Disperse and find it for me. When we stop, we will have meat to eat tonight!"

The females immediately dispersed.

It wasn't until the females disappeared completely, that behind a half-collapsed wall did they slowly reveal the corner of the black robe they were looking for. Gu Yuwen turned his head and looked at the females who had just gathered and now they are empty. At the position, he raised his hand to adjust his black robe, and then turned and rushed in the direction where the spirit power was left behind.

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