Lei Lie can be said to be the most powerful person in the original book except for Bai Moheng, who has helped Ran Rongche a lot, and is most likely to stand out among Ran Rongche's fans and become a positive attacker .

    Lei Lie's setting, in addition to unprincipled liking Ran Rongche, being tolerant of Ran Rongche in every possible way, and pampering her, there are also characteristics such as strong personality, iron-blooded methods, and so on. Therefore, it was revealed in front of everyone that Rongche was actually having an affair with so many people at the same time as he was befriending him, Lei Lie's self-esteem and face could not be hung up.

    Lei Lie couldn't bear such a shame no matter how affected by the plot.


    Of course these people are ashamed to admit it, but the expressions have revealed everything.

    Lei Lie's gaze at Ran Rongche became more and more serious, Ran Rongche was really scared, and only he knew Lei Lie's true strength.

    Maybe Bai Moheng is the first person in the younger generation, but Lei Lie is not too much!


    Therefore, Ran Rongche can never beat Lei Lie.

    Looking at Lei Lie's eyes, Ran Rongche panicked.

    No one knows the human heart better than him. Ran Rongche knows exactly what kind of person Lei Lie is.

    In front of so many people, it's no wonder that Lei Lie is not angry when he learns that he is being played around.

    Lei Lie approached Ran Rongche step by step, his eyes were full of coldness.

    Ran Rongche was flustered and pitiful on the surface, "Lie, don't believe their nonsense... They are slandering! Those are all fake..."

    Ran Rongche's other ambiguous objects turned green when they heard this.

     Of course Lei Lie has the ability to distinguish right from wrong, at this moment Ran Rongche is clearly lying.

    What Ling Zixi said is true.

    Lei Lie doesn't care who tells the truth, even if it is a monster, even if the two armies are facing each other now.

    The anger in her heart was beyond everything, Lei Lie's big hand tightly grabbed Ran Rongche's neck.

    Ran Rongche instantly felt a strong force on his neck, which was painful and uncomfortable, and it was difficult to breathe.

    For the first time in so many years, Ran Rongche felt a sense of fear of dying here.

    Over the years, no matter what happened, he was able to save himself from danger. Even if he was in a dangerous and secret realm, he could come back unscathed. Ran Rongche always felt that he had great luck.

    However, at this moment, Ran Rongche was only frightened.

    It seems that something is shattering, and it seems that the atmosphere is going to be far away from him.

    At this time, the people of Wuxu Sect stood up, and an elder used spiritual power to stop Lei Lie, "Rong Che is a member of our sect, whether to kill or cut, or to be decided by our sect. "

    Don't save Ran Rongche, she bent down and coughed violently.

    His face flushed from lack of oxygen, coughing and retching.

    Although the people of Wuxu Sect came forward to protect him, everyone's eyes were full of disappointment and shock. Compared with the past, the taste was completely changed.

    Ling Zixi saw this and did not stop her.

    Because Ling Zixi has a secret decision in her heart at this time, anyway, she has reconciled with Bai Moheng. Let him be his own princess!

    Yes! Let Ran Rongche watch it with his own eyes!

    Ling Zixi was excited.

    Ran Rongche's affairs were temporarily suppressed by the Wuxu Sect, but in the hearts of everyone, Ran Rongche's reputation was already bad, and the people of the Wuxu Sect looked at him strangely.

    However, everyone has no time to take care of these, because the long-delayed war between the two armies is coming.

    I don't know who made the move first, and a battle broke out between the human race immortal cultivator and the demon race in the sky.

    In the sky, swords, lights, swords and shadows, all kinds of auras collide, I don’t know, I thought there was some gorgeous and grand performance here.

    On the demon clan's side, Ling Zixi has Bai Moheng, Chongzi and Xiao Huangying, as well as Liu Xiuning, Ling Yang, Kong Bai, Kongqing, Crested Ibis, and Han Yu, who also brought everyone from the demon clan. resist.

    On the inner side of the team, stood Bai Xiaoli and Bai Xiaozhi, and even Hong Ling.

    They face relatively weaker opponents.

    The people of Wuxu Sect saw Bai Xiaoli, and their hearts were even more painful. Bai Xiaoli was also a good seedling they cultivated, and now they have followed Ling Zixi to the demon world.

    No matter what, the people of Wuxu Sect still showed affection towards them.

    Except for the Wuxu Sect, other sects would not be soft-handed, the swords collided, Ling Zixi fought with all her strength.

    Bai Moheng fought around Ling Zixi, however, a group of master elders from the right way attacked the two, and even the headmaster of the sect, the pressure on the two suddenly increased.

    The masters separated Bai Moheng and Ling Zixi. Under the siege of so many people, the two had to be separated to face the enemy.

    The demon clan was already weak and was besieged by sects on weekdays.

    Slowly, Ling Zixi felt exhausted, and her injuries got worse and worse.

    Bai Moheng was worried about Ling Zixi, but there was nothing he could do, because the headmaster of the Qingyu faction led a group of elders to surround Bai Moheng.

    Ling Zixi's body was stained with blood, and she began to feel exhausted.

    Ling Zixi wanted to take out the glass beads, however, the battle just now consumed too much spiritual power, and Ling Zixi had no extra spiritual power to motivate her.

    With the deliberate siege of everyone, Ling Zixi and Bai Moheng became farther and farther apart, Ling Zixi clutched her injured chest and kept going backwards.

    Seeing that there was no way out, suddenly, a man dressed in black with a mask on his face appeared in the sky behind him.

    Ling Zixi seemed to feel something, and when she turned around, she saw the man in black wearing a mask, full of a chilling aura, holding a bow and arrow in his hand, pulled it away, and shot an arrow at him shot in the direction.

    Ling Zixi thought that the arrow was aimed at him, but did not expect that the arrow passed through his shoulder and stabbed someone in the palm!

    And this person is the one who was going to strike a thunderbolt on him just now!

    Ling Zixi has been seriously injured, and feels some discomfort in her abdomen, she can't bear any more damage.

    The man in black came swiftly in the direction of Ling Zixi, hugged Ling Zixi's waist, led Ling Zixi to break out of the siege, and escaped here.

    Before leaving, Ling Zixi saw that Bai Moheng was coming after him, and stopped him with her eyes.

    Ling Zixi hopes that Bai Moheng will stay on the right track to see who is planning all this and who is behind the scenes.

    The right way is so unanimous that it wants to crusade the demon clan, someone must be instigating.

    In addition, there are a series of things such as the blood drop religion.

    They need someone to contact the right path and find out the truth.

    The man in black brought Ling Zixi to a cave, Ling Zixi's consciousness slowly became a little blurry.

    "You...you are..."

    The author has something to say:  Thank you for voting or irrigating nutrient solution for me during 2019-12-3123:14:55~2020-01-0122:37:25 oh my little angel~

    Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Midnight, Binglingling~1;

    Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Yuanzhi orchid; 30 bottles of Shishejie; 15 bottles of one painting retrograde; 10 bottles of Xiaomei; 9 bottles of white dye ink; ; 7 bottles of Fei; 2 bottles of Monan; 1 bottle of Xun A Si and Wang Chuan;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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