Ling Zixi sent Zhong Nansheng to the entrance of Chenfeng Peak, the fairy carriage of the city lord mansion arrived, and the subordinates of the city lord mansion helped Zhong Nansheng into the carriage and left in a mighty manner.

    Ling Zixi turned her gaze back and looked at the children who were cultivating in the courtyard.

    After Bai Moheng taught Bai Xiaoli Yujian, he started teaching Bai Xiaosi Ningzhu.

    In other words, Bai Moheng's genes are really good, and several children are about seven years old.

    This is simply impossible for ordinary cultivators.

    Ling Zixi sighed, and instead of chasing Bai Moheng away, she decided to make some spiritual food, one is to eat at night, and the other is to prepare for Lao Buxiu.

    Bai Moheng was teaching Bai Xiaosi mantras. Seeing Ling Zixi busy, he immediately let go of Bai Xiaosi and walked towards Ling Zixi.

    Bai Moheng came to Ling Zixi's side, silently helping Ling Zixi and helping him share.

    "I don't need your help." Ling Zixi whispered.

    "Are you going to make spiritual food for Uncle Jingchen to retreat?" Bai Moheng asked.

    Ling Zixi's subordinates were busy and did not speak, it was a default.

    "The amount of work is too large, I will call the people from Fang Hengdian to help you."

    Ling Zixi hasn't replied yet, Bai Moheng has sent a letter to Angelica and asked him to send someone.

    Bai Moheng remembers what his friend said, to be a useful person to Ling Zixi, to help him share the difficulties in life, how could it be possible to make Ling Zixi work hard, not to mention, Ling Zixi He is the person he likes, and Bai Moheng is reluctant to watch him tired.

    Angelica and peony came very quickly, and quickly helped Ling Zixi to work.

    Dinner was ready soon, and Ling Zixi left Bai Moheng to eat with the children.

    Bai Moheng looked at Ling Zixi and the four children, his eyes softened, and many days of hard work finally paid off, and he was qualified to eat with their father and son.


    Xiujing Town, a marginal suburb.

    Ran Rongche found an herbal medicine in the suburbs, and was about to take it back and set off to the sect of Qinghe County soon.

    However, Ran Rongche suddenly felt a dangerous aura.

    Not good!

    Ran Rongche was on guard, looking around, and suddenly found a gloomy and unkind approach.

    It's Ling Zixi's father, Ling Yang!

    What is he doing! Ran Rongche's heart is not good, maybe others still have doubts about his bullying Ling Zixi, but Ling Yang is the clearest in his heart...

    Ling Yang looked at the white lotus flower in front of him who was good at disguising. Even though Ran Rongche was a junior, he almost ruined his baby Xi'er for the rest of his life. Ling Yang decided to teach Ran Rongche a lesson in the illusion, and now he caught him. Chances are, how could I let him go.



    There are only ten places for Wuxu Sect to go to Hongmeng Academy. The young disciples decide the top ten by fighting and get the opportunity to go to the academy to practice.

    Ling Zixi also closed for a while during this period of time, precipitated the fighting experience in the fantasy realm, and realized the meaning of the Tao that she had learned from entering the world in the past two years.

      In the middle of the mirror realm.

    The top ten in this competition is bound to win.

    At this time, the system in Ling Zixi's mind suddenly spoke: "Task: Participate in the competition, get a place to go to Hongmeng Academy, and look for Qianxuncao."

    Spirited Away? Ling Zixi suddenly opened her eyes, that was one of Si'er's antidote!

    Then this competition is even more important!

    When the day of the competition came, Ling Zixi was surprised that Ran Rongche seemed to be in a very bad state, and seemed to be hurting his heart. It could be seen that he was trying to cover up and recuperate, but he still couldn't stop the haggard color.

    Has anyone sanctioned him?

    Ling Zixi never thought that that person was her own father.

    The competition went very smoothly. Ling Zixi did not use the glass beads, so she won the fifth place. After all, among the younger disciples, not everyone has luck with The talent can reach the third level in just a few years.

    Bai Moheng is the first place without any suspense, followed by Bai Xiaoli, and the main peak Bai Moheng's junior brother, Xiao Yi and others, to Ling Zixi's slight surprise, Shao Zijin actually got the tenth place!

    However, Ling Zixi still remembered the stubborn expression on his face when he first met Shao Zijin in the little secret realm to protect the little flower who had a chance for him.

    The more impoverished children are, the more perseverance and tenacity they have.

    Shao Zijin now has such achievements, he deserves it.

    Ran Rongche only came in eleventh place, worthy of falling off the list.

    Ling Zixi was even more surprised by this, Ran Rongche is the protagonist, why didn't he enter the top ten, he must start this story!

    Maybe he was injured?

    But who broke the established plot?

    Ling Zixi didn't figure it out, but Ling Zixi felt that Ran Rongche would appear where he should have appeared in a different way, just like the last dust-cleaning banquet.

    I just don't know how he will go to Hongmeng Academy this time!

    However, this is not what I care about, my first task is to find one of Sier's antidote, Qianxuncao, and, have the opportunity to go to Biluo to find my father Liu Xiuning!

    Thinking of Liu Xiuning's tenderness towards her in her memory, Ling Zixi's eyes filled with tears.

    Liu Xiuning in my memory was very beautiful, Ling Zixi felt that he was the most beautiful person she had ever met.

    After the competition, Ling Zixi prepared the necessary items for departure and prepared to take the children to Hongmeng Academy.

    Ling Yang had been suppressed in the illusion for more than 20 years. At this time, he rushed to the fifth realm with all his heart and did not set out with Ling Zixi.

    It's not that Lingyang doesn't miss Liu Xiuning, Lingyang, who has seen the Liu family, knows deeply that the Liu family rejects him.

    In the past, they still wouldn't agree with Xiuning to go with him.

    Strength is everything.

    Ling Zixi took the children to say goodbye to Ling Yang, and still set off with Chong Zi, Xiao Huangying and Bai Moheng.

    Bai Moheng pretends that he is the father of the children, and he must go with him because he is worried about the safety of the children. Ling Zixi really has no reason to reject him.


    Here the sea and the sky are a line, the air is fresh, the sea breeze brushes people's hair, occasionally seagulls fly from the sky, the blue sea is clear and the sky is very refreshing.

    The group is going to rest here for a night, and go to sea early the next day to head towards Hongmeng Academy.

      , step on the little crab.

    Seeing Ling Zixi coming out, Bai Xiaosi ran towards Ling Zixi with the pink striped seashell she just picked up, and threw herself into Ling Zixi's arms: "Daddy, look!"

    Ling Zixi looked at the treasure that her son picked up, and touched her son's head: "The baby is amazing."

    "For Daddy!" Bai Xiaosi narrowed his eyes comfortably.

    Although it is a humanoid, being touched by Daddy is as comfortable as being touched by Mao Mao.

    Ling Zixi hugged her son: "Son is really good."

    Although Si'er is seven years old, Ling Zixi still hugs her! Immortal cultivators also benefit from this, eh!

    Ling Xiaojing saw that her brother was being hugged, and cried anxiously, ran over and handed the little crab to Ling Zixi.

    "Pfft." Ling Zixi looked at the claws that the crab was scratching in the air, and she was still naughty.

    Little Huang Ying came over and hugged Ling Xiaoji: "Dear, don't make trouble with your father, the same is true for my brother's hug."

    "Hmm..." Ling Xiaoji took the little crab and turned her head, pursed her lips, "Humph."

    Xiao Huangying looked at Ling Xiaoji's cute appearance and was very cute.

    Bai Moheng stood aside and naturally wanted to hug his son with his own hands. However, it was inappropriate for him to insert himself in the current atmosphere.

    Da Slag Gong stood aside and watched a few people enjoying themselves, and his heart was sour.

    The sky was getting late, and the sea breeze was cold, Ling Zixi took her sons back, and at night, Bai Xiaosi turned into a pink and white fox and squatted on Ling Zixi's lap, waving her tail at Ling Zixi Play.

    Bai Xiaosi has grown a few years older, and her body has grown a lot. He squatted heavily on Ling Zixi's legs, and had a heavy feeling.

    Bai Xiaosi still has toxins left in her body. During Ling Zixi's absence, she was mostly in human form, and she was repressed.

    Ling Zixi was so cute in her heart that she played the long-lost tail-catching game with her son.

    Ling Xiaojing saw that the third brother was having a good time with his father, and not to be outdone, turned into a little fox and jumped on Ling Zixi's lap to play with the third brother.

    Father and son were enjoying themselves happily, Bai Xiaoli and Bai Xiaozhi were reading quietly beside, each movement, reflecting the blue sky outside.

    The next day Ling Zixi got up very early, dug up the fourth child who was still sleeping, patted the little fox on the back, and made his son return to the appearance of a baby.

    Although Ling Xiaoji is skinny, she can still carry it clearly, and she can be hugged by her father like a child.

    Ling Zixi wrapped Ling Xiaoji with a small blanket and patted her son's back lightly, making Ling Xiaoji sleep more soundly.

    Ling Zixi hugged Ling Xiaoji and led the three big ones out of the small building. Bai Moheng, Xiaohuangying and Chongzi were already waiting outside.

    Several people went out of the station together, only to see the white belly of the fish where the sea meets the sky outside, and there is a cyan morning glow next to the early sun, like a stroke of indigo painted by a beauty.

    Danggui and Shaoyao found fishermen who went out to sea. The fishermen rowed a few small wooden boats, tied them to the pier, and walked over. Because of the ban, you can only go out to sea with a small boat, and please ask the immortal master Haihan."

    "No harm."

    Bai Moheng first helped Ling Zixi and the two little babies to get on the boat, and then arranged for the two eldest sons to go up, until the little Huangying Chongzi and the subordinates of Fang Hengdian all got on the boat , Bai Moheng set foot on the small wooden boat belonging to Ling Zixi.

    The fisherman rowed the oars, and the small wooden boat slowly set off towards the middle of the sea.

    Ling Zixi held Ling Xiaoji in her arms, and gently wrapped it with a small blanket to prevent Xiaoji from being caught in the wind.

    Bai Moheng took off his robe and wrapped it around Ling Zixi and the child.

    The boat swayed, and after half a day, it came to the sea near Hongmeng Academy.

    It was close to noon, and the sky showed a turquoise color, like the purest jadeite.

    "Several Immortal Masters, Hongmeng Island is in front!" The fisherman wiped the sweat from his forehead.

    Ling Zixi was excited, not only because she saw the Hongmeng Academy in the clouds on the island, but also because Si'er's antidote was here!

    The author has something to say:  Thank you for voting or irrigating nutrient solution for me during 2019-11-2619:34:53~2019-11-2719:23:32 oh my little angel~

    Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 2 angels of Jay's Soul; 1 little Jiu'er who loves to drink;

    Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Xiaojiu’er who loves drinking; 1 bottle;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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