On the side of the demon clan, it is obvious that this big demon is looking forward.

    Ling Zixi was excited when she looked at the majestic monster.

    Did you say…

    This monster is my own…


    The dream is already very blurry, and Lingyang is not demonized, it is completely human.

    It is different from that monster.

    But Ling Zixi felt inexplicably that the big demon was very likely to be his father...

    At this time, Ling Zixi felt the murderous aura of Bai Moheng looking towards the demon clan...


    Otherwise, there would be no scene of stabbing the original owner with a sword in the original book...

    "What's wrong?" Bai Moheng lowered his head and asked with concern when he found Ling Zixi looking at the demon clan over there.

    "It's okay..." Ling Zixi quickly suppressed the emotions in her heart and said.

    The demon clan opposite is his father's business, and Bai Moheng must not know...

    If you have the opportunity to act alone, go and explore!


    Anyway, Ling Zixi was half-hearted knowing that her father should be fine. However, what about Daddy Liu Xiuning? Why wasn't he by his father Ling Yang's side?

    Ling Zixi was pulled by Bai Moheng and came to an empty seat.

    A cultivator said enthusiastically: "New arrival? The two of you are looking at each other!"

    The two nodded.

    "Exactly, this tent is empty." The man pointed to a tent and said, "Just use this tent!"

    "Thank you." Bai Moheng nodded to the man.

    "Hey, are there any more tents..." Ling Zixi stretched out her hand towards the man, but the man had already left to confront the enemy.

    Bai Moheng took Ling Zixi into the tent, looked at the table beside him, and took out two quilts from under the table.

    Before Bai Moheng could move, Ling Zixi had already walked to Bai Moheng's side, picked up one of the quilts, and spread it on the other side of the tent.

    White Moheng:…

    Is Zixi worried that she is out of line?

    In fact, before Zixi accepts herself, she will not do anything too much...


    Ling Zixi didn't think about it too much, she just wanted to sleep away from Bai Moheng, spread the quilt, and patted it, um, although it's a bit hard, it's not bad in the secret realm ! Much better than camping out in the woods or in a cave!

    Bai Moheng's bed was on the other side of the tent. The two made up the bed, stood up, looked at each other, and left the tent together.

    This is weird.

    But since you are here, you must first adapt to the situation here to facilitate exploration.

    The two went out of the tent and went to the battlefield. Let’s join the people here first and join the war against aliens!

    However, Ling Zixi would not take action against the demon clan, so she turned her target to the demon clan and the underworld clan.

    Ling Zixi and Bai Moheng flew into the air and joined the battlefield.

    Ling Zixi deliberately left some distance from Bai Moheng and fought with the surrounding demons.


    The other side of the mountain.

    Bai Xiaoli hugged Xiao Xiao and saw the figure coming from the other side.

      , the tail hangs like a tassel on the shoulders of the little boy.

    Bai Xiaoli put down Xiao Xiao, stood up straight, and looked at the young boy who came over with a small face.

    The little boy approached and bowed respectfully to Bai Xiaoli: "Big brother."

    For some reason, Bai Xiaoli always felt that the corner of his mouth was grinning under the long bangs of the little boy.

    Hey, the second guy.

    Bai Xiaoli cleared his throat: "Second brother, did you encounter any difficulties in the secret realm?"

    Bai Xiaozhi raised his head, looked at his eldest brother, and smiled slightly: "I met father and father."

    "!" Bai Xiaoli's little face finally couldn't hold back, he stepped forward and pressed his brother's shoulders, "Where are they?"

    Bai Xiaozhi's black eyes were quiet and he looked at his big brother with a smile.

    "..." Bai Xiaoli really convinced his second brother, the black belly, and said discouraged, "Come on!"

    "I arrived at the stone room of the Golden Rank Spirit Hall with my father and father. I sensed my chance and went to the side door of the stone room. My father and father should have gone out through the star gate."

    Bai Xiaozhi said clearly.

    "I saw the marks left by my father and grandfather here." Bai Xiaoli took a few steps and motioned for his younger brother to come and look at the trunk.

    No matter how prudent and black-bellied Bai Xiaozhi is, he is still an eight-year-old child. Hearing this, he walked over to his eldest brother excitedly and looked at the marks left by his parents.

    "Tutu grass." Bai Xiao knew.

    "Well, this should be grandpa's." Bai Xiaoli said. After all, they, Daddy, and the rest of Fang Heng Hall agreed on the symbol of Fang Heng Hall.

    "Dad and father should be at the other end of the mountain..." Bai Xiaozhi muttered while looking at the undulating boundary of the mountains.

    "Let's go." Bai Xiaoli picked up Xiao Xiao again and walked forward.


    On the battlefield, Ling Zixi was on the east side, facing five monsters and six ghosts, tightly holding the Zhuo Qingling in his hand.

    Zhuoqingling is like a long cyan rainbow in the air, blocking the attack of monsters and ghosts.

    Bai Moheng on the west side was always paying attention to the situation on Ling Zixi's side. Seeing Ling Zixi being besieged, he quietly came to Ling Zixi's side, and the Frost Cold Sword in his hand exerted force, Help Ling Zixi clear three monsters with one sword.

    "I don't need your help." Ling Zixi was a little breathless because of the continuous battle, pushed Bai Moheng away and insisted on fighting by herself.

    However, seeing the high combat power of the two, more and more monsters and ghosts gathered, trying to concentrate on killing the two.

    Ling Zixi continued to use the green silk to fight the enemy, occasionally showing the golden silk to destroy the monsters, while Bai Moheng destroyed a lot of the ghosts that came by Ling Zixi's side to **** him .

    It seems that the two of them are a huge threat, and there are more and more monsters and ghosts, and they are attacking them like a lifeless attack.

    Ling Zixi finally felt a little nervous.

    At this time, Bai Moheng took out the Po Xuan behind him, Po Xuan is good at slaying demons, demons and ghosts. Compared with the white ice, Po Xuan is a little darker, like ancient bronzes, exuding some The color of rust, but Ling Zixi knew that it was not rust, but the thickness of Po Xuan's own material.

    Broken out of the scabbard and held by Bai Moheng, exuding a stern power.

    For a moment, the surrounding space seemed to freeze, and the will from the ancient artifact invaded here, causing everyone to stop their movements.

    The surrounding monsters and ghosts were killed by Po Xuan's sword energy before they could escape.

    As soon as Po Xuan came out, the pressure on the two of them was much less.

    The immortal cultivators fighting around them could not help but look at the sight of Bai Moheng and Ling Zixi.

    Ling Zixi had read the original book and knew for a long time that Po Xuan Shan made demons and ghosts, so it was not too surprising.

    Only, the power of Po Xuan is really great!

    Don't fall behind!

    Therefore, Ling Zixi attacked the monsters harder.


    After a day of fighting today, the Lingzhu, which was about to break through, could no longer be suppressed.

    The spirit bead of human blood and the spirit bead of Tutucao revolved rapidly in Ling Zixi's heart, reaching a strange harmony.

    The red color of the fox demon is also spinning aside, and the fire attribute spiritual power Linghu demon bead emits some beautiful light with flames.

    Ling Zixi's Human Spirit Orb and Rabbit Grass Spirit Orb have long reached the second stage of the reunion water realm. , Now that he has experienced the baptism of battle, he soon stepped into the third stage of transformation.

    The cicada wings isolated the power of the rabbit grass breakthrough, but the vision of the human spirit bead breakthrough was not blocked. In an instant, the aura above the tent surged, and the rich aura was like a cloud of water with rain. The aura here is a hundred times stronger than the surrounding.

    Many people came out to see the vision at Ling Zixi's tent. The third realm is still a very difficult realm to reach. Many people have practiced for five hundred years to reach the threshold of the third realm. .

    There are many people in the third realm around Ling Zixi, just because there are many elites.

    At this time, Bai Moheng stepped into the tent with a plate and put it at the small table beside Ling Zixi's bed: "Zixi, eat some spiritual fruit."


    Ling Zixi said unexpectedly, "Where did you get these?"

    This is the battlefield, except for the grass which is the tent, Ling Zixi did not see any spiritual fruit along the way.

    "The battlefield naturally has a logistics office." Bai Moheng squatted down, sat beside Ling Zixi, motioned Ling Zixi to eat, "I found what the logistics office wanted."

    "If you want, they will give it?" Ling Zixi was even more surprised.

    He and Bai Moheng are new arrivals, these spiritual fruits should be very precious here.

    "Maybe you saw my performance during the day?" Bai Moheng said casually.

    Ling Zixi raised her eyebrows, how do you feel that Bai Moheng is talking more and more in front of him?

    No longer like the cold male **** in front of others, more like a big boy next door.

    And... it turns out that Bai Moheng also has a side that is eager to be praised.

    "Well, when you kill the enemy with Po Xuan, it is quite eye-catching." Ling Zixi said casually.

    After Ling Zixi finished speaking, she saw a gleam in Bai Moheng's eyes, are you happy?

    When Ling Zixi wanted to take a closer look, she found that the light disappeared, and Bai Moheng's eyes were as calm as usual.

    ...Why do you always feel that Bai Moheng is a little similar to one of his arrogant sons?

    However, there is still a difference. Bai Moheng secretly hides what he wants in his heart and doesn't want to be discovered, while Xiaoli says what he is thinking in his heart.

    The author has something to say:  Thank you for voting or irrigating nutrient solution for me during 2019-11-1021:57:12~2019-11-1121:17:56 oh my little angel~

    Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: FaFa, 40758077, 371041941;

    Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Dad asked for 4 bottles of feeding; 1 bottle of Amusement x, FaFa, and Wangchuan;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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