Ling Xiaoji looked at the servant who was getting closer and closer, her mouth pursed into a line.

    The whole thing turned into briquettes or something... It's horrible!

    Ling Zixi looked at her frightened son, and somehow remembered the emoji on the earth who was begging for food with a small burden.

    Although her son was pitiful, Ling Zixi couldn't help laughing.

    Ling Xiaoji saw that not only did her father not comfort her, but she laughed at herself and cried even louder.

    Although Ling Zixi felt sorry for her son, but after thinking about it, Xiaoji was lawless on weekdays, and she was too naughty.

    At this moment, Bai Moheng pushed open the door and came in, Ling Zixi felt a little uncomfortable when she saw the tall man approaching, and didn't know how to face this man, "You, what are you doing? coming?"

    "I just finished practicing." Bai Moheng whispered.

    Then, Bai Moheng came to Ling Xiaoji's bed and stretched out his hand to the servant, "I'm coming."

    The servant trembled and handed the medicine bowl to Bai Moheng, "Yes."

    Bai Moheng lifted the hem of his clothes, sat beside the bed, picked up the medicine bowl, and fed the soup to Ling Xiaoji.

    Ling Xiaoji looked at the soup that her father fed her mouth with a bitter face, although Ling Xiaoji dared to use her little **** to be naughty at Bai Moheng and Bai Moheng, but Bai Moheng still had majesty Here I am.

    So Ling Xiaoji watched her father quietly for a while, and found that her father did not let go, so she closed her eyes and drank the medicine that was fed to her mouth.

    Bai Moheng fed Ling Xiaoji spoonful after spoonful, Ling Xiaoji drank the whole bowl of medicine in a groaning manner.

    No matter how you drink it, regret is useless, so Xiao Heitan began to bow his head and flick his tail to observe his own coat color.

    Strange, why is it still black and red?

    Ling Xiaoji felt even more sad, "Wow—"

    Ling Zixi laughed, sat on the other side of Ling Xiaoji, and touched her son's little head, "How can Mao Mao be replaced all of a sudden? You have to wait until next spring when you grow new Mao Mao. Only then will you know.”

    Ling Xiaoji's face collapsed all of a sudden, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, if you know the result all at once, that's all.

    Ling Zixi and her elder brothers all smirked, it seems that Jier has been troubled during this time, and will no longer be skinny.

    At this time, Angelica came in from the door, saluted several people, came in with a bamboo slip, and handed it to Bai Moheng, "Master, the order of Wuxu Sect."

    Bai Moheng took it, unfolded it, and found that it was Wuxu Sect calling him to bring everyone back to the Sect.

    The Wuxu Sect will hold a sect banquet every ten years. This year is exactly ten years. , the strength has soared, and the joy is added to the joy.

    Ling Zixi remembered that her teacher respected the old and did not cultivate.

    "Reply to Zongmen, we will leave the same day." Bai Moheng instructed Angelica.

    "Yes." Angelica replied.

    "Are you ready to go?" Ling Zixi was still a little worried, but when she said it, she realized that she showed concern for Bai Moheng, and lowered her head slightly, wishing she hadn't said this sentence talk.

    The tenderness in Bai Moheng's eyes is like the vast sea, and it is also very scary for a man who is arrogant and cold to be gentle.

    At least everyone in Fang Heng Hall who was present had only seen such a master in front of Ling Zixi.

    "My body, it's fine." Bai Moheng's voice is like a secluded pool under the dark ice, gurgling and flowing, with a deep foundation.

    "Hmm... um." Ling Zixi whispered, "On the way back, if the sea of ​​consciousness hurts, we will rest."

    "Okay." Bai Moheng's voice was like ice melting water, moisturizing a pool of spring breeze.

    So, three days later, Fang Hengdian and everyone in Tingyulou packed up and set off for Qinghe County.

    They have walked this road several times. They know where to take shortcuts and where there are few monsters.

    Liu Xiuning and Ling Yang met for a while, and they couldn't be idle at all, so they went to Lin County, Qinghe County to help Si'er find the antidote.

    Ling Zixi took the children and settled down in Jingchen Hall.

    Ling Zixi took her four children to the back mountain of Chenchen Peak and found that Lao Buxiu was still in retreat, so she couldn’t help being a little disappointed, but the food for Lao Buxiu at the door was gone. .


    Ling Zixi went to Zhangshi Peak to make some contributions from the sect, and on the way back, she saw Ji Ying.

    The heroic youth Ji Ying dressed neatly in red saw Ling Zixi, her face stunned, showing some surprises, but she immediately felt that something was wrong, and her face became stiff again.

    However, Ji Ying still remembered that when she was fighting with Ling Zixi to burn the spirit bead, Ling Zixi tried her best to stop herself.

    Therefore, Ji Ying has always had an inexplicable feeling for Ling Zixi, and he couldn't tell whether it was gratitude or something else.

    "Ji Ying..." Ling Zixi was also stunned for a moment. Ling Zixi had a good impression of Ji Ying, even though he followed his brother around Ran Rongche.

    But it's also because Ran Rongche's protagonist's halo is too powerful.

    "Why are you in Wuxu Sect?" Ling Zixi asked, Wuxu Sect did not invite outsiders to this banquet.

    "Senior Brother Rong Che invited me and my brother to Wuxu Sect." Ji Ying turned her head and said.

    "Where do you live?"

    "Ying, Yingke Peak is a courtyard." Ji Ying said.

    "Yes." Ling Zixi nodded.

    Ling Zixi didn't want to talk too much with Ji Ying, but when she found out that Ji Ying was always behind her, Ling Zixi suddenly came back to her senses, the distance between Yingke Peak and Enchen Peak was not the same. It's too far, and the two of them have a way to go.

    "Ji Ying." Ling Zixi said suddenly.

    “What… what?”

    "Stay away from Ran Rongche."

    "I..." Ji Ying stopped.

    "Why?" Ji Ying's eyes flickered.

    "Ran Rongche, he is not suitable for you." Ling Zixi's eyes were sullen, and she didn't want to say more, but Ji Ying seemed to be saved.

    "But my brother and I..."

    "Your brother and you." Ling Zixi said word by word, "This is very problematic, so does Ran Rongche want to be with your brother or with you?"

    "He...he just can't make a choice..."

    "Can't decide?" Ling Zixi's words were hammered into Ji Ying's heart, "Then what about him and Lei Lie? Don't mention Lei Lie, Wuxu Sect also has a relationship with him. All the good men, and the academy, you also went there, how many men Ran Rongche is ambiguous with, do you have no idea?"

    "I..." Ji Ying shook her head, "It's just that Rong Che is too kind to hurt them..."

    "Heh, openly sitting next to Lei Lie at the sect banquet, taking the courtyard of the sect brothers and entangled with Lei Lie, and making good friends with others, this is what kind people do ?"

    Ji Ying was confused by Ling Zixi's words, "He..."

    Ji Ying subconsciously wanted to refute, but there was a voice in her heart that felt that what Ling Zixi said was right, Ran Rongche... It's really a problem, not only should I leave him, but I should also ask my senior brother to leave …

    Ran Rongche is not a butterfly, but a blood-sucking bug...

    Since circling around Ran Rongche, almost all the resources of him and his senior brother have been dedicated to Ran Rongche.

    Ling Zixi saw Ji Ying lowered her head and her complexion changed a bit, "Think about it for yourself." After speaking, Ling Zixi left.

    I have said everything that should be said, if Ji Ying can't get rid of the power of the plot, then there is nothing he can do.


    The feast is imminent, but Bai Moheng, as the chief disciple of the main peak, temporarily received a task.

    In the Wanjia investigated before, there are indeed many innocent people, but one of the Wanjia descendants is the culprit who let the monsters into Qinghe County. After the other Wanjia knew about it, they covered it up in every possible way. Therefore, Bai Moheng In the face of danger, he was ordered to take people to arrest the people of Wanjia to Wuxu Zong for inquiries.

    Wanjia has a strong man who has just stepped into the fourth realm, and several people from the third realm to assist, it is more suitable for Bai Moheng to perform the task.

    After a period of recuperation, Bai Moheng has recovered, and naturally he has not shied away.

    On the day of the banquet, Bai Moheng also performed the task outside and did not come back.

    "Is there still a show at the banquet?" Ling Zixi asked Hanyu beside him.

     "Yes, Han Yu also heard from other disciples. I heard that this time, in order to celebrate the exit of several elders, it was very lively!" Han Yu said beside Ling Zixi .

    "What programs are there?"

    "I heard that Fairy Yulan was wearing a Nihuang Feather at the beginning. She danced a sword dance."

    "Really?" Speaking of Fairy Yulan, Ling Zixi didn't like it much, but Ling Zixi still looked forward to seeing Jinghong Sword Dance.

    At this time, a group of fairy children suddenly landed from mid-air, came to Ling Zixi and Han Yu, bowed respectfully to Ling Zixi, and some fairy children held their clothes like a dream Huan clothes, said to Ling Zixi, "Senior Brother Zixi, please change into this colorful feather clothes, then... dance a shocking sword at the banquet..."

    "Me? Why me?!" Ling Zixi's eyes narrowed and she asked coldly.

    It was too sudden!

    "This... Fairy Yulan's body is ill..." Fairy said indifferently.

    "She is ill and should find a substitute. Why did she come to me suddenly?"

    "This...suddenly happened, no substitute..."

    "Speak!" Ling Zixi's voice became severe.

    Xiantong shed a cold sweat, "'s Elder Gu's order..."

    "Elder Gu?" Ling Zixi pondered the name, "Which Elder Gu?"

    Suddenly, Ling Zixi looked at Hanyu beside her, and suddenly remembered that when she rescued Hanyu, the dude who bullied Hanyu was named Gu.

    At that time, Gu Liangkui swore an oath, saying that their Gu family had an ancestor who was an elder in the Wuxu Sect and would not let him go.

    Oh, so I'm waiting here?

    Ling Zixi's eyes became cold and she was about to refuse, but she heard a fairy boy say, "Senior Brother Zixi, made Lang Lingji, and was discovered by mistake in the sect gate, Brother Rong Che said... "

    "What?!" Ling Zixi instantly released a powerful pressure.

    "Say...say if you don't...don't dance the sword..." The fairy boy who was suppressed by Ling Zixi's coercion shed Cen Cen's sweat, "I will punish...Ling, Linglang..."


    Ran Rongche, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd!

    Ling Zixi naturally didn't intend to obey, so she picked up the sword and wanted to ask Ran Rongche to clarify.

    At this time, the system said in Ling Zixi's mind, "Task, dance a sword at the banquet, reward: 1000 points."

    "Aren't you the big villain? What system did you come out with at this time?!" Ling Zixi was really angry.

    "I am the villain, but this system is actually the function of the jade bracelet. I am like a programmer on the earth. The program is made and has its own regulations."

    "Could this also promote my relationship with Bai Moheng? Haha!" Ling Zixi already knew what happened back then, the existence of the system is to guide herself and Bai Moheng.

    Bai Moheng is not in the sect today, what a joke.

    "I don't know." The system said, "But this is a must-do task..."

    Ling Zixi couldn't help it, she thought, it's better to go to the banquet and see what medicine Ran Rongche sells in the gourd!


    Xiantong looked at Ling Zixi and let go, showing a surprised expression of relief. They also felt that this was too inauthentic, but they had to come.

    The colorful feather clothes will change according to the person who wears it. Ling Zixi changed into the feather clothes under the service of Han Yu, and a moon-white gown appeared on Ling Zixi. Ling Zixi rarely wears it. White, this month's white color gives people a kind of abstinence and clear beauty, but Ling Zixi's phoenix eyes and fiery temperament form a strong contrast with this robe.


    The author has something to say:  Thank you for voting or irrigating nutrient solution for me during 2019-12-2122:00:00~2019-12-2221:34:44 oh my little angel~

    Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 angel of the Soul of Jay;

    Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: tea grapefruit er30 bottles; tangerine peel, fei, angel of the soul of jay, 10 bottles in the middle of the night; Yunhe 6 bottles; bottle; 1 bottle of son Fusu and purple fish rain;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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