Medicine, like a weak dog.

    Bai Xiaosi looked at all this in amazement: "…"

    Then, Bai Xiaosi glanced at the second brother again, and found that the second brother was lying on the table again and silently drawing magic charms, which seemed to be no different from before.

    The hair on the side of his forehead covered Bai Xiaozhi's eyes, Bai Xiaosi wiped his eyes, and seemed to see a slight curvature of his brother's lips.


    "Zixi, listen to me, we really didn't mean to follow you..." Bai Moheng followed Ling Zixi and explained.

    "But you made the fact of tracking." Ling Zixi said in a light tone without turning her head.

    The duller Ling Zixi's tone, the more anxious Bai Moheng's heart, which shows that Zixi is angry to a certain extent!

    Although Bai Moheng is very cold and arrogant on weekdays, there is always a person who makes him unable to look at him calmly. Of course, that person is Ling Zixi in front of him.

    Facing Ling Zixi, Bai Moheng felt that he had become an ordinary person, an ordinary man, who would worry about him, worry about him, and be happy for him.

    If he is happy, he will be happy too, if he is angry, he will be very uneasy.

    Is this love?

    Bai Moheng realized this feeling little by little, being pulled by Ling Zixi's heartstrings, touched by his frowns, smiles, anger and anger.

    A few people haven't walked far from Lejinfang, Bai Moheng subconsciously looked back at the white girl standing at the entrance of Lejinfang, she was so beautiful, with such a gorgeous face, standing beside Zixi ...that's a perfect match.

    Bai Moheng felt a sour taste in his heart, thinking of Zixi's smile when facing Miss Bai, and the indifference when facing himself, he felt even more jealous.

    Obviously... I have already made up my mind, whether Zixi is willing to get back with him or unwilling to forgive himself, he will protect Zixi for the rest of his life, but in the end, Bai Moheng discovered that he looked Zixi is good to others, and it is so difficult to protect him silently by himself.

    Kong Bai looked at Bai Moheng's eyes, understood something, and showed a arrogant and provocative smile.

    It little seven doesn't like this Bai Moheng very much. Moreover, looking at Bai Moheng's appearance, it seems that he has done something sorry for Xiaoqi, so Kong Bai will naturally not give Bai Moheng a good face. There are no other rules in their division. The biggest rule is to protect shortness!

    Kong Bai of course knew the face of his sect, Bai Moheng, the direct disciple of the head, but their brothers and sisters were not vegetarians. If this Bai Moheng bullied Xiaoqi, he would be the first to disagree.

    Bai Moheng and Xiao Huangying tried to coax Ling Zixi over there, Xiao Huangying explained: "Zixi, we are just worried about your safety...I don't know where you are..."

    "Would you like to know where I went, wouldn't you ask directly?" Ling Zixi said angrily, she really couldn't figure out the brain circuits of the two!

    "Uh..." Little Yellow Ying touched her nose. Isn't she afraid that she will be angry if you ask Zixi directly...

    However, now, Zixi seems to be even more angry.

    The two followed Ling Zixi embarrassedly and walked back, Chongzi rushed over from the opposite side, saw the appearance of the three, and smiled at Ling Zixi: "Zixi."

    Seeing the heavy purple, Ling Zixi felt much better.

    Chongzi glanced at Bai Moheng and Xiao Huangying, raised his lips, and said to Ling Zixi, "Zixi, let's go back together."

    Ling Zixi nodded: "Okay."

    Bai Moheng, little yellow warbler: "…"

    Why do I feel like I was picked up by this guy Chongzi?

    So Chongzi and Ling Zixi walked in front, Bai Moheng and Xiao Huangying walked behind, and they rushed to the direction of the inn together.

    As soon as Ling Zixi came home, she didn't want to eat, so she went directly to her house to see her son.

    Ling Zixi didn't know what was wrong with herself. She clearly understood that Bai Moheng and Xiao Huangying were worried about her doing this, but when she thought of the picture of so many girls surrounding Bai Moheng, Ling Zixi felt in her heart. Just a little uncomfortable.

    It must be influenced by the original owner, um!

      Ling Xiaoji.

    Ling Zixi: "…"

    Jiner has always been naughty and seems to have endless energy, what happened today?

    Ling Zixi approached, and found that her son was wearing a wooden stick on his head, with a big elixir tied to the stick, and he was rolling on his son's face at this time.

    Ling Zixi was helpless and funny, she instantly understood what was going on. It seemed that her brother couldn't stand his brother being too annoying, so he gave his brother a "perpetual motion machine" to play by himself. should be Si'er, after all, Zhi'er is still naive.

    Ling Zixi took a look at Bai Xiaosi and found that Si'er was still asleep on the table, so she didn't wake up her son to ask, and gave Ling Xiaoji a solution to the medicine pill on her head.

    Ling Xiaoji looked at the sticks and ropes that her father had untied from her head: "?!"

    Ling Zixi rubbed her son's head: "Be good."

    Next, Ling Zixi came to Bai Xiaosi, who was sleeping on the table, picked him up, and put him on the bed.

    Bai Xiaosi slept soundly, and whispered in his sleep, "Daddy..."

    Ling Zixi put the quilt over Si'er, her eyes full of love.

    Ling Xiaoji was also tired. Seeing that the third brother beside him was sleeping soundly, he also closed his eyes and fell asleep.

    Ling Zixi stood up and wanted to call the second son to come too, but, seeing the second son's concentration, Ling Zixi still didn't call, just got up and poured a cup of tea for the second son and put it at hand .

    At this time, Angelica knocked on the door, Ling Zixi pulled the curtain of the bed: "Come in."

    "Master Zixi, the master ordered me to invite you to dinner..."

    "No." Ling Zixi was not in the mood when she thought about the day.

    "This..." Angelica glanced at Ling Zixi quietly, and said, "Yes..."

    Danggui backed out. In the restaurant, Bai Moheng was sitting in the main seat, Xiao Huangying and Chongzi were sitting at the table, one by one, and they looked at each other, looking at the delicious food on the table, who? I didn't even move my chopsticks, and I felt rather desolate.


    Ling Zixi sat next to Bai Xiaozhi and looked at the magic amulets drawn by her second son. Although Ling Zixi did not know the way of talismans very well, she could also feel that the magic talismans drawn by her son were very delicate, and there were hidden meanings in them. A lot of spiritual power.

    Ling Zixi's eyes softened, and she gently touched the second son's head. Zhier has already taken the antidote. I don't know when it will be better?

    Bai Xiaozhi put down his pen, raised his head, and looked at his father with black eyes.

    "Going to eat something?" Ling Zixi asked.

    Bai Xiaozhi shook his head.

    "Aren't Zhi'er hungry?" Ling Zixi glanced at the third and fourth who were sleeping on the bed. Ling Zixi was still very distressed after drawing the talisman here for so long.

    Bai Xiaozhi said, "I ate sweet cakes this afternoon, Daddy, I'm not hungry."

    "Okay..." Ling Zixi nodded, "Where's your brother?"

    Bai Xiaozhi is the second child, and his brother is naturally Bai Xiaoli.

     "Brother is practicing in his own room." Bai Xiaozhi said obediently.

    "Well, good." Ling Zixi rubbed Bai Xiaozhi's head again, "Then don't disturb brother."

    "Zhi'er sleep too." Ling Zixi said, and carried Bai Xiaozhi onto the bed.

    The three little ones were lying on the bed, Ling Zixi guarded them for a while, and after thinking about it, she stood up and went out.

    Ling Zixi came to the dining room and saw three people sitting silently in the dining room, and she didn't know how long they waited.

    Ling Zixi sat beside Chongzi, picked up her chopsticks, and whispered, "Let's have dinner."

    There are surprises in the eyes of all three, Xiao Huangying is the most obvious, and Bai Moheng is the most introverted, but it can be clearly felt that the atmosphere in the room has eased a lot.

    Ling Zixi explained, "Miss Bai... Actually..."

    "Zixi, you don't need to explain." Bai Moheng said in a cool voice, "We respect you and your choice..."

    Ling Zixi sighed: "That's my fourth senior brother."

    Three: "…"

    The dining room was eerily silent again, and a pin drop could be heard.

    Little Yellow Ying was the first to say: "Zi... Zixi, isn't that a girl?!"

    "Cough." Ling Zixi took a chopstick and said, "No, that's actually my brother."

    Rao is a well-informed three people, and it took some effort to digest this fact.

    Then, the three of them were all ecstatic, it turns out... Zixi didn't like that girl! Ah no, he's not a girl at all...

    No matter what, the three of them put down a big stone in their hearts.

    However, Bai Moheng's heart is still sour. If it is the son, the "threat" seems to be greater, but fortunately that man is Zixi's senior brother.

    Moreover, if the girl Bai is Zixi's fourth senior brother, a lot of things can be explained, such as the enchantment he created, so that he and Xiao Huangying could not find them for a while The position of the fourth senior brother shows that the cultivation base is strong. If Miss Ruobai is only a pure actress, she definitely cannot do this.

    "Zi Xi, why didn't you say it before?"


    All three nodded solemnly, indicating that they understood.

    Ling Zixi returned to her room after eating.

    Seeing the three sleeping little foxes, Ling Zixi pinched the claws of her sons one by one, feeling very happy.

    Ling Zixi took a shower, turned over on the bed, and slept with her arms around the three little foxes.

    In the middle of the night, Ling Xiaoji rolled over and opened her eyes.

    Hey, my brother thought he was a big idiot! Actually you are not! I figured it out myself! My brother deliberately tied the big elixir to his head in the afternoon! so bad!

    So, the little black charcoal screeched down on the snow-white little fox and began to bite the second brother's white ears "angry", hum, the big bad guy will be punished!

    Bai Xiaozhi was bitten by his brother and woke up, he didn't resist, he just shrank his head, helpless and doting, letting his brother spit saliva on his ears.

    After all, I "bullied" my brother during the day... um...

    Ling Zixi was awakened by the movement of her sons, looked at Ling Xiaoji, who was leaning on her brother and biting her ear, frowned, lifted the younger son, and taught: "Don't bully my brother. !"

    Ling Xiaoji was wronged: "Wow—"

    It was obviously the bad guy who bullied him!

    The author has something to say:  Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

    Thanks to the little angel who cast [landmine]: 3 sunny;

    Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

    9 bottles of Guyuan; 6 bottles of nectarine fruit; 4 bottles of paroxetine; 1 bottle of Invisible Cold Mansions, Rice, Night Eye, Keqile, All Fate, Falling Leaves;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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